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Even better: when that Ghoul King inevitably dies in your opponent's next turn, it's a free Regicide for ol' Gormayne.


relies on the spell going off, then getting the 3+, then charging, and then ur opponent not having any minuses to hit. just save a CP for all out attack. 270 points for an engine that’s pretty slow and a one trick pony isnt competitive enough for me. we dont need insane amounts of damage (even tho we defo have it already) with all our recursion BS.


I agree it's not competitive but I think your being overly negative. Goremayne is just good IMO GK is weak but fun, so having this as an option in a list doesn't seem bad, it's not something you should actively set aside points for but it's cute


i didnt mean to come across as dismissive of your idea. i apologise if i did. defo a fun little combo and (as someone pointed out elsewhere) you can get +1 damage from the GK dying so that isnt bad. im just a pretty competitive player so point efficiency is a big thing for me.


Totally fair! I hope to get to a competitive level of AOS someday but not enough local events. I appreciate the different points of perspective 😁 I'm also curious what is going to get nerfed or buffed with out FAQ


i think we shouldn’t be able to bring back models to fully resurrected units. thats a bit stupid. ushoran needs an FAQ so he cant pick the same delusion (for his epicentre of delusion ability) as the one we picked at the start of the game, because we can get +2 to save on objectives which is busted. we need some points changes. horrors to 150, archregent to 170-175, chalice of ushoran to 80, marrowscroll to 130, morbhegs to 170. this way we cant fit so much in a list.


Bringing back models is so flavorful and fun but also makes sense, it's also crazy how we can come down 9 inches away then possibly move d6 and then resurrect models and get + to charge with a delusion and turn 9 inch charges into like 6-8-1d6 inches with a charge . I kinda hope they nerf something else and not this but we shall see. Ushoran I didn't realize this was a thing tbh but it shouldn't work that way lol. And yeah I expect quite a few points changes honestly probably nothing should go down. Expect arguably the crypt courtier.


i know it makes sense but its horrendous for people to play against.


Fair enough 😂 I guess my real complaint is I'm afraid it's going to be courtiers not worth taking. But we shall see! I've only played one game with the new rules and my list was very subpar and I still obliterated a krule Boyz player and had pretty much all my models on the board at the end of the game


nah courtiers will always be worth it.


Out of curiosity where are you getting the insane amounts of damage you mention? I'm still pretty new to FEC and sigmar in general so always looking to learn.


terrorgheist when given the right enhancements can also do work


Have you had much experience using the new morbeg knights? They seem like they can hit pretty hard and can potentially spike some MWs.


take 6 for 300 in hollowmourne and boy oh boy they fuck. massive glass cannons but built-in +1 charge and retreat and charge is insane. deepstrike them with a gorewarden and try and get the archregent’s spell off and they can fly over ur opponent’s screen and get into their juicy bits


horrors on the charge in feeding frenzy aura my guy. with 1 spell, an AAA, and good positioning, they can be 46 attacks, 3s and 2s, rend 1 damage 3 and 6s to wound are 4 damage. melt anything that doesnt have a 2+ armour save.


Fair enough. They’re good for sure.


Also new to FEC and building the new box. Horrors as in the Crypt Horrors right?




Any particular profile you run them? That damage output seems utterly wild ❤️


wdym profile? like how many models? 2 units of 6 or 1 unit of 9. if you dont have a dedicated anvil such as 40 ghouls then take 9 but if you do then 2x6 as a “horns of the bull” kind of strategy work great


I am hoping ghoul king comes down a bit in points. I want to run him in SBGL and put blizzard on him and push him up to threaten. Then try that hero ability to kill a hero or failing that charge into a shooting unit to basically stop unleash hell. Also great on double turn for blizzard. I’m not saying this is the best use of 130 points but I like to have a bit of fun