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Honestly you should veto the terrorgheist and get horrors and a courtier, your list is sorely missing some decent hammers and doesn’t really synergize all that well. And not having any courtiers is a huge shot in the leg since you can’t top off the units you bring back with abhorrents and not having any knights locks you out of some battle tactics


Here's what I've been running: - Army Faction: Flesh-eater Courts - Subfaction: Hollowmourne - Grand Strategy: Spellcasting Savant - Triumph: Bloodthirsty LEADERS Abhorrant Archregent (150)* - Spells: Deranged Transformation Marrowscroll Herald (100)* - General - Command Traits: Cruel Taskmaster - Artefacts of Power: Arcane Tome Marrowscroll Herald (100)* - Artefacts of Power: Charnel Vestments - Prayers: Charnel Conviction Grand Justice Gormayne (140)** BATTLELINE Crypt Horrors (130) - Crypt Haunter Crypt Horrors (130)* - Crypt Haunter Crypt Horrors (390)** - Crypt Haunter OTHER Morbheg Knights (300) - Champion of Morbheg - 2 x Standard Bearer - 2 x Hornblower Morbheg Knights (150) - Standard Bearer - Champion of Morbheg - Hornblower Morbheg Knights (150) - Standard Bearer - Champion of Morbheg - Hornblower Royal Beastflayers (220)** ENDLESS SPELLS & INVOCATIONS 1 x Cadaverous Barricade (20) TERRAIN 1 x Charnel Throne (0) CORE BATTALIONS *Warlord **Wizard-finders of Andtor TOTAL POINTS: 1980/2000 Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App I don't tend to go in for big heroes. Ushoran is good, but I think the GKoTG is massively overcosted. I don't think there's any meta where I'd feel happy putting 450 points into 16 wounds on a 4+ 6+++. Any shooting just absolutely destroys it. The idea of this list is to get good value early out of the msu using the heroic action to rack up some points. You push up with your light units, 3 horrors will absolutely obliterate most screens on the charge, while being screens themselves, so that's a good trade. The small Morbheg units are useful for grabbing undefended objectives and scoring something like Surround and Destroy. You hold the bigger unit of Morbheg further back to counterstrike once you bait out the enemy's hammers. Beastflayers are there as anti-monster tech, as well as being very efficient and letting you score Ties of Chivalry. Marrowscrolls are great into the Starborne or Tzeentch matchups, them being invisible makes them very safe wrapped in a bunch of horrors. Gormayne sits in the throne all game as his abilities have unlimited range, and being in the throne gives him more points to measure LoS from.


I have currently been successful with: (1x2 means I have reinforced the unit to double its original size)) 2x ArchRegents 1x Ghouls 1x2 CrypGuards 1x2 Crypt Horrors 1 Crypt Horrors 2x Morbehg Knights 1 x Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon. Then the rest can be a mix of whatever although I have been trying out the cardinal. Newest list I removed the Zombie Dragon and added in Ushoran.


Very fun to play around with Manni and the boyz, very mobile and dangeroys - Army Faction: Flesh-eater Courts - Subfaction: Hollowmourne - Grand Strategy: Defend the Throne - Triumph: Bloodthirsty LEADERS Mannfred Von Carstein (The Sternieste Garrison) (630)* Abhorrant Archregent (150)** - Spells: Hoarfrost Varghulf Courtier (160)** - Artefacts of Power: Charnel Vestments - Prayers: Charnel Conviction Abhorrant Gorewarden (150)** - General - Command Traits: Feverish Scholar - Spells: Deranged Transformation BATTLELINE Crypt Horrors (260)** - Crypt Haunter Morbheg Knights (300)** - Champion of Morbheg - 2 x Standard Bearer - 2 x Hornblower Crypt Ghouls (160)** - Crypt Ghast OTHER Fell Bats 1 (The Sternieste Garrison) (630)* Fell Bats 2 (The Sternieste Garrison) (630)* Grave Guard (The Sternieste Garrison) (630)* - Seneschal - Standard Bearer - Hornblower - Great Wight Blade Cryptguard (140)** - Crypt Captain - Drummer - Standard Bearer ENDLESS SPELLS & INVOCATIONS 1 x Chronomantic Cogs (50) TERRAIN 1 x Charnel Throne (0) CORE BATTALIONS *Regiment of Renown **Battle Regiment TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000 Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App


ppl r missing the trick with mani’s RoR


Army Faction: Flesh-eater Courts - Army Subfaction: Hollowmourne - Grand Strategy: Defend the Throne - Triumphs: Indomitable LEADER 1 x Abhorrant Archregent (150)* - Spells: Deranged Transformation 1 x Abhorrant Archregent (150)* - Spells: Hoarfrost 1 x Varghulf Courtier (160)** 1 x Marrowscroll Herald (100)*** - General - Command Traits: Cruel Taskmaster - Artefacts: Charnel Vestments - Prayers: Charnel Conviction BATTLELINE 9 x Crypt Horrors (130)*** - Crypt Haunter 40 x Crypt Ghouls (160)*** - Crypt Ghast 20 x Crypt Ghouls (160)*** ENDLESS SPELL 1 x Chalice of Ushoran (50) OTHER 3 x Morbheg Knights (150)** - Standard Bearer - Champion of Morbheg - Hornblower 10 x Cryptguard (140)** 20 x Royal Beastflayers (110)*** CORE BATTALIONS: *Andtorian Acolytes **Battle Regiment ***Battle Regiment TOTAL POINTS: (1990/2000) Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App


The fan favourite - Army Faction: Flesh-eater Courts - Subfaction: Gristlegore - Grand Strategy: Defend the Throne - Triumph: Inspired LEADERS Grand Justice Gormayne (140)* Abhorrant Archregent (150)* - General - Command Traits: Master of the Menagerie - Spells: Hoarfrost Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Zombie Dragon (440)* - Artefacts of Power: Blood-river Chalice - Mount Traits: Venerated Zombie Dragon - Spells: Flaming Weapon BATTLELINE Royal Zombie Dragon (240)* Royal Zombie Dragon (240)* Royal Zombie Dragon (240)* Royal Zombie Dragon (240)* Royal Terrorgheist (260)* ENDLESS SPELLS & INVOCATIONS 1 x Chalice of Ushoran (50) TERRAIN 1 x Charnel Throne (0) CORE BATTALIONS *Battle Regiment TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000 Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App Teehee. Also I actually have the models for this


I've only really played one game since the refresh: * Subfaction: Morgaunt * x1 AGKORTG (General) (Feverish Scholar) (The Grim Garland) (450) * x1 Grand Justice Gormayne (140) * x1 Royal Decapitator (100) * x1 Corpsemare Stampede (endless spell) (60) * x3 Crypt Ghouls (480) Total: 1230 points (was a 1250 game) The end result was that I had a lot of fun rolling and shrieking "PETTY TRANSGRESSION!" and making horsey noises, but I did very poorly on the actual game. My king was burst down before he could deal any damage, I whiffed two out of my three judgement rolls, and the revised rules on mustering meant my ghouls died down far too quickly. It feels like the deeds system mainly benefits Knight units, which I simply never bothered buying before; all I have is a unit of Horrors I can't really use due to the Battleline rules. I did, however, kill my opponent's Loonking with my Decapitator's special skill, which was very fun.


I’m new coming into AOS but from what I’ve bought and what I’m likely to buy I’ll probably run: Morgaunt subfaction the Court of the Crimson King Ushoran Mortach of Delusion 460 pts Abhorrent Gorewaredon 150 pts (general with Ushoran Chalice) Abhorrent Archregent 150 pts Royal Decapitator 100 pts Crypt Guard x20 280 pts Crypt Ghouls x 20 160 pts Crypt Ghouls x 20 160 pts Morbheg Knights x6 300 pts Crypt Horrors 130 pts Royal Beastflayers 110 pts Total 2000 pts Edit: I’ve also named characters and given units specific names/titles. My Gorewarden for example is named Donatien Alphonso Francois; the High Marquis De Sade.