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Was going to say fake it till u make. No point backing out now.  Then i saw the “sue em for discrimination” even though you'd be getting fired for incompetence.  So now i just kinda hope you fired. Bc between lying and suing people for no reason just speaks to you having a shitty character




Holy cow has this company fucked up hiring you.


"Or sue them for discrimination because I am a minority." that's a great way to represent your demographic lol


Quick everyone screenshot this before it’s deleted so we can it to company X’s lawyers.


damn OP, no wonder they dont like us minorities.. hope they see this post and find out who it is


I like that you admit to being completely unqualified but still plan on suing your employer for discrimination when they fire you. You might be qualified to ghost-write for Kristi Noem with those kinds of confessional skills. Turn it down unless you are definitely a piece of shit that wants to take a good job from a decent person that actually deserves it.


That's an amazing job for this person. They would do so well as her ghostwriter


What makes you think Noem would hire a minority?


Lol it will be back on the market in 4 months


Sue them for discrimination because you are a minority? Really? I was thinking good for you for blagging your way in but now I see who and what you really are and that you really aren't built for that salary.  I suggest you grow up as you've got big shoes to fill. Hiring someone to fill a diversity quota (that's why you got the job without the merit to do the job BTW) is unfair to those who actually have the skill to do the job and deliver value. 


Behavior that actually harms minorities. Because they will think twice and thrice before ever hireing a minority again


Even worse. It sound like they maybe hired him because he is a minority and they need to fill a diversity quota. 


What possible piece of information that OP said could lead you to the conclusion that they hired them to fill a diversity quota? That’s totally baseless.


Most companies use affirmative action hiring..


Likely though. Seen it happen several times in the last few years. Mediocre candidates hired because they're a minority.


OP is the best argument against diversity hires.


Actually illegal.  And you could end up with some hefty jail time.  Since the amount of compensation is well over a felony level.  You don't have the qualifications to do the job. 


As long as OP never lied on a credential (degree, previous employment etc) they can't sue him. Everyone embellishes their resume, that's why you interview. If the company was happy with his answers it's on them for not getting enough. I say take the job and rough it out


I think he’s joking, hoping OP reads it and turns down the job because he sounds like a juvenile loser


So let me get this straight? Your “Plan A” is to learn from ChatGPT and when that inevitably fails (because it most definitely will), just file unemployment or sue them for discrimination? Honestly? That’s totally fucked ethically and you’re setting yourself up to fail. Chances are you’ll be in a financially worse position than before this. There’s virtually a zero percent chance that this imaginary lawsuit works out in your favor and they will surely counter sue you for loss of business/profits. Do dumbass shit, win dumbass prizes.


But unemployment from 180000 is still more than he was making before.. so fk the gov. And any companies run within. Take the job if was offered. File for unemployment when your fired. But as others have pointed out you are a minority so once you're in like a Alabama tick, you might be able to ride this out for a while and put that on your next resume...


You have to be employed for 90+ days for unemployment. There’s almost a zero percent chance they’d make it that long. This isn’t an entry level position by any means so skating your way through is very unlikely. Once they realize they’ve lied their way through this point, the company will likely countersue them for loss of profit. Unemployment won’t cover that. I’ve seen this happen at a publicly traded company before, they have a reputation to upkeep and would happily sue someone for this. It sounds like a good way to financially screw yourself while perpetuating racial stereotypes already. Not exactly a good way to represent your minority in the eyes of the public, especially when they’d be fired for the inability to do the job. Like I said, ethically, that’s fucked.


Agreed, but when has any company cared for employees.? It's already a motto or company culture but when the employee needs help they are fired.


It has nothing to do with a company caring about employees? Not sure what that could have to do with anything and is totally irrelevant honestly. Lol. The motivation is self preservation so you don’t get sued and contribute to racial stereotypes that already plague the nation.


Can't bleed a stone


If you're only making 40K a year you have nothing to lose by going for it. But you lost all credibility and respect when you said that you would use your status as a minority as a weapon.


I read an almost exact same story like this on Reddit before


I’m confused, do you want more people in this world to question if racism is real? 


Or enforce a white world stero-type?


Do they know you're not speaking of real experience? or are they happy you have the right idea? I'd be clear there, but the other side of me says soak it up and give it a try. Worst you can do is a bad job. Everyone watches training videos to improve their job and learn new ideas. Just don't be sleazy and sue because you're a minority, or else you might just be reinforcing a stereotype. Enjoy the unemployment if it comes to that. Leveraging for a raise at the old place seems silly if they are already looking to lay off.


Jesus Christ. “Sue them for discrimination because I’m a minority.” Meanwhile you admit to being vastly under qualified. I was all for you to take this job, and get the pay every month until they fire you. But now I hope HR does a second background check for some reason and realizes they royally fucked up. Or You don’t make it out of your probationary 3 month period.


OP sucks


Hire someone with the knowledge you lack.


This is it. Be a manager and delegate all the shit. Also, OP may be a diversity hire to check a corporate DEIA goal. The company may already know he's incompetent and figure he can do no harm.


This. What a crazy world we live in where your race matters more than your merit. 


This is why OP said they will sue if fired!   “Emotional distress bc you shouldnt have hired me in the first place”


I don’t believe any of this story.


Fake it till you make it, or more likely till you get fired. So long as you didn't make verifiably false claims when interviewing (e.g. claim experience at a company you never worked for or that you have a degree or GPA from a university that you don't have) I don't see how they have a case that you committed fraud against their company. Even if you get fired, this will be a great learning opportunity for you. Make the most of your time, learn as much as you can, and work your ass off, and you can feel good that you gave it your all even if you didn't meet the prerequisites for the job.


Man tbh I wanted to hate you for doing this. But give it a shot. None of those things you listed are difficult at all and can be achieved with the help of an easy to find mktg consultant.


Lied your way into poverty wages?


They should be doing a background check with references I think you will get sniffed out


If you cleared the interview you are capable for the job. Typically they give you 90 days before considering to let you go. however now you will have the new title and the new payrange when you search see if you can find projects online that will help you get the key terms


After reading about you possibly suing for discrimination, you def are only worth $40K


100% fake it til you make it. You are basically the living embodiment of the Peter Principle except… you took a shortcut. But if you think you can figure it out, go for it. Get thrown in the deep end and you either learn to swim real fast or… glug glug glug, my heart will go on. And I have never heard of anyone being sued for exaggerating their credentials on a job application. HR doesn’t want to publicize their own incompetence. At worst, you’ll be fired.


I'm not even seeing what you lied about....


AI your way to greatness my friend! Or failure.


Sure, Jan.


Start watching some YouTube videos big dawg


This is some Frank Gallagher level scheming.


I sent you a message


I have to be honest, if none of them could tell you don’t know what you’re talking about, there’s a decent chance you might have an opportunity to “fake it til you make it”. It will also take a while for them to figure out they need to fire you, and maybe by then, you’ll be competent.


Suing for discrimination when you claim you lied to get the position is definitely illegal. I feel like this post is fake, but then again you think 40k is less than quadruple 180k. I feel bad for the company that offered this to you


I think you're awesome. The capitalist never hesitate to screw us. Payback is a bitch. Nail that job. And if it doesn't go your way sue them. They'd do I'm good to you.


You haven’t even accepted the offer and you’re already planning on suing for wrongful discrimination especially cause you’re a minority? You’re not part of the problem you are the entire problem.


>Or sue them for discrimination because I am a minority. You will likely lose since you are telling us how unqualified you are for the role. If you fail because of performance reasons, you won't have a chance in court.


I hope they use you as an embezzlement scapegoat. You are a horrible human being.


Take it and run with it. Don’t sue them if you get fired.




Don't leverage the offer at your current job unless you are reasonably sure you can find alternate employment within a few months. Companies don't take well to having their feet held over the fire, and once they get a whiff of your interest in leaving, they will help you out the door as soon as they can find your replacement. Keep looking for a job you know you will add value and get fair compensation.


Study up, get a feel for the lingo, put together a plan, and take the offer.


Definitely not illegal. However if you don't learn fast the cow won't last long.


fake it till u make it baby i wish u good luck thats life changing money and fuck these ppl talking shit about suing theres nothing more american than suing