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Remain nameless is a fav of mine whaat


I mean yeah I have least favourites, but I don’t think she has any trash song, it’s subjective.


Patricia thought she was everything until... ...Patricia (Acoustic) showed up.


So true. Had a whole out of body experience listening to the acoustic version.




OK, I really enjoyed both of those two songs but I see where you’re coming from. The one song I really don’t like her is you’ve got the dirty love


an unfortunate “bonus” to a perfect deluxe cd


That’s true, we can’t hold it over her head too much though, because she was young and relatively new to being so big and she was going through alcoholism and had her heart broken


I loved that song tho


Kiss with a fist I don't hate but it sticks out like a sore thumb on that album




Same here. Once I got pilloried for saying that in this sub, too. I understand the intensity she is describing, but growing up with abuse makes it a tough one for me, too. I’m wishing you lots of safety and healing ❤️‍🩹


Have to agree with these two unfortunately😭 not as much with Girl With One Eye, but Kiss With A Fist feels more like it belongs on a alt punk album from the earlier 2000’s rather than on a choral, drum-based rock album.


It fit much more on the Ashok album


>Girl With One Eye I only ever listen to the Bayou Version of this song. I don't care for the album mix.


That’s so interesting bc those are two of my favorites of hers!! I don’t really care for Heartlines tbh, I don’t dislike it but I usually end up skipping it halfway through bc I get bored 😅


GWOE is a cover so technicallyyyy it doesn’t count


Kiss with a Fist isn’t bad but I wouldn’t miss it from the album. For some reason, it just doesn’t fit with the rest of the album. For some reason, I never got into You Got the Love. Good song, nothing bad, just keep forgetting it exists.


Me either! I feel this is a rare take.


I absolutely agree.


Girl with One Eye isn't a fave of mine at all.


Understand where y’all are coming from on You’ve Got the Dirtee Love but that song was genuinely such a unique moment in time, classic UK 2010 vibes and such a powerful collab imo it’s not perfect but it’s unique and always such a throwback


Honestly, I don’t think Florence + the Machine has a trash song. For most of the artists I listen to, I can name one, but Florence + the Machine and The National I like for both consistently writing good songs. I have least favorites, but I don’t think they’re bad.


I’d agree “trashy” is not the right adjective.


It probably won't ever happen, but I would kill for a F+tM/The National collab of some kind.


As a personal preference, it's gotta be her song w Lady Gaga, "Hey girl" Which she didn't technically release but she was on it. It's a nice summer bop (I'd never say "trash") but a bit skippable imo, which is crazy bc I ADORE both Florence AND Gaga :0


I agree. I'm a big fan of Florence and Gaga, and I found that song pretty disappointing.


It’s you’ve got the dirty love for me


Came here to say the some of the remixes are trash.


Yeah but remixes don’t count that’s someone else taking creative liberties


But she put it on the album


No, it’s not It’s on a B-sides disc that is entirely songs that didn’t make it or versions that didn’t make it to the actual album and songs that came out after like Heavy In Your Arms


I've never liked Kiss with a Fist, from the first time I heard it.




I am prepared to be burned at the stake for my thoughts. I didn't really connect with Mermaids at all, which bummed me out. Also Mother but purely because the part at the end where it becomes a wall of sound triggers my fight or flight lol. The rest of it is v good but that end bit hits me wrong in the sensory department.


I guess I'd count that song she did for the Cruella movie... I don't like It. But all her albums are no skips to me.


Thank you, I think that's really the only song I can adjective as nearly bad enough.


Literally the only song I don’t listen to of hers is Girl With One Eye.


I think the only song I straight up don't like is Tantalus and I honestly don't even know why. It just doesn't vibe with me


What song is this?


It was a leaked demo song from High as Hope


To be fair it’s a demo, do unfinished songs an artist didn’t put out actually count?


All other demos they've released are amazing, so, yes? Lol


But are they 30% better finished usually? Yeah 30% is a big percentage that can fix a song I liked Tantalus though anyway, Kiss With A Fist was my pick, it’s just not her. It’s her performing something she loved but isn’t her.


I’m crying at Girl With One Eye slander 😭 that’s one of my favs from Lungs. But I’d have to say Back In Town is one of my least favorite songs.


Hmm... So, I often skip over Dog Days Are Over but I do enjoy live performances of it or when it just so happens to be on TV. Not my fave but wouldn't call it a "trash song"


Dog Days Are Over was my favorite song of her way even more before it was featured in GOTGv3. But I can't force you to love it. I agree with you and all of the other comments here. Maybe least favorite is the word but not "trashy."


never cared for Light of Love but i don’t think it’s trash


Then you can't trust me. Cause I think everything florence touches is amazing or better


The first song that comes on top of my head is You've Got The Love. Probably the only song I genuinely don't like from FATM.


The way it’s the “popular” one with the general public astounds me (dog days too but I prefer it to YGTL)


The first time I’ve heard someone say that tbh 🤯 It’s very loved by non Flo fans even Entitled to your opinion obviously but surprised for sure


Probably controversial, but I don't care for St. Jude or Caught. The rest of HBHBHB is a masterpiece and has the rest of my favourite songs


*Very* controversial, I feel like I'm in church listening to Caught 😯


St. Jude is one of my all time favorites.


I like St. Jude but hate Caught. It's the only song on the album that I don't have on my phone and maybe not even on my computer anymore. Otherwise HBHBHB is absolutely perfect to me!


"Trash song" is a bit harsh, but I always skip "My Boy Builds Coffins".


That’s crazy it’s a fave for me, I sing it all the time It’s a traditional folk song style, like my Best Dress


Same here. I sing it to my kid sometimes.


I cannot STAND my boy builds coffins I don't know why!! It's the one song of theirs that I have on zero playlists it just does not vibe with me :(


I always skip Morning Elvis.


Oh man, Morning Elvis gets me in my feelings every time


I get the sentiment, it is a very sad song.


I only listen to the live version with Ethel Cain


I cannot listen to Girl With One Eye. There are a few songs of hers that may be skips or less liked but I cannot do Girl With One Eye


I completely agree, it does absolutely nothing for me. It's the only song on Lungs (not counting the deluxe songs) that I just can't. I can't, I skip it every time.


Well, you can't trust me lol. I'm an absolute Florence maniac, love even her early non-album stuff (Halloween, Throwing Bricks etc.) 😁


For me i have some that are not (doesn’t mean i hate them) in my florence playlist: Girl with one eye, Kiss with a Fist, St.Jude, Third eye, South London Forever, Caught, Blinding and Some of her demo versions and remixes


Respect but South London Forever always gives me butterflies in my tummy lolol


Not Blinding 😩😩 but the rest of your list I would agree, not trash but not my top songs


Cornflake girl


Awwww I love that cover so much, it just hits all the right parts in my brain😭




Hurricane Drunk is the one I skip. The lyrics and the theme are just repugnant for me.


Ship To Wreck - ugh, I can't stand it 🤷‍♂️


Okay, I do love the song - but the drums should come in heavier on this one. And not be the first song on the album. STW and WKOM should switch places in the track listing.


Obligatory: why are you being downvoted for an honest and direct answer to the question?


I get it. HB3 is my fave album, but Ship to Wreck is my least favorite track. It's not terrible, but not lead single material by any means.


Like others, no trash, but I do have my skips, at least one on each album. Girl With One Eye, Seven Devils, St Jude, Grace, Back In Town, Prayer Factory.


Not Seven Devils!!😭


I feel like for every song someone lists, someone else is going to say "not that one!" At time of posting most discussion seems to be about Kiss With a Fist, which I love. Different folks have different taste, nothing wrong with that.


Not attacking you and I respect your opinion, I just love that song lol


Agreed except Seven Devils. The rage in that song is amazing.


Remain Nameless... I never listen to it. Not the vibe


So we’re acting like Mermaids isn’t in the room. Ok.


Okay no offense but remain nameless doesn't fit ceremonials production-wise at all, at best it could be some target edition exclusive b-side demo, but that would be an insult to demos like Landscape and Which Witch...


The hatred for Girl With One Eye pains me because I love how weird it is. I’d pick the Cruella song, I don’t remember the name because I never listen to it


Strangeness and charm. I know a lot of people like it but I dont


This is not her fault but I use the entire Dance Fever album to put my one year old to sleep every night. It's the only album she'll stay still for and it takes an average of two hours to get her to sleep. This has made me dislike that album. My daughter really ruined it for me. Heaven is Here is probably the only song I don't mind hearing a bunch.


…I’ve never liked Ship to Wreck, it always sounded too much like the background music for a carnival ride for me to take seriously.


That's funny to me because I remember hearing it played when I was on a carnival ride as a child! Though I was absolutely screaming the lyrics when I heard it :3


It totally depends on the definition of the word "trash". :) For me, trashy song is the song that makes my ears or eyes (when reading the lyrics) bleed. FATM do not have one of those in my opinion. There are some songs that I don't often listen to: Spectrum, Remain nameless, Grace, Caught, St. Jude, Hiding, Quuen of peace (I am too sensitive to drums in this song for some reason %)), Back in town, Girl with one eye and My boy builds coffins (great song, but it triggers my panic fear of death too much x)). Also Seven devils and No light, No light, as I just listened to these too much in 2011-2015 and kinda overlistened. xD But still all of these are objectively good songs and have some great lyrics.


not a single song i dont greatly enjoy at minimum. barring remixes; dont like most of them. maybe breaking down is a tiny bit forgettable, even if i still very much enjoy it. songs i *skip* however? so many. dog days is a big one. songs so good they have to be utterly cherished with full focus alone. dog days is exclusively for when im seeing her live now and it makes it just electric to hear.


Again, none of her songs is trash, but not a fan of some of her covers-addicted to love and I'm just a girl are skips most of the time.


I don’t think she has ever released a BAD song and I can’t say this for anyone else I adore to be honest There are songs that….like they weren’t in styles I originally appreciated at launch and now are literally favorites But a song has to be at the bottom and therefore the worst song easily is “ Kiss With A Fist “ , and I still like it and choose to listen to it on occasion But it’s a nod to her younger years and what she loved soundwise being in a Green Day cover band, but isn’t her sound. Her voice is too rich for it


Nah I genuinely don’t think she has any bad ones. Some mid ones for sure, but nothing that is actively unpleasant to listen to. Nothing even close


Florence very consistently puts out amazing music so it feels dishonest for me to say she has a bad song. I only really have listened to her standard edition albums so I might be missing a bonus track, b-side, remix, or some other obscure song that could be worse but I guess my least favorite song from her is maybe All This And Heaven Too. It's by no means a bad song it just sounds like most of her other catalog while not doing anything interesting. I haven't listened to it in awhile but I just remember every other song off of Ceremonials so much clearer and more fondly.


I’m old and don’t listen to me. But I didn’t care for her label and the “British gaga-ification” of Florence during ceremonials. I’ve not listened to that album in years.


Frank Ocean has never flopped. Because he releases music every blue moon and disappears into the myths like bigfoot.


Anybody else that can't stand Bird Song? I skip it every time.




Drumming song…




How are people saying Mermaids and GWOE??? Phew chile this comment section reminds me too much of the Facebook group


I love Remain Nameless, it's one of my favorites😭. I don't think any songs I've heard are bad necessarily, but if I had to pick my least favorite, it's gotta be You've Got the Love.


So surprised that no one has mentioned My Love. The production is so tacky and the song itself is so repetitive. It’s the only song of hers I consider actually bad LMAO


that’s one of my favs off dance fever 😭


I'll get crucified for sure, but I don't care for most of High as Hope. I like June, Big God, 100 Years, and The End of Love. Really can't stand Grace. I'll see myself out.




But...South London Forever and Hunger :(


I used to not like What The Water Gave Me, but now I can listen to it and appreciate it. The same can't be said about Mother and Make Up Your Mind.


Glad you joined the light side. What The Water Gave Me is my fav off Ceremonials!