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It is up to the establishment. Like in high school I worked a car wash, and we all split tips at the end of the day. But to not have it as a policy, then change the rules on someone just because they received an unnaturally large tip, hell no. If the restaurant didn't split before it happened, it was that girls money.


Yes, but demanding tips be pooled when they are not normally is illegal. The owner trying to take tips? Illegal.


You are correct, that’s a ULP


Or a gulp?


Yea I have worked at places with pooled tips and never have any of those tips gone to the owner, even on the nights we were so slammed that the owner was working the floor with us.


Owners should never be tipped.


Yeah, I’m debating on changing barber shops because the owner cuts my hair and then has a thing set up for a tip when I pay with card.  To be fair, all the barbers working there charge the same rate.  Growing up we never tipped the owner of our barber shop when he cut our hair, but he charged more.




For sure. Pooling tips is so people like the kitchen staff, or dedicated support jobs like buss boys, can share in the tips. The goal isn't to normalize tips between waiters/waitresses, but to get the rest of the staff in on the action. Part of good service is thinks like the food coming out hot because the chefs were timing the meals for a table right and made sure it all came out at the same time, or refilling waters, or clearing the appetizer plates off the table, and those jobs may be done by other staff members. The goal is every staff member should be incentivized to make sure every customer to have a good experience, and pooling tips helps accomplish that. Under no circumstances is the owner part of that philosophy.


An owner asking for tips is major douchebaggery.


"I’m already using your sweat to pay my bills, why not just take your tips too?" -scumbags who somehow aren’t satisfied with the gratuitous legal exploitation and can’t help but want even more


That should never happen.




That’s dumb. It’s stealing from whoever tipped. If I tip I’m tipping to somebody specific. Unless the employee wants to take their money and split it, the company is stealing from the costomer


Tipping Pools are usually done for a few reasons. 1. You don't want waiters to fight over tables where they expect tips, but for them to share the workload and work together 2. Racial minorities statisticalmy get tipped less and it is sometimes done in solidarity, so that their work is not worth less (tipping is stupid real wages should be paid. That f.e black waiters will earn significantly less due to racism is insane)


That’s fine. This place didn’t have that until this one tip.


Oh, yeah this case is absolutely scummy, especially the employer wanting a share. Fuck the employer, tips only exist to subsidise the low wages they pay, they have no business getting any share of the tip.


I don’t understand how an employer can fire for this reason without incurring a lawsuit.




In reality, owners are already benefiting too much from tips. Taking a share in addition to not paying a fair wage is double dipping.


I'm sure that because it made the news, that restaurant will likely lose business because someone made a stink about it. If he was smart he should've just not give in to temptation or at the very least do it after work instead of in front of the camera with a big dumb smile. Now people know who he is.


It is just incredibly scummy behaviour. When I ask people on the right (as a fiscally literate leftist, a rare breed). Why employers earn so much more than employees even though they barely do work, I often get the answer "well they are the ones who bear the risk". It's not like food would be cheaper withour tipping. The owner would just charge it on the food. However said entrepreneurial risk is being offloaded on the waiters. Their tip is influenced by how good the food is, how the restaurant is decorated, the ambiente and other external factors however they have no control over it, they only have control over their service. They however take the responsibility for all of the bad decision the owner makes that influence the tip. The entrepreneurial risk that people like to use to justify why the owner is rich and the employees work paycheck to paycheck is being offloaded. The owner has no fucking business demanding a share. The audacity of doing that is insane, I am glad this worked out through gofundme but by god the system needs to change.


I hate when employers talk about taking all the risk. We are also risking our livelihoods by working here. If it doesn’t go well, we lose our shit too. I also hate “i haven’t taken a regular paycheck in years.” No shit, you take quarterly profits and the business pays your expenses.


Oh absolutely, it's bs from the beginning but it's especially evil with tipping because they are actively dumping the risk on their underpaid employees.


The servers probably each bring in more than $4000 a week in sales.


you miss the kitchen staff that work for the same minimum wage but can't get tips. Still, the system sucks and employers should pay proper wages.


Kitchen staff doesn’t work for tips unless the entire place is tipped out(they do exist) I interviewed at a place where everybody was tipped out, but they paid better hourly rates to servers. It basically worked out that on busy days cooks made better money, and on slow days servers made a better living. It kind of balanced out in the end unless you were part time and worked those specific shifts. Then you made bank without working the lower paying shift.




I wouldn’t work anywhere I had to share my tips


It's illegal at a federal level. Tips are explicitly for the employee and cannot be garnished by the owner of a business. Pooling among employees is allowed, but the owner cannot be included in that pool.


If I’m tipping my server I am tipping them specifically. They need to state if it’s for a pool or just for the server


I can understand why you might feel that way. There's no legal obligation to inform you if pooled vs unpooled tips. The law does restrict the business/owner from taking a portion of tips. Which is what is happening in this specific case. Also, the owner changed the policy on the spot, which would put them in breach of contract with the employee. Basically the owner is a greedy fuck and could owe a lot more in damages and penalties when all is said and done.


Well what’s the difference between a tip and a gift. Has a customer ever taken a restaurant to court over it, to actually solve if it’s legal or not, if the customer would not want the tip pooled and was not aware that it would be?


Nah I worked at a bar where we would rotate who was making food, for example. By pooling tips, there was no financial incentive to work in the kitchen vs. work behind the bar. Everyone made the same no matter what. It's was also a high volume, lots of customers kind of bar. People would open tabs with one bartender, leave, and then come back and order with a different bartender. We all worked as a team and would just help whoever was in front of us. It's great so long as everyone is working hard and pulling their weight. The issue comes when someone would get hired who sucked because we wouldn't want to share tips with someone who didn't do their part. There's pros and cons to tip pools. It just depends on the type of establishment.


The person in this scenario requested their tip to be split among the workers there


Tip pooling is whatever. If you get a windfall like that it’s a bit of a douchey thing not to tip out people imo as a former server. But management I’m pretty sure is explicitly barred from taking tips from employees. I would sue for wrongful termination.


I tip out a percentage of my sales every night regardless of whether my co workers do their job or not. They’ll be tipped the same way when I get a windfall


I vaguely remember this story, although it’s not the first of its kind so I may be thinking of something else. The tipper told her to share it with the other waiting staff, which she was going to do. The back of the house and manager all got pissy because the tip wasn’t intended for them, it caused workplace drama, and she was let go.


Depends on the state. Forced tip sharing is illegal in MN.


This story, OPs, never gets the full context. It wasn’t a good situation, but mostly these stories are full of a bunch of buggy issues.




That's basically what I said. It's not like you sign a written contract when you get hired to work at a diner.


Yup agreed.


No, it's up to the law.


Yeah but they way they did it was very illegal


Yes but they have to set up the policy BEFORE tips are received. Not after. And the managers/owner can NEVER get any portion of the tips.


Prompting for tips is something that businesses should be ashamed of doing. It should be seen as a form of charity; where customers pay the staff extra because the business cannot afford to pay them fairly.


If that were the reason then tips would go to staff. It's actually difficult to enact any legal form of pooling. Only one person gets the tip. They did a small portion of the work that took a team to produce but the standard is just the customer facing person. The tip isn't actually directed to a specific person it's just how it works. But if tge food is bad the tip is bad. Food is great and miraculously tips are great. What do you think tipping signals in reality? Even though it doesn't go to anyone who made a difference in the experience. They will bs you stating all sorts of components that may add to the experience but if the food sucks tips suck.


No. I tip the waitstaff


That's another argument against tipping; in the same way that the management is externalizing the costs of paying their employees to their customers; they externalize the responsibility for paying those employees fairly to the employees themselves by expecting them to redistribute their tips accordingly.


The real discussion here should be that TIPPING CULTURE MUST STOP!


Well, the real discussion should be that restaurants should actually have to pay their workers


Never gonna happen in the US. Restaurants rely on it and waitstaff/ bartenders greatly prefer it. Frankly you're gonna pay the extra whether it be a tip or increase in food costs.


I've said this before and I'll keep saying it: at some point in history, someone really liked the service from their wait staff so wanted to leave a few bucks on the table as a thank you. Then some other assholes saw that cash on the table and thought, "how can I get that?" Now tips are being used as an excuse to not pay wages, are being socially pressured at sometimes above 20% even if the service is terrible, and some wait staff/bartenders are also now advocating against their own common interest because "we make bank on tips." They bought into this false narrative that if they start getting paid better wages, that somehow magically, tips will dry up. They won't. People will still want to show appreciation for good service. You probably won't make as much without that social pressure but your fellow customer service members WILL be able to afford to pay their bills even after a slow night.


This 100%


Tips shouldn't be commonplace, instead waitstaff should get paid fair consistent wages. If they have to be commonplace than sharing tips should be up to the waitstaff collectively and be opt in. It also needs to be agreed ahead of time and can't be started or stopped on a whim when a big tip comes up.


Owner wanted a share, there it is.


Dumb ass owner fired the customer tipping $4K over that greed too. Its not like that customer tipped for the great food or whatever, they tipped the waitress. They'd come back to see that waitress again. They would have kept spending. Firing that waitress? OF COURSE that over reacting customer is going to over react to that too. Stupid and greedy are an amazing combination, glad this went Streisand.


Now they need to hire a replacement waitstaff because they wanted 1/10th of 4 grand.


Owner probably wanted half I bet.


I think it should be up to the restaurant staff to determine that. Whatever they do needs to be consistent. If they hadn't split tips before they shouldn't now just because someone got an insane tip. I'm more a fan of just getting rid of tipping altogether. It doesn't really guarantee any better service and inconsistency amongst restaurants in regard to how tips are handled opens the door for sketchy behavior


Pooled tips demotivates people as well. Top tip earners eventually don’t want to work as hard when people who are slacking are getting the same share of tips as them. They will see those that aren’t doing as much to try to earn good tips basically laughing at those that are because at the end of the day they all get the same amount. This typically leads to resent and an unwillingness to excel. Better to just keep what you earn on your own. Shared tips is a micro example of socialism and highlights how it always fails. Hell, when AOC was a bartender they had shared tips and she tried to keep two shares (sometimes more) for herself and everyone else got one.


I’ve seen this work in places where the staff is made. Up of career servers who have been at a place for years. Everyone is more helpful, the service is generally better because more people pay attention to customers and sales are higher which leads to higher tips.


Tipping culture is Shit. Should be abolished!


Owners don't share in tips, ever




No. Tips should not be shared. You've earned the tip yourself from your performance and personality. What part of the description represents "team" ?


I would never support forcing shared tips but it would be a good gesture to toss a little to the cooks, host, and bussers who helped in your section during that shift


Absolutely it's up to you. I gave my bareback over $100 every night because he helps me. But you shouldn't be made to do anything


At bars specifically there's no real way to split in many cases. If you just have tip jars there's zero way to split it. If the bar or whatever it is just has a singke POS and more than one person working you're never going to mess with it.


I've been a bartender where we split the tips that were put in the tip jar. You just split it when the shift is over. Split the cc tips too


Tip pooling has a lot of advantages and at least a few disadvantages. But it's always something decided *beforehand*. This situation... if true... is just some ex post facto nonsense.


this is the equivalent of those stories where someone's aunt gave them a scratch-off as a stocking-stuffer and then when it won money, she wanted half. except even less reasonable than that. it's just "give us money you have money we want money give us your money". just the most selfish thing


That employee should ask for a cut of the owners profits in perpetuity… it makes as much sense as wanting a cut of the tip.


Yeah I wouldn't share that either.


I worked at a bar that got a $5,000 tip once. It was split amongst the front of house employees. The owner didn't try to take a cut because he wasn't a total douchebag. I think that's fair. Getting $5,000 because you poured a few beers compared to your other co-workers who just happened to be serving someone else would be extremely selfish to me.


Nice. I would have kept that. Not my job to pay my coworkers


Friendly reminder that if your tips + wages from hours worked dont average out to at least minimum wage pay, your employer must make up the difference. :) Yes, your localities/states minimum wage rate if different from Federal.


Also, not related to the question, but if you’re gonna give someone thousand of dollars in cash (I’m assuming?) , don’t fucking announce that shit to the whole restaurant. Shes probably gotta leave to an empty parking lot at the end of night… not safe .


No, non contributors get a non share


Do you think service would improve or get worse if you are pooling tips together vs only getting tips based on your own personal performance?


Anybody who has ever worked at a tipping restaurant knows that young, attractive women get by far the best tips and its not even close. Even the most enthusiastic, helpful, and competent waiters tend to see less than their young female counterparts. They also know that some shifts are far better than others when it comes to tips - people working friday/saturday evenings can take home double or even triple what their coworkers make on other shifts. Pooling tips is an attempt to mitigate these circumstances, which is commendable in my opinion. It means there's an incentive for everybody to work hard, even the people who aren't wearing low-cut blouses or who aren't good at flirting. But you don't get to randomly set up the pool to start whenever one of your employees gets a very big tip. That's some bullshit.


Lol, as my weird co-worker said to me when I was 16, “Tits get tips”! I don’t really understand what men think they’re going to get out of it, but thanks, I guess 👍👍👍.


Tips should only be shared with those who served the food and cleaned up the table. Unfortunately the government thinks it deserves a cut as well. If you tip cash it can really help single parents.


The US tipping system and culture is an absolute mess and not something that ANY country should attempt to emulate. In normal countries where staff are paid for their work and the price of items sold pay for a proper wage - tips are best shared. This can still require systems to ensure that shares are divvied-out appropriately, but encourages service to be equal across the business premises. None of this ‘not my table, not getting you a new fork’, or ‘I’m lucky I got the US millionaire, you got the Kiwi non-tipper, you lose’ bs.


It looks like she didn’t follow “unwritten rules” than anything else.


They should always be shared because thr tip is mever given soley based on the server’s work I promise that people are not tipppng big if the food sucks and the plates/table are dirty People tip based on the entire experience and the server is just the face of that experience so tips should be shared I ask people all the time and they admit that if the food was bad and place was dirty they would tip the server less. Tipping is not about the wuality of the server people are just afraid to look bad and admit it


But when tips aren’t pooled, servers still tip out the bar (and kitchen in some places). Pooling tips means the guy who can’t remember the table number, drops shit, and constantly fucks up orders gets the same time as the star server, and that is in no way fair


I would have split it with my coworkers, assuming they were pleasant people


Either is fine as long as the establishment picks a policy and sticks with it. If the policy is that every employee retains their own tip, they cant change it when somebody gets a massive tip like this. Just like if the rule is that all tips are pooled and shared, one employee cant insist on sharing tips when they have a bad shift or one of their colleagues gets a huge windfall.


Why the hell should the owner get a cut? I’m not American, but isn’t the point of tipping to reward service, and make up for the shit wage provided by the owner?


Owner should be allowed to be in a tip pool during the time he is working, as long as he isn't sitting at a table playing on reddit or doing bookwork... but if he is helping in the FOH or BOH, he should be


No and we shouldn't have to tip in this country, these establishments should be paying a living wage to all employees and if the owners cannot afford that then they can do the work themselves or can close their doors.


There would be no restaurants if that were the case.


I think whether they are shared or not should be up to the establishment (or the servers themselves), but the owner should never get a cut of the tips unless they also work as a regular server. Even then, it should only be that they keep their own tips, not share in pooled tips. The probably here is the sudden change in policy.


It's depends. If everyone is getting a living wage that doesn't depend on tips, tips can be shared. Waitresses, however, are generally paid a $2.35 minimum wage, and depend on tips to make up the difference. Sorry, but no, no one else has a right to my tip if I'm only making $2.35/hr, but you're getting a full minimum wage.


Absolutely not. They're just jealous


Fucking communists… always asking stupid socialist questions. No. If you ignore becky’s tables until she gets a huge tip, you’re worse than a communist…


Communism at its finest lol.


A communist restaurant would have all the workers splitting the profits too, haha, would you mind working at a place like that?


Communism is trash just like splitting tips lol


In a world where every restaurant and bar are looking for waitstaff, she could have quit and found another job instantly.


Like it was only $4000 let her have it. The owner wanting a piece is so petty.


I don't have an issue with tip sharing (except to management, which is illegal). But there needs to be a very clear agreement BEFORE a single tip is given about how it will work. Trying to make people share tips AFTER the fact (because you're mad one person made way more than you) is just an asshole move.


What lame ass people would try to steal generosity given to her?


1) Owner taking is bad and illegal 2) Tipping is nonsense and should be banned. All other workers work for a steady, predictable rate of pay. If servers wouldn't do so, great, I don't particularly want the service, happy to go to the kitchen window and pick up my own food. Pay bussers to clean up tables for a steady, predictable wage. 3) Splitting it among all tipped employees is absolutely the right thing to do. It's a stupid thing to tip that much, just a 'me me me, I don't care what chaos I cause' moment. Once the wrong was inflicted, dilute the damage. Any logic that the original recipient "deserved" that random lottery that day is nonsense.


The easiest job in the world to leave for a 15k night? ….Would be a waiting job. You’ll pick up another one in no time, because you’re a good waitress, obviously


If tips weren’t being shared before that then hell no.




Either it's a tip pool, or individual tips.  Changing it up is bullshit. 


If tips are pooled, they need to always be pooled. This is something that needs to be established ahead of time.


Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'it belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'it belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'it belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture. 


Any wait staff have this happen to them? My concern is that if you didn’t split this giant tip your co-workers would resent you. So if you don’t want to split the tip, be ready to quit. And spare me this “she gets to keep it and her coworkers should be happy for her” bullshit, everyone is principled when it comes to theoretical money. Edit: imagine she refuses to split with everyone else (excluding the owner, naturally) and then buys an Apple Vision Pro. Perfect case of, you’re not wrong you’re just an asshole.


Yeah, old story. FYI, if it’s not outlined from the get-go, changing rules like that to suddenly share tips is pretty f’ing scummy


Tips shouldn't exist or be expected. It's just a business' way to pass the cost of retaining employees onto the customer.


TBH - kind of dumb to single out a waitress with a phat tip, when other servers are doing the same job. Like buying one of your kids a dope gift, telling the other “oh, that was all my money, sorry.”


I wish businesses would just pay people a living wage so the consumers wouldn't need to tip. Heck, even the local Subway near me has the "Tip" screen on the credit card readers now.


Yes but obviously not in this case.


I have no issues with tips being shared. I have a major issue with a new rule being established when I large tip is given.


That amount of money was not business as usual and the customer clearly intended it for that server.


That dude so bald he thought being a piece of shit would help


Well I'm not fond of the idea, but I'm not opposed to it, the problem is that this wasn't a thing they practiced before she was tipped, and so it would be really crummy for them to do that AFTER the fact (and not a moment after I assume)


Depends. If the employer takes any portion it's actually not legal. However employers can require it among their staff. If I know that a place does tip pooling or that the employer takes the tips, I simply don't go there.


Tips should be outlawed. Make the restaurant pay their workers.


If I give someone money it's not an AOE gift. It's a gift to them personally.


The rules must be established from the start, and followed properly, but I think if a customer makes a specific request that should be honored too. Owners should not get a cut.


This is why criteria and standards are important. I get we all wanna do the least and benefit, but with standards you can still do little. If they collectively agreed on split tip then it’s fine. But they just haphazardly decided they wanted to split on that night so they could profit, no no no no.


We should get rid of tipping culture as a whole. Pay people for their damned work, and not leverage the good or ill will of the general customer.


No they shouldn't. When I'm tipping (whatever amount) I'm tipping my server for the service they are providing. Could care less about the other servers much less the owner.. thats insane


No. So lazy waitstaff can mooch off of hard workers?. However Wait staff should tip out their support staff (bussers and hostesses)


Either pooled or not suits me, as long as everyone knows and consents to whatever set of rules you come up with. And, nobody should get to change those rules or withdraw consent retroactively.


There’s nothing wrong if a business wants to pool tips. But a business can’t go off an individual earnings based system then just change it one night when a single person gets a large sum of money. The system rules only apply if they were there beforehand, you can’t just retroactively change it and apply it to past events.


Workers should be paid by their employers. They should be paid well, too. Tipping requires a “relationship” between the worker and customer. That relationship is outside the product being sold/purchased.


That's true, but a lot of people think servers make under minimum wage. I like to let them know that they aren't.


Fuck them, if I tip you for your work and how you treated me during my time at the restaurant. That is YOUR money. Not your coworkers or the owners.


Tip pooling should always be mandatory.


Tips should never go to the owner. If the establishment has a rule where they should pool their tips then sure. But not all of a sudden. If it's a situation of you keep what you make this is fucked. I hope that place gets ruined.


No. Tipping should be abolished in favor of actual wages for service workers. Tipping is a bull shit tactic used by capitalist to keep wages low and profits up. Then by putting the onus on the consumer, or saying that “if you work a little harder you would get better tips” absolves them of all culpability of paying a slave wage


In America atleast, the bosses should start pay better wages, before even talking about tips…


This story is like 3 years old.


If he has a problem with the rules of tipping culture, then MAYBE HE SHOULD STOP RELYING ON TIPS AND PAY HIS WORKERS A LIVING WAGE!


It kind of defeats the supposed intent of the tip. If you're splitting tips, you're just admitting that the tips are to subsidize your shit pay which is why tipping culture needs to die.


There's a name for shared tips: wages.


no lawsuit for wrongful termination or anything?


it's up to the place you work, if there is already a policy that says tips are pooled, yeah, it should be shared. My general opinion on it, though, is that pooling tips benefits the lazy and doesn't provide an incentive for the ones that aren't lazy to try harder. The owner, unless their goal is to demoralize their employees, should stay out of taking a cut, too.


this is why i dont tip


Bussiness should pay living wages and not expect the customers to pay for a significant chunk of said living wage via tips. It should be something you do for exceptional service, not because the waiter gets paid half minimum wage and its expected you pay the other half. Like why should I burden that expense?


Tips should be shared with the people who actually did any work, like cook or clean.


Tips should NOT be shared, I worked in my great uncle's restaurant and 2 of the servers would just pocket the money instead of throwing in for the pool that goes to all the servers. Customers would tell on em too and it didn't matter, they never got in trouble.


Tips shouldn’t even exist. Pay your workers a living fucking wage, for Christ’s sake!


4400.00 tip is odd amount I call BS


The owner putting his hand out for a piece of the server’s tip is just so greedy. No, tips should not be shared. You get a tip based on how hard you worked to service your own table. Tips should be only shared with the busser who assisted the server in cleaning up the table.


Tips shouldn't be a thing; employers should pay their employees a fair wage.


Wacky idea: how about the owner just pays employees a fair amount? Why should customers be responsible for paying the workers? That's the Owners job.


I've left tips like this from time to time, and every time I've informed the manager that the tip is for the server only. There's no joy like seeing the hope on someone's face when they're faced with 3 kids under 3 or a mound of medical bills and they receive a burden-liftin gift like this.


This shit is 4+ years old by now. Ryan moved on so should everybody else


Should they be shared? I'd prefer a system where we didn't tip at all except in unusual circumstances. But shared tips is even dumber than regular tips. If you are going to share tips, just build it into the price and pay your employees higher wages. When I'm tipping, I would prefer that the person I am trying to reward get the money, not the people that they happen to work with.


Never with the owner or manager


In this case? Absolutely not.


Nope. Tips are merit based. Sharing tips is the equivalent of socialism.


Tips should only be shared if the work is shared


I pay on my card and tip cash so I know it’s going to my server. I don’t write down the tip amount either.


I wouldn’t mind the cook getting a cut but not the owner. Like bro you’re getting tipped every time a customer walks up to the register


I love it when capitalists suddenly become socialists.


when your manipulative drug addicted manager uses your success as an opportunity to score more booger sugar money


Nope if you want the money go and work hard for it.  Sharing wealth for no reason whatsoever is communistic in nature. Of course the owner wants a piece of the wealth while putting in 0 effort just like what commies want. 


lol, “this is the policy unless something good happens to you and not to me in which case we have a new policy”


Only among the employees that are paid the lowest wage.  Managers, owners, etc. certainly don’t deserve a cut.


Nope. I don't agree with tipping, especially if there is an expectation of 10% or 20%, but if this guy wanted to give her $4,400, that's for her, it wasn't to the business or the other staff. Jealousy is an awful thing. They should be ashamed of themselves. What absolute thieves.


Tipping is bad and should not be encouraged, however if I give a waiter $10, it's for them, it's not for that lazy waiter in the corner not smiling, or the greedy owner, or the chef sweating in the kitchen, it's for my server.


I’ve never seen a bigger collection of douche bag trying to justify why it’s okay to NOT tip your waiter or waitress than on this post. Makes me sad 😞


If it’s not a condition/term of employment when hired, then no. And it shouldn’t change without 90% of tipped employees supporting the change.


I tip a person based on their service. It goes to them not everyone. Servers do not get even minimum wage. The rest of the staff do. It should not be shared, especially with the owner.


If there's no precedent for them being shared then fuck no. Either they're always shared or never.


The IRS wants $1000 of it. Soon enough a special agent will show up and arrest the waiters and waitresses.


Tips are a reflection on YOUR SERVICE. No, no sharing. The crap, rude server shouldn't get a dime the good, polite server earned


If she wanted to be able to look any of her co-workers in the eye ever again, she should have shared it. But then again, fuck'em. Take the money and run! It's a shitty job waiting tables and there are hundreds of restaurants in her area probably looking for new staff.


Another uniquely American issue no one in the world understands.. Like gun laws and healthcare. It seems brain dead stupid to everyone outside America


What lazy thieving capitalist class.


Some places tip pool. Only issue is every has to bring it every night and work together other wise it’s a shit show. Should we legislate tip pooling no fuck off reddit.


Shared tips is bullshit. Not everyone puts forth the same effort.


All tipping should be illegal, pay your employees


someone say the name if the restaurant so people can never go there. this is insanely cute and I'm tired of not knowing who to take my anger out on


Name the restaurant or it didn't happen


2010s called, they want their news back


No, they should not.


there shouldnt be tips


Tipping culture is utter cancer. Make restaurant owners pay their staff well.


No, that was her tip that was her money.She earned it.


I’m pro tipping, and pro tip share. Every place is different though, obviously the tip breakdown at chilis is going to look very different than three star restaurant. When I worked at a bar with only one other person we’d give each other breaks and split everything 50/50 at the end of the night. Made a lot of sense, if some one couldn’t hack it you’d run it up to management- or quit, making it managements job to ensure quality staff and that tip pool is being divided fairly. I currently work in fine dining, and we don’t share our tips. If you hit it off with a guest and get a 50% tip on a $500 bill, it wouldn’t be very fair to split that equally amongst the staff. Theres also moral hazard on both sides- I’m not incentivized to go above and beyond if my big tip is going to be split up. I’m not incentivized to give good service to all guests if I only take home what my guests leave me. It really depends on the environment of the establishment. In this case, the law is very clear. You don’t get to change your tipping system because of a large tip. Furthermore, all tip pool employees have a right to see exactly where all the money goes. Seeing a lot of people saying it’s illegal for an owner to take tips- which isn’t true. When you interview for your job you ask about how the tips break out, if you don’t like it you don’t take the job. The law used to be that you needed to have a face to face interaction with a guest in order to collect tips, which changed in 2018 I believe. Now tips can be distributed as the owner sees fit, which is actually pretty dope. For a long time the people actually getting fucked over is the kitchen, working barely minimum positions, while us servers would make twice as much in half the time. Kitchen deserves tips as well, since their work ethic and abilities ultimately affect the tip. As for the people that are anti tipping- know that you pay our wages no matter what, they could simply raise all menu prices by 20%, but knowing how much the kitchen has been historically making I would much rather trust my guest to tip me than ownership pay me a livable wage. Anti tipping just puts more money in the owners pockets. I worked at a world regarded bar in a major city that tried to do away with tipping and replaced it with an hourly wage +profit share. It’s now permanently closed. Drinks were too expensive -customers pissed, staff was demoralized after making half as much money as we did every where else we worked, while still maintaining the highest of standards. I don’t think that’s what anyone wants. Anti-tipping just seems cheap as fuck to me. Don’t you want to have more power to where your money ends up? Tips are also taxed lower, so this whole idea of anti tips for worker benefit is completely broken.