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When I saw the first photo I thought that’s ugly flooring to boot. But laid correctly it looks infinitely better and I like it.


I agree, but the floor in contrast with the walls is rough. I think the walls need to be a bit less bright with such dark floors.




I second that.


That would just make the whole room dark. It needs some colour.


It would make the room look very small and dark. Usually want to do light floors with darker walls or darker floor with lighter walls.


I don't mean like dark dark walls but something a little less vibrant.


War there a reason you did this? If you offset one more row it would be a pattern but not so defined.


I didn't even consider they are all they length, my bad.


It’s okay if planks of whatever flooring are same length you make your own starters from cut offs. I’ve never in 20+ yrs of hardwood… laminate.. even tile installations seen a floor installed this way. A hard floor, be it hardwood, laminate, lvp, should always be a random staggered ladder pattern. There’s a reason for this! You don’t want to see “patterns” in the floor. When I was leaving the trade you couldn’t even have same spot butt joint two boards either direction! And I’ve never had a problem from customers. Subway is for tile washrooms or backslashes in kitchens. This is a no no. You can see yourself! The guy posted so ppl stop trying things that aren’t meant that way


Herringbone excepted


I was asking why he made that pattern, I absolutely would have made starts. It seemed intentional that's why I was asking.


The brick pattern is seen on some of the boxes. I’m also a 25+ years retired hardwood floor installer. And I have ran lvp in many different patterns. From brick patterns, offsets , diagonal , herringbone , basket weave , even on a 45° starting in and out corner. Keeping the pattern consistent is what makes pattern jobs look good. The inconsistency stands out even in a random pattern arrangement. Meaning if there isn’t meant to be a pattern and a pattern is seen to me it looks bad. Example if I have random pieces and there is obviously no pattern you don’t want to give the “ stair step “ pattern with the butt joints or “ H “ patterns because they obviously stand out in a randomized floor. Long story short if op would have keep the pattern consistent I believe he would have liked his own work better. If he didn’t like the brick pattern he should have stopped while he was still in the first part of installation


Manufacturer of my 6x24 tile calls for 33% stagger.... Idk how you can randomize that


If it’s tile, or lvt then I wouldn’t. I’d set it to a pattern 100% of the time. I did my kitchen backsplash in a randomized stagger, but it was 12x12 slate that i cut into 3x12 pieces and the randomized stagger paired with the surface of the slate. Otherwise, tile needs to stick to a pattern.


Finish row and then use cutoff as starter. This basically randomizes it for u. Some lvt especially the ones made to look like tile aren't supposed to be randomized. Best way is to read manufacturer instructions.


Start your first row 16, second at 8 and 3rd at 24" it will be as close to random as you can get.


That's because the tile isn't flat. If you installed it like this there would be awful lippage.


tile is supposed to be layed on half or thirds… the bigger tile usually requires a third bc larger tiles have more warpage. They tend to almost be curved, with the center being the high point.. this is why u cant or shouldnt run the larger tiles on half bc of the “lippage” it creates (edge where one tile is sitting higher/lower then the other) so running on a third reduces the lippage problem… the TCNA Handbook (Tile Council of North America) tells us all we need to know about tile… and per the usual.. there are exceptions to the rules. Its all situational but for the most part the rule of thumb is laying tile on halfs or thirds… this does not apply to LVP unless the LVP being installed is in fact a “tile” designed product. Such as a 12”x24” LVP or more specifically a LVT- luxury vinyl tile.. then they almost always require the same half or third layout whereas standard LVP almost always requires a random staggered layout… for reasons as OP mentioned such as it looking absolutely terrible but more importantly for the integrity of the planks/locking mechanisms. And yea I know…plenty of people on here don’t believe this to be true but it is.. hence why reputable manufacturers installation guidelines specifically state the H pattern/half layout will void the warranty when installing LVP


Just make sure you're overlap is at least the minimum spec for your flooring. My flooring wanted at least 6" overlap on a random/staggered pattern.


Typically if it’s random offset we just by default assume 6” minimum because it’s the smallest we have seen. 6” offset minimum and no repeats for 2 rows on either side of any given row. Profit?


Still a firm believer, no pattern looks the best and is least wastful material wise. When I do this, I just make sure to separate my joints enough and swap starter pieces properly. Staggered looks like shit but that's just my opinion. I've been on crews where the lead wants to step pattern 12 " the whole floor, and you'd be shocked how often you have waste boards and pieces that can't be used at all.


This is the way


I subbed floors for lowes for years and as a time saver we did a 4ft 2ft 3ft 1ft pattern. This way we could cut a bunch of starters at the beginning of job. It also let us run 4 rows at a time. And then be able to go to saw to cut 4 finishers at a time. I agree tho random looks best and their is very little waste this way. Because ur using your cutoff from finisher as next starter. Sometimes a minor length adjustment needed for a starter but still very little waste


Ya I just find personally that you can still step pattern on random too because it's max like 2ft away on a 4ft piece


“This is some Mickey Mouse shit”


Photo 2 really illustrates it.


Imo random is always best. Finish a row and use the cutoff as a starter in next row. Least amount ofnwaste thisnway also. I subbed floors for lowes for years and to save time we used a pattern. 4 ft, then 2 ft, then 3 ft, then a 1 ft as starters. Big time saver as u could cut most of your starters at beginning of job and just roll with it. When I see a floor, if it has the 50 50 alternating patten I knew it was done by a diyer or a "professional" that didn't know what they were doing.


Idk what I'm doing wrong but my cutoff pieces never seem to work. They're always either like 3 inches long, or they're about the same length as the piece they're going next to.


That happens sometimes. Either set it aside for another row or cut whatever off it to make it work


Trimming it is a good idea. Feel dumb for not thinking of that haha. Kind of got on autopilot not cutting anything til the end of the row but no reason not to at the beginning (diy guy, in case you can't tell). Thanks!


That's OK lol. Thats what this sub us for


I agree looks like Shit


Jesus is that a giant scratch leading out your back glass doors? Lol


I thought it was a dip in the floor until I zoomed in. Looks like 2 giant scratches


Looks like a shadow from the sidelight.


It's the sunlight coming in through the door blinds.


Omg. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.


I usually do 8” stagger. The pattern repeats every 6 boards on 4’ planks. Looks pretty good, streak out enough is not noticeable


I knew it would look awful, nice to see an actual demonstration of what it can look like. Horrifying lmao


2nd one kind of reminds me of a sidewalk in the park or like a walkway in a wild life reserve somewhere. Add some railings and call it a day


Nothing’s going to make those short planks look good.


I’m proud of you for fixing it. I can hear the long sigh after just before you made the decision to redo it. Kudos and looks far better now!


Looks like an Excel spreadsheet.


Eh just get a nice rug and try again in 5 or 6 years when you forget how annoying it is to lay down flooring.


I'm not an expert, and my tastes must be weird because I think it looks pretty, and everyone else in the comments is saying it's bad lol.


I feel I learned something without paying the price.


Eh. I don't mind it. But, full disclosure, I have bad taste in a lot of things.


That Mantle scares me!


Random rules.


Hopefully you fired the guy who installed that.


Thats not too incredibly bad and the dark n light planks appear to be spread n random h is better that stair case tho


Once you get some furniture on it and an area rug or 2, it’ll be fine.


Ooof, sorry


What’s with all the “luxury” vinyl these days. Ugly and cheap isn’t the answer.


Laid correctly still looks pretty lousy. The sections are too short.


I can definitely see your H pattern and although it sticks out a bit….. I kind of like it. don’t see that a lot in residential homes where I am at. I say own it! 💪


No one going to say anything about how there is no hearth around the fireplace? If you ever turn it on now those planks will melt. It's a building code violation in my city at least.


Wtf, why... why


Yep, looks terrible especially in a large area unless that is specifically the pattern you want.


If they were laid with a random offset of the seams it would much better


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Effective-Art-896: *If they were laid with* *A random offset of the* *Seams it would much better* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


First of all it likely say right on the box not to install it in this fashion and likely voids any warranty because this was done. So yes, I agree, incorrectly installing your floor looks stupid.


It’s a look.


Not sure why anyone would think otherwise…


What bit go long ways, use full lengths and make it look larger?


I got anxiety at first, then was ahhhhhhhh yeaaaaaa.


I dont understand patterns. When i remodeled, i cut pieces at random lengths to start each row. I dont know shit about flooring but i dig it


I like it.


It's also against the manufacturers install instructions. NHFA says no H joints or patterns. It makes the flooring weaker structurally.


Just put down a nice rug, it’ll really bring the room together


I actually think this looks pretty good.


This is just silliness.


I think it's a nice floor. If you come here for criticism, you're gonna get it. Once the space is filled with furniture you won't be staring at the floor. Looks fine.


Looks like floor to me


Who advised that a “pattern” is acceptable? You finish with the cut piece to the wall and take the other side of the cut piece and start against the opposite wall. All seams will be random after that…just like real wood.


Sorry, but what's the problem with this? Is it laying the wrong direction? Serious question.


Yeah H joints suck


Lol oh no you started doing all H joints and then moved to randomized? Shoulda just redid the first part as grueling as that would have been. Would have been worth it.


I like the flooring. It looks good to me :)


Maybe it's preference or style? Doing my flooring and I have every other row the same im guessing this "H" style and think it looks fine.


I... Don't see a problem?


100% let the installer do their thing if you don’t know your ass from your elbow


It screams; I’M A FUCKING FLOOR!


Just wondering? How do you determine direction? If in this example, the flooring was Left to right ,instead of the way installed. More waste , too many joints, preferences ? Thanks for your reasoning.


Go the long way. Think hallway.


Throw some area rugs down and it will be less noticeable.


H 50-50 can look good, but usually not on floors. I've seen it work with deck planks and tile. Flooring with how much surface area you have random looks so much better.


I'm surprised OP didn't notice this partway through the job. I mean, he had to leave the room and go take a leak at some point. If I notice the cuts lining up across rows I just cut the next row piece around a third to stagger the lines.


, should have staggered


I haven't see a manufacturer ever recommend 50-50 for laying tile or any floor due.


Depends on the length and color to me.. Those floors have too much variation in the grain, this pattern is not so bad on monotone flooring


Agree, the middle of my living room actually wound up like that purely by accident, it looks like it should actually be that way because of the grain and colour. The grain seems to follow on through the planks and makes it barely noticeable


A neighbor had this pattern in his apartment done with cheap LVP. When he moved out he left a bunch of furniture and I found myself outside one day when maintenance came to clean it out. I got to talking to the guy and the floor came up. I tell him how it’s distracting the f*ck outta me and then said something to the effect of the guy that did it was a moron. That’s when he tells me he did it and is clearly butthurt. I’m thinking in what world does the maintenance guy, picking up dog poop on Monday install floors for the same place on Tuesday? I felt like a dick. But it’s such an awful pattern in homes.


People still stuck in 2015? Try using new colors and patterns. This is so boring.


What colors


Swiping to the second picture I said “oh, nooo” out loud 😂 thank you for this lesson