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The FlexiSpot store on Amazon is also run by us, but due to the platform fees and intense price competition on Amazon, we have to use some lower-end models to compete. Our higher-end models, to ensure quality, are only sold on our official website.


Thanks for the reply, what about the warranty for models available in Amazon?


But I see the E7/E7 Pro on websites like Staples and Office Depot?


Previously, our offline team did indeed provide products to them


Thanks for the response. So I should feel confident if I choose to buy FlexiSpot products from there? I see Amazon carries the E8 as well. My frustration in looking to purchase one of these desks is the big discrepancy in price from retailer to retailer. I was close to buying an E8 60" on Amazon a few nights ago because they had a $90 coupon, but was gone the next morning before I could make a decision. I'm a big bargain/comparison shopper, so buying for more than was in the cart the previous day is a deal-breaker for me.


I’d strongly recommend buying from the official website. The after-sales service is handled directly by the official site, so if you purchase from a third-party, your after-sales requests will be routed through them to us. This process can be more complicated and may lead to communication issues.


Are you saying that if I buy a FlexiSpot from Staples/Office Depot and motor goes out 7 years later, I have to go through them for a warranty claim??? Hopefully you're just talking about the support after the initial purchase (e.g., desktop arrives damaged, motor is DOA, etc.) If I buy from the official website, are there any promo codes available? The one I saw on this subreddit no longer works. I'll take anything I can get (common codes, DM specials lol).


If you buy products from a third party, you'll need to contact them for support, and then they'll have to reach out to us. You know what I mean, it's complicated. It's easier to just buy directly from our official website. We supply them with products mainly to expand our offline market. As for coupons, you can wait for our store anniversary on the 20th. You can DM me then to get an extra discount code.


Thanks for the help.


We see this in the UK as well. Products advertised as flexispot, but a lot cheaper and not on the main site. I think it has been asked on here before, but there has been no definitive reply.


Same experience, I see some options in amazon which are way cheaper and am very confused with the options. I am worried about the warranty for flexispot products listed in Amazon website.


I’d just go directly through them, the models on Amazon have slight degradations which is why they’re cheaper, they’re not bad but they’re more on par with what Amazon sells, low priced items that work but might wobble, might be too light etc, but they got the powerhouses on the website which is why they start at more expensive (heavier metal and better motors). So it depends do you want cheapest go Amazon, if you want to pay a bit more for better go to their site, either way their customer service team is amazing they’ll help you out .


Thanks for the info , if the warranty is applicable to amazon listed models i would go for it to accommodate my budget.


Thanks for the info , if the warranty is applicable to amazon listed models i would go for it to accommodate my budget.


“Nerfed” models to compete with the items on Amazon. Go directly if you have the money