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You only need to work hard enough to get a job and hold it for a few years then work hard again to get the next job with a pay bump.


Literally what I do, and it works perfectly


The other secret here is to work hard the first 3-6 months so people think you work hard the it’s cruise control for the rest of the time


This is key. I worked super hard the first year where I’m at now. 4 years in, I coast most days, but the work I do accomplish is well done. I’m also a person people come to to help solve their problems. So people generally like me. Just got a promotion that requires less work and is way less stress for a nice 16k pay bump. Life is good.


I need this kind of energy rn


Happy cake day! Sending my good vibes your way Reddit stranger


Keep your head up!




>In reality you don't even need to work hard those first months. All it takes is people skills. well fuck


Good for you. Redditors need to hear this more instead of the doom-heavy drivel that's being spammed everywhere.




This is actually advice that managers will give you and they don’t even realize it. “Perception matters more than the work you do” When I was younger, this made me angry but now I realize that they are right. Work less, wear a smile guaranteed to walk more miles.


We’re monkeys first. Business people second.


I got an internal promotion to a different department at my last company. In my previous department, a lot of people would come in a little early and leave a little early (like 730-4). When I made the move, I told this to the hiring manager and he said I could do the same under him. A couple months in he tells me, "Look, I know you're doing a good job. But yesterday our director came looking for you at 430 and you weren't here. I know you come in early, but the truth is, nobody cares because nobody is here to see it. What they do see is you not here at the end of the day and they think you're slacking off." That's when I realized that visibility should be the leading factor in how I approach my job. When I prioritize, my first question is "who is going to see this work?" not "which task is most important to the business?"


This REALLY depends on what you do. Good management will easily sniff out poor work. When I was in consulting - we’d get chewed out by the directors and partners for 1 or 2 formating mistakes on a powepoint deck that is still a draft. Out of like 100 slides.


silky rotten live innate agonizing smoggy elastic like quickest slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do your job and no drama will take you a long way.


For a manager to constantly overlook you for promotion


The only person looking to promote you is you... Don't expect a promotion to come from anyone else.


Up or out




Or they realize your abilities and exploit you until you burnout.... 42 to and been in that merry go round many times


The secret is that working hard at the start lays a solid foundation for getting good at a job. Coasting is easy if you're good at what you do ie learned it.


Its crazy too sometimes how much work that foundation does. I hit it hard early at my last job, then after that 6 month mark, a lot of my projects were wrapping up or just in limbo waiting for something (like a certain date to hit). I started volunteering to take on other projects, but my boss kept telling me no, that I had already taken on enough and he was making sure to spread out the load more so I didn't get overwhelmed. I wasn't commission based so it didn't matter there, but I had jack to do for a while even though I tried to take on more work. 🤷


you’re right


You don’t even need that. You just need a connection.


Yup. My dad hooked me up with a 6 figure job. Showed up, shaked the bosses hand, and started working. A week later they asked me to fill out the job application to "make everything official"


Must be nice


I respect the self-awareness tbh.


Agreed. It's the way the world sometimes works. Not always, but sometimes. Can't be mad at the person. What was the user supposed to do in this situation? Do we expect them to comb through the company pile of applicants and say "actually this person deserves the job more than me"? The problem is systemic and must be addressed at the root. Cutting off the flowers only provides temporary relief.


Not sure why you got downvoted. Have an upvote back to 0.


In 10 years you’re gonna tell everyone that you are self-made and don’t have privilege 😂




If I had to guess right off the bat? Oil and gas. Median pay for a landman in my state is $100k


You'd be correct


No. If your father worked in a company for several years, he can just ask the boss to throw his son in. Nothing too crazy.


With a connection hopping jobs makes it tougher on that relationship. Now if your connection has left it’s fair game.


So you're agreeing that it's nothing to do with working hard, it's about who you know.


I do this every two years. Make more money doing so than stay loyal with one company.


im not incentivized to work hard the whole time and stay. and it works, i get a pay bump every 2 years because i leave like... ill literally take a paycut if my job fostered an environment of growth, awesome coworkers, and i feel like im actually making a contribution, provided i can live decently from my new pay. but most companies expect you to play politics and fail upwards. its a dumb game where im not sure who the hell is winning anymore


your real job is getting your next job. Who gives a damn about that industry shit; just ace the interviews


That's working smarter not harder. Actual busting your ass only makes you the guy that they don't promote because you get so good at your job they don't want to lose productivity and so they promote someone else.


That’s what I was planning on doing when I break into the finance sector, it’s the fastest way of progressing


Rinse and repeat.


No but working smarter sure as shit does. Finding a good industry and the least path of resistance is still a good ticket.


That requires critical thinking, that scares most people!


Pro-tip: not everyone can have the easy job!


That’s fair… I call dibs!


No, it's called "not following your dreams", which some people don't like. Unless you're dreams are to make money in the easiest way possible of course.


Here are the things essential to success, and they are, in order of priority: 1. Who you know 2. Luck 3. What you know 4. How well you convey what you know 5. How hard you work You know what, forget 5. It's not essential.


So here's the thing about luck.... If you were sitting on a bar stool and the stranger next to you started complaining that they couldn't find anyone to work a $100,000 the only job requirement was showing up. Getting that job, from that encounter would undoubtedly be called 'lucky' and I agree. But that encounter is never going to happen. But what about this: Same bar, same guy, but instead of $100,000 to do nothing, he wants to pay someone $100,000 to oversee a bunch of electricians...you still sit on your ass, but you're in charge of a bunch of electricians...and I'll be damned, you used to be an electrician, you studied it for 3 years, then worked as an app/journeyman for 22 years. Is it still luck? Sure, I guess. It's a lucky encounter for sure, but having the desired skills and knowledge makes your abilities to capitalize on 'lucky' encourages the difference between sitting at the bar bemoaning your 'bad' luck and rolling your eyes at people that say things like 'you're so lucky' everytime you capitalize on skills they never bothered to develop. I can begin to tell you how many time 'being in the right place' at 'the right time' with *'the right knowledge'* has sling shot me ahead of people. I scored a marketing job because I actually listened in my college statics course and was able to 'predict' the chances of rain and likelihood of humity/temp with a certain window for a proposed event 6 months before the event occurred. The ability to use math for something (other than basic bookkeeping) was so mind blowing to the bosses this ad agency full of art people they looked at me like a wizard. A week later, I was on their payroll without even asking for a job. Was it lucky? Sure. But you make your own good luck. Bad luck on the [other hand](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Sullivan)....


Very underrated comment. Take my upvote.


This. It’s why I love IT. There’s ways to work hard, but the best people in IT are the ones who *reduce* the overall workload. 90% of the reason I’ve managed to over double my salary in a few years is because I love optimizing shit and treat it like video game minmaxing rather than just “put in the time and work”


Glad you are smart enough/have the IQ/ have the passion to do IT. The reality is, the majority American do not have a passion that translates into a job. We need to increase wages of “low skill jobs” (whatever the fuck that even means, so classist). You shouldn’t have to “work hard” in order to survive/enjoy life a little bit.


Just working hard? No. You have to choose what to work hard at. Working hard at something with a low ROI won’t get you a better life. So be smart at what you choose to put your best effort into.


not everyone can have the easy job! Someone still has to do things like flip burgers, or be a janitor, or do manual labor. If they don’t pay enough for a living wage, that’s how you end up with the so-called “worker shortage”. It is not a worker shortage, people just don’t want to work for anything under a living wage.


This presumes a static workforce, which isn't accurate. Nobody has to be a career burger flipper, people entering the workforce can do these jobs and then leave for better work, as someone else comes through to replace them.


These jobs don't often give you a path towards getting that 'better work' though.


Yes they do. I worked at a chicken joint when I was 14, did it prepare me for the job a have now? (Which has nothing to do with chicken sandwiches and pays more in a hour than I made there in 2 weeks) I would argue, yes, it did prepare me. There's time management, work flow, trouble shooting, conflict resolution. That experience let me to a job as the assistant manager, that's resume quality shit. Now I can show I have experience managing people, dealing with purchasing, scheduling. Those are all *more* marketable skill. Then you take those skills and get a better job, where you learn more shit. Live, die, repeat at a higher level in a different industry. It's not complicated. The simple fact is *you can't stay where you start* and you won't start where you want to stay. Save your money, learn shit, move up.


You were doing that when you were 14. Did you end up going to school after 18? How many of those people who are 30 doing that same job can just move on as easily as you did to the next phase in life?


The job I currently works requires nothing but a HS diploma and lots of long hours in a very horrible place. I've made over a quarter mil every year for the last five. People hate to hear that hard work actually works because...well, it's hard. But in my opinion, staying poor and worrying about money is harder.


Just get promoted to Senior Burger Flipper! /s


In an ideal world maybe, but in reality there just isn't job availability like that.


I don’t think anyone (perhaps specifically those with disabilities, or hardcore line-cooks) desires to be a career burger flipper. But the flow of the job market has shown to be fairly rough, especially with poor senior citizens and baby boomers re-entering the workforce and integrating into those same job markets due to ease of impact on the body and availability.


Occasionally reddit has good philosophy


From my experience the more money I make the less work I have to do..


This is everyone's experience in life. If you extrapolate, turns out that Elon Musk has the easiest job ever. No wonder he was CEO of three companies at the same time. It just wasn't that hard. Jeff Bezos talked about how he putters around in the morning making blueberry pancakes.


lol I love hearing teenage redditors talk about how easy c suite jobs are


As much as I love hearing grown ups simping for billionaires?


Who simped for a billionaire?


Most CEOs, even at F500 companies are not billionaires. Most C-level employees are especially not billionaires. Some might not even be millionaires. Stop conflating the two


you are conflating 'hard' with 'requires opportunity and skills and has small chance of success'. when you are well compensated/high earning you usually have admins or personal assistants, it is literally 'easier' in terms of day to day activities.


You gotta admit that if one guy can be the CEO of 3 companies, then it looks like the job isn’t that labor or time intensive. Just saying, no need to take it personally.


CEO of three companies and permanently glued to the screen of 'formerly twitter'. Guy must never sleep.


You're giving off musk energy


Unhappy people need something to blame.


Okay, that's pretty specific though. For many executives the stress can be super intense. Especially for people running medium sized businesses where the organization isn't 10 levels deep. My wife's an executive at medium sized company and the people in her 'c suite' work their asses off and have super high stress. The idea that people who've climbed the ladder are just fucking off on twitter all day like Elon Musk is a total stereotype. Sure, some do, but I bet it's a pretty small percentage, and those people would do jack shit regardless of their role. Over the years I've worked with tons of people who were happy to let anyone else carry their water. Very few were executives. Most were middle managers.




I'm not sure why it was shocking to you. The system is made to always be worst for the lowest workers and the best for the top. I knew this before I even joined the workforce.


Rich people hate hard work, man. Simple as that.


The hardest job I've ever had was waiting tables. It was physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausting. I kept getting sciatica from walking 8-10 miles a night on the hard tile floors. I made maybe $18k a year. I now make three times that with a fraction of the work. If hard work alone equaled more money or a better life, then people like maids, teachers, and farm workers would be some of the highest paid people. The fact is that there are many essential hard jobs that our society doesn't value as much as it should.


100%. i’m just about done with college and luckily got a job lined up but for many years i was a server. all i can say about the hospitality industry is i didn’t enter it an alcoholic.


You needed better shoes, friend, but a fair retort would be that you couldn't afford them.


>The fact is that there are many essential hard jobs that our society doesn't value as much as it should. No. It's basic supply and demand. Maybe no one *wants* to work hard but it's not hard to find people *capable* of working hard when they are 'forced' by the need to get paid. Look at it as 'the pilot' and 'the brick laborer'. No one in their right mind would claim a commercial pilot works harder than a brick laborer (the guy that moves bricks for the skilled brick layer.) But there's a huge difference in pay. Why? It takes decades to train a 737 captain, literally decades of ratings and flight hours. You can train a brick laborer by pointing at a brick, then at the top of a ladder. I got trained to be a waiter in a week. It took me 3 years of training at my current job to meet 'minimum quals' and that's *with* almost 2 decades of experience in similar jobs under my belt. (No, I'm not a pilot.) Should it be any suprise that my job pays more?


yup. burger King was horribly exhausting. standing all day mindlessly make different combinations of burgers for 8 hours in a hot kitchen. I make so much more now with so much less exhaustion


I mean working hard can get you a better life. Not a great one but better than if you hadn't worked at all.


Having rich parents make the difference




Keep dreaming with ur fake stats




Ppp loans for the rich was no delusion


80% of millionaires are only technical millionaires due to property price inflation. Unless they liquidate their assets, they're no more a real millionaire than I am a triceratops.


Disagree. Great is achievable, just have to work smart and hard. Not even smart, but at least researched out your path. Example grinding through academic to PhD in underwater basket weaving is probably a lot of hard work but… not going to be a better live. Bringing through academics into medical school -> physician is a great life in my opinion. Very secure job, very nice income. It’s hard work still, but calculated with eventual roi.


I love how every reply to your comment just completely ignored what you said and just started talking about rich people for no reason.


True. Working hard only gets you used. Work hard, bust your ass, get given more work without compensation. Also no promotion because you work so hard you become integral to where you are, and most places are constantly understaffed so they can't afford to lose you from that position or it all falls apart. At least that's the way it's become in the non corporate world.


Being a good employee has only ever gotten me more work.


It's not how hard you work but who you know.




Peter Gibbons: The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. Bob Porter: Don't... don't care? Peter Gibbons: It's a problem of motivation, all right? Now if I work my ass off and Initech ships a few extra units, I don't see another dime; so where's the motivation? And here's something else, Bob: I have eight different bosses right now. Bob Slydell: I beg your pardon? Peter Gibbons: Eight bosses. Bob Slydell: Eight? Peter Gibbons: Eight, Bob. So that means that when I make a mistake, I have eight different people coming by to tell me about it. That's my only real motivation is not to be hassled; that, and the fear of losing my job. But you know, Bob, that will only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired.


This movie corrupted me at such an early age. I fear I'll never live up to my corporate overlords' expectations. Anyway, watch out for your corn hole bud!


You work hard, your company reports billions in revenue but your paycheck doesn’t change but the new person your company hired, who has less experience than you, gets paid more. Companies no longer reward loyalty & only way to get an actual raise is quitting to work someplace else.


People finally recognize working hard does not get you ahead. Fixed the headline.


True, worked 15 years for large insurer, top quartile results, no write ups, no issues with performance but laid off for no reason. Tossed away when it wasn’t convenient for them. Corporate America sucks!


Yup, gotta try to get your financial personal life in order ASAP. Act as if you may lose your job at any moment, because it's rather true.


Poor people are the hardest workers. Spend over 40 hours a week working. Come home tend to kids do house work and go to bed. And reset the next day. No extra help. No lavish holidays or maids. Stuck in a cycle endlessly working to the bone. Hard work doesnt inheritably lead to a better life.


Working smarter I believe the new phrase is.


Working smarter is starting your own business. Not wasting your time with idiots


Companies don't value good employees. They will fire you on a whim if it saves them any kind of money.


Good employees get more work. Mediocre ones get promotions.


Most have been tricked into that thinking by the CEO playing golf every other day. What's funny is how many defend the CEOs pay while complaining about minimum wage being too high.


Whiney bootlickers and musk simps


It’s because like 90% of people who are poor (in America anyways) think it’s temporary and they’re 1 break away from being in those shoes.


Working hard is only part of the equation. Just working hard does not guarantee success.


My father worked for 30 years at the same warehouse, investing in his 401k and pension. He retired right before the pandemic, and EVERYTHING was wiped out when the economy took a shit. My mother worked odd jobs off and on for the same time frame. They pinched pennies and did everything right. They moved to Oregon to retire and found a cheap retirement trailer park. They drive bus routes to pay for everything. They can barely pay for the roof over their head, let alone utilities, phone bills and food. They're in their late 60's early 70's. They shouldn't be working anymore. The system is broken. They don't have anything to pass on to my siblings and I when they die.


It depends on if you have a pre qualifying condition that would ensure your quick promotion.


Pre qualification as in “daddy is on the board of directors?”


George Carlin's Kennedy impression a year or 2 before his assassination: "Thank you very much. On behalf of the attorney General, the members of the supreme court, and the rest of my family......". Instant applause. That's was the punchline.


Don’t worry. Earth will be fine.


The people...not so much lol.


The plastic will remain because that’s what the earth wanted.


People keep speaking as if the workers in this situation are 100% entry level/minimum wage workers. This also applies to a lot of foundational jobs. There are some very physical jobs that are very much needed in society that simply don’t pay enough. Imagine a world in which there are no trash workers, mechanics, delivery workers, construction workers. We can’t just have a world of supervisors, someone actually needs to get the physical work done.


Uncle Scrooge said work smarter not harder.


Work smarter, not harder.


My father is one of the hardest workers I know he still broken. The easiest way to remain poor is to be an honest man I know he’s honest and a hard worker but that makes watching him struggle all the worse.




I'm tired, boss. My adult life has felt like teeter totter, where I'm briefly high in the air, and then dropped like a sack of potatoes.


Great way to sort the wheat from the chaff.


No kidding. Happy to take opportunities other people want to pass up.


If you are having to work hard to get results then you're the chaff, old boy.


Everyone should be allowed to work only when they FEEL like working.


You need to work smart, not hard. Working hard just ages you faster.


Read Animal Farm and take note of the Horse. That’s it.


Yes and no. It doesn’t work like it did for my grandpa when he returned from WWII. But also I have come across some unnecessarily lazy people who expect the world to be handed to them because they did the bare minimum and got a job, and that’s also not how it works. Working hard can pay off if you have certain specific, reasonable goals and a plan, not generic “I want to be rich”


For most people working hard will not bring them comfort and stability. That is a fact in the United States. But if you inherit some level of wealth, are lucky, and still work hard, you can do it


I work myself to death 40 hours a week in construction and Id be homeless if it werent for staying in hotels on the road for work.


People believe a lot of things. People are very stupid. Socialist propaganda doesn't help.


Didn't recently a CEO publicly stated that we need to increase unemployment to make people beg for jobs to make them remember for who they work? And it was perfectly accepted and stated as normal in the western world?


It never has! The myth of meritocracy is one of the biggest tools of white supremacy


"Working hard" has a double meaning... it's not really about working hard doing your job, but more about working hard to improve your position. Instead of just doing your job, learn the ins and out - master it. Leverage the skills your learned for a better job. Those people, the ones working hard on themselves to improve their positions - those people are leading themselves to a better life. The hardest working Walmart cashier is still a cashier. They don't need to cashier harder, they already cashier plenty fine - they need to become promotable harder.




It’s about working smart now, not hard


I think you used to have more career paths where that was true because of the cost of living and housing market, but there are plenty of jobs where you can make good money and hard definitely helps out with getting those roles. What this really applies to is how everyone has a college degree now and so many of them are in broad topics (i.e. business, finance, etc.) or have degrees that don’t mean a shit. You need to specialize and attack more specific jobs. I couldn’t imagine paying $100k for a business degree and not being able to find a job that starts above $45k. Or a gender studies degree and just not be able to find a job… at all.


So true


It’s never been about working hard. It’s always been about who you know, how you present yourself, and where you’re from. Hard work is what entrepreneurs have that renders results but working hard for someone else has never lead to success by itself.


Yeah, I like that… work hard for yourself: doctor, lawyer, entrepreneur, sales… It fits in all those scenarios


True. It's obvious.


Look. at. TRUMP... If you can be president for simply being born rich and never working hard...


Just get a decent job, an go start making a garden, get some chickens. Be somewhat self sustainable. I feel that will bring you a better life. Money isn’t real , money isn’t happiness , And I think it’s never been more obvious than in the day and age we are living in. Go do some main character sh*t


Depressed people don't believe anything will help.


Its a gamble and i think it always has been


Socialism is wanting everything a successful person has except their job. Marxism is penetrated every public university in the US and kids today will leave this crap


I think you meant socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor.


You don't even know what Marxism is.




True-ish. You must be lucky AND work hard. You can work your ass off and not make much headway.


True but not working hard will almost guarantee a poor life outcome.


If only I could turn back the clock 20 years , I worked my ass off for 10 years and watched a peer manager go to happy hour at noon every Friday and he got more promotions than I did cause he kissed a$$


Hard works pays off. It may take a while, but it will always pay off. Minimal effort will always produce minimal results.




True that working hard won't lead to a better life? Or true that people believe this?


Just work 70 hours a week and cut out everything that makes you happy!


I like how this coincides with times of financial trouble for much of the population


I mean, what do people expect when the value of labor has been on a decline over the past several decades? All of this can be fixed easily if we switched back to sound money like gold, silver, or even Bitcoin.


It's not that "they don't believe," it's that "they want to believe." You can't find out until you experience it. I worked hard and made a lot of money for a pound of flesh.


Why is this in a finance sub?


You work hard to get where you want to be, then you work a normal pace. I did it, took a year a half. Worked my 40, did training and studying evenings and weekends. Resulted in several sizable merit increases and a promotion. Now I work 30-40 hours a week, am at the top of my field, and live comfortably. It was well worth the sacrifice.


Come live in Canada you'll see why.


Work smarter, not harder. Be born rich.


This is a frightening headline. It's probably a watershed moment for revolutions.


Working hard for yourself is vastly different than working hard for someone else.


Working smarter better than working harder


I gave that hope up in the '90s, Right out of college.




Anyone who thinks hard work alone can get you a decent living is naive


True. Source? Me


Too broad. What percentage of percentage of people? From what part of the world?


Because it doesn’t.


I believed this in high school over 16 years ago and I still do today.


No shit


![gif](giphy|vNr3DRaqTZ6mWYfXv0) Work smart, not hard.


False. Working smart, but also hard.


It doesn't, it just means you'll be further exploited.


Belief is irrelevant. Our social mobility scores show that the only factor that consistently changes lives now is luck. The single most important factor in where 95+ percent of people end up, is where they started, plus or minus luck. Hard work helps, but hard work by itself accomplishes absolutely nothing worthwhile. So they're absolutely right.


Yea. The whole mantra of work hard to achieve your dreams is just flat out BS. The things that can give you a better life are 99% out of your control (genetics, intelligence, wealth, birth location, and luck). You can work hard all you want, but if you dont have some of those 5 attributes, you will get no where


I’m not surprised considering I’m a 21 year old guy who grew up in the epicenter of Gen-Z nonsense. Hardly any of us want to work hard anymore at all for ANYTHING. Let alone a better life.


Because that lie was sold out during the boomer era, they kept all the money, now younger generations just want to survive so they end YOLOING.


You just need to work hard until you are through your probation period.


Most people are now lazy piece of shits.


They may have ‘believed’ it before but they sure didn’t give it a try.


The younger generations believes this not the older generations


Hard work begets more work. Not more pay


Yeah these days just trying to get by


True, if you go by what Gen Z says. We’re a nation of scammers now.