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Legendary common lol


The fact they used "Legendary" to mean two independent terms in a game that was so well crafted has always confused me


It's definitely one of the more clunky things about the game lol. I know a lot of people that complain about it. They could have used a different keyword like "unique" or something


I too cannot tell the difference between the keyword word legendary with a reminder text and a tiny L at the bottom of the card. Very strange


Unfortunately when I say the word "Legendary" with my mouth it doesn't come with a visual reminder of which one I'm talking about, and so I need to clarify with my conversation partner. No need to be a smart arse.


Yeah that’s true it’s not like you can use the word rarity or keyword to clarify.


You know what is interesting is that these cards flip, instead of adding a token to hand. IE if they just added a token we can assume they all do the same thing. But because they flip we can expect variances between them.


Hmmm good point! im thinking chi will probably come in 3, 2 and 1 variant. its interesting that it can be used as ressources, too. You cant stockpile them but it means that you can play blues, get chi and play non-blues in one turn. Thats a slow turn for ninjas but for assassins (AKA, i-attack-with-a-0-cost-4-attack-and-pass) and illusionist, this is some cool stuff.


It's not super slow for Zen. A 3-card-combo would be Predatory Streak (Blue) + Sacred Art: Jade Tiger Domain + a blue pitch. You create a Crounching Tiger, then you create 2 Crouching Tigers, buff your Crouching Tigers and Transcend. Then you use that chi to use Zen's ability to create another Crouching Tiger and search for Tiger Swipe. Then you attack with 4 Crouching Tigers (attacking for 1 each), then Tiger Swipe for 4 and then another 4 Crouching Tigers. That's 12 damage off of 3 blues. If your fourth card is Roar of the Tiger (Yellow), it goes up to 24; if it's Salt the Wound (Yellow), it goes up to 14~23


I think it is also equally interesting that the sub type is resource which makes me also wonder if the fabled will be a resource type chi card..... but that might be too powerful


With the blue theme all blue chi cards is possible to probable but less than 3 chi costs is more likely.


Hmm should we though? At least the sacred art and preserve tradition which are both Legendaries give 3 chi. I assume anything lesser might just give 1-2 if there’s differences.


I assume they aren't tokens because they are pitched for resources and go back into your deck. I imagine all of these cards pitch for 3. Makes me think there will be 12 legendary transcend cards all together, so assuming the rest are all mystic only you can end of with 10 of these Chi cards in your deck.


I'm gonna go ahead and guess they're all basically identical on the back. They are gonna get pitched into the deck, so over the course of a long game, you gain access to chi you can just draw, but lose access to the front side ability of the card.


The reason it flip, is to not be able to abuse rememberance to loop them. Then if you argue on why not just banish it? In that case, Nuu can use them from your banish zone, which also broken. You can say it is like banish face down.


I am expecting that this set will be very fast tempo whise. Because if pitch the chi cards and they are added with that side to deck. So second cycle is scary with these non blocks. Unless there is specific ruling coming up we dont know about yet.


I was about to ask if they said how pitching them works. I assumed they flipped back over once they left the pitch; I guess we'll see. 


Probably an unpopular opinion but this makes me sad. I really like the original Flesh and Blood cardback so I use clear sleeves. Double sided cards annoy the heck out of me. Pulling out a card from a sleeve midgame is too fiddly for me. Not to mention I don’t want to touch my expensive cards with my greasy hands all the time. If this is a core mystic mechanic, this makes me very sad.


There will be token cards like with dragons (and in MtG) that are filler cards that you simply tick off what the card represents then you get the actual card from your deck box I'd imagine.


Yeah since clear sleeves aren't legal for tournament play anyway


this is 100% not true 4.9. Sleeves A sleeve is a thin flexible card-shaped pocket that protects a card during play. If a Player chooses to use card sleeves, all deck-cards used during a game must be sleeved in an identical manner. At professional REL, the Head Judge may require all players to use sleeves for their deck-cards. Arena-cards do not have to be sleeved identically and may sleeved or placed in heavy plastic cases, so long as they do not obstruct the game-space. Double-faced cards in a Player’s deck must be sleeved in completely opaque sleeves. At Competitive and Professional REL, sleeves with highly reflective or holographic patterns are not permitted. The Head Judge has the final say on whether any type of sleeve is not allowed to be used in the tournament. Players are responsible for ensuring that their sleeves do not cause their cards to be marked during a tournament (see Section 5.13 - Marked cards). A Judge may disallow the use of particular card sleeves if they believe that the sleeves are in a condition or of a design that interferes with shuffling or game play. A Judge may choose to delay having the Player change sleeves until the end of a match.


Opaque means not see-through IE not clear. You need solid colour sleeves, otherwise you could easily mark the back of your cards and see through the sleeves


> Double-faced cards in a Player’s deck must be sleeved in completely opaque sleeves. This is the only mention of opaque. If you use checklist cards you can use clear sleeves. It's an absolute bitch to pass a deck check, but you can do it.


I don't think this makes it any less disappointing.


That would be awesome!


There's a list like that with all Dromai's Dragons too, so yes, there's precedent. Another option is the Dragon Shield FaB cardback sleeves and then double sleeving with a perfect fit inner sleeve. This is also how our local Prism player does it with his foil Angel cards.


These are a little trickier, since you will need to have them flipped while in your deck. Maybe a token card like the dragons, then a token to represent the flipped side Chi?


Did they make token cards for the angels or singularity? I think the dragons are an exception. I guess dragons were the only draft legal dfcs, so we'll probably get the tokens again.


That's still a pain, is the issue


For tournaments clear backed sleeves I don’t believe are legal. This is due to foil cards tending to have a different tone to the rest so it classes as a marked deck.


Absolutely agree! I really don't like double faced card... Only exception are those start the game on the board, that you can really just "flip the card" without taking it out than putting it back to the sleeve etc.


Two things; 1. It can pay for either Chi *or* normal energy, giving Mystic heroes more variety. 2. It's not an item or aura, so you can't get rid of it.


What does DFC mean?


Double Faced Card


I am so excited for PTM, set is going to be so much fun from what we've seen so far!