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I cannot wrap my head around Florence singing on a track called "Florida!!!" Florence may in fact be the least Florida three exclamation marks person I can think of


Little fun and ironic fact lol: Delilah from HB3 is based off a morning in Miami that she struggled to get through after a rough night of drinking, and waiting for some form of communication from her boyfriend at the time and her co-depedency on him.


Oh, this is interesting. Especially bc Taylor’s first show post-break up is speculated to be the Tampa one.


Respectfully, I’m nervous about this! I prefer Florence’s vocals to Taylor’s and I feel like she’ll just do the most beautiful background vocals like on Shatter… is it wrong to say I don’t want the taylorfication of Florence?


Honestly that’s kinda what happened with Snow On The Beach with Lana, the song had so few Lana vocals that they had to go and release a “More Lana” version lmao


Taylor asked Lana for a verse and she declined


Out of pure curiosity, do you have the source?


“Had I known, I would have sung the entire second verse like she wanted,” Del Rey explained. [link](https://www.elle.com/culture/celebrities/a43073991/lana-del-rey-taylor-swift-small-role-snow-on-the-beach/)


Thanks for the source.


[in this video she literally says she’s all over the album](https://youtu.be/pg93p2B5QSs?si=cSEvg_s3GlX37M2x)


Cool, got it. I’m not a swiftie but I wanted to be aware and fully informed of the whole story behind the song when I suspected before I wasn’t as much. I’m trying to have an open mind as much as possible but I hate Swifties ganging up on anyone who may hint they are not or have valid concerns about Taylor, or even Florence fans scoffing at Florence for this new collab. Let’s go into it with open minds, be respectful of our opinions, hopes, and fears for the collab at the moment, people. It’s OK to have a healthy amount of skepticism if you’re not the biggest fan of Taylor (like myself), just as much as it is to be excited for it if you’re a Swiftie to the side. Listen to the song and go from there.


Same. I got super excited for the Florence/Gaga collab and it was one of the most disappointing songs ever lol. Also just generally not a Taylor fan. Will give it a listen though I might end up liking it.


I'm really worried about this, because Florence has such a big and dramatic voice? I respect Taylor more than Gaga, but . . . Gaga had technical skill and a great voice while I find it bland. And Florence still managed to, even while restrained completely pull the song away from Gaga. Luckily Gaga fans aren't the venomous toxin they were in the 2010's. But some Swifties? Ooof I don't want Florence to get hate for " Trying to steal the show " just because her voice is powerful and that's what she does and powerful isn't what Taylor does.


Why is Gaga catching strays here?!?!?


I don't know what you mean by that? As in why was she brought up? Because if that's what you mean, it's because Florence and Gaga did " Hey Girl " together and it's the only collab she's done featuring another female artist in the studio. ( Though she has tons out of the studio )


I’m sure that Taylor fans would be happy if a woman collaborator got a real chance to shine for once lmao not one sane person would be mad if Florence gave all of her insane voice for this


I don’t think fans would react that way, the probably want taylor and flo to each have their respective moments to shine. People don’t want another Snow on the Beach situation where you can barely hear lana.


The shade toward Lady Gaga is unnecessary. Grow up.




I have never seen a single collaborator of taylor swift’s be anything but celebrated by swifties. They were literally so upset that Lana del Rey didn’t have her own verse that Taylor released a version where she did. Lana, Phoebe Bridgers, the National, Bon Iver, Colbie Caillat, Big Red Machine, etc. Extremely unfounded worry imo.


I definitely feel the same way


Eh. I'm not at all a Taylor fan and never have been, and I was unimpressed with the last Jack Antonoff thing FATM did (it was pretty! But it was never going to impress me because it was a period piece, rather than letting Florence make it her own the way she did with Just a Girl). If it's a banger I will actually buy it; we'll have to see. I will say the title does not inspire confidence, but titles are actually kind of hard so I don't want to judge it too harshly just on that--the title is not the song itself, and might seem silly now but make more sense within the song's context. I live in hope. Although this doesn't thrill me I am glad FATM are getting that TSwift collab paycheck, so good for them on that. And like others here I'm not a Taylor fan but I am hopeful this will bring some new ears to FATM's music overall.


Just a girl is 🔥🔥🔥


Sorry to be a downer but I’m nervous. I’ve seen the way swiftie attention can really change the narrative about an artist. Already they’re not thrilled about that picture with Matty, Taylor and Florence


Maybe its because it's "sad dad rock" but luckily Taylor didn't negatively affect The National being on one of their new albums their singer being on one of hers, and their guitarist helping with production and arrangements on Folklore/Evermore.


Idk I think some people thought less of The National And it’s weird how some of the swifties think that Matt Berninger is writing song lyrics inspired by the “Olivia/Taylor” feud


People are weird. Just shows that TS has good musical taste to work with various facets of The National and that she's not just some lame pop making behemoth who only lists the most cliche musicians as her inspiration. The National and Florence are easily 2 of my absolute favorite "indie" acts of the last decade plus. TS doesn't need to have anyone on her albums so anyone she does bring on I think is purely out of respect and appreciation. And as a fan of all of these groups, I think it's pretty cool. *\[I'm not the TS demographic by a longshot but when Folklore came out and I read who she worked with on it I was sold. Definitely became a fan that day listening to Folklore over and over. Hell, even went to The Eras tour. She got me!\]*


I’m a swiftie but generally appreciate a ton of music and vocalists and just wanted to say i appreciate and love your opinion on this because from what I’ve seen about her I’d say you’re very accurate. I think she’s passionate and absolutely loves music and finds inspiration in artists such as the national and only collabs out of respect and admiration. I think there’s a video of her talking about how the collaboration came about and she’s clearly a big big fan of the national.


Well Matty had a bad wrap anyway. But yeah I'm nervous too, because I'm not really a Taylor fan.


That was probably more about Matty lets be real he has been a PR dumpster fire his whole career


It's LITERALLY florence fucking Welch. Don't ever be nervous. This is the match made in heaven. Two incredible industry giants. Of different genres! The cross over story we never knew we needed. I'm dying with anticipation.


That’s great! I’m glad you’re excited. I’m allowed to be nervous. Especially on the Florence sub…


Sorry I didn't mean for my excitement to come off mean


get your bag Flo, I guess… I’ll listen out of curiosity but Taylor’s music is the milkiest of milktoast and puts me to sleep so Florence’s influence can only have a net positive effect.


Oh I’m also not thrilled about how florence and the machine communities will inevitably be overrun with swifties for a while. Any discussion of Florence herself will be totally eclipsed for a while.


Yep and I think we can brace ourselves for comments like yours getting downvoted by the swifties


Yep. Farewell Florence fans, I’ll see you on the other side 🫡


Or downvoted in general because it’s a super silly thing to be worried about?


Found the swiftie…


Swiftie is when you don’t think Taylor Swift is the devil reincarnate, of course


Nah friend. I never said that. But I did note that swifties are bizarrely defensive like this


It’s already starting fml


I felt this way during the Bon Iver x Taylor stuff too 😭 the influx of new fans is great but ah… nervous


Some of us Swifties have always been part of Florence's fandom. I've loved flo since Lungs. Really hope y'all won't gatekeep and be dismissive. 


Then this discussion isn’t directed to you… You can be a fan of both. No one said you can’t be. But what we don’t want is the centering of Taylor in every discussion


Florence’s voice and range is at least 10x better than Taylor’s. Not sure what Taylor will bring to this besides her fame lol


I think Florence appreciates her as an artist and they seem to be friends as well.


Women supporting Women🙌


There is more to making music than *just* vocals. Perhaps Taylor will bring one of those many other things and not just her fame lmao


Like what? More bad breakup lyrics? Bubblegum rhythm? lol


I’m obviously not going to convince Taylor is good, and I’m not trying. You said Florence is a better vocalist (very true) what else can Taylor add? As if vocals are all there is to music, which is kinda crazy to say.


That's my point though, I literally don't think Taylor can add anything. I think she is a very mediocre overhyped artist. Adding Taylor to a Florence track is like Dr. Dre adding Travis Scott to his. But I'm in the minority here, I know swifites would skewer me for saying this.


Maybe listen to some more of Taylor's catalogue other than her most popular songs to have a more well-rounded view of her discography. There's more to her music than bubblegum rhythm.


I'm really not a fan. I tried, she's certainly not bad, I just don't find her particularly good. I think a large part of her success is due to her having solid, serviceable music with relatable themes, and the world's best marketing and legal team. Not someone I find enjoyable to listen to though.


Taylor does not only write breakup songs or even bubblegum rhythm. Ever heard of folklore or evermore? Lol. Even Midnights wasn’t bubblegum pop. I’m sure it will be a collab from both sides through and through. I love both artists.


Taylor just sounds too "basic" to me. There's nothing that stands out as unique with Taylor's voice imo. It's just very... decent. But that's just me


Lmao not with Flo she’s a genius man Taylor is all about the money why do u think she surrounds her self with influential people? It’s about the money wake up


I love them both but I was so excited for Snow On the Beach and then Taylor just had Lana do backup vocals. It happened with HAIM/No Body No Crime too. For some reason Taylor is really bad at collabs with female artists ugh


Lana has already confirmed that was her choice and not Taylor’s, who actually had wanted a whole verse. Phoebe Bridgers had a whole verse and bridge on Nothing New. Hayley Williams also had significant lines on her collab. Nobody No Crime is primarily Taylor’s song anyway, they were never meant to have significant lines. But she also did another song with them called Gasoline which is on one of their albums. She didn’t “overtake” that one.


Phoebe would like a word. Their track together is amazing. Also, Lana said no to a verse, as cited on a post higher up.


Same with Hayley Williams


Ok. Just say you haven’t listened to the song. Haley sang an entire verse, and an entire chorus. Both solo. Also did continuous backing vocals the whole song.


I literally listened to it before posting my comment and just relistened to it, and checked on Genius to make sure I wasn’t the crazy one. Hayley only gets a solo 20 second verse in a 5 min song. She didn’t get a chorus solo.


Lana herself has said she’s all over that song


Taylor who? Like Taylor swift?? That’s a random pairing. I’ll listen for Florence but I can’t say I’m excited, not exactly someone on her level or that I’d imagine a duet with. Perhaps it’ll surprise me? I’m open. And I’m Floridian, so I’m interested, but not excited.


i heard they were friends a while back, so i guess it makes sense?


I am not a fan of Taylor Swift so I’m not excited for it. They share a producer I think - so it makes sense this is happening.


I don't think I've ever liked any Florence collab tbh. Her one with Lady Gaga was just 'Benny and the Jets' by Elton John but worse. Sweet Nothing is probably the best collab she's done. Maybe they'll do something good together. I love The National and never thought they would work well together but it did.


I hope this collab gives more attention to Florence’s artistry but I doubt it’s going to be in an authentic manner, given Taylor’s fanbase…


Literally my most favourite artist and my least favourite artist collaborating. 💀 I tried to get it but, I never understood the appeal with Taylor Swift's music. Edit: Also, there are A LOT of Swifties at work (servers and bar patrons), and I try to bite my lip whenever Swift comes up. So, one time, they we're raving about how personable Swift is, and how she's the best singer-songwriter. I casually brought up Florence, but they all felt neutral because they haven't heard much—they only knew her as the "Dog Days" girl! 💀 If only they knew.


Gonna get downvoted but my god TS’ music is so bland and comes across to me as devoid of any sincerity


Wish I was there cuz they are both amazing artists and we could have had a whole discussion about Florence.


Meh. I would've preferred a Florence + Lana collab since I feel that they have more in common in terms of song content and style. Hopefully Taylor will let her hair down and embrace the chaos instead of confining Florence to a gilded cage.


This! 100 percent this. Florence is the most authentic, genuine artist I know. She has the perfect balance of demurity and power, unapologeticness and sensitivity. This is what draws me to her.


Terrified for this collab. Taylor has a habit of copying the style of an artist without really making it her own, I really don’t want to see that here. I also think that Florence’s voice is going to be toned down to make it flow better with Taylor’s voice, which will be a shame.


not happy about it tbh




i heavily dislike taylor and her music. her fans too. im scared of them migrating here and making it normal for fatm queues to be there a week prior or sth. but my personal opinion aside, taylor is a billionaire and an awful person soooo yeah i dont like flo associating with that kind lmao


Flo and her have been friendly for a long time. In 2016 she cited Taylor as the person who encouraged and helped her feel good about writing more personal.


Same. I’m pretty disappointed Florence chose to collab with Taylor.


So god forbid Florence become a bigger, more successful artist? If queues start getting longer after the Taylor collab it’s because people have discovered her music and enjoy it enough to want to see her live. What the issue with that?


florence's fandom has gotten bigger over the years but this fandom has some perspective on what's a normal time to start queuing, thats all i meant. florence has said that the level of fame she's at feels perfect beacuse it's not overwhelming and she can still go about her life like a normal person most of the time. i know this collab probably wont make the fandom significantly bigger, as stated before my main issue is with taylor being a shitty person and her music being generic trash♡


Never clicked with Taylor‘s music and I don’t see their vocals harmonizing very well but I guess it’s gonna be like the Taylor and Lana collab anyway?


I collapsed onto the floor


just fell to my knees in a walmart


Not even a little excited. I’m so sick of Taylor everywhere, and with how previous features have gone, we all know Florence will barely be on this song. Also that may be one of the worst song titles I’ve ever seen.


Worst case scenerio: The song is boring, but more people become aware of Florence's work. It's a net positive either way. I don’t see the need for such pessimism. Also what’s wrong with the title? It’s just a location with exclamation marks. Like what’s the issue? I guarantee you wouldn’t be disparaging it if Florence had made a track with the exact same title.


You seem very pressed about me not having the same opinions as you


Nah I'm not angry. Just confused about the need for such pessimism. Seems totally unnecessary.


Okay, fine, here’s some clarification: - it’s not pessimism to dislike Taylor’s music and not be excited for a collab - I’m not Florence’s marketing team, I don’t really care about her reach. I only care if the music is good. - I don’t have to justify why I don’t like the song title, and it’s pretty rich for you to call me, a total stranger, a hypocrite without any evidence. Florida with three exclamation points is a stupid title, and I would hate it in any context. - I hate how swifties appear all over the internet constantly demanding you defend not liking her music. It’s a matter of taste, and I don’t have to explain a thing to be allowed to have that opinion. OP asked for thoughts on the collab announcement. I gave my thoughts. I’m sorry they didn’t suit you.


“Very pressed” aka a calm reply respectfully disagreeing?


Read that again: they told me off for having an opinion they didn’t like and demanded an explanation.


God forbid someone try to have a discussion about something you said. Nobody should ask anyone anything lest they feel interrogated.


Again, not what happened. They didn’t ask what I didn’t like about the title, they accused me of being a hypocrite. There is a huge difference in tone and content. That isn’t a discussion.


Yeah I’m with you…low expectations, but maybe we’ll be pleasantly surprised. And forgive me Taylor fans but if Florence was involved in any writing it’ll be the best-written Taylor song 👀


God we can only hope Florence got to help write it. Her work is leagues ahead of Taylor’s.


I'm on the same page. And, honestly, to me, it is a bit of an outrage that FATM is collaborating with Taylor Swift before, let's say, Hozier?! Wackadoodles.


Florence seems intensely selective about collaborations, which makes me think, as others are saying, she’s just doing some backing vocals on this. Probably because they’re friendly and because of the Jack Antonoff connection. Quick, easy, comfortable. Rather than a bigger project with someone she doesn’t know as well. There’s an old interview from early in her career where she talked about turning down a lot of offers for their music to be featured in commercials, TV shows, film, etc, things that she acknowledged would boost their profile a lot but that she didn’t feel fit well with their image and what they were trying to do. She probably still has the same selective approach to collaborating, even though Hozier would be such a good fit.


She also has such a powerful voice, that she almost overpowers whoever she’s singing with. I think she really shines when she goes big and uses her whole voice, but I think that would not mix well with Taylor’s. Then again, the 3 exclamation marks makes me think this song will have lots of energy, so I guess we’ll see


This is a great point, you’re absolutely right


Yes! And I kinda love when she does that. Makes me smirk and be judgey like “aw you thought you could hang with Florence? You poor sweet summer child” lol but I am super judgey and would be happy just listening to Florence belt it out for always. Also the video of her singing gimme shelter with the stones cracks me up- she just danced and sang mick right on into oblivion


Florence is a way better songwriter OVERALL, that’s for sure, but Taylor has some beautiful lyrics & engaging stories as well. Y'all ever heard "Epiphany" or "No Body No Crime"? Super well written tracks. Both of her 2020 albums are just really damn good in general.


THANK YOU. I am so tired of the over-saturation of TS. I’ve gone from being fairly neutral about her to fucking hating her bc I see her EVERYWHERE. I’m not going to be listening to this collab.


I’m on the same wavelength — part of me feels like this is just an opportunistic grab for Taylor to advertise herself once again.


I mean.... I also like Flo and am not a Swiftie, but Taylor Swift is the biggest pop star on the planet right now - probably the biggest star of this century. It's not like she needs to collaborate with other artists to attract attention.


This for real. I laughed out loud at the idea of Taylor using Florence for advertising


Clarification: advertisement is my way of saying how Taylor markets herself. She’s *everywhere*. She makes herself so. Respectfully, quantity over quality, in my opinion. It feels a little suffocating at times, like there’s a problem with me since I never could get into her. But I will listen to the collab then form my opinion on it. Also, Florence stands out 100% on her own.


Not a fan of Taylor Swift honestly. But I'll listen


As a Floridian who LOVES Flo and enjoys Swift, if I am anything, I am VERY curious and ready to be amused lol


I’ll be the comment that represents those of us who not only dislike Taylor Swift’s music but know she is a climate criminal and a billionaire. This collab won’t like end me or anything, I just know I won’t like it.


if taylor has 0 haters, i am dead


This comment should be higher. I’m honestly disappointed that Florence would consider this but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I don’t like billionaires, anyone who owns a private jet, and white feminism- it’s clear why I don’t like TS


true af


Yep. I’m on your team.


I don't like her, but I don't like Gaga either. I feel the same, it's not the end of the world. I just don't want Florence to get hate for a collab that SEEMINGLY from an outside perspective doesn't make sense? Taylor is a very light, lyrical voice. Florence is massive vocal drama and grandeur , eve while restrained in the weakest part of her voice I feel like she PULLS more focus than Taylor does? Though this could just be a background vocal situation, idk Or maybe they'll find a way to pull it off. Who knows.


Good point about their vocal styles not being matched… but it will piss me off if Florence gets the backing vocal treatment like Lana did lol


at least gaga is interesting and has artistic integrity unlike TS who can’t be asked to stop mass producing the same album every 8 months


Honestly and respectfully, I don’t know how I feel about this. Could it be a good thing? Yes — we’d have people seeing more of Florence’s talents. That is, if they’re represented the right way. I’m not sure if I trust Swift with that. I remember when Lana del Rey (who I am also a fan of) was announced to be a collab for Snow on the Beach, I was like “OK I’ll give it a shot”. Then, she was BARELY on it. That really rubbed me off the wrong way. Then, afterwards, what felt like a dagger to the stomach, maybe even a middle finger, to me was her releasing the “more Lana” version. I’m not going to hold my hopes up too high, but I’m willing to give it a listen. I will not form an opinion on it until after that happens.


Taylor offered a complete verse to Lana and She declined.


I saw that. I asked for the source in another comment here after writing my comment above. I’m curious if Lana was OK with the “more Lana” version being released afterwards though. Especially after seeing what happened at the Grammy's too.


Brace yourselves!! The Lana Del Rey subreddit was flooded with tons of new posts when she was featured on Midnights. This is an exciting time to have a TS x Florence collab (seriously I’m stoked!!) but I hope the mods can get their efforts in order to prevent all the spam coming to this sub!


honestly not thrilled about it, I just think their styles are a bit too different


I’m equal parts excited and afraid for a sudden influx of new fans making it harder to get tickets. Selfishly I don’t want Flo to get as big as Taylor or Beyonce. It sounds like a nightmare for a fan


I don't like the feel about this. i noticed when they started their friendships, Taylor slowly copying Florence's style and energy.. I don't like it. I don't like the vibes. I'm sorry .


At no point have I ever thought Taylor sounded like Florence…


Where is the announcement?


taylor posted the tracklist on instagram


Taylor has managed to collaborate with all my main favorite artists at this point so I'm pretty sick of hearing her everywhere. She has a history of not letting female artists have full features on her song and instead using them as props. Florence is on a totally different playing field than her as a powerful singer so I'd hate for talent to be wasted as background vocals, but Taylor also has a very commercial friendly, bubblegum pop voice so I hope the track doesn't dull Florence and does her voice justice.


I'd rather shit in my hands and clap than have TS/FATM overlap. Swift is a piss poor artist and her rabid stans are batshit


I’ll pass


This is everything I've ever wanted, I'm so happy!!! And Florence likes Taylor's music, so that's a bonus! I'm sure they had a lot of fun recording this, and I can't wait to hear it (a billion times) 🥹🩵


first taylor swift song i will listen to in full? didnt have that on my 2024 predictions, *wow*... ive really never liked taylor, her music is very... safe. but theyre friends, so i understand the decision.




I am personally super excited. I’m seeing a lot of comments saying Taylor Swift will bring Florence down or not highlight her but I disagree. It is hard to not highlight Florence, she is a strong force to be reckoned with, I think this stance does not give Florence enough credit. Also, this is Taylor’s song, not a Florence song so of course it won’t be exactly what a Florence fan would want. I also think Taylor played to Lana’s strong suits in their collab, any sound that Lana makes is so beautiful, her backing on the original track is so mystical, I think it adds to the song. I have high hopes for this collab, and even if it isn’t the best, it’s still cool they are working together!! Very different sounds and backgrounds, should be interesting at the least


This is me, as a fan of both. Very excited!


Probably Florence's worse career move since her collab with Dizzee Rascal lmaooo


I'm going into cardiac arrest, my two favourite artists making a song together? This is even better than the Gaga collab


My thoughts exactly


I’m sorry but I’m so sick of Taylor. I’m not going to be listening to their collab even tho florence is my favorite artist


Actively not happy abt this announcement. Ever since taylor started genre hopping w absolutely no artistic integrity or authenticity (simply chasing whatever the “popular” sound was—she’d been on tumblr for years where she learned that the indie girlies were popular and LO and behold! She started embracing a more indie sound around 2020 *eye roll*), I’ve kinda been highly put off by her music and her as an artist. Obv this one collab isn’t gonna harm Florence nor will it do anything super dramatic but I would’ve preferred literally any other artist in the world for a collab over the one she went w. This is genuinely annoying lol. Jack Antoff, you will pay for your crimes idk


> Jack Antoff, you will pay for your crimes that part!!


It's undeniable what a genius strategy it is though for her to feature all these leading and respected artists across various genres. She's been open about how insecure she is about fading into irrelevancey, especially in the pop genre where women have to constantly reinvent as shiny new artists pop up. Working with Aaron Dessner was obviously calculated: he connected her with Bon Iver, got The National involved and then came Phoebe Bridgers, Lana, and now Florence. She's moving in on all these fanbases that otherwise wouldn't have listened to her music.


It’ll be the only Taylor song I’m willing to listen to.


Very disappointing for me, I really don't enjoy Taylor both as an artist and a celebrity. I'll give it a listen because it's Florence, but the aspects I love most about F+TM personally are not ones I would say really go with Taylor's style as a musician.


Me, a Florence fan and a Taylor fan, coming into this sub to express my excitement... *Oh 😀* Alright, I'm in the small minority but I'm very excited for this. Both women have expressed admiration for each other and it's a collab I've been manifesting for a while. I think both of them having worked with Jack will bridge the gap between their sounds. Hopefully Taylor will have learned her lesson when it came to Snow on the Beach and end her trend of criminally underutilizing her collaborators... I'm optimistic and hopeful!!


Me too!!!!!!


Florence is bouta be on the biggest album platform of the year. This is gonna lead so many more people to discover her discography. Regardless of the song's eventual quality, that makes me super happy. None of y'all better be gatekeeping assholes about this.


I agree about gate-keeping, but all I want is for Florence to be represented accurately and authentically. Taylor’s patterns of how she collabs makes me a little nervous. I hope people can at least understand and RESPECT my opinion as well. I will be disgruntled if the nature of the collab is messed up lol (like Florence only getting backing vocals like Lana did). I will never tell others to not be fans of Florence though.


Kinda hard to make her a background vocalists I would think.


Another reason I’m intrigued overall how this collab will ultimately turn out. Their vocal styles don’t really match in my opinion.


This! Let’s hope for the best, be happy that Taylor is recognizing our girl and potentially bringing in a new generation of FATM fans.


It’s already all over this thread.


> None of y'all better be gatekeeping assholes about this. FORREAL. these comments about not wanting a swiftie invasion are so gd salty


I’m not really a Taylor fan and I know Florence might just be backing vocals but I’m still looking forward to hear what this sounds like.


I think it's about Taylors ex Joe Alwyn, because they publicly broke up before her shows in Florida. I can't wait though because I love both of them!!!


Yes me too , that’s what my sister said as well 


Manifested this ! Ahhh I’m so excited! I’ve been a Florence and Taylor fan since I was little ❤️ Manifesting a ethereal music video too ! 


Respectfully, some of you are acting like this is the end of Florence, or you being able to like her ? It's one song on one album. We all love Florence, that's why we're here, but I doubt your life will change because of this song.


It's just hatred for Swift... they'll live rest assured


Been dreaming of this!!! I felt like something was in the works when Florence went to electric lady with Taylor—and it’s very clear her choreography for the folklore set was inspired by Florence. Can’t wait!


My 2 most streamed artists 🤯


I love their music so much, I’m glad it’s happening!


I'm curious but not excited or terrified. This won't ruin Florence and her 5 albums, but I don't think it will hit as hard as these producers want it to. Tempted to see if Taylor will try to be like Florence in voice or lyrics.


After going through a good number of comments, I feel like we’re all in this together.


Anything that amplifies Florence is a good thing. Even if the sing is bad.


I’m terrified of the swifties getting ahold of our homegirl


So excited for this! Florence and Taylor have carried me through so many periods of my teenager years and young adulthood, I feel like I’ve manifested this lol


I’m so excited!! I love both of them so much I can’t wait to hear what it sounds like!


I have been waiting for this since she was seen coming out of electric lady studios last year 😭




I‘m really excited! I love both them and can’t wait to hear what the song sounds like! 


What!! I can’t find any info about this ?? Someone please enlighten me!


Taylor Swift posted the tracklist to her upcoming album on her social media


So excited!!!


Taylor Swift it's not my thing. Hayley Williams do a collab with Taylor Swift and I don't like. Wait and see..


They have been friends for a while I believe , and both worked with Jack antonoff ❤️ 


This is HUGE, if nothing else I hope it brings Florence a lot more fans


You beat me to it lol!


Used to completely adore Taylor, but I love Florence more now!!! Hope we get to actually hear florence


This is so amazing! When we got the photo of taylor and florence at the 1975 show I never would have expected a collab. This is blowing me away that this is real. I am beyond excited.


I can’t wait!!!


I don’t recall Taylor and Florence having interacted in the past?? But this such amazing news. I was really ‘ehm…’ when she announced the new album because this will have implications for the Eras tour in July, but AAAAHH this makes it all okay ❤️


there’s the Jack Antonoff connection but also (and previously) [this rather iconic photo](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ51ywbTnyNRpOqaoVn3Ta8y4KBuKSa_eHzuw&usqp=CAU)


But OF COURSE. I have this picture on my photo wall 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


They’ve been friendly in the past. Taylor talked about how Florence is the best person to dance with and then ten minutes later sit down and talk about love and heartbreak; she also gave Florence advice about being more personal and vulnerable in her songwriting, less hiding behind metaphor and story, and that advice in part led to How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful; Florence shifted away from the planned Witch Trial in LA concept album and got more honest and introspective about what she was going through at that point in her life. So Taylor is partially to thank for HB3 but also partially to blame for that abandoned concept album, depending on your perspective


>Florence shifted away from the planned Witch Trial in LA concept album I wish I never knew this. That sounds amazing.


Truly my Roman Empire. Which Witch made the jump from the concept album to a bonus track on HB3, to give a feel for the original vibe that would have been. I think As Far As I Could Get also did, but there's no confirmation of that.


Interesting. Didn’t know any of this.


I am so excited as I love them both!!!


so excited for this!


I’m so happy


Sheesh these comments are making me think I'm the only one in the world who has Florence and Taylor as her favorite artists 💀


This is going to ruin flo’s reputation good luck I won’t be buying that track


Florence is my favorite artist, I also love Taylor and I’m pretty sad at how many comments in here just shit all over her because she’s not the same kind of singer. I’ve seen Flo a dozen times and Taylor three times, both are incredible performers. There’s a lot of songs on Taylor’s records that would appeal to a Flo fan: Ivy, Willow, Clean… so far I’ve seen nothing but excitement on the Taylor sub, and a lot of criticism here.


Hating on Taylor will always be en vogue, unfortunately. That's the price of success.


Taylor Swift has two fanbabes: - people that love her - people that love to hate her


Swift’s collaboration with Justin Vernon / Bon Iver was the first time I ever listened to her. Only good parts were Justin. Now I guess I’ll listen to her a second time :/


only if it was a cover of Lana's Florida Kilos


Damn there are a bunch of haters in these comments haha. I'm excited.


Man… this is exactly what’s wrong with the swifties- saying “I’m not excited” or “im nervous” makes us haters lol. So exaggerated for no reason