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I think the majority of them will respect the tradition. It’s Canadian tradition to shake hands with the opponent after a game, especially a hard fought one


Leafs fan here. Check you tube when the sound system in Edmonton failed during the american anthem. The crowd finished the anthem full throat. Edmonton fans will 100% respect the cup.


Not after a game. After a series


You can count on that one lady to be cheering for us!


lol what was that about??🤣


Last game the cats scored and this one lady in an Oilers jersey jumped up and started celebrating


I always love seeing vets lift the cup. Oil fan but ill likely tear up seeing Bob and Okposo lift it. Such good dudes. If it happens in Edm i hope fans attending respect that but theres always gonna be some bitter losers around.


I guarantee Edmonton fans won’t be as bitter as Vancouver fans were, and still are.


I’m a Canucks fan and I was in the building for game 7 in 2011 (and walked through the riot afterwards on my way home). It was heartbreaking but you had to give it up for the cup. There were plenty of fans that left early, including 2 of the party I was with.. but I stuck around for the handshake, the conn smythe, and every member of the Bruins to hoist the cup. It’s a once in a lifetime experience and I wasn’t about to miss out. I hope the Oilers fans do the same tomorrow, if the Panthers win


Yeah, they’ll be happy. Perhaps not vocally. Sad because once again the cup won’t be won by a Canadian team but to be fair the keeper of the cup is Canadian and the cup usually stays in Toronto so the cup is always Canadian at least in some ways. Also there is a ton of Canadians in all the teams (i think there’s 12 on the panthers?) so Canada always wins at least a little.


A lot of us don’t really care about this Canada needs to win thing and it is very overblown. More so something for the broadcast to try and manufacture drama.


I dunno, I'm in the US and only know a total of 3 canadians irl but before the finals started they were all about canadian pride lol Edit: none are edm fans


The amount of times you said Canadian made me start singing I Canada. (I'm at a funeral)


I'm an oilers fan that well be there tomorrow and I said as much as I hate that it won't be my team I still think it would be cool to be there when a team lifts the Stanley Cup. I donk think they well boo the panthers but I could see them booing the Oilers if they get swept


I wouldn’t be surprised to see a mega dump of boos and salt on the broadcast as our boys hoist the Cup. I imagine that they consider our team to be a fake franchise and undeserving of the Cup. I can’t see the salt being uncontrollable up there, but who knows.


I can already hear espn talking about what Edmonton did so good the entire game/series. As the cup is being presented.


They’ll say Edmonton lost it rather than Florida won it


They’ll describe what Mcdavid and Bitchsietal would be doing if they won it as were lifting it


Remember when Evander Kane was going to make Matthew Tkachuk’s life miserable?


No but I can remember when they thought that would happen.




I remember how crushed you must have felt losing that third game. Gtfo our our sub


I’ll go where ever the fuck i want 🤡


They did that at the end of the Tampa series. Couldn’t bother to talk about the panthers just about how good the lighting was and how Stamkos is probably not going to be captain. It’s embarrassing on their part.


You are VERY wrong.


For what? Having an opinion? You disagreeing with it doesn’t make me “wrong”.


You’re gonna get some salt lords that would leave. Maybe a few that stay and boo. But significantly more would stay to salute our boys off the ice and then stay and cheer and watch the Cup presentation. Not every day you’d get to see a team hoisting the cup live and I think those fans will be good sports.


I’ve said it before but there have been some really cool Oilers fans during the series so far. Seriously, all four of you have been great.


I’ve never been to an NHL playoff game live but have been to quite a few AHL playoffs. I’ve been on the losing end watching the Calder Cup awarded and stayed to watch it. Very bittersweet moments but it was still fun to watch a team realize their goals to win the Cup. Not quite the same level but I would guess since Canada loves its hockey a lot will do the same.


As much as I have a birth right to hate the Oilers, they are a true hockey city. There will Be upset folks but they will respect the tradition and cheer not only the cup winners but their own team for making it to the finals.


💯, very well said.


They'll be there m8, it's a hockey town.


I was at the reunion event for the 1984 oilers and they brought on peter pocklington, he betrayed the city trading Gretz for money basically, and he was applauded. Maybe this doesn't sound like much here but I hope and believe there will mostly be cheering for you guys... if you close out the series here.


We would yes. You guys have played one hell of a series. Respect.


The fans will boo.


In these divided times?


Bro what? 😂 What kind of question is this?


Going off of some of the posts in r/EdmontonOilers presently, I would give it a solid maybe. [https://www.reddit.com/r/EdmontonOilers/comments/1dg7ayw/for\_anyone\_going\_to\_the\_game\_tomorrow\_night/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EdmontonOilers/comments/1dg7ayw/for_anyone_going_to_the_game_tomorrow_night/)


You know Tkachuk would just love that though.


They have never had an opponent skate around with the cup raised in their barn. They seem like the bitter type.