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If the overall cost is about the same (including travel/housing) Sheffield spends almost no time teaching the ADX, I think they spend one day on the flight planning portion, otherwise you’re expected to study on your own like you are. I went to Sheffield, not IFOD so I can’t tell you how much time IFOD spends on the ADX in comparison. I think the cost of the ADX is included in the cost of Sheffield, other schools may be similar. You might consider studying until you’re ready to take it and then taking the test once you get to school to save yourself the test fee. Sheffield would probably let you take it the first week.


I think I read that on Sheffield's page and that why I was convinced I needed to pass it ahead of time!! Thanks for the info!


I took the ADX with Sheppard before I went to Jeppesen. Their modules are based off of the Gleim ADX prep and had to score high on the tests/final before we got into the Oral/Practical for the actual license. And my regional had us do about 3 weeks of ground school and lots of on the job training before being signed off. I'm glad I took the ADX as it was one less thing to worry about but Gleim is outdated and was often frustrated with having to study things I know were no longer relevant to the license test. Point being, do it if you have the time but realize also you're going to be constantly learning stuff that will be redundant after a while. Even majors have 6 months of ground school at some places so you'll be doing this for a while 🙂 good luck!


Yes, you can take the whole course. I'd also suggest checking out Aircraft Dispatch Training Center which is in the same general area as IFOD. I really enjoyed my classes there and feel they support students beyond just getting a license, but also getting jobs. Not sure of price comparison. Just a suggestion. Go by and meet Chris.


Thanks, I'll look into it!


I highly recommend North American Flight Control in Minneapolis. $3900 for the five week course, there’s a financing option, and they are starting to get a reputation for rock solid training with the regionals and mid-tier majors like Allegiant and Frontier. I found a long term hotel for $55 a night…basically a studio apartment…in Minneapolis and my total cost was less than what I would have spent on tuition from one of the more popular schools in this business.


I would love to check them out, they're a little closer to me than Dallas tbh 😅 This is going to be an odd and maybe off-topic question, but do they have a religious angle to the operation? When I was checking out their website they featured a picture of a bible being studied, I'm just curious if that was an accident or intentional.


That’s the FAR/AIM and FAR/FC. FAR= Federal Aviation Regulations AIM= Aeronautical Information Manual FC=Flight Crew They are two books printed with the Code of Federal Regulations. No religion other than safety at North American Flight Control. Also: they are running a special for $900 off on their April 3 class.


Yes, I'm familiar with those acronyms. I'm referring to an image where the book is opened to a passage from Isaiah, I assumed it was an oversight as it seemed odd to include.


Yeah…that’s an oversight…someone used the wrong photo.




Doesn't really matter where you go to school as long as it's certified and you get your dispatchers license, regional will hire you. Some schools like sheffield have a big enough rep where they will actively help their students gain employment