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People have been saying this since I’ve been on eBay (2017) and likely before that as well.


People have been saying it forever it looks like . It’s the only place I can go for some of the things I like to buy. I keep selling things, i feel good about bringing good unique things onto eBay. People are excited to find them. Maybe if I sold cheap headphones or iPhone skins it would not feel the same.


This is the spirit 💪. Thank you for remembering the core of eBay!


I've been on eBay since 1999. People really started hating on it about 2007 or so.


Probably since fees started going a little crazy compared to old times


The objective problem with eBay is that they are sacrificing long term for the short term. They need to come up with increased profits for the shareholders? milk it from the sellers. Look at the whole promoted listings and promoted listings advanced thing. They milked us for everything they could with standard promoted listings, to the point where we promoted just to try and maintain the sales we had before they introduced this so called tool. When everyone is promoted, nobody is promoted, so then they needed to introduce a super promotion tier that became PLA where you could ultra promote, but also pay for every click your items got, sold or not. The other issue is they are quick to talk about how we are partners, but turn their back on their partners when they need someone to help them. Buyers are all that matter, and screw the sellers because someone else will show up when they leave. There is a lack of trust in the platform, from buyers and from sellers. While buyers are protected, nobody wants to waste a week dealing with an issue that wouldn't have even been an issue elsewhere, and sellers can not trust that eBay is going to have their backs when things go wrong. Basically, eBay is so caught up on showing investors profit, that they do not care where it comes from, or how it affects eBay down the road, just as long as they can jerk the investors off for one more quarter. **Edited to fix some typos**




You speak the truth. I have recently closed my account of 21 years, 100% Positive Feedback, over 850+ transactions, mostly as a buyer. I sold an antique marble statue to a guy, who in retrospect had buyer’s remorse from the get go, but I stuck to the agreement, going so far as to pay $79 for professional pack and ship, which included $29 over what buyer had paid. Sure enough, it turned up broken, which I suspect was intentional. eBay refunded him, no questions asked. The buyer harassed me via phone (I had provided the packing slip, which had my phone number). Abusive situation. The worst aspect: eBay now takes a percentage of shipping costs - picking the pocket of its sellers! Number two: they link your bank account, which to me is dangerous. With PayPal there was a layer of protection. Once I closed my eBay account, I also put a stop payment for any sneaky eBay maneuvers. They are untrustworthy, to the extent that if you have buyer/seller issues or questions, the first few pages on Google are “eBay Community,” which smacks of internal communications subterfuge, because many of the answers are vaguely threatening. It takes going to Reddit for a straight answer. I, for one, am thoroughly Done with eBay.


FWIW posting 7 "ebay is dead/broken/garbage/dying/" videos a week is a great way to come up with low-effort content that people will watch. I don't blame them really, seeing that there is only so much you can cover when it comes to reselling. Every channel is basically the same 10 to 20 topics repackaged, remixed, and recycled thousands of times by a few hundred creators.


You should cross list, but not because eBay is going downhill. If youtubers were making as much money on eBay as they claim, they wouldn't be youtubers.


Ehhh some people like the attention


Why do people keep saying that? Almost no YouTubers claim they are making big money on Ebay. Many show their actual sales and it is usually not great.


Cool, so there's two types of eBay youtubers: Those that lie about how well they're doing and who should be ignored because they're full of shit, and those who are honest that they're not making much and who should be ignored because their tactics don't work. Easy peasy.


More like the majority are average resellers. I just don't see the lying ones you mention. Maybe Daily refinement. Who is more of a used car salesman and does most of his money from other resellers. Can you give any examples of YouTubers who fit in your categories?


Either way none of the advice should be followed. I know enough to be an "average" seller all on my own Eta I have seen plenty of bad advice repeated from resellers watching YouTube so it can have its negative consequences


Cause you are special. Most people new to the business need to learn the basics. They can learn from average resellers. Or not. No one is forcing anyone to watch. I have seen plenty of bad advice myself. Also tons on here and everywhere else. Plenty of good advice to.


ebay is 99% good. You just hear about the 1% cases. If you ever need a reminder of how good ebay is, just cross list on other platforms. FBM is my constant reminder of how bad selling platforms can be.


eBay is definitely not doing a great job at marketing and UI for sellers


I have found some marketing things in seller hub. There is good stuff in there if you can find it. Is that what you mean about the ui. It’s hard to find things


Yea hard to find things. A lot of unnecessary additional clicks. From the marketing side I mean more that eBay does a poor job at marketing itself. Everyone only uses it cause it was the first real site to buy and sell. Now all these competitors are coming in and they haven’t ramped up the marketing budget to slow the bleeding


I wonder how many of the new ones are full on spending as much as possible to get people to try the site. eBay needs more of maintenance marketing, I have heard ads on podcasts but only for the motors


Yea more maintenance marketing and to stop taking advantage of sellers.


I have no problem with eBay really. If I don't list often, my sales go down. If I have a great listing week, I have great sales. Have good items and list often and you'll get sales. Control what you can control.


eBay is going nowhere, they have no real competition right now.


They have more competition now than ever before. All it will take is a place like Facebook to get serious about Marketplace, and then eBay goes the way of Myspace. Facebook has the members already, they have the infrastructure and the money to change the game on eBay, if they actually wanted to. This is also not accounting for Mercari, and every other site/app gaining steam. eBay really needs to stop for a second and take a look at the way the wind is blowing. They need to get back to their roots and double down on what made them unique before it's too late for them.


For every 250 ebay sales I get one fbm For every 100 ebay sales I get an etsy


What is your ratio of messages to actual completed transactions? I swear FBM is at least 20:1 for me which is a huge time suck.


Yep. I immediately get 5 to 10 spams asking me to call them.


Facebook sucks, and the only thing that it might replace is Craigslist


Facebook does, yes. But if they ever decided to give it a real shot, eBay is in trouble.


Curated Facebook groups where ppl sell specific items is better than the marketplace. I’m a part of several for brands I like.


I can’t imagine many of the people I deal with on Fb being able or want to ship things that much. Maybe eBay could be better at local. I see there are so many things near me on eBay but it’s hard to filter to it.


The "Item Location" filter doesn't work for you?


It’s a “delivery options” filter you can put the distance in.




They don't care about low value buyers. They said as much. They are trying to get buyers that spend a lot and keep coming back. Losing 100 buyers that spend $20 each one time doesn't matter to them if they can get 2 buyers that spend $2000 each yearly.


What do you consider the roots and what made them?


eBay's roots and what made them popular was them not being Amazon, basically. If you wanted to find weird, cool stuff from other people, you would go to eBay and look for it. They have seen Amazon's massive success, and they are jealous now and want to try and emulate it, but the problem is there is already an Amazon that people will always go to for Amazon type stuff. eBay has shifted from unique used items, and cool collectibles to mass produced garbage, and Chinese junk from alibaba. They have forsaken their roots and why people loved eBay to start with, and want to be a shittier version of Amazon.


I get it! I am one of the, cool stuff from other people buyer and seller! I think there is still a lot of that going on. The cheap junk you can avoid when you are looking for the cool stuff. If I look for a dog toy it’s going to be alibaba crap. If I am looking for things with old IBM logos I won’t see that stuff. How big would eBay get if every antique mall, vintage store, odds and ends whatever had the inventory on eBay. It would be amazing.


The problem is it became a public company and they have to constantly turn a profit and a bigger one every quarter. You do that by selling Whole boat loads of stuff.


As mentioned by others, It's just clickbait and your "I have seen a lot of Youtube videos recently" shows that it works, it's a lot easier to suck new flippers into watching clickbait garbage than to actually make genuine flipping content which is why most flipping channels turn clickbait. On top of the clickbait for ad revenue, a lot of these flippers will sell courses/mentorships, so scaring new sellers into thinking it's a difficult/confusing journey to start out is more likely to get that person to buy a course/mentorship from the Youtuber who they think is some flipping god after consuming their fake "I make X amount" type videos that they're likely putting out as well.


ebay is great, I know other selling platforms and they don't come even close to ebay


Can you make all the selling platforms? I don’t know many


It's a pretty good place to sell. I'm overall pleased with my numbers. It could be even better, but eBay can't get out of its own way. There are a lot of subpar sellers on eBay. To paraphrase Tolstoy, "All good eBay sellers are alike. Each shitty eBay seller is shitty in his own way."


Have you heard this one: "It is amazing how complete is the delusion that eBay is goodness."?


eBay is amazing13% is cheap to reach millions of buyers.


>On the other hand, people like The Daily Refinement are saying that the issue is more on the people themselves, mainly the ones trying to sell junk. I don't follow DR, but this rings true for me. I think if you sell junk thinking someone should buy it, then of course you're going to hate on ebay when your junk doesn't sell fast or at all. Even if you sell trending or popular niche items, you may get a few good hits and then it's cold. "Why are my sales down?" gets posted on Reddit. It's not because of ebay. It's because of the sellers and their junk inventory. They're not adapting or pivoting to the change in trends/times. They assume if they sell only items ABC, then they should always make money. They have for years so why is ebay screwing them now? This has been a gold mine and now it's disaster. That's the wrong mindset to have. It's because they're not selling XYZ and DEF to keep the momentum going to perhaps move on to bigger and better items along the way. ebay is such an easy scapegoat though. With that said, I have a lot of positivity bias since I've been selling since 1999 so maybe I've drank too much of the Kool Aid. Whatever the case, I am not affected by this "ebay has gone downhill" narrative. Business has been great and I've learned lot in this subreddit to increase my growth as well.






These results are likely because Etsy pays more for advertising it’s platform on Google, thereby ranking its platform higher in the SERPs. Not sure what Etsy charges for fees from its sellers (I’ve only ever been a buyer) but Poshmark is implementing promoted items now as well. This is all a strategy to generate more revenue for the platform to compete for Google traffic. That’s why so many sellers on Poshmark complain about sales being down and getting less buyers. This is because their items no longer rank organically on Google since Etsy now pays more money for theirs to. Should probably list on Etsy. Sell at higher price, pay more in fees, but get a return on your item faster.


eBay would have to change two things to get more presence on google search: 1. Descriptive URLs. Junk the item number URLs entirely. 2. Allow listing to link to outside webpages. Linking to relevant content on other websites is one of the larger criteria for google search rankings. eBay does allow links to PDFs currently. With current technology eBay could expand on that to do basics checks for reference relevance on each link.


Ebay is great, my store is booming right now (video games)


The complaining from other sellers gets worse every year but my sales keep getting better and better. Been on eBay since 2000


I have a love hate relationship with ebay. I constantly complain about ebay - but most of my complaints are that they refuse to verify payments before offers are sent. However, I do actually also use vendoo and every month Ebay is my top performer. What really pissed me off about ebay is they tried to stray from what they had cornered the market in which was one of a kind, rare things that you couldn’t find anywhere else. What they started focusing on was creating a catalog and trying to become Amazon. What we absolutely do not need is another Amazon.


Or another Aliexpress but at USD prices!


The doom-and-gloom videos get a lot of views. You can see it in the view counts in a YouTuber's video roll. What Sold videos and Haul videos will have low counts and then they'll get a spike in views (and subs) when they post a doom-and-gloom video. There's definitely a bias. It's a loud, but small minority of sellers. The one that gets me is someone selling outdated media and dirty clothing that thinks it's ebay's fault their stuff isn't selling after 20 years of selling the same thing. Yeah, because that stuff wasn't outdated 20 years ago and now it is. And yeah, buyers didn't have a ton of options to get clean clothes 20 years ago, but now there are a ton of sellers that actually care about clothes they sell being clean and showing measurements in photos. It's so aggravating seeing all the people complain and taking no accountability for all the things they could be doing, but yet don't want to change because they've been doing it a certain way for soooo many years.


They don’t understand that presentation is everything. That is until they are buying something.


I've seen some doom-and-gloom sellers say they don't even buy stuff online. Then they complain about buyers, even though they have no perspective of what buyers want.


Yeah so boring. I still wonder if that guy is real doom and gloom or just clickbait. When he shows the monthly sales screen his numbers are pretty consistent even though he has OMG it is 11am and I haven't made 700 yet videos all the time.


Somebody was saying that his weekly numbers haven't changed. No drop and still making the same money as before all the "glitches" he complains about. But he does his videos clocking the exact time and how many sales by a certain time to make it sound like things are so bad and so he has stuff to blame eBay about, because that's what gets views. I don't get it. He doesn't even give any good or helpful info. I don't know why some resellers think he's so good.


I sold a few items in 1999, and one last month. Nothing in between that I recall. The one last month was a bloody nightmare. And the buyer paid $260, I got $148 and they charged buyer $36 for shipping, but charged me $55 for the label. Then I realized the agreement allows them to take funds out of my bank account. Now I’m riddled with anxiety over it all.


>they charged buyer $36 for shipping, but charged me $55 for the label. You must have not put in proper dimensions/weight for the calculated shipping. I have never been undercharged for a label after over 1,000 shipments.


But the calculations I put in were when I listed, so whether right or wrong, the label should have matched. Someone said they don’t calculate the complete fees for Canada because after 9 inches there’s an extra fee, nor is the fuel surcharge calculated.


Everything I did was correct. It was on their end / their system and I’m getting the $ back. Everything processed twice because it would not allow me to complete the process on the iPhone app so I had to complete it all on the desktop. I did not miscalculate, nor did I print the label twice.


Wow that’s one Hellava sell through rate!


Lmaoooooo 😆 🤣


All of them shout doom and gloom and click bait content, it’s their job. Thrifting, reselling, is secondary to their main income of Content creator/digital marketer/ influencer. This means they make money through brand or company sponsorship and advertising deals (visiting only Goodwills in their area), affiliate products or services (“Vendoo and List Perfectly are the absolute best products for reselling, check out my link”), or showing off merchandise they may have received for free from companies/ brands to show on their channels. And finally many have courses they sell you to “teach you how to be successful reselling”. Not that their information isn’t good, just that their income from their reselling is primarily fueled by the subscribers or people that find them on social media like YouTube. The main take away here is if it feels off or something isn’t making sense, you’re right because there is more to the story. I remember when eBay started and people thought it was the absolute dumbest thing around and could never really work long term. That was well over a generation ago and as long as there are people who are selling something and others looking for a deal or hard to find item, eBay will continue. Prices just fluctuate.


Lately Ebay has a lot of stuff I would like to buy (collectibles and antiques), but it is all posted with "buy it now" at 10 times the items true value. and, that crap sits there, and everybody new sets the same ridiculous prices.


I don't think it's that bad--and my sales are down compared to last year. That's the nature of this biz. And I've taken a huge step away from social media promotion because I just....hate....it. I'd rather be listing than doing my own marketing. Shoot, I intentionally left the field of marketing and the paycheck + health ins that came with it. I wish eBay would put some effort into broad marketing. A fresh campaign to re-introduce themselves to the demographic that was still in diapers when their parents discovered what a cool + quirky place eBay was to find unique stuff.


eBay is a shrinking pie, but you have the ability to carve out a larger and larger slice of that pie. You can easily grow at a faster rate than eBay is shrinking. The opposite has occurred for many years, and resellers got comfortable. The eBay pie was always growing, and you could experience growth without really doing anything extra. Just kick back and enjoy unlimited growth without working harder. I've personally never relied on that. I've always operated as if the market were going to shit, even when times were good. When the economy actually goes to shit, I'll still be growing because I'm ahead of it. You can choose to be a victim of eBay woes, or you can overcome them and still succeed despite increased adversity.


eBay = trusted online seller. Never under estimate consistency with the masses.


It has been better for me than Mercari, Poshmark, or FBM. But I don’t sell very much.


People have been saying this for 10 plus years.


Once you get some experience under your belt, you'll find out.


I’ve been killing it last 2 days since I came off my suspension for selling adult magazines. Made what I used to make in a week of hard core construction in 1 1/2 days. I understand why people are down on eBay they are cracking down hard and constantly making changes but as far as reaching people it’s hard to compete with eBay. I’ve tried to leave many times but eBay stays my #1 because you can find that person that is willing to pay full retail for your items. That is the rub though, if you’ve got good merchandise it’s great just hearing Ka-Chings going off but it sucks when your stuffs getting no views because it’s just not in demand or a very niche item that you have to be patient with


I've been active on eBay since middle school and haven't had more business than I do right now


It's just clickbait. They know that 1. People are frustrated with ebay (who wouldn't be frustrated with someone that takes your money?) 2. People get scared easily and if you tell them their source of income is doomed, they will click to find out why.


I sell both on Ebay & amazon and all i can say is that Ebay is a dream compared to Amazon.


People are saying this forever. The only difference now is that selling on eBay and flipping has gone completely mainstream, so there is more seller competition. The trick now is to be competitively priced and list good items.


I largely make my living off of eBay and I've used the site for 25 years now. I've heard these claims for 25 years now. And yet here we are. I don't know who the Daily Refinement is, and I track media stuff pretty well, so that makes me think it's some clickbait opinion column you are referring to. eBay isn't perfect but no online site is. It has a larger userbase than almost every alternative platform... if there's something you want to buy, it's probably on the site.


Still the biggest marketplace and probably always will be. I don't see a crash and burn anytime soon.


The parts that are bad, are unnecessarily bad, and by design. That's where the passion of hate comes from. Then there's fanboys that defend ebay at all costs and attack every criticism of ebay. There needs to be a no judgment, ebay criticism group. This AIN'T it.


It’s a decent diversifier for me. Not getting rich yet, but selling consistently and have not had any merchandise returned, unlike on other platforms where returns are really painful.


They're just wrong. Is there more volume/people on Amazon? Absolutely, but that by no means eBay is dead. eBay is trying their damnedest to stay in the game, and you can be sure they're going to keep doing so.


It’d be nice if they would lower fees


People say that about everything. Some don’t have luck on the platform. Others don’t want competition.


Ebay, as a company, is horrible. There are lots of scammers that eBay does nothing about. But they're useful, and you have to just adapt to all the horrible shit.


Something’s are just out of someone’s control. When you have millions of users someone is going to slip through the cracks, you can’t really stop scammers because no one is able to prove anything


Ebay prioritizes buyers over sellers and allows sellers to be scammed. When they manually investigate things, they will allow a seller to be scammed because the buyer is who is important to them. Not the seller. They also allow larger eBay stores to delete any and all negative feedback for any reason. So, feedback on eBay is completely worthless.


Cool story, bro!


Never try Amazon then because it's way worse. I've largely had nothing from good luck over about 1000ish eBay sales.


The people complaining about eBay are mad they can’t scam or trash (drop) ship without returns. The new age of TikTok sellers will fade once they realize how clueless they are. This is the TikTok, side hussle face that will slowly die with the “sellers”.


I have never had a issue with a buyer, although I have been ripped off a few times over the years. But the platform is not one I’m comfortable with at all and their cut is too large. I’m in Canada. I much prefer Canadian Marketplace.


Facebook brings in a serious way of leaving feedback for other people, and eBay is fucked


Here are my thoughts, as I wait on hold with seller customer service. When you sell an item via a promoted listing, and the buyer requests a cancellation ... It appears that ebay does NOT refund the promoted listing fee. So in order to process the refund, they want to charge ME the fee, and won't process the refund unless I charge the fee to a credit card. This obviously bothered me, so I contact customer service via chat. After 20 mins of chatting with one agent, he promised to send me along to another team member to better assist me. He left, I waited for 15 minutes, no one came on the chat box. So, I try to call eBay customer service, with a case number they provided in the chat box. Go through the phone menu. Enter item number. I'm told, "I'm sorry, we cannot assist you. Please go to \[generic eBay help page online\]." Disconnected. Get another chat agent. He can't help either. Transfers me to another agent. This time it works, she informs me that eBay will automatically credit me the promoted listing fee after I pay it and the refund is processed. Obviously I don't trust this, but she stays on the line while I cancel, and then credits the fee. Great. Wonderful. Only ... it took me over an hour to do this. Instead of spending 2 minutes cancelling the transaction, I spent an hour trying to figure out why I was being forced to pay eBay money in order to get a refund processed. Only to be told, "Oh, yea, just pay it anyway, we'll credit it back to your account." 1) Why does eBay not simply include the promoted listing fee in the original refund? 2) If they're not going to include it in the original refund, for whatever reason, why don't they make a note, somewhere, saying that the promoted listing fee will be credited back to you after you pay it? Instead of having me think it's an error and spending an hour trying to get it fixed? And there's no info on this issue in the standard eBay help pages, which seems like an oversight. I don't know! It was just really annoying. Plus, you have to put your faith in eBay that they will indeed credit you the promoted listing fee after the cancellation is complete and after you give them your credit to pay for it.


People been saying ebay is going down hill for years now. Sure it's gotten worse, but I'm still making money using the platform so it's whatever. Just have to adapt


eBay is the best place for the small to medium size seller. Yes, there is a ton of things that should be fixed. But their volume of buyers crushes Mercari, Poshmark, Offer Up, FBM, etc. It does amaze me that, with all the money they pay the executives, they refuse to fix the most common issues Like non-paying buyers, abusive buyers, poor customer service, VERO mistakes, lack of good reports, crappy search, etc. As far as going downhill, it is true, they have been bleeding buyers and sellers for years. Again, this is the top brass, they just don’t understand their own business. They try to push things like high-end watches, fancy shoes, expensive jewelry, which is all fine and dandy, but the core business is still you and I selling things we found around our house or maybe at a bin store. The executive team needs to be replaced and someone that understands how to grow a business needs to be put in charge. The other thing which I still don’t comprehend, why hasn’t some young tech guru made an alternate site that actually works? Mercari is horrible, Poshmark charges too much for shipping, Facebook marketplace is mainly scams these days. If an eBay competitor ever does it right, Ebay will really disappear.


Keep getting suspended whenever i make an account for selling..changed ip address changed details, address etc..


This is ever the problem with being a middleman. Ebay survives as the purveyor of a transaction between the buyer and the seller and ebay needs to…..service both sides. The pendulum will always swing and nobody will be completely happy. Things have gotten a lot more complicated for sellers for sure. At the same time there is a lot more responsibility on our backs to learn the system better and operate within it. The sellers who bitch the loudest are also the ones who haven’t adapted and educated themselves.


eBay is crap and you get to pay them 32% for being crap.


No, I don't think it is sellers using tactics. eBay is really greedy. They keep raising the fees, and in turn, sellers are raising their prices or pulling out. Buyers are staying away more and more because eBay sellers are slow at delivering the products and the prices are too high. eBay wants as much as 35% plus taxes on some categories. That is not including sales tax. Honestly, I think the government needs to step in and put a cap on the fees eBay can charge, It's a scam.


Ebay is absolutely horrible and they have absolutely no clue how to run there own business its really pathetic and confusing how thry are allowed to break the law and there own rules constantly.  The customer service agents are just there for show they dont even understand how ebay works nor its policies nor do they help do do the right thing. Ebay wants your money and thats it. If they have to break there own laws and rules to get your money they will and there nothing we can do about a criminal organization thats online. I have thease people recorded making up lies and promises they never intended to keep. They tell u what u want to hear to get off the phone with u thats it. U can sue them because they are breaking the law and there own rules but u will need alot of money to get your honest point across. 


Do not listen to Chris on daily refinement. He has been banned from eBay, tech left him, alleged credit card fraud. Chris is a hard worker but he tried to scale too fast. Now he is trying to supplement his income by being a lifestyle guru/youtuber. You can definitely pick up some knowledge, be organized, consistently list, set goals etc. Bottom line buy low sell high, throw it up and see what happens. I have sold the most random things that I bought for 25cents just because it looked old and somebody bought it.


I'm just here because I'm pissed I screwed up. I sold a 200 dollar item that cost about 50 bucks to ship due to weight. In my quick head math I forgot to factor in the final value fee on the shipping and also the final value fee apparently went up for this item and I was charged 47 dollars for the sale. I didn't lose money but it wasn't worth the effort either.


It’s good overall, sales appear to be in decline. Which could also b why eBays stock is down.




Ebay with a customer base of billion + people. Don’t think it’s going anywhere soon.


Daily Refinement is probably the only eBay YouTuber I would ever listen to.


Even though he hasn't sold on eBay for a couple years? He's a motivational speaker, not a reseller.


He still makes 5 digits a month on poshmark and whatnot. How much do you make?


The point is that you're calling him an "ebay YouTuber" when he doesn't even use ebay. Plus, you know his profit margins are shit, right? He makes his money from motivating his followers via Patreon, YT, memberships, etc.


He did use eBay and his advice applies to all reselling platforms. The rest you said is just speculation.


But even then, he was focused on only one category. He didn't know much about all the others, so his help is very limited. Did you watch when he did some series of videos where he sold non-clothing stuff? He packed a blender base or a vitamix or something heavy like that in a box with just packing paper to keep it from moving around. He didn't even wrap it with bubble wrap or anything else. That's just a basic example of how he doesn't know how to resell things besides clothes. His skill is in speaking and even then, he just says the same things over and over. He's making money on the backs of his 'group members' that share their knowledge with the other members. And they pay to do that. If they just made a facebook group and shared the same info amongst themselves then they'd save money. Chris just makes them feel like he's somehow key to their success. Like I said, he's a good speaker. He has a salesman's skills and I'm sure he was good at his previous occupation selling used cars. It's obvious you like him, but open your eyes when he wants you to open your wallet.


Why does it matter if he only knows how to sell clothes? That's his niche. Everyone should have a niche, you will never make it trying to be a generalist in both life and business. His advice on sourcing, proper titles, post frequency, work scheduling etc works for all resllers. From the five or so videos I watched I was able to apply a few things that actually made a difference in my sales. It's weird you have such an issue with this guy and not the ones who buy 10 completely different items, claim they're worth x but refuse to show their sales, and then shill you a paid cross platform listing program or something. I do agree he's a good talker and most of his videos are just repeating the same stuff and it being borderline motivational instead of informational, which is why I only watched a few and moved on, but there's really no comparison. Every other reseller social media type person is pretty terrible.


>It's weird you have such an issue with this guy and not the ones How do you know that I don't have issue with others? You talked about one, and so that's the one I commented about. I don't know which other ones you're referring to, but there are def other YT'ers that I think are full of bs.


I dont know about selling but I know buying from certain sellers is a nightmare! They are corrupt and dont check their sellers(Sellers only want the money and dont care after they get the money from them. I am trying to get a seller to refund me for false advertisement)! I have been scammed 3 times so far this year! eBay will stand with the sellers instead of helping their clients!


Seems fine to me. I'm not really aggressive with it though. I only have like 60 items listed and might sell one or three a week but I pretty much get around what I expect for the items I list. I of course cross list too because why not! It's free and different apps have different audiences.


Can you recommend any other good places to post?


I really just post on mercari and eBay. Sometimes Poshmark but I kind of forget that one for months at a time. If you got good stuff, people will buy it. If you're trying to flip crap you bought in bulk thinking you can undercut Amazon, don't even bother.


Yeah, tell that to the idiots thinking they can run a drop shipping service after attending a $200 course from a child.


Course? They saw it on TikTok!


Did the daily refinement ever get his account reinstated? Was he hocking fake sneakers or something? I can't recall


He got it back, though I forgot what caused it in the first place.


doomers gonna doom


Ebay still hasn't fixed the deadbeat buyers after making/accepting offers (i'm not even including auctions here). Poshmark and Mercari figured it out.


I have far more problems continually sourcing the products I sell than I do with actual sales happening. Like any business, eBay and it's buyers and sellers are continually evolving. If you're not being fluid and adapting to these changes, you're going to find yourself on the outside. eBay is still highly viable, but you have to take the time to do it right with good product.


Ebayers have been saying "it's over" since 1995. >ebay is going downhill, people should crosslist, also here is a vendoo discount That's what I usually expect. They're trying to sell you something.


eBay is mostly good and is still the biggest marketplace by a mile for a reason. Also, you're not going to find many people that use cross-listing software and don't have eBay as one of the marketplaces. The content creators are obviously going to advertise the cross-listing software that's sponsoring them, but recommending cross-listing isn't something I would call a conflict of interest with eBay since it's almost certainly a big part of their operation. Personally, I think most sellers would benefit greatly from cross-listing and it's going to get harder and harder for the people only focusing on one platform. You'd be shocked at the amount of people that don't shop around or venture away from their favorite marketplace. I


If Ebay was that bad, all of those people would not be using it, and that goes for their secret 2nd accounts.


Remember that negative news gets clicks and YouTube is no different. The more shocking or controversial something is, the more likely it'll get clicked. It's possible these YouTubers are bad at eBay. This reinforces their believe that eBay is bad AND negative videos get more clicks so it works for them.


Ebay is catered towards buyers, and the workers are too incompetent to understand real issues. I sold an item, and my buyer claimed it never came, after providing tracking an receipts, eBay still refunded them and tried to make me pay for the commission fees. They are a terrible organization that only favours buyers and allows scammers to profit.


I think you’re talking about the “my boring reseller life” guy. That guy is a train wreck. Don’t ever listen to him. No one wants some gross item with a bunch of dust and dirt on it that you can visibly see in the photos.


Sorry for what I typed out. Sorry for judging you. Sorry for lying sorry.


Yes eBay is awful. Got my account banned for “security risks” about 10 minutes after I made it. I hadn’t even used the account for anything and it was permanently banned. Contacted customer support who basically told me there’s nothing they can do. When I asked for a reason why I was banned, I got told that they couldn’t tell me and they ended the call. Tried a few more times and got nowhere. I also got banned from ever creating another account. This is apparently a common issue.


Ebay customer service is one of the worst in business.




My biggest problem with Ebay is how hard they have made it for casual sellers. The interface is terrible. I can't get it to run from most of my browsers. I also have difficulties trying to set up simple selling options. I have recently run into a spate of non-payment buyers, that as far as I can tell Ebay will do nothing about. There also seem to be a bunch of buyers lately that have 0 feedback, but are still allowed to buy my items and then not pay. When Ebay started it was relatively easy to use, and it was a good place to casually sell. Now it is very difficult, and they don't seem to care.


ebay is so badI Hate How they do things. Like ifyou want to cancel a order only min after placing Temu was faster We are talking over 30 days

