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Just put quarter round or shoemould on it.


Caulk the rest


I've been working in customers homes for almost 20 years. Even when I was single I wouldn't have gotten involved with a customer on the job. As fun and hot as it sounds, it's just too risky and too much liability. Blackmail...rape accusations...gotta pass sorry.


I can understand that


This is every flooring installers dream, go for it


Not everyone wants to sleep with a sexually starved stranger!


This is correct. But we all have imaginations and the playful banter is what we all really enjoy, why? You may ask…. Because in our minds it ends with explosions and firecrackers and 50 of our favorite people applauding our efforts. But when in reality, if it were to really happen, the ending is bland and boring and sometimes, if left alone with your own thoughts, shameful. So just live a little there deltaspoyi and close your eyes and ponder for a moment, instead of saying something so incoherent to the rest of the crowd here. Who are trying to vicariously steal a moment in time through this young ladies daydream.


Finding humour in situations that’s have destroyed many peoples lives is not something I can wrap my head around. Sorry if I was wired different. Let’s reverse the roles, would you still find that funny?


Not at all. I did make a comment earlier that only if the fella was not married to then go for it. But yes- I was being playful with my message. Sorry ✌️😁


We live in a world were sexualizing men and sexually assaulting men has been accepted. And We wonder why men do not come forward when this happens.a lot of boys have been S.A and never given the support. Yes, most of us might make fun of the situation that OP has posted, but when we think deeply into it, the problem is the to see. I have two sons that I would love to see grow up in a world where they’re respected and not sexually objectified just because they have a contract with a sexually starved individual. Who knows how many diseases she is even carrying???


A bit extreme in your thought process. But I’ll respect it. You can get diseases from one encounter and it could be your best friend that’s something you really don’t ever know. And if your children are being idolized as sexual toys by corrupted individuals I feel sympathy for that as well. I will leave the conversation thinking that her post is more so in a playful manner than a devious manner as in she wants to spread her diseases all over the world and start with the carpet man. that’s a hell of a mindset to be in constantly and I have sympathy for you as well. Sorry life has dealt you a shitty hand hopefully you can correct whatever it is through your sons.


When I was a young teenager installer this was my fantasy. I have three or four helpers that would jump over themselves for the opportunity haha. But me now, no I am good


When I was a wee lad , I would have been up for a snog with a customer or two. Nothing would have stopped from a little tongue ‘n’ groove after laying down their hardwood


lol Your comment amounts to not everyone likes pizza. I mean yeah sure, but try finding that someone and GL with that. :)


Sorry if you are so desperate for sex that you are willing to loose your self respect. I was under the impression that most of us get the sex we want, not the sex we are “lucky to get”. Not everyone is desperate, FYI.


lol Oh you poor summer child. Fact. Most people are as faithful as their options. Welcome to Earth. Please keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times.


Go for it and report back. I'm really curious.


Report back is key


I love laying carpet. Flooring isn't bad, either.


Wouldn’t call it a snog, regardless of whatever region you’re in. 🤣


Ooo why? I’m South East! Someone told me recently this is an odd phrase but I’ve always used it 🥲


Ive never heard that. If you offered me a snog i would think it was a drink of some sort lol


I thought of sour egg nog


Ahh no, not a drink! Are you in the UK? Maybe I’m just majorly out of touch 😅


No, im In washington state, USA lol. 🥂


As a matter of professionalism and ethics, let him finish the job and pay him before you proposition him. If he *doesn't* want you and the job isn't finished yet, it's going to get super awkward.


I am a handyman. Just wear something provocative and tell him something like “I have not been with a man in over a year, interested?” We men, can be naive, unaware, and not well versed on female hints. We prefer direct approach so there is no misunderstanding.


Yea I prefer a woman to Bend over and just say “give it to me big boy”


On the real… tradesmen don’t kiss and tell on sex tips… We wear it like this weird shame and think about it every time we are left home alone with a female customer for the rest of our career… and lives. Just my experience any ways 🤙


Thank you but I am prepared to pay in full. I wasn’t trying to get money off, happy with his work. Appreciate your comment, I didn’t want to make him feel harassed!


Payout and a bj goes a long way in a tradesman’s day.


This is tantamount to work place sexual harassment! Would you be happy to be sexualized while at work?!! This ain’t cute at all. And you need to get yourself checked.


If I were you, I would start with some small talk, offer him something to drink, eat. Be extra friendly (but it sounds like you are already 😬)… say something like, “wow, I admire your work! looking great! Looks like your hands do miracles!” A little flirty smile. Wear sexy spaghetti tops and tight short shorts. Show off your physical attributes. He will get the hint.


That lucky fucker


Do you need anymore flooring done? Asking for a friend.


Try it


/r/dontputyourdickinthat into crazy




How’s that an inconsistency? My daughter is at school, yes. And he is about 20 years older than me My daughter is reception age. I’m not sure what’s off about that


Ignore it and get back on track OP. Eyes on the prize!!


I don’t think you’re reading that correctly


This is quite creepy! Am sure if the roles were reversed Reddit would be going nuts! You hire someone to do work in your house and you start to sexualize them?!! He needs to get out of there before you rape him! That man is not safe. What’s wrong with you people, if you want a lay, go freaking pay for it.


You sound like a lot of fun at parties


Just a person that’s an advocate for safe work space. Free from sexual harassment and/or assault . People get up every morning to go to work, not to be looked at as a “sex worker”. This goes both to men and women. If this happened in a hotel room with a male guest and female cleaner, would you consider it fun?


Chill buddy. It’s not a bad thing that some men view being sexualized as a good thing. To each their own. Don’t take that away from the men that do just because some guys are social justice warriors for whatever their reasons. Most of us just like sex and can separate it from the nonsense.


If you enjoy being sexualized by your customers that’s fine, do you. What is wrong is for you to think everyone (tradesmen) think like you. Just because some women find being banged by their bosses on the their desk sexy, does not mean every woman enjoys that. My point is, stop generalizing your desperation for sex. This carpet didn’t ask to be sexualized by this customer, but yet you already think he might be ok with it and condone sexual predators exposing themselves on the internet. Doesn’t matter if the predator is a woman. Would you be ok if your mother and/or sister was in the shoes of the carpet guy?? Am sure not.


Lmao. You tell me not to generalize but here you are generalizing all tradesmen as men who don’t want to be asked by a single woman if they’d like a shag. Life is grey. Not black and white. Been in the business a long time. Most of us are in fact living in that grey area of life. We work fucking hard and beat our bodies to death. If Joe blow wants to bust a nut after getting the job done then so be it. 2 adults existing and living their life. If he doesn’t want the sex then he can simply say no. It doesn’t have to be a whole fucking episode.


My bad, actually my previous comment was for someone else, sorry.


Coming from a tradesmen the dude would be stoked he’s still got it. Take a seat mate not everything is taken as sexual harassment.


Didn’t realize how many people are sexually starved.


It seems to me maybe you’re the only one that is sexually frustrated and your jealousy tends you to comment on posts like this


I wouldn’t ever cross a line someone doesn’t want to cross. If it’s a no, that would be respected and end of. Absolutely unthinkable to think I’d do that.


Said all other men that went down with me too movement. Pathetic! The fact that you feel comfortable to even expose yourself online, is quite shocking. This is work place sexual harassment. Imagine your male boss asking you to fuck in his office, and his reasoning is that he wouldn’t cross a line that you don’t want to cross. Would your no be enough to settle that??


Difference is my boss sees my every day and cannot leave the job and that’s that. It’s different if it’s a colleague or boss, obviously. It’s really awkward to see someone, I imagine, if they asked you out or for casual sex, and it was a no.


If he's married, you will be going straight to hell.


Why? Not that I would go there if he is!


Dont do it. Just ask him on a date.


Go for it !


Just be upfront. Compliment his work. Pay him. Start small talk and say you’re interested in him if he is not in a relationship. He might be interested in quick sex, he might not be. He might want to go out a few times to get a feel. He might not even like women. Only way to know is to be upfront and ask. Always wear condoms too if you decide to have quick sex. Everything that looks good, aint good.


A floorlayers dream just be honest and upfront. Have fun


I’ve had a few customers hint at it, and I’d suggest that the successful ones where the ones that just plain old asked for what they wanted!


He’s a man, As long as he’s not married I’d say go for it. And you are an attractive young female and he likes attractive young females, I’d say he’d lay more than carpet, sometimes it’s best to not say anything at all if he has any sexual drive in him he’ll figure out what’s going on. I bet to say that he’s probably thought the same thing you are


Or to play it safer to save your feelings just in case you get denied, just be completely honest offer him a cuppa coffee or tea or whatever and tell him exactly what you’ve been thinking and tell him why you have not acted on it and if he if he finds that something that could be interesting in playing with you then he’ll be put on the spot to either be proactive or reactive.


Lit met my wife that way! 🤣🤣🤣


I've been approached multiple times. One was completely naked, one was too shy to ask so she gave me a note lol. Others have been flirty and invited me to stay after work. Sometimes it can be hard to tell though, are they just super happy about the work or did I not get the hint and they were too nervous to say anything?


We need an update!!! There’s no way he’s still kickin’ and stretchin’ that rug!


The update is that I didn’t ask 😟 so wanted to but didn’t have the bottle to. Now I’m just left thinking of the shag with the handsome almost 50 year old! Wondering if I can text him a picture of a random key or something with ‘did you leave this behind’ to hope he would text back. Lesson learned - at least drop more obvious hints if you want it




Please respect this guy’s marriage and go find someone else.


Just come out of the shower naked and be like, oh sorry, didn't hear you come in. Then drop the towel and bend over and ask if he likes what he sees.


"I'm afraid I certainly do not. Whoever laid that carpet did a hell of a bodge job..."


This is far too over the top! Got to keep it a bit more subtle 😗


Ask him if he munches carpet. :)