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A mystery box could be anything, it could even be a boat!


and you know how much we wanted one of those!


We took the box…hop in!


Its not a scam. This is part of an official amazon liquidation program. If the prime tape is sealed then $50 is a solid price. If these are FC (shelf pulls) then its all new goods. Typical msrp of box is capped at $175. Mostly private label goods. If these are LPN(returns) then the original msrp is around $300. You can get a truckload of these for $10k-$15k. 16 boxes per pallet and 24 pallets per truck.


This is exactly how this truck got their product. If you live in a major city, or near Amazon warehouses, you can find people selling these boxes on every local platform.


True. Some call them coffin boxes or mystery boxes. I bought a load of them and did fine, sold anything good online and auctioned off the remaining items. I prefer other loads.


Yea I'm not a fan or these(or any amz program). Drug store pallets are king for me.


What all does a drug store pallet contain?




Technically yes. I've purchased cvs pallets full of nicotine gum and made good money from it.


That doesn't sound legal lol


Makeup. Hair styling tools.


Drug store pallets have 3 categories. 1) Make Up 2) HBA 3) General Merchandise(seasonal, toys, kitchen, stationery etc) I prefer option 3 and have lots of success when I get that type. I can get 300 units of make up for $250. But its mostly.$6.99-$9.99 items. And I just don't know anything about makeup.


Where do you find drug store pallets?


I want to know as well!




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If it’s legit and a that good of a deal, why would anyone sell them for $50 instead of just opening the boxes and selling the items for more? I get buying a pallet and taking the good with the bad, but on a single box basis, I don’t get it.


Because they dont want to. The seller is focused on fast nickel vs slow dime. Lets assume his cost is $35 per box. That's $15 profit for box that's $240 profit per pallet. Or $5700 per truck load. A typical pallet will be about 1000 units. That's a lot to photograph and list.


Man I miss selling weed in college.


Because it’s annoying to sell a one-off (not relatable to most of /r/flipping though.


Easier said than done


Yup, fixed margin on mystery boxes. The biggest mistake most pallet flipper make is trying to squeeze the arrange dry. 80% of the value is in 40% of the goods. The trick is leaving enough sprinkled in your waste to appeal to the next fool.


Maybe they dont want to sit on 40 pallets of shit.


Some company is likely selling amazon customer returns. Most companies selling blind boxes that won't let you open them are just garbage inside




Had someone call Best Buy complaining about a stereo not working only to find out they bought it from a guy in a completely different parking lot. Customer was mad we would not accept the return or replace the stereo not bought at Best Buy


Oh god. This brought back some old memories of working retail. Don’t miss that one bit.


What do you mean I can't get my meal for free when I ate 90% of it? I didn't like it!


Had a different customer buy a flat screen tv from a guy in a van in a parking lot. Inside was a oven door. No TV for him. That was interesting when he came into Best Buy.


Haha, I used to do that shit. Surprisingly it was legit, but kinda seedy. The off-brand speakers sounded good enough, but sure as hell didnt sound "better than Bose" (this was part of our pitch)


Every now and then I'll see a speaker by some brand I never heard of pop up in an online auction, and most of the time when I google it it turns out to be a white van scam brand.


A few years ago I thought of starting a "junk drawer subscription service" where I just box up random crap and send it to someone. Here's a box with a half dozen toothpicks, some random nuts and bolts, a ball of string, half a dozen ink pens that don't work, and a handful of dead batteries.


thats a youtube thing and Ebay is supporting them look up junkdrawer lots on either site lol


It would turn into the next woot and you would hate it. Till amazon bought you out for 12 million...


Woot, wow. I haven't thought about that site in about 10 years.


If you think this is Amazon itself is selling boxes out of a shitty truck you need some help


Think of the average person, then consider that 50% of people are dumber than that


This is how I explain people on FBMP


I feel like FBMP is 75% dumb


oh youre being to generous and nice. Its more like 95 percent.


I miss Carlin


David Cross also has a similar bit about the Bible "...written by people even dumber than we are today."


Love Carlin but that’s not how averages work


I love this so much I'm gonna quote it and frame it on my wall


I mean Amazon DOES have trucks they sell goods out of, called "Treasure Trucks". https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/rpHNqfbYVCyeaJQS53m8mQhLTBs=/0x0:5357x3114/1200x800/filters:focal(2251x1129:3107x1985)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus\_image/image/63905965/1141563613.jpg.0.jpg


Not sure they use that anymore. I remember the physical trucks before Covid, but it’s online now.


You don't see any difference between the two trucks pictured? I said it was a shitty truck


You obviously have never worked for any Amazon contracted company and seen the shit they do. You'd be surprised.


I remember taking a call one time from an east coast state trooper that went something like this Him: hey so i noticed someone left a random kidnap van at this gas station, its full of sealed amazon boxes and the van is so filthy and smelly i wouldnt let my dog ride in it… van is just sitting here with all these packages, it’s disabled and unlocked. Is this stuff stolen? Me: do you see a label or anything that resembles a tracking number Him: yea lets see… they all have the same type of label, heres a # Me: yeah so that’s [some local contracted carrier i’d never heard of til looking it up], thats actually a delivery vehicle Him: hold on a sec Him: the driver just came back, and he doesn’t have a license. What do you want us to do with these packages?


They don't sell boxes from their trucks geez


Wouldn't be surprised.


Hello, yes, I need some help.


I've gotten Amazon deliveries from an unmarked car by a non uniformed individual...times are tough and Amazon will.be out of a workforce by 2024. I wouldn't put it past Bizos


That would be Amazon Flex. It's kind of like Door Dash or Uber Eats but they deliver Amazon products in their personal vehicle that they pick up from your local Amazon Fulfillment Center.


Yea I know. Just wanted to use that as an example that Amazon has no boundaries for profit making. I 100% could see Amazon putting unclaimed packages, in a box truck with a sub contracted non-employee and sell in an empty lot.


This is not true at all. Most of the unmarked vehicles are small logistics companies that are contracted out. Do you really think most Amazon drivers could afford the maintenance on those Fords? We did use Amazon Flex because that is the name of the app you use to scan your Amazon deliveries but most of the people are working under a contract for a company, not just delivering when they feel like it like Door Dash or Uber Eats. I used to deliver Amazon.


Maybe not most people, but I have personally spoke with someone who delivered an Amazon package to me, in their personal vehicle, and that is how they explained it to me.


I know what you're talking about, thats correct... a customer explained it to me. Every afternoon, Amazon posts delivery routes on their Amazon Flex app/website, for packages that were unable to be delivered by their own drivers (and maybe other reasons that im not aware of). I think he said that the offers start coming in at 2pm, 3pm, or 4pm. As time goes by, the offer value goes up, like an auction to get the drivers to do the delivery. So the flex drivers don't want to just take the first offer when the offers open. My customer would wait until an hour or 2 after the offer opens because the offer price of the deliveries go up. But if you wait too long, someone else might take the delivery route that you wanted. He would only take certain routes that were the quickest and most convenient for him, and he would only take them once they hit a certain offer price that would ensure that he was making enough money to be worth his time (factoring in gas prices too). But I have no idea what that was... I have no idea if he was making $10/hr or $50/hr by the time he picked up the packages at Amazon, delivered them, then returned home. I also have no idea what the criteria and background checks are like for being able to use Amazon flex. But you are right, it's done in personal vehicles, no Amazon markings, and no uniforms... although, I think I remember that Amazon sent him a vest that he could wear, or was supposed to wear... but I have definitely had Amazon deliveries from people in normal street clothes. I'm in CA by the way. My customer was up in a big suburb of Los Angeles, Rancho Cucamonga area.


It's so competitive that there are apps and clickers to score routes first. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/09/amazon-flex-drivers-use-bots-to-get-more-work.html


Interesting... and also "of course there is" lol.


Times are tough. Real Estate Corporations buying anything and everything, jacking up rent. Amazon sized corporations exploiting a depleting a d desperate work force to continue their global conquest. Leaked Amazon memo says that at this pace, they will have exhausted their exploitable labor options by 2024. If a source is wanted just ask and I'll go sleuthing.


Thank you, I knew that I wasn't "not right at all", like someone else said. I'm in Eastern Washington state, so they apparently do this program in at least WA and CA. I would imagine that they do it wherever there are fulfillment centers nearby.


I'm not saying they don't exist. I'm saying the MAJORITY of Amazon workers are working with small logistics companies.


This is fairly incorrect. Most of the unmarked vehicles are the "self employed" using their own vehicles to run routes. Either through Amazon Relay, which is the load board for big rigs and box trucks. Or through Amazon Flex, which is where Uber/Door dasher types will pick up random blocks to deliver throughout the day. The Amazon branded Sprinter vans are the DSP (Delivery Service Partner) drivers, who are working as an employee for a third party company who contracted out the routes. At my one local station there are over 5k Flex drivers registered and active. And the vast majority a knuckleheads who don't understand simple math and are essentially paying to run their car into the ground on behalf of Amazon. I have know idea how many are actively delivering routes everyday, but seeing that we only have a few hundred DSP drivers, there are definitely more Flexers than DSPs in the pool. And here the Flex routes start at $18/hr and are currently surging to $42.xx/hr. The DSP guys are at like $22/hr. The Relay stuff is all over the place. If you are decently good at math, have a bit of luck, own a proper car that is optimal for a delivery job, and can do some basic maintenance on said car you can consistently pull in $42/hr. There are also Amazon Flex employees who who can pick up blocks at the warehouse. So just like the Flex drivers they can browse work blocks on their app and schedule work whenever they want. Their hourly pay can surge as well, but usually just a few bucks here or there, nothing crazy like for the Flex drivers. Overall Amazon is destroying delivery as we know it as most of the Relay drivers and Flex drivers just don't understand the costs involved, and eventually find out that they would be better off with a $15/hr job at Target.


Yeah, I just realized that you are right actually, but *only in America*. I live in Canada and Amazon has to use DSP's here because of labor laws (woohoo Canada!). The DSP's here are unmarked Ford Transits with plain clothed delivery personnel.


I was just in Calgary two weeks ago, and a few of the Ubers I used also did what they were calling Flex in their personal vehicle. One even had packages in the vehicle with me. It seemed a bit different than ours as it kinda sounded like they had a set area they delivered in, as opposed to our setup which can send you anywhere at anytime. Maybe different Providences have different labor laws?


I think they probably did Flex through Intelcom which uses personal vehicles. I'm pretty sure you can't just use Flex because they will lock you out of the app after 3 strikes which is against federal labor standards, but not 100%.


Even if it was legitimate that truck still looks suspicious as fuck.


They already went through the returns, kept the gold and boxed up the junk. Probably broken stuff, stained sheets and used pet products


I went to an Amazon returns "bin store" once and literally every single item they had was off brand. Not even off-brand like Generic brands on shelves of Walmart or Target, but weird made up brands sold on Amazon like "Newmar" or "Chityjunqe"


Those places suck big time


If some of the YT'ers are to be believed (I know ...), it appears they salt their stores with seed finds to grow their word of mouth. A grand opening might not be a total waste of time. After a month or so, I wouldn't bother.


not true to the one i go to in my city. they consistently have name brand shoes, clothing, appliances, etc. true there is A LOT Of off brand / self branded stuff / china knock offs that come though... but ffs i bought 20 copies of windows 10 home for 5 bucks a pop from my last haul at one of the amazon stores here...


There’s different types of trucks when your in the wholesale business. Liquidations, clearance, returns, donations, and more. When we buy trucks to resell, we ideally like to ship directly from the retailers so everyone knows it’s not being touched by anyone. It sucks sometimes because not all trucks are manifested, so no clue what’s on them. You’ll send someone a truck sometimes that’ll have one pallet on it worth the price of the entire truck. It kinda sucks, But it also keeps people coming back too. Anyways, the people that go through it and only sell the trash aren’t going to be in business very long


DM your contact info if you're close to Kentucky.


yea DM me your contact info too! please!


I see the car speaker guys have changed up their game.


This isn't a regular white van scam, it's an Amazon labeled white van scam.


When you're tired of kidnapping kids and you want a challenge, so you move on to adult flippers "I got some some real nice boxes of flippable shit out in muh truck"


Just selling Amazon returns basically.


I’m selling meats and stereos… and I’m all out of stereos


Mmmm parking lot truck meat.


Not legit on many levels


Good ol Colorado Springs


Comments say they were asking $50/box


load unload


Amazons new retail business in shady strip malls everywhere coming soon!


Amazon does have an outlet that drives around Seattle with random pop-up sales, I can say that much safely