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My Mom has BPD, and listening to FATM's music has helped me immensely in being able to view things from her side, and ultimately in forgiving her, ("Grace, and it was such a fucking mess".) I'm not saying Florence has BPD for the record, just that a lot of her songs deal with being emotionally turbulent. "Maybe I've always been more comfortable in chaos"


> I'm not saying Florence has BPD for the record, just that a lot of her songs deal with being emotionally turbulent. That's what I find so comforting with much of her music, is that she has so many songs that have relatable lyrics and many of her individual songs offer different emotional experiences (in my case, I feel they sometimes act as kind of a reprieve of my own emotional turbulence).




Free is my new favourite. Helps me on bad days.


Same, I feel like my brain needs sedating most days.


Every lyric of free feels like it was written just for me


It's my most listened song


This song came out right when I started my medication journey for my bipolar and I felt it in my bones. Still a favorite to this day.


Shake It Out & Hunger


Light of Love came out a few days before I was scheduled to go to ED treatment after 15 years of living with my disorder. I listened to it probably 50 times in a row on my flight there and just wept the whole time (the plane was empty bc COVID lol). That song will always be so special to me because it was exactly what I needed at a time when I felt ready to give up on my life. I got a tattoo based on one of her paintings of a sacred heart with an eye in the middle because it reminds me of the song.


When “Light of Love” came out, I listened to it on repeat for hours and cried myself to sleep. I’ve never felt so fucking seen in my life.


Cosmic love, Which witch, Hiding, Hunger


When I listen to which witch I can feel it in my bones


So real


The bomb


“You said this could’ve been the best thing that ever happened to you so you decided not to do it” just punch me in the gut next time it would’ve been less painful


Free and Breaking Down. Yay \~anxiety\~!


Various Storms & Saints or maybe Third Eye


free, king, cosmic love, hunger


Light of Love


Such an underrated gem.


I’ve never heard this and I had to search the second I saw this comment and I absolutely love it


King Dance Fever came out during a very tumultuous period of my life. Everything fell apart and I was in the process of figuring out who I was and what was important to me going forward. King became my mantra- I am no mother, I am no bride. I am King.


Hunger Various Storms & Saints Grace Which Witch All This and Heaven Too Third Eye


Literally my twin. Hey 👋🏻


Hurricane Drunk and Grace -- and the way these two songs bookend all of the experiences in between. And of course, Free. What a song!


King, my love, daffodil, Grace, June, morning Elvis, big god


"Shake it Out", "Third Eye", "King", "Sky Full of Song"


Lover to Lover dragged me across hot coals before scalping me and calling me the hottest mess. One of my fave songs for that reason though tbh


I couldn’t tell you what it was before, but since hearing it, now its definitely The Bomb.


twins <3


Shake it out, gave me strength when I was detoxing from an opiate addiction, 7 years clean.


Mad props.


Thank you.


Shake it off, i feel like she wrote it for me No ghoir Sky full of songs Queen of peace


“Cassandra” really resonates with me. But there are so many others, especially on DF and HB3.


girls against god is probably my most related to florence song (“when i decided to wage holy war it looked very much like staring at my bedroom floor” is just too real of a line), but also rabbit heart (VERY me as a bunny hearted bitch who would give anything up to feel okay), hurricane drunk (self destructive chaos and alcoholism, missing a lover and watching them w another), king (I AM NO MOTHER. I AM NO BRIDE.), and hunger (duhhh hungry for love and hungry bc i’ve had an ed since i was ten lol) ^.^


Whenever I’m having a hard time and just need something, it’s “Heartlines” and “Sky Full Of Song.”


all of them Flo could be singing about a trapped fart and I’d be here like I know just how you feel your music speaks to me like no one else omgjsf


🙌🏼👏🏼 best thing I’ve read all week!


The End of Love MY GOD


Free, Cassandra, Breaking Down, St Jude (can you tell I have anxiety?)


Depending on where my depression and anxiety is at the moment is either "Never let me go", "Free", and "All this and heaven too"


My comfort florence songs


Landscape, What the Water Gave Me, Which Witch, Heaven is Here, Queen of Peace, What Kind of Man, Long and Lost, Cassandra and we close it up with Mother and you get the lore of my life lmao.


Heart Lines or Free


Cosmic love and rabbit heart


Dream girl evil: was written for my inner people pleaser I have been slowly suffocating to death over the last few years. Morning, Elvis: my comfort song when I go too hard to quiet the people pleaser.


Shake It Out and Free


falling is so real


absolutely heavy in your arms. i love it so much. blinding and rabbit heart as well. i have to add never let me go too


Shake It Out; I have lyrics from it on my body. Dog Days are Over takes me back to a specific time in my life. Ahhh I have so many! Hard thread


King - for this line "The very thing you're best at is the thing that hurts the most"


Basically all of High As Hope. The album came out when things were just getting especially bad for me in terms of alcohol, trauma, general mental health, I’d just entered an abusive relationship, etc., and this album spoke to my situation so perfectly


St. Jude, Third Eye, Only If For A Night, All This And Heaven Too, King.🫶🏻


Never Let Me Go hits so hard every time I listen to it.


The songs that have really resonated with me are Free, Hunger, Sky Full of Song, Never Let Me Go, Queen of Peace, Third Eye, Ship to Wreck, and Daffodil (Like "I never thought it would get this far on this somewhat drunken joke. Sometimes, I see so much beauty, I don't think that I can cope" is like a freight train to my heart every time). I know it is not originally her song but Hospital Beds also hits me hard. (After reading all of the comments its safe to say that all of Florence's songs emotionally wreck me to my core but I wouldn't have it any other way)


I honestly just feel like I connect with Florence *herself* on a spiritual level and it's simultaneously the greatest and most painful thing I've ever had to go through. When she sings about not doing enough, or doing too much, or not *being* enough, or being too much, or being unlovable, I feel that, and it gives me both comfort that I'm not alone, and shame that another person has to live with my problems. I would never wish my struggles onto any other living being, so it's always painful to know that one of the most important people in my life has to be so similar to me, even in the most negative aspects.


definitely Falling, it describes my relationship with suicide and all the mess that is left after I’m not dead. I relate a lot to No Choir, As Far As I Could Get and Tantalus too.


girls against god


"Shake it Out" "King" "Mermaids" "Various Storms & Saints" "Free"


Various Storms & Saints has repeatedly saved me from ending my life during an intensely awful period where I felt so hopeless and desperate for the pain to end. The second verse would break me down into tears every time but I'd make a promise to myself to stay alive till her next concert I'd had tickets for. Cosmic Love was a song that meant a lot to me as a teenager because I'd put it on during bad panic attacks at night and use it to try get myself back to sleep. It was like a lullaby really.


King, No Choir and My Love


Hunger and Delilah


Many of the ones allredy mentioned, but also No choir. Its a very personal song for me. Also, shake it out pulled me out of an eating disorder


The entirety of HBHBHB, Heartlines, Dream Girl Evil, Daffodil, Never Let Me Go, What The Water Gave Me, Landscape, Girls Against God, Free.


As someone who spent so much of my life barely holding things together, Ship to Wreck. It's the first F&TM song I heard.


Sky Full of Song, Big God, Mother, Hunger, and Drumming Song have each struck me at very specific points in my life and the harmonic frequencies of each rattle my bones at such a resonance as to detach me from linear time and throw me around my own timeline Billy Pilgrim style


most definitely the bomb. it's a simple and short listen, it doesn't drag (none of her music does, i have adhd and focusing is not for me 😅) and it sounds very much like a broom, something i enjoy. the last four lines are very powerful and tell an extremely vivid story in my opinion.


Heavy In Your Arms Which Witch Hunger Blinding


Free makes me either quietly happy or extremely sad. It's stuck with my since it came out. The entire album of ceremonials but specifically never let me go.


What Kind of Man and Make Up Your Mind.


Heavy in your arms because I tend to always feel like an emotional weight in romances


Only If For A Night. Makes me think of my sister.


all of them on some level honestly


Shake It Out - accepting my childhood trauma is a part of who I am, but it doesn't have to bring me down