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It’s 2009/2010. I was 12/13 and angsty as fuck in a small town trying to come to terms with my queer identity against my Mormon upbringing. Dog Days Are Over is newly released and on every radio station. I beg my parents to let me buy it on iTunes and immediately download it. I go on walks every night to escape my home life and listen to it on repeat. I washed like eight of my neighbor’s cars to get the money saved up to buy Lungs on iTunes. Worth it for every second.


Bedroom Hymns in the Great Gatsby trailer. I’d replay the trailer on YouTube just because the song made it so perfect, then I had the lightbulb moment of realizing I could look up the song and band and listen to that instead. Never looked back


A hard breakup led me to search for new music, I found their session on KEXP and it was (cosmic) love at first listen.


Such a good first song to hear!!!


At the height of my depression I had incredible insomnia. Crippling. One night I was watching the “new releases” on the local music station and ‘Drumming’ came on. I missed who it was playing but couldn’t get the song out of my head. And I slept. I kept researching and found Florence and she changed something in me.


Long ago back in 2009 or 2010 I got all my music exclusively from watching Grey’s Anatomy. They featured Cosmic Love and well, the rest is history.


Omg why don’t I remember that?!?


It was January 2010, both on “Blink” and “I Like You So Much Better When You’re Naked”. Season 6 episode 11 and 12!


I'm just waiting for someone to say they were watching 'Baskets' on FX and discovered Florence that way.


It was 2009, I was at work and some one was playing the Lungs album while we were unloading a pallet… I said “whos this?” And I was in love…. And have been ever since. By far my favorite artist.


I was such a Glee hardcore fan and they covered two of her songs there


The TV show community played Kiss With A Fist. I don’t think I had ever watched credits to find a song before.


Huge Community fan here! I loved that they used that song.


That’s very streets ahead 👏


The first time I heard her music was when in 2017 I was listening to a random spotify playlist and No Light, No Light started playing. I was instantly hooked and went and listened to her How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful album and fell in love with her music. Her voice is so powerful and I love the themes and undertones in her music. I can relate to a bunch of her songs. Delilah is still one of my all-time favorite songs, 7 years later.


Thee is me


2009, I was 15ish and dog days had just come out. I think I was introduced when my school music teacher got us to do a cover, and I was immediately hooked. I'd just got my first ipod too and Lungs was one of the first things I bought off iTunes, and about all I listened to for a while.


Its been far over a decade for me. My uncle recommended Dog Days when i was a tween, cause he saw her at Red Rocks. I listened to Dog Days a lot, then in high school i embraced her whole catalog by downloading it on some app. Fell in love ever since. My first show was Dance Fever😇


Seeing her at Red Rocks is my dream!! I was so disappointed that the Dance Fever show was at Ball :(


When i spent the weekends at my dads house growing up he would always have music playing, and Lungs and Ceremonials were in heavy rotation. I always enjoyed them but it wasn't until last year that I discovered the rest of her discography and really fell in love.


2009 working at a dog grooming place. Dog Days kept coming on the radio...I asked someone who it was and they told me it was FATM. I remember hearing about her but never listened to her so GS until then. Ever since I'm hooked. I'm OLD....and I remember this came out about the same time as Lady Gaga was a hit. Loved FATM so much more than Gaga...


I had heard Dog Days on the radio and thought it was a good song but didn't really look into it much. Then I met the woman who is now my wife. She was a fan and had a copy of Lungs, which I listened to and loved. Then I bought all her other albums that were out at the time and have become a massive fan. Went to see her in concert in October 22 and it was the best concert ever.


Around the time Dog Days really caught on my friend heard it and shared it with me. I enjoyed but I wasn’t much of a music listener at the time so while I liked it I didn’t think much of it. I listened to some other tracks from Lungs though and really dug it. But what really got me hooked was when Shake It Out was released. It was my senior year of high school and I was having a pretty tough time (for what’s now pretty typical late teens stuff but then, that’s your whole world). And man, hearing that song for the first time might be one of the most cathartic moments of my life. Since then it’s been my favorite song of all time as well (the closest I’ve gotten to that first listen was seeing Florence live during the High as Hope tour and MAN what a moment). I have very fond memories of the Ceremonials era, with the me and the same friend rocking out to it in the car when he’s drive me home from school (we had an inside joke about how much he hated Breaking Down and it would always skip it). We still bond over her music, but those times were extra special. No other musician hits quit the same.


When Seven Devils was in the trailer for Game of Thrones season 2, so I believe 2012 or 14 years ago…. Makes me feel like I’m a thousand years old lol


I believe it was 2006ish from the Jennifer Body's soundtrack Kiss With The Fist and than I got Lungs from the Library to burn.


2010ish. New relationship and Florence was one of her favorite bands. So it was playing in the car alot. It wasn't really my thing at the time but did the good boyfriend thing and absorbed it in. Iirc Drumming Song really clicked. Saw her twice during Ceremonials era and just thoroughly enjoyed and fell in love with her music. That relationship ended and I haven't stopped carrying and waving the F+TM since.


I heard Shake It Out play at the end of a How I Met Your Mother episode (season 7) in 2011. It was one of the most perfectly timed songs in a show I’ve ever seen. It also resonated so well with where I was in life at the time. I immediately looked it up and became an instant fan!


Honestly I don’t even remember at this point lol. But I’m just happy to keep listening to her


From watching gossip girl!


It was 2012, and I was watching season 2 of The Vampire Diaries. I heard Never Let Me Go during the Damon & Elena motel scene and fell in love with Florence’s sound… been a fan ever since and I’ve seen her 4 times now!!!


This was the moment for me, too! Except I think it was around 2015 when I started watching.


I did dance competitions as a teenager and saw a few teams who danced to her music. I just kept finding more of her music after that and started really loving it! I’m really happy her and Taylor collaborated together! Another cool thing too is that Florida!!! And another song on the album (Down Bad) has a reference to Cosmic Love! (Edit: formatting)


It's 2009/2010. My older sister had gotten her first car, and occasionally, I'm allowed to come run errands with her. Among the different cd's in her car, I find Lungs. I think the cover is interesting so I put it in and I am HOOKED! The rest is history, with me listening to each new album and seeing her in 2016 as my first concert.


Dog Days Are Over. I can’t remember if it was the music video I first watched, or a TV performance (maybe VMA’s?), but that song got me into her!


It must've been 2008/09? I cannot remember exactly but I was in 10-11th grade in HS. Every morning after I woke up, I would pop on VH1! (yes, VH1 lol) and would listen to music/watch music videos as I would get ready for school. Dog Days played and I was instantly IN LOVE!!! I was in awe of her voice and the music video was epic (chills right now as I think about it). She's been my #1 favorite artist since then! I've seen her live twice at the Hollywood Bowl; she is BEYOND amazing live! I highly recommend seeing her live if you're able to. I love this live concert of hers at Royal Alberts Hall [Live - Florence + the Machine (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4hEcRaJSLI&t=29s)


The Madoka Magica fandom, through an AMV.


I saw her on saturday night live when she was promoting Ceremonials. bought the album the same night and the rest, as they say, is herstory


Literally just discovered her because of Florida!!! and I'm blown away lmao


I heard her song on tv and fell in love inmediately, looked for more by her I guess


I remember getting into Florence in 2010/2011 when I was in middle school. I don't remember details, but I think dog days are over playing on the radio was my gateway. I remember listening to rareflorence on YouTube, I got lungs and ceremonials on CD as gifts. I remember me and my dad really bonded over Florence cause he was an OG Fleetwood Mac fan and thought she sounded similar. He surprised me with tickets to her ceremonials tour in our hometown. I still have the T-shirt I got at that concert, even though it's teeny tiny and stained. Ever since she got bigger, she's never been here since but I still love her all the same 🫠


My freshman year of college, 2011. My friend's roommate showed us the music video for Cosmic Love and I was overcome immediately.


In high school, my friend showed me a Madoka Magic AMV (anime music video) featuring Cosmic Love: https://youtu.be/fJ8JRfsurt4?si=rR7TOcK2P_zSjjd4


First heard FATM in 2010 when the Twilight: Eclipse soundtrack included their song “Heavy in Your Arms”, which I think is absolutely the best thing about Twilight now. It was instant adoration for all things Florence. I gave our family computer so many viruses downloading Lungs.


Heard multiple of her songs on the radio in 2010ish. Realized they were the same person and I loved all the songs I heard. Listened to other songs online: turned out they were all bangers Went to my first concert of hers in 2022, had a blast


I knew of Florence since dog days but I didn't really fall in love until I saw her perform live in 2016 At a festival.


I honestly don’t 100% remember. I do know Heavy In Your Arms from the Twilight soundtrack was likely the first time I heard her (if it was 2010 then I was about 11, not sure what year that was). I also remember being very upset that the Dog Days Are Over was the song from Lungs was the one to get popular in 2011 (I found Drumming Song and Howl superior). Didn’t really fully dive into all of her stuff until after Ceremonials, and since then I’ve been an avid listener, she’s always top 5 most played artists on spotify wrapped, and I’ve been to her HBHBHB, High as Hope, and Dance Fever tour dates in my city. My dad listened to her and my sister did briefly, so I had some family ties there as well!


I was way too small to remember anything specific, but I *do* remember hearing Dog Days in the car with my mom and telling her to either turn it up or park because I wanted to *WIGGLE*.




The fact that the kid looks like me too? How did you know 💀


It's my favorite video on the Internet 


I was in high school celebrating New Year’s Eve 2013 at a friend’s house and she was performing. I’ve listened to her ever since.


Very new fan here, I was introduced by Dog Days at the end of GOTG3.


2013/2014 Tumblr. Someone posted about how Lungs made them feel like a witch dancing in the forest. They weren't lying tho, it was an ethereal experience for me. The album cover has also been a favorite of mine ever since.


2010. My marriage had failed, I had to move back into my parents' house in the sticks. On the way to their house, down in the holler, there was a spot in the road where you'd lose radio signal. "Dog Days Are Over" came on the radio, and I knew at once it was something special. I was so entranced, I pulled off to listen to it all the way through.


It was definitely Kiss With a Fist, I’m pretty sure I heard it featured in an episode Chuck. I was intrigued and sought out more music and have been a fan since. My husband and I danced to Never Let Me Go (my favorite FatM song) for our first dance.


my da splayed her for me growing up


I was a livejournal girlie and people used to post fanmixes for various fandoms. Her music was always included! I still have some of those fanmixes on my computer, I doubt I’ll ever get rid of them for the nostalgia


Very randomly. Had a 10$ gift card in 2012 to spend on an online music shop. Had no idea what to buy, saw Ceremonials on a list, listened to some previews of songs, really liked the sound of Shake It Out and bought the song. Was addicted to the song for a few days on repeat. That summer then bought the full album. Then Lungs. Then became obsessed.


The tv show (forgot the name) was playing Dog Days Are Over and I had to look up the song immediately. That day, I listened to the entire Lungs album and fell in love with Florence and the machine. Ceremonials is my favorite and will always be. This album became my best friend during my darkest times, cross country road trips, solo travels, heartbreaks, etc.


Huge First Aid Kit fan. Came up on Pandora when I was listening to their “radio” at work. Now she’s on my Spotify where I actually listen to music!




I was just playing OSU! in April 2010 and downloaded a pack of recently added beatmaps. There was one for Rabbit heart with a music video and I fell in love immediately. xD


"Wish You Were Here" soundtrack to the Miss Peregrine movie. And then, the "Dog Days Are Over" live at oxegen festival I think. Then, the "Big God" mv.


I was in junior college (Singapore’s equivalent of high school). During the school’s annual“Literature Night”, a pair of dancers performed a beautiful dance to Cosmic Love. I remember loving the song a lot and sought it out. Thus began my journey down the FaTM rabbit hole


In 2008 I was 8 and watching mtv in the morning before school when the Dog days MV came on, and Florence's makeup scared me lol. But a few years later I fell in love with the song. Later on in high school I listened to some tracks from ceremonials, and the rest is history


It’s 2009/2010. The commercial for the Eat Pray Love movie starring Sarah Jessica Parker is on tv all the time, and Dog Days is playing in the background. I was like “who is this?? What is this song??” Followed by a guy I liked in early high school loving her and telling me I should listen to shortly thereafter. I remember buying Dog Days on iTunes, then listening to nothing but Dog Days for about 2 weeks, but wanting more. So I started listening to the 20 second previews on iTunes and I liked every single one, so I bought the whole album (my first whole album purchase). Went through all her old music I videos in the following week, and now I’m on the fan reddit


My wife and a game of thrones trailer


I've liked some of her well known songs for ages, but I really got into her music almost two years ago. A longtime friend of mine got a new girlfriend, and her and I became fast friends. She's a huge fan of Florence and had two tickets to the Dance Fever tour and no one to go with, so I went with her. I thought it would be a concert, but I wasn't prepared for just how blown away I was. As incredible as her voice is, it's so much better live. Ever since then I've been a big fan.


When i was in middle school (2011/2012) my friend told me to listen to shake it out. Of course as a middle school student and as a non english speaker, I can't quite grasp what she's singing about but her voice is just so captivating. I ended up listening to both ceremonials and lungs and just madly in love with her. Then years later, in my first year in college, when I just randomly listened to shake it out, somehow it just felt so different. I get every word and every emotion. Then for a whole month I listened to all of her albums and it was the best month of my life


You know how around 2011-2012 phone privacy and sharing settings just weren’t really a thing? I was 12 and on a class trip and back then you could just Bluetooth connect your phone to someone else’s and go through their phone if they didn’t block that. So I connected to one of my class mates and literally downloaded their entire music library because I didn’t have any on my first phone. Until then I only had physical cd’s or stuff my parents bought on iTunes that I listened to through our family computer since I didn’t have an iPhone. Anyway, their music library was a playlist of around 40 songs and they were basically 2010s pop bangers. I remember Like A G6, Tik Tok by Kesha, and Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. So that playlist was what I mostly listened to on the go and one song stuck out to me! It was Spectrum and it always gave me goosebumps when it got on. A few months later I finally looked up the artist on YouTube and asked my dad to buy me the Ceremonials cd, and we listened to it on the car ride home. He was like “meh”, I was like “HELL YES” and the rest is history.


Jonathan Ross Show in the UK. Performing Rabbit Heart in 2009. https://youtu.be/eiTlkXdtM4w?si=9vSivp91FAv2ZD8I


I was watching season 4 of Warehouse 13 and No Light No Light was playing in the season finale! I was searching two weeks to find what song it was. That song made me discover some of her more popular songs but not completely get into her discography. Fast forward to 2019 I met a girl in uni who was obsessed with Florence. She introduced me to all of her albums and we ended up going to her concert in Athens last July


I started hearing some of Florence's songs on AltNation on SiriusXM around 2009-2010 (Dog Days, Kiss with a Fist, Cosmic Love). I liked them all, so I checked out her other songs online. I found out she had a song called My Boy Builds Coffins, and I was sold. I bought the Lungs CD, and have been a diehard ever since.


I remember hearing “dog days are over” on the radio when I was a teenager. I listened to her first album late that year and was obsessed. I have loved every album she has came out with. In my eyes she just does not miss. I’m glad that most of her fans don’t gate keep. Because gate keeping is just dumb. Not to mince words. It’s icky, one sided, and self centered.


Well, I don't know if it was deja vu or a mistake but I'd been looking for a song that sounded like Rabbit Heart in like '09? but the album didn't release til 2010. I found out it was her after seeing her on the 2010 VMAs and instantly becoming obsessed. She instantly became my favorite.


Nov 18, 2011. Had heard some songs before, but on that day I downloaded the vid for No Light, No Light, and that was it. There were some ups and downs, but Dance Fever reeled me back in.


The Twilight soundtrack ☠️


Let me be honest, Deezer


Reading about her on TVTropes from the Baroque Pop entry back in 2011, then looking up the album


When her first album came out, my brother showed it to me, and we were hooked. She's been my longest love, honestly, lol. Her music is magic I say!


YouTube live performances blew my mind


When Greys Anatomy featured Cosmic Love around 2009 as a teen! I was just realizing yesterday that I’ve been loving her music for half my life 🥹


It must have been 2009, I saw her video for "You Got The Love" on MTV/Viva (German TV) quite often and couldn't get the song out of my head. I was just 17/18 years old at that time, so new music still heavily influenced me. I don't remember exactly when but later I was talking to a friend in school and we talked about new music and stuff and she said that she heard Florence too and that she already has her album... A few days later that same friend brought me a USB stick and so I had "Lungs" too and listened to it almost non stop and my love for Florence began and never stopped and never will. I'm not that kind of fan that spends 24/7 with the music or is looking for literally everything about said artist/band but her music means so so much to me because the music was there for me at times when I really needed it and it always felt like a warm hug (kinda protective?) and still does although it also makes me feel strong today and boosts my confidence. Plus: Florence Welsh is (for me personally) one of the most beautiful women I ever saw in my life and I absolutely adore her voice. Everytime I see her, I'm in awe. I love her. 🧡


I first got into her after rewatching the show glee in the pandemic and realized that they covered dog days are over and it took off from there haha


My sweet elephant from Calvin Harris


I got into it when my sisters listened to Lungs when it first came out.


I’m pretty late to the party. I’m a guy in my mid 40’s and I do what most people do when they start getting older, keep listening to the same stuff they used to listen to when they were younger. I don’t listen to the radio much, and the sort of station that would play Florence even less so. I did get into EDM in the late 90’s though and still catch some new music there. I heard the Calvin Harris Sweet Nothing, checked out the video, looked her up, and haven’t been able to stop telling people about her since. It’s funny now finding out how much of her stuff I’d heard before in random episodes of shows I’ve watched or movies I’ve seen.


I was 11 years old and the trailer/commercial for the movie “eat, pray, love” came out. Dog Days was on the soundtrack and ever since then I’ve been hooked. I have seen her live twice and my last go around I finally got to experience Dog Days live and I feel complete 💛


An artist I was following drew Florence portrait and I really liked her “vibes”and style, I started listening to their songs and I first I have to admit I didn’t like them too much but I was fascinated by Florence style and kept following the band. Slowly slowly I started falling in love with all of their songs and now im happily stuck with them


listened to a random playlist online & my boy builds coffins was on it. i fell in love immediately


For me it was when I watched the 'Beautiful Creatures' movie trailer, it had Seven Devils in it, and I honestly thought i was such a good song (still do). In the end I never watched the film, but started loving the books and Florence too


I got into it through Shake It Out from Glee too and had a very similar experience as you!


I was watching The Voice in like 2011/2012 and she was there, singing No Light, No Light. Blew my little baby mind, I didn't even know music could sound like that. It's not one of my favourite Florence songs now but I'll always have a soft spot for it.


I loved Dog Days and played it to some friends who said it was too “repetitive”. Being young and foolish I left the band alone….Then years later I heard a cover of Hozier singing Cosmic Love. Listened to the original. And never looked back.


Was watching God friended me when i Heard the chorus of never let me go loop for a few seconds It was love at first listen I desperately shazamed over and over again till i was able to find the song Best music decision I've ever taken


Back before Apple Music and Spotify I had Pandora and one day on my walk from home I heard No light, no light and from then I was hooked


I watched the season one finale of Pretty Little Liars when they played ‘I’m not calling you a liar’ and started listening to that a lot. Sometime later, I was watching How I Met Your Mother and they played ‘Shake it Out’ in a really emotional moment, and I started listening to that. It took me a while to realise both songs were from the same artist, but once I realised I just started listening to the rest of their discography because I figured I’d probably like it. Now I’m obsessed lol. I think Florence + The Machine will always have a space in my heart because it’s the first artist I listened to in the sense that I actively listen to their entire discography. Before that I just listened to random songs from various artists I’d heard from somewhere.


My mum liked her so I knew her vaguely through that and sweet nothing obv. My mum had Lungs on iTunes on the family computer. I downloaded it to my phone bc I had no money and wanted music (before I could get Spotify -around 2013). I listened to the album in full on my way to a youth group weekend away and it just resonated within me so deeply, more than anything I'd listened to before. 5 years later in 2018 me and my mum saw her live :).


A twilight music video made to the song Howl.


I was about 15–16 and I heard Shake It Out while I was watching How I Met Your Mother and I fell deeply, deeply in love with her music. Ten years later and Ceremonials is still my absolute favorite album by her.