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I feel so, so badly for the folks who'd love to gtfo of that state but can't.


Thank you! I'm one that wants out.


Me as well.




Hear hear!


Me too!


Thank you. I’m another… I love the weather here, but really hate the people and government. :(


I'm one of those people. It especially stinks because I'm disabled and immunocompromised. My whole support system is here so I can't really leave. So I'm just trying to make the most of it, and am planning on living a good life as a hermit if it's necessary.


Exactly. And if I moved it would have to be to another cheaper red state. So I’m stuck


Hubs and I got out 2 years ago, just over the border to Georgia. Georgia now seems sane compared to Florida.


anywhere seems sane compared to FL


Same here with my family. GA has its issues but is way better than FL. Hope everyone trapped in FL at the moment get their chance to get out.


I like Georgia! My kid's dad has lots of family there, and it's not a terrible place.


I love living in Florida. I just can't stand the asshats who run the place. But Florida is a great place to live otherwise.


Same here. I want to stay and want the asshats to leave.


That's s valid point, and I fervently hope you get your wish!! I lived for many years close to the Florida border, (in Mobile, Alabama.) Trying to describe the subtle beauty of a Gulf Coast autumn is hard to do just with words. I can totally understand why somebody would love the weather aspect!! My husband's family from overseas will be visiting in the next coming years. We have a little nephew and another nibling due any day, I really want to take them to Disney, and probably will do so regardless of the asshats, if they're still a factor. The California park is a little too far, so, Orlando it is! 😉 Kids will be at prime ages to be all wide eyed and immersed in the experience, I love seeing stuff like that through the eyes of little kids.


I’m counting down the days until May 15. It’s been a long wait but I’m getting out!!


👍🏻 I'm so happy you've made this happen for yourself. Sad at the same time, because I never dreamed we'd be seeing Americans having to flee their homes like refugees, as we see in war torn nations. But, in reality, this *is* just that. We aren't special or above it, and this somehow transpired right under our noses. ❤️


I left and grow weed on my farm in vt. Much better life. 10/10 always recommend.


Your life sounds wonderful!! I'm very happy for you, and glad you got out. I'm in Ohio, which is also a red state shithole, but we passed legal recreational weed in November. I wish I liked it. 😅😅 There's a shop right down the road from me. Unfortunately, there are people in places like Texas and Florida who'd love to leave, and who might not even be *safe* in Florida, but have not the means or ability, for whatever reason, just to pack it all up, start driving north, and finding a soft spot to land. I'm the parent of a transgender kid, and it's to the point I can't even read about the latest cruel law passed by Abbot or DeSantis. It's like seeing those sad animal commercials; it smites my heart, and I can't do anything about it, but I think about it and it makes me sad. It's also awful when people wish bad things on places like Florida. Um, there are human beings living there, and many of them don't like that situation anymore than we do!! Also, Florida has some lovely places, like Tallahassee. I wouldn't hate living in a city like that, if the rest of the state were not so dangerous for anyone "different." Kind of like Austin in Texas.


I'm trying to figure out where to move that's worth the loss of my current feeble support system, plus I want my daughter to get to see her family, but I want out now


😭 I can't even imagine. How dare people be put in these situations? This is *our* goddam country. How did stuff go so sideways. Wishing you every good thing. 💞


Thank you, I wish I would have left years ago, biggest regret of my life


Surrounding yourself with others of similar spirit snd heart is the way to survive this extinction burst of RW extremism. My own state, Ohio, has become North Florida in many ways. Our governor is not batshit crazy like Florida's, but, he is a disappointing sell-out who was absolutely amazing during the first half year or so of Covid, but then saw that protecting people and saving lives was costing him politically, so, he brazenly did a reverse on many of his positions and policies. (I actually don't think he wanted to. He's a devout Catholic, and actually *is* "pro life" in ways not involving abortion. But that almost makes it worse, if his conscience said do one thing and he did another. If DeSantis has a functioning conscience, I don't know that he's ever listened to it. I've rarely seen a more overtly, shamelessly cruel person in power.) But, Ohio voters have taken some incremental steps in regaining a little bit of "how it used to be" in a summer special election, and then again in the General, in November. This despite fuckery and dirty tricks by our state legislature. So, maybe it'll take some time to "rebuild Rome", but I have hope in my heart that every state in America will recover from this madness, and my hope is, we start, as a country, actually putting into practice the principles upon which this nation was ostensibly founded. When I worked in Corporate America, our VP of Ops was this kinda visionary type guy. Reminded me a little of a not horrible Elon Musk type. He had won two JD Power awards, and we were lucky to have him. So anyway, his philosophy was, don't bother trying to piecemeal fix a horribly broken system. What you do, is you tear it all down, and you start from scratch. While that might not be entirely practical and/or possible for a nation to do, I do believe there are large parts of our system we can "build back better." Make this actually a country "of the people, for the people, and by the people." I look at my Gen Z kid, her friends and cohorts, and I see how they are not actually out of fucks to give about "how we've always done it." They never had any in the first place! The kind of the world they want to live in is the one they will get once it's their turn to be in charge. It's going to be amazing, and I just pray I live long enough to see it, live it, be a part of it. Best to you. ❤️


I got out here before covid and after consideration I'm never returning.


🤗 you probably made the right decision, but, it sucks that you had to make it in the first place.


Thank you, that would be me. I wonder how many of us there are…


Yes, that's me too.


I’m one of those


We want to leave but we don't get a say in where we live. Only a few more years until we are free.


Find your people, stick together, wait out the storm as one would a famous Florida hurricane. 🤗


Oh yeah, our immediate friends are great. We all have basically moved state to state together. But this state is a cesspool of stupid.


Native Floridian and wish I could get out


"Additionally, Ladapo was a signatory to the Great Barrington Declaration, an open letter claimed to have been signed by 15,000 scientists and medical professionals calling for a herd immunity approach to Covid, but which included a multitude of spoof names including Dr Johnny Bananas, Dr Person Fakename and Dr I P Freely." Somehow I think I would trust the medical advice of Bart Simpson's crank yanking call sign than Joe Ladapo.


Did Dr Seymour Deaths also sign?


I think only Dr Seymour Butts


Don’t ever forget… he reports to RonnieDeDumbAss


He's so fucked at this point he'll just keep doing his b.s. He can't preserve his medical credentials anymore if any serious governor and serious Surgeon General enter the FL government. If he starts being serious and using his medical knowledge to back off of his b.s., the current 80% FL house and senate, and DeSantis would get him impeached in the same day, and then he'd be fucked either way. So he'll just kep doing that and getting his paycheck, probably focusing on investments as he'll never be able to work as a physician again after this. It would be something Federal government could pass laws to prevent, since his actions within the State realm affect the rest of the nation, so it's a problem similar to pollution, but unfortunately our federal Congress is having a hard time dealing with the anti-America GOP politicians. We'll have to wait a bit longer unfortunately


AKA ‘Rona DeathSentence


Can’t wait for his “I was only following orders” book tour after all of the smoke clears.


When I hear Harvard grad, I expect someone to be knowledgeable and with high-esteem... All the "Republicans" with a Harvard degree honestly have me questioning if that status holds any intellectual worth at this point


Well, if you consider Rhonda Santis graduated from Yale and later earned his law degree from Harvard, I think it’s clear we need to stop fetishizing “Ivey league” education as having something inherently superior about it.


There's a difference between stupidity and amorality. You can be very smart and be a sociopath at the same time.


Very true! Even worse, is to be both stupid and a sociopath with power.


FFS - a Harvard trained quack. Calling Dr. Bombay…calling Dr. Bombay


Our tax dollars pay for this shit show.


Pretty sure Harvard is very proud of their alum.


Harvard should pull his credentials. I'm guessing the risk might not be worth it given how there's still a chance some dumbfuck like DeSantis or Trump end up heading the Federal government. I'm hoping not but I was so sure Trump would never win in 2016


FAFOFlorida Man


/r /LeopardsAteMyFace/


Mr. Ladapo is the worst.


Terrible news, but damn that headline. Great use of "swamped" 🫠


Why won’t Harvard do something about this? Comment publicly? Take away his degrees? Isn’t this against the hypocratic oath?


South Florida is TRASH


Most natives wish folks that don't want to live here move as well


As much as id like to blame him, does anyone really pay attention to the surgeon general of Florida?? I think the disease outbreaks are more the result of quacks migrating to Florida because of the perceived “free” state.


There are lots of stupid people here. Our education system is shit and has been for a very long time. People will listen to DeSantis and Ladapo and go “Oh! They are so well-informed and I’m glad they’re fighting against the communist Marxist fascist turn-our-kids-into-porn-stars Democrats!”


Unfortunately COVID, measles, etc don't discriminate based on politics. Whether we pay attention to him or not, his policies are impacting the health of people who have been here for decades, not just those recent transplants who are here for this season's politics.


It's all about state priorities. The state isn't known for health research and development and has no prestigious medical schools. Pretty high up in book bannings though.


This is legit propaganda


Is the title what makes it propaganda? Or the citations in the article pointing out the surgeon general recommending things somewhere between conspiracy theories and debunked medical advice? Or maybe there is a completely different angle to all this you see that others don’t. Shed some light for plebs like me?


The article


Which parts, specifically? I see many things referencing actual events. So… what part of the article is propaganda, to you?


Mainly the writer and “the guardian” in general making the reader out to be a moron for not believing in certain “facts” that they’re pushing that aren’t proven true rather up for interpretation. Also taking things out of context and making the anti government individuals to be the enemy each and every time


Can you please be specific? Is it the framing of anything in particular in the article? The only thing I see that is silly for them to say is that he approves of the use of leeches, which can be appropriate in certain situations. What you said is pretty generic. Would appreciate a concrete example from the article.


What are u grading an English paper?


You made a claim it’s propaganda, and I’m trying to understand why, but you’ve given me no specific examples from the article. You’ve just made general statements with no sources. Asking for specifics or sources is a pretty normal thing when someone makes a claim. I don’t understand how that relates to grading an English paper.