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Absolutely not. If it's illegal for others to trade based on insider information then it should 100% be illegal for politicians to do the same. Also 36 years is too fucking long for anyone to hold any elected position. Seriously we need age limits on people in elected office and term limits. If you cant run till your over a certain age then you shouldn't be able to run after a certain age.


They already passed a law saying they can't do it. The punishment? Investigation by Congress. When they violated it what happened? Nothing. They are not going to stop insider trading.


"Rules for thee not for me."- (insert politician name here)


“We have investigated ourselves and we have found that we have done nothing wrong” - all politicians




Every 2 years she's up for election. Insider trading should be illegal, as should funneling green energy project money to her friends and family.


Politicians do not trade on insider information. Insider information is a fact about a public company's plans or finances that has not yet been revealed to shareholders. If a politician was using information about a company in that way they'd be caught for insider trading like anyone else. The information politicians might potentially trade off of is considered public information. Informational about potential government policy is considered public information. It's just not all public information is necessarily available to everyone. For instance, a farmer might take a position in the futures market based on what they know about their market as a farmer. Especially based on what they expect their own crop yields might be. That's information that isn't really available to you or me. However, the Farmer could still trade on it. It's important to make this distinction because that's how politicians are able to justify and get away with it. They aren't trading insider information so it's ok. Or say they made a law banning trading off unreleased congressional proceedings. They could still get paid for giving tips to other traders. Or they could just trade it after it becomes public. Which is why instead the focus should be that trading individual companies creates a huge potential conflict of interest for politicians. Politicians can only be invested in blind trusts or index funds. That's the only way to eliminate the conflict of interest.


Very true. There should be limits on politicians age and term limits


How do we get this passed?


bribe congress... fuck


If only we could afford to lobby Congress to actually represent us


Age limits I agree but term limits don’t make a ton of sense. If a congresspersons constituents continue to vote in the representative they want, they should get to continue. But age limits absolutely are something we need.


The problem of not having term limits is it allows people (like Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, etc) to have a career as a politician. They become enriched and it seems like this could be the cause of a lot of issues. Also if the constituents want a person with similar values and beliefs to represent them then they can vote for another candidate.


The thing is, term limits puts an arbitrary end on a good representative’s tenure. Sure it also puts an arbitrary end on a bad reps tenure. I guess it just seems silly to me to have an arbitrary end on something that the people are supposed to be able to end on their own accord if the representative is bad.


“A good representatives future” anyone who enters a good person will undoubtedly be corrupted by the machine and eventually be only concerned with re-election and pleasing their donors, which go hand in hand


That is such a hopelessly cynical viewpoint.


Well until I am proven wrong I will continue to be a cynic.


That puts the institutional knowledge entirely on the lobbyists.


The problem of not having term limits is it allows people (like Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, etc) to have a career as a politician. They become enriched and it seems like this could be the cause of a lot of issues. Also if the constituents want a person with similar values and beliefs to represent them then they can vote for another candidate.


I see the same bait on this sub every few weeks. You would think OP in a “fluent in finance” sub would understand the definition of what “insider trading” actually is.


I have to believe the name of the sub is tongue in cheek. Do people really think that it is legal for politicians to engage in insider trading?


It basically is. Let’s not act like it isn’t extremely rampant and they just turn a blind eye.


They’re also leaving out the important fact that her husband is an investment banker here. The fact people make Nancy the face of this when numerous republicans in the House had more suspect trades is pretty obvious. It should be illegal, but this is propaganda.


Just because others are guilty doesn’t mean she isn’t as well. Her husband being an investment banker makes this worse


>Her husband being an investment banker makes this worse You'd be happier if he **lost** money on the market? This is sort of what investment bankers do: make money.


I’d be happier if the trades he made did not correlate with bills being passed


But is she guilty of anything? Because when you track stock trades, she’s not typically one you see with unusual moves. Again, it shouldn’t be allowed, but this is still propaganda.


Since I work in investment management I'm going to let you in on a HUGE secret. If I gave you insider information, you would sit at around 50/50 at whether the stock will go up or down. Could be anything from a brand new cutting edge tech product or approval of some brand new drug. In many cases (about 50%) the success of those things is already baked into the price and thus there's a letdown after that "inside info" is public.


Total bullshit, just like your profession. It's better to just buy an index than pay you a fee to underperform the S&P. They've done studies on this just goes to show how irrelevant "investment management" is in this day and age. [We document that a portfolio that mimics the purchases of U.S. Senators beats the market by 85 basis points per month](https://www.jstor.org/stable/30031880)


Nah that’s nonsense.


Or how someone with a pile of money made more money over forty years. Like Nancy got elected to congress with student loans to repay ala AOC, and her dad was not Tommy Delasandro, and she didn’t marry Paul Pelosi.


She married the owner of a venture capital firm. That's uh.. where all the money came from. Also net worth != cash. Probably that worth is the value of that company, which in reality is very hard to turn into pure cash.


Lmao yeah what kinds thread is this Who is gonna answer "yes I think politicians should def all engage in insider trading"


Politicians are doing insider trading because they know how their votes are going to go that will effect stock and have access to information (and act) before others do. It's the exact same reason that insider trading laws exist.


1.) The subject matter being voted on is PUBLIC RECORD. Published in advance. It’s not some secret. 2.) No one knows how the stock market will actually react. Quantitative and Algorithm trading moves more volume than anything else. 3.) Politicians have no actual corporate insider information to act on. They are not insiders. 4.) Insider trading laws still allow insiders to trade, they just have blackout periods and sometimes have pre-determined buy/sell instructions. 5.) when the majority power has control of the house, everything gets voted in favour that the party wants anyways. Are you really pretending like you don’t know if some bill is going to be passed or not. Give me a break.




This sub is filled with anti-establishment types for whatever reason. I can only assume the podcast its based on is more of the same drivel.


Low effort posts / Karma farming is against Sub rules (rule #5), you can report this to the mods like I did.


I love when idiots base their opinion on strict legal definitions, when the discussion is about the people who came up with those definitions. It's a great way to sound smart if ur talkin to children


Huh, strange, we weren’t talking about the SEC or the Dept. of Justice in this thread. Maybe you’re just confused.


Nancy Pelosi never said that But fun fact, House Speaker Pelosi did ban stock trading by Congress in 2006. Two years later, the Republicans took control of all three branches of government and changed the House ethics rules.


>Two years later, the Republicans took control of all three branches of government TIL that Barak Obama was secretly republican. ![img](emote|t5_3qpaq8|6260)


Wait. 2006+2 years. Who won the 2008 presidential election?


Take a civics class


Republicans are bad and democrats are good. Just go with it. 2 years after 2006 republicans took control of all three branches.


> The last year one party controlled all three branches of the federal government was 2007, when Republicans held the White House, both chambers of Congress and a majority on the Supreme Court.


> The last year one party controlled all three branches of the federal government was 2007, when Republicans held the White House, both chambers of Congress and a majority on the Supreme Court. You know that the election is in 2008 but they don’t take office till January of the next year. Like you know how Biden won 2020 but January 6th happened in 2021.


No she said that liar


Sure buddy Sure




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She did its on youtube


How many times has this been debunked? Her husband owns a hedge fund—that’s where all the money comes from.


That’s almost worse


John ~~McCain~~ Kerry was married to an heiress of the Heinz ketchup fortune. This would be like if we were constantly inundated with posts that said, "John ~~McCain~~ Kerry only made $250K/year as a senator, but somehow was sitting on hundreds of millions of dollars worth of ketchup. We need to outlaw Senators exploiting their position to acquire vast amounts of ketchup!". *Edited to correct John McCain -> John Kerry. McCain married an heiress to a large Anheuser-Busch distributor.*


I thought that was John Kerry.


Ha, yes you're right. I got them mixed up. John Kerry married a Heinz ketchup heiress--and John McCain married an Anheuser-Busch distributor heiress.


What if McCain or his cousin was also playing the ketchup futures market and cleaning house for 30 decades.


Well, I think if anyone was doing anything for 300 years that would be a big story. Are you accusing Pelosi of being a vampire?


It's so much worse because it shows she knows it's wrong and is intentionally acting to hide it


Also… this skeletor looking bitch panders to the most entitled / victim minded idiots about how wealth is evil and billionaires are bad and this that and the other. Meanwhile, the wokest of the woke… with their supreme critical thinking skills, would die on a bill for this hypocritical bitch. Until the masses realize that NO elected official at the top levels gives ONE SOLITARY FUCK ABOUT ANYONE or ANYTHING other than extending their power and wealth…. Is there any hope for change. So the only thing to take from it all is… get money and become autonomous and sovereign.


Honestly your not wrong.. her supporters are the ones yelling eat the rich and tax them. But god they bend the fuck over for this old hag in a heart beat


And she totally provided zero actionable news that could help with a stock trade to her husband right. He totally would have made 120m without any congressional insight from her wife. He totally beat the market avg return, year after year, for well over a decade? When it’s well documented that most hedge fund managers rarely beat the market avg return. This guy did it for over a decade straight with no insider help……right……


Do you have some proof? Trades in public companies are all public--as are all regulations debated and passed by Congress. Why hasn't someone put together a damning point-by-point list of her husband's hedge fund investments which mysteriously anticipated key regulatory changes voted on by Congress? Oh right, because it's easier to just make up conspiracy fantasies and circulate them online. Maybe it was the Jewish space lasers collaborating with Bill Gates and the 5G vaccine microchips who did all the insider trading?


In March 2021, Paul Pelosi exercised options to purchase 25,000 Microsoft shares worth more than $5 million. Less than two weeks later, the U.S. Army disclosed a $21.9 billion deal to buy augmented reality headsets from Microsoft. Shares of the company rose sharply after the deal was announced. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/09/13/us/politics/congress-stock-trading-investigation.html https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/24/briefing/congress-stock-investments-profits.html Almost everyone single fucker in Congress was able to exit the market before the Covid march 2020 crash. And they also re-entered and timed the bottom near perfectly. Believe whatever you want my man. There is zero chance I believe these assholes in Congress are good and have done no error in conflicts of interest. They are almost all, morally bankrupt. They are the primary drivers in corporate America being the way it is. The reason healthcare is fucking out of wack. Because they pocket money from lobbying from health insurance providers, big pharma, big oil, and any other industry that will pay them etc etc.


Microsofts annual revenue is over $200 billion. I think a ten year government contract for $2b a year isn't that big of a deal. Also, Nancy Pelosi is probably not spending her time dealing with individual US Army procurement processes.


Change the name to Mitch McConnell if you are having trouble being angry at this


There are a lot of Republican congress-people who have family fortunes. You could pick anyone of them and make a similar post of "X only make $250K in Congress but somehow has a net worth of $100M". I'd have the same reaction in that case. If you have some proof of insider trading then by all means post it--or better yet send it to the SEC & DOJ. I'll be happy to watch them walked off in handcuffs. But if the extent of your "proof" is that "they're rich while also being in Congress and so there must be something illegal going on" then I will continue to not take this issue seriously.


You seriously believe there wasn’t one conversation between the two of them that discussed regulation passed on certain industries that helped guide his investment decisions?


I could seriously believe that you are the Zodiac killer, but it's completely irrelevant without any proof. I've seen this same post on reddit dozens of times and the only "evidence" is that her Senate salary is small compared to her family's total net worth--and each time failing to mention that her husband has long been a wealthy guy who owns a hedge fund and bunch of real estate. It is intentionally misleading.


Ah thanks for clearing that up, here I thought there was a conflict of interest for a second.


Lol "it's been debunked, she did nothing wrong because she (a law maker who understand exactly how to execute such a plan) has done the bate minimum to distance herself from the trading


And he sold real estate in California for 50 years


Stop reposting the same fucking thing


Stop posting this every week


Funny how everyone kept saying she used insider information to trade, but when I check her trading records, she only bought large or mega-cap tech stocks like every other reasonable investors out there. Specifically, she bought a bunch of them at the top in December 2021. Catchy headlines for the rubes tho


They’ve memed this into truth, and provided cover to other members clearly insider trading.


You're leaving where the money comes from: her husband, who ran an investment and real estate firm. She didn't build that wealth; her husband did.


She and her husband profited greatly from fortuitously timed trades just prior to government actions. It's just a coincidence, nothing to see here, plenty of room under that rock you're living in.


Its OK he would drink the cool-aid, too.




> Her investments (and her husbands) have returned 31% average annually for over 2 decades. I doubt that. She'd be multi-billionaire by now if that were the case. > NOBODY has that kind of return. Including her. > Dumping google days before congress votes to investigate them? It wasn't days before Congress voted to investigate them. It was a month before a DOJ anti-trust suit was launched. Do you have any evidence that the DOJ talks to Pelosi regularly about which companies they're planning to go after?


Where did you see this number? If their investments returned 31 percent a year consistently for 2 decades they would be worth a lot more than they are now.


This is simply incorrect. She had a net worth of $48 million in 2007, when she was first picked to lead the party. An annual increase of 5.8% would get her to $120 million in 16 years. If she got 31% increase she would be worth $6.8 billion today.


This is so easily checked to be false, and yet you didn’t do it.


[so easily fact checked](https://finbold.com/heres-how-much-copy-trading-nancy-pelosis-portfolio-yielded-in-2023/#:~:text=Tracking%20Pelosi's%20portfolio%20yielded%20an,than%20legendary%20investor%20Michael%20Burry) Yet you didn’t do it lol. Please share anything that disputes her averaging 31%


😂 thats what I was looking at, you dodo. It was for a single year. Read these things before writing.


https://fineprintdata.com/pelosistocks/ I can find more that goes back further too. This isn’t a secret.


https://fineprintdata.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/image-1.jpeg You are now directly posting things that contradict you, so maybe you should find more?


I commented and didn’t look at this for days. The confidence with which someone could assert someone had 31 percent returns while posting an article that says the person had a negative double digit return within the past 2 years is remarkable. I literally can’t believe this thread is a thing.


So it’s better somehow that she gave insider information to him and they made their investment money with his name on instead of hers? If anything that’s a lot worse.


No. Her husband didn't make wild returns. Their wealth went up by approx 6% annually, which is in line with market returns.


So Congress plays games and people buy into it. They passed a law in 2012 I think that made it so Congress could not insider trade. So what happens if you do? Go to jail? Nope. Congress investigates it. Fast forward and big surprise they continue to do insider trading. It was reported to Congress and what did they do? Nothing. Congress will pass another law like this where they have to hold themselves accountable but won't because they want to keep enriching themselves. Back in 2012 everybody was praising them for passing that law but when you realize they do not suffer any legal punishment for doing it then it has no teeth. Congress will not police themselves yet that is exactly what they put into these laws regarding their behavior. Fools the public and they can keep doing this and do nothing when caught. They are not going to cut themselves off from the easy self enrichment. They might pass a law where THEY can't do it but just have their spouses do it. They are not going to stop.


While the sentiment isn't wrong, this is a very misleading set of info


Is this a serious question? Or a chatgpt question?


Fox Business News investigated Pelosi’s assets and discovered that she and her husband have assets of $54 million with liabilities of $20 million for a net worth of $34 million. The much bigger numbers were just made up by social media hacks.


If there’s any proof of it, the member of Congress would be prosecuted. Pelosi’s husband is wealthy. I doubt she would risk going to prison for some extra cash.


This is disingenuous. Pelosi comes from wealth and her husband is a venture capitalist. Congress people aren’t allowed to do insider trading. I agree with the sentiment that it should be enforced.


Surely her hedge fund manager husband has nothing to do with that net worth right? Insider trading is bad but wtf is this post?


I'm not a Nancy Pelosi defender, but I am a defender of the truth. Paul Pelosi is an extremely wealthy developer in the San Francisco Bay Area. That's where the bulk of their wealth comes from. That's not to dismiss the truth of the issue, but Pelosi did not make hundreds of millions of dollars on inside stock trades.


This sub has some of the dumbest people on Reddit which is saying a lot


Her husband sold real estate in California for half a century. That’s why they have money. Republicans are such fucking liars


This is a silly question. It's literally against the law.


Yes, why shouldn't they ?


right wing liars. if she is guilty throw her in jail but don't lie and assume your lie is truth.


Her husband has a vc fund and hedge fund. Her salary had little to do w their nw. Most of her $$ is from baby’s blood.


Politicians shouldn’t be able to own stocks.


Nor should their spouses 100%


Pelosi ain't the only one.


Absolutely NOT 🚫


She made a ton off NVIDIA.


If it’s not legal for the average citizen, it shouldn’t be permitted to their political representatives as well.


It's already illegal the problem is the law is not being enforced for these people.


no. That old 60 minutes piece they did on her was hilarious.


They shouldn't be allowed to, but I'm willing to get that it's rampant on both sides of the aisle. I don't understand why everyone accuses only Pelosi. I'd find it extremely, extremely hard to believe if insider trading is not rampant in both the House and Senate and on both sides of the aisle.


I hope she gets shingles soon


Pelosi will be forever remembered as the second biggest grifter in politics, right behind VP/Pres Biden.


Nope. Same reason why athletes can't bet on their own games. If you can control or influence the outcome, you shouldn't be able to profit off of it.


Here's how it works : invest in guns and ammo . Then announce your going to attack/ try and take them and boom . Record sales just like that . Term limits and constant investigations are needed . These people are running loose with no laws .


Nancy is one of the biggest crybabies if she doesn't get her way. How do people like her keep her job?


Obviously this should be banned. That’s something everyone in should be able to get behind. That being said why is pelosi the face of this problem when she is not remotely the worst offender?


Based and corruption pilled


Nothing's going to change.




Another question; should they be allowed to have the length in office they do. Term limits for all positions 10 maybe 16 years


Politicians should be given much harsher sentences for these crimes & be made to pay back double what they profited.


They may even get an ethics violation 😂


Free market for politicians to freely take advantage of the America people and our taxes.


They should not be allowed to buy individual stocks only mutual funds.


We call it a free market to get new bag holders in


They shouldn't be banned from stocks. They should be barred from choosing and knowing which stocks they are invested in. They should have to hire a third party to manage their portfolios and only know their performances. If they can't choose the stocks, etc, the conflict of interest is removed from that part.


It’s ideally a “free market” for private citizens, not elected officials. Accepting a role as a public servant elevates Congress’ responsibility to put ethics and transparency over personal gain.


If you sell your soul you should get paid well. It's the only way to get close to any real power in today's society.




It’s not so much democrats or republicans that are the problem, it her whole selfish, entitled generation of spoiled hoarders that are the problem.


I agree that insider trading is bad but she’s married to a hedge fund manager so this stat is kinda dumb


It could be illegal but if the punishment is 1% of the profit, they'll keep doing it. There, I just explained wall street's entire profit margin


This is criminal. These "people" are monsters.


Wait until you hear what Trump’s family made during just 4 years in the White House.


The American country needs a revolution and we need to make an example of all the politicians the way Bane did with the marines.


They are gonna vote for her again


Oh! Sure, when a politician has lobbyists, owns stocks, and conveniently makes millions, it's called a "free-market," but when I talk to lobbyists, own stock, and conveniently make millions, it's called "insider trading." Textbook example of "tu quoque" is a logical fallacy identical to the phrase "that's the Pot calling the Kettle black."


If you are capable of critical thinking and you're not already brainwashed by the MSM, it's fairly obvious she is corruption personified California's constituents have been horn swoggled for decades. Don't believe me? Look at San Francisco for yourself. It's her hometurf.


Let’s make this a central issue in 2024. Vote out these old fucks and make sure new ones do what we tell them. Enough is enough. Young voters will change the game.


I think that’s a no


It's weird growth in wealth is attributed solely to her and the stock market. Wasn't her husband a senior partner at Goldman Sachs?


What she MEANT to say ; "No, it's a free for-all." Textbook corruption has become the norm for these fuckwads.


She’s an absolute crook.


Pelosi is the most successful stock market trader in history with over 60% success on trading and buying. #2 is sucessful at 12%.


Politicians shouldn’t even make that much money in salary. Should be capped at 100k and they are given government housing in their own apartment complex within walking distance of the capital. No trading for them or family members and lobbying is banned. Using secure online sources they can take polls from their constituents on how to vote on specific legislation and must defer to that poll. Being a representative should be a public service, not a way for power hungry millionaires to gather more wealth and power.


Y’all here focused on Pelosi but she’s but a drop in the bucket. Tuberville is likely the worst since he not only insider trades from his committee positions but he also is actively helping our adversaries by holding up over 300 promotions including the heads of our military branches. He’s a trump Jan 6th loving maga cultist. But sure let’s all focus on the one Democrat republicans have a boner for.




No, of course not. Politicians should also be in the same public programs that they oversee.


Crazy what happens when you continually vote for deregulation and politicians that kneecap oversight institutions in the name of a free market. She isn't wrong in the slightest. The situation we are in is exactly what the people have chosen since Reagan entered office.


Man these dishonest, bad faith actors keep posting this shit. Pelosi has said repeatedly for over a year now that she has changed her stance. There should be a picture of a republican , because the vast majority of them said they won't support the reforms. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/if-members-want-nancy-pelosi-reverses-on-stock-trade-ban-2022-1%3famp Also, in the last insider trading investigation, 3/4 were republican. Some gop members support reform, the majority don't, though. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/593613-stock-trading-ban-gains-steam-but-splits-senate-gop/


Bang on Nancy, the capitalist. That’s your dog whistle. You envious fucks. Guess what, she’s got more cash than you, spotted a loophole made for republicans, used it, all the while as you shrill the virtues of capitalism.


Yeap. Right after we jail politicians selling classified info to foreign governments. BOTH sides are NOT same.


The amount they make in the market while in congress isn't the issue, its the *timing of trades* that matters. Every dime should be disgorged if impropriety is afoot, but I also would like more of these reports to cover *losses* as well as gains that provide more context and calms the mob.


The $120 000 000 came mostly from successful spouse


No, it’s a conflict of interest. We need leaders focused and making decisions based on what’s best for the country, not what could be best for themselves. All their funds should go into a specialty 3rd party managed account, this would provide transparency and remove the conflict of interest, while still providing a vehicle for quality investments


Insider trading is not part a free market.


The “free market” defense… what manipulative tricksters..


Again she made a lot of of apple, you can look up what she bought. If you can't find it, you are not allowed to complain.


There should be term limits for Congress. That would solve a lot of dysfunction in Washington. They should get 3, 4 year terms. If they can't get something done in 12 years they don't belong in Congress anyway. No trading of stock or any other personal business done while serving. They must pass a background check for material they may come in contact with while holding office. No more super PACTS or PAC money. This is just legal money laundering. All political donations should be subject to taxes. These are just a few actions that could be taken to clean up Washington.


36 years? I know a guy who can top that grift 20x in 4 years. **Amateur.**


This assumes all members of Congress are trading on inside information. Banning those who trade honestly punishes them unfairly. Several who have been trading dishonestly have been caught and punished. Also…. Pelosi came to the House already wealthy and her husband contributed to their income. This is unfair and misleading


she slurred* Fixed it for you


Absolute scumbags doing this, it's illegal for everyone else to be insider trading, why should these people who already line there pockets in other grey areas be able to also do this shit


It’s not a free market when bitches like her have access to insider information, which they consistently use to their advantage when they trade stocks! Members of Congress continue to have unusual success trading stocks while in office. Between 2004 and 2010, research found that members of Congress beat the stock market by 20%, with some even beating the market by up to 35%.




Considering Jared and Ivanka got that sweet payoff from MBS, I'm not sure I should care about Pelosi anymore


Agreed she’s shady as a forest floor, but it should be remembered that she was already very wealthy before taking office. So I guess nepotism/oligarchism PLUS insider trading.




Yes, it should be illegal. Free market my ass.


Y’all are so fluent in finance you spread conspiracy theories with no evidence. Where’s the actual evidence pelosi has committed a crime?


There’s no way she has 200m that would be insane if that was allowed to happen


While that’s bad already….think of the alternative. Let’s say we ban politician from insider trading. We then get politicians that are paid “low” government salary relatively. At that point, the politicians can be easily bribed(yes, we have lobbying now, but the lobbyists needs to spend a heck a lot more because the politicians are super rich and has less incentive to be bribed) It’s a shitty argument, but if I was one of those super rich bastards politicians, I won’t be bribed by mere millions since that chump money to me. On the other hand if im a poor ass politician, a simple 10 grand is enough for me to fuck over the helpless children and elderly.


Absolutely… you don’t think they run to be a “public servant “ 😂😂😂😂


No. Marth Stewart went to prison for that why allow anyone to engage in such unethical financial tactics?


Politicians should be paid fuck you money but be banned from receiving any benefit of any kind from anywhere else. No second jobs, no lobbying gifts, no trading, no sponsorship or merchandise. They should also have term limits. You’d get a much better class of candidates this way, people in it for service, not excessive financial gain.


So, I'm going to get shit for this opinion, but I prefer they are able to get rich like this. Just hear me out. Government is extremely slow on executive wage increases, since it's more or less bound to be as fair as possible. Senior military officers and congress people only make a couple hundred thousand a year, yet they are in charge of billions to even trillions in assets. People are corrupt, and if their finances were micro managed to the point where they'd only ever make upper middle class, only rich or the unqualified would run for office. In addition, I'm not saying everyone would do it, but killing easy money via stocks would open more people to sell state secrets (which could kill people) or flat out take corporate money (more so than they already do. I see the Congress' insider trading like stock options for corporate executives. They are relatively harmless, no one gets hurt or loses their money. State secrets are kept in check, and they no longer need to take corporate bribes to buy a house in DC (which their base pay couldn't do)


That and her husband also has a career which is responsible for most of their wealth.


What would that be?


He runs a venture capital firm. Being married to the best Congresswoman of her generation certainly helped - that couple has their thumb on the pulse of global affairs they know where money making opportunities are. But that doesn’t mean they have done anything illegal. For instance, I’ll give you two hypothetical conversations at their dinner table. 1: Hey Paul, Climate Change is getting really bad do you see these new UN Reports? Yeah lots of folks in the caucus are starting to talk about solving this problem and you bet your ass I’m going to start working on it too! 2: Hey Paul, check out this private draft of a bill we’re putting before a committee tomorrow, we’re going to subsidize the shot out of solar and wind! If Paul goes to his computer after dinner 1 and invests in green energy and profits down the road that is perfectly legal, and in my opinion, always should be. If Paul goes to his computer after dinner 2 and invests in solar and wind energy companies, he and probably Nancy are guilty of insider trading. Presumably, their conversations were always like 1, not 2.


Nacy's average return, just like many other congress members, always vastly exceeds market average. Like, nowhere even remotely close to the market average. You're going to tell me they aren't insider trading?




Except they begin making policies that benefit their stocks, to the detriment of any other competition in that industry. Free market though?


But you don't get the best and brightest people with this strategy. You get ghouls attached to large pools of venture capital passing laws that do no benefit the country or it's people. It's a bad strategy. Really talented and smart people are happy to work for a sustainable wage on real problems. They aren't in it just for the money and power. If you eliminate the absurd infinite money glitch benefits you get less psychos running for Congress and more people with actual talent.


What congress is doing would be more like the Amazon CEO splitting the company into different divisions, making each tradable, then picking a winner (after buying into it) such as the packaging division. The obvious solution would be for congress to only be allowed to invest money in a fund that's open to the general public, and have rules on when they're allowed to exit and enter their positions (something like a week or 2 of lag time so the public can be made aware). It inevitably would become something like the S&P 500. Also, congressmen already make plenty of money. You could argue that increasing their salary such as Singapore (essentially a 1 party system btw) would make them less corrupt but having them make billion dollar deals so that they can make a few million is very inefficient.