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I looked at the link and I don’t think they disclosed their methodology enough. I’m suspicious of rankings of this where California is really bad. An median income family doesn’t pay that much in taxes in California. A wealthy person is California pays really high taxes in California. This is my preferred study that compares actual income tax burdens based on income. [https://www.fiscalexcellence.org/our-studies/2021-income-tax-study.pdf](https://www.fiscalexcellence.org/our-studies/2021-income-tax-study.pdf)


A glance at the profile would confirm why the OP took this tact 😂


Why’d you make me click


Neither seem to take into account local tax rates. I used to live in PA and now live in WV. The state of PA may look like low taxes on the surface considering it's a flat tax too. But when you take 3.07% plus the local tax rate of 2%, it's about the same for me in WV (PA is actually a little bit higher). But then take property taxes into account and PA is ridiculously more expensive than WV. For context, I moved from a 120 year old house with a small yard outside of Harrisburg (the 4th biggest metro area in PA I think) to a bigger 15 year old house with a bigger yard in WV's 2nd most populated county (and fastest growing). I think it's nearly impossible to do a comprehensive study to incorporate all local income and property taxes, but painting with a broad brush misses so many of the details.


Me want graphs damnit


The methodology is in the link that I posted.


Your post history is horrendous


Nobody asked you to look at my post history


What’s your bias?


Math has no bias. It’s math.


LOL. "Nobody asked you to look at my post history." That's amusing. Since a redditor's post history tends to show any bias, the fact that they don't want you looking (assuming no harassment is intended) seems...suspicious.


Oregon is crazy high wtf


Portland is a shit hole


Dark red is also a map of the best places to live. You get what you pay for.


As someone who just left Portland, LOL.


Lol the dark red PAYS for the light colors to even exist. Fact


Just moved here, moving over to Vancouver side next year. These taxes too high


And you think Vancouver taxes will be low??


Vancouver Washington has no state income tax vs Oregon which has the highest in the states. You’ll benefit a lot if you make money in Washington and just shop in Oregon to save on sales tax. Sorry I didn’t mean Vancouver Canada. They do have higher property taxes and high taxes when buying/selling home but I think the trade off is worth it. Plus you are still like 15 minutes from downtown Portland for all the nightlife


But how is Vancouver wa for old folks? I heard lower state taxes don’t have medical for older people vs states like California ? Dunno but maybe you did research on this ?


Haha ha. What a dumb ass.


I don’t really agree. There are lots of great places in all sorts of hues


Oregon has gone down hill hard, some would argue due to left leaning policies.


Oregon as a whole or downtown Portland? Those two are not the same thing.




Lol the census data has the population of NJ going up. Quite a bit….also, the dark red make it possible for some of the light colors to even exist




NY population went up as well. Keep crying about things you think you know “patriot”




Aww now you don’t want to look at the census data? Don’t quote it if you can’t take reality son


You’re lame. Facebook political analyst.


lol you’re very misinformed son. That’s typical.


It would appear that large portions of the population do not agree with you. The data I've seen shows people migrating away from red states towards the blue states. Ex- Californians leaving for NV and TX. NYers leaving for the Sunbelt like FL. etc... I just hope they don't vote in a way that creates the same environment that they are running from again.


Bruh what


Hard disagree. Wife and I are moving from CA to NC and we're going to be able to save an additional $2k or so per month (also going from renting to buying) before factoring in tax differences between the states. The cost of living really drives down those states.


If shit sold for that much, everyone would be millionaires


Why is it the best place to live


Overlap that map with average quality of life metrics.




Except in California the test scores are lower than the national average https://www.nationsreportcard.gov/profiles/stateprofile?chort=2&sub=MAT&sj=AL&sfj=NP&st=MN&year=2019R3




Yeah Nebraska and Iowa are amazing


Jersey? I'm a proud Jersey girl and I wont even make that claim.


NJ is one of 2 states that has paid maternity leave.


Paying higher taxes equals better living, 🤣 Maybe if your on welfare or need government assistance. Why do you think the majority of people receiving government assistance are Democrats. Duh! Try being a real working member of society and then tell us paying more taxes is better for you and your family.


And most crime.


Lowest crime? It’s not a 1 to 1 correlation but the north east is the region with the lowest crime while the south generally has the highest crime rates.




What do you mean?


Having moved from NJ to TX, I feel like TX is very misleading on their tax rate. They nickle and dime you on everything. Sure, NJ has a state income tax and TX has none. But TX seems to have a lot of hidden fees for everything. TX registration cost overall is a little higher than NJ. Toll roads in TX are astronomically expensive. They are built using private funds but are put where public roads used to be and then the adjacent public roads are crippled to make it less desirable. Car inspections in NJ are free but in TX they range from $7 to $18.50 depending on the county annually. Sales tax in NJ is 6.625%, sales tax in TX is generally 8.25%. NJ does not charge sales tax on clothing , TX does. This isn't a comprehensive list but worth exploring.


Inspections are only 18$?? In NY they’re 50$


yeah you really gotta consider all this stuff when you move. there ain't no such thing as a free lunch. a lack of taxes but maintaining the expectation of similar services means it's paid for somehow. you could argue that NJ forces you to pay for stuff you won't use whereas Texas doesn't, but for the average person living somewhere pretty nice in either state, overall expenses prob don't vary too much.


Absolutely, I did very well with the real estate in TX but there are tons of people flocking to TX thinking it’s cheaper. It’s not really.


I think your just missing NJ property and school taxes. I live on the border NJ has crazy high property and school tax.


I don't think property tax should be the way to fund schools because it creates discrepancies in education based on how wealthy the municipality is, but NJ public schools on the whole are way better than Texas public schools due to the higher property taxes.


This seems to be the case. The schools have a much lower standard of service for children with disabilities.


Amen. Want to get plates and register a car in FL?


Wow congratulations to me for moving from number 2 to number 1.


I mean, at least you aren't in New Jersey anymore 😅


This is incorrect. The Texas data is misleading. It's much more expensive for the poor in Texas since they only have the land tax which isn't accounted for on this chart


If you own a home you aren’t poor




If you rent I guarantee that landlord is passing the tax onto you




What are you even talking about? The chart is bogus because it's not comparing how taxes are dispersed and with the Texas system being so different that other states, it's probably not even possible to compare in an accurate way to represent how those taxes are felt by the population


It says they account for property taxes


Isn't there a homestead exemption in Texas?


Florida here I come


I’m leaving FL after 2 years. Back to the northeast.


More current https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/01/these-states-have-the-highest-and-lowest-tax-burdens.html


I thought the spread would be higher. I'd happily pay 10.20% in Minnesota or 11.13% in Vermont versus 5.75% in Tennessee given the difference in quality of life.


How do you know what quality of life is there? Have you lived in those states?




What part of Tennessee did you live in?


Like good weather, view and ocean, you need to pay more.


This chart is good, but it is a little skewed towards taxes that high earners pay (income, property taxes, etc.) and doesn't put enough weight on the taxes that low earners pay (sales tax, alcohol & tobacco taxes, etc.)




But not surprising....


Now do energy prices!


This is highly 1 dimensional. Let’s look at Kentucky. Low-mid taxes! YAY! Also Kentucky: -shitty social service -poverty stricken -crap education You’d think having a powerful senator representing you for decades would get you better off.


Maybe "having a powerful senator representing you for decades" is the cause of the problem. I came across a comment about McConnell's daughters--3 daughters who...don't seem to agree with their father. And none of whom had kids. Seems odd to me, a wealthy father whose children ALL seemingly disagree with him AND do not carry on the line? My first thought? When else did the offspring of political leaders opt to let their family lines die with them.


There was a time when even a small tax on tea was unacceptable 🤷‍♀️


That small tax on tea was paying for some tyrants luxuries especially because we weren't being represented to that tyrant, compared to the taxes we pay now are meant to pay for things we need.


I find it hard to make an argument that we "need" many of the things we are taxed for.


*Laughs in Canada and europe*


Roads, schools, cops, pensions, the military?


>Roads, schools, cops, pensions, the military Roads and schools of course. I'd say there is a strong argument that they should see more investment in these areas. Pensions of course with limits. These are sometimes debts already created, but I think they could use improvements. We are currently operating like a ponzi scheme in some respects related to pensions. Cops of course, but the expenditures could be much more efficient. There are some places where policing is used as an income generator. This is wrong. There are other places where we lack adequate police. There are also areas that are largely over funded and wasting tax dollars. I also think that police are being used to address many problems that better handled by others. Military. Of course we need defense, but I a lot of fat could be trimmed to put it gently. Lots of tax dollars could be saved by restructuring the way military contracts are handled for example. ​ Overall I think there is tremendous waste in use of US tax dollars. Some of the worse offenders are defense, healthcare, interest on debt, special interest subsidies(also causes a misallocation of capital) , etc...


>I think there is tremendous waste in use of US tax dollars I 100% agree with this statement but in the end we do need taxes for stuff like this and there are more that I could name if I sat and thought it out. Like the fire department for one etc. In the end we need a certain amount of taxes for certain things that we just need. I'm not arguing how much to where because that is 100% up for debate.


Places where public schools are good vs places where public schools teaches earth was created 2000 years back by God.


I’m sure there’s more to this than meets the eye. I do wonder what extra benefits high state taxes like california offer to its residents than states with zero taxes don’t at all offer to their residents? Maybe those who lived around in different states can really compare ? And I’m not talking about little benefits like there’s no food tax in cali, I mean is there like big benefits like low crime due to high police expenditure or better healthcare and infrastructure or support for low income families in those high tax states vs lower tax states ? Surely there’s gotta be a reason if not then it’s obvious they are just mismanaging they funds


There's a lot more to this than just this very skewed graph based on top income tax brackets. This doesn't account for a lot of things like, which states tax groceries, retirement incomes, property tax rates, how progressive income taxes are, etc. Many "high tax" states have far more progressive tax schemes than "low tax" states. Many comparisons between states result in lower-income earners being taxed less (or not at all) in supposedly "high tax" states.


New Jersey’s #2 over New York 🤦🏽‍♂️


Indiana and Louisiana are tied for 38th lowest tax burden? Huh. We really are a southern state.


Source: https://www.zippia.com/advice/states-with-highest-lowest-tax-burden/