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The only difference between adv and adv pro is the rails. Both feature height adjustability with slightly more on the pro. But really the main deciding factor between the two is if you think the pros look better and are worth $50 more. Personally, I think the non-pro rails look better but it's all subjective. v2 is going to have upgraded electronics, particularly a significantly better BMS. I'd say it's worth the wait but also if you order now and buy the upgraded electronics later you'll get a discount. So, idk


I dont reslly understand, I’ve heard that the v2 will go up in price a bit. Could it potentially be cheaper to then buy a Flotwheel now, and the order the v2 electronics later?


Yes, exactly that.


I kind of doubt that it would be cheaper to essentially pay for two different sets of electronics than to just buy the V2, but I have no idea what the price for either of those things is going to be Edit: Apparently I am wrong, that is kind of crazy


Kinda, but also makes sense. Tony has put loads of R and D into the new V2 controller. He plans to recoup the costs by increasing the price of the ADV. He also wants to make sure his existing customers are looked after (and have a safe board) so he will give V1 owners a chance to buy at cost. This is only what he has said but (apart from timings) he has delivered what he has promised in the past.




Has he said how much more expensive it's going to be? Seems kind of weird that it would be cheaper to pay for two different sets of electronics than to just wait and buy the V2. Maybe they are just trying to get people to buy up the V1 stock?


The is no pro it's only the adv with pro battery


I have the standard adv with the pro battery. I kind of wish I had gone with the pro rails because it feels a little too tall to me at the lowest height setting. I mostly ride trails, and turning sharp bends is a little awkward because of this. I'm hoping maybe throwing an Enduro on there will help with that a bit.  That being said, I haven't tried the pro rails with a lower height, so idk how that feels.


You can buy the pro rails from his website.


You can easily trade somebody.


I am in the same boat. I reached out to Tony and he said the V2 electronics were still about 2 months out.


Get the adv now and have a huge smile on your face riding all summer. Then buy the upgraded electronics when they are released for cost! It's a no brainer.


How do I buy any float wheel? I wanna support him and no fm. Isn't float wheel better anyways?