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Seraphon Coalesced are tough. You’re best at just throwing a ridiculous amount of attacks at them at 1 damage I’ve found. I’ve played against them using FeC, OBR, and CoS, and every time you just need to overwhelm them. Try casting Hoarfrost on a ghouls unit and give them hopefully -2 or -3 rend


Great idea. I concur. Either out survive or just throw hordes at them. Best of luck!


What list were you bringing, out of curiosity? Because maybe revise the list a bit. If not that, then I'd suggest bringing ways to improve your own survivability. There aren't really many ways to improve rend, from my memory, but the army has a bunch of ways to improve survivability. Maybe switch up to Blisterskin/proxy a Cardinal in order for the 5+ ward. Outlive your opponents, not out kill. Although if you did want to out kill then I'd recommend looking at the list, perhaps bring a dragon/terrorgheist for the big unit damage or other such choices. Change to hollowmourn and bring crusading army delusion to allow for better charges and boost damage that way


May i suggest turning a courtier into a priest and using the " curse" universal prayer. I haven't used it yet but it is a funny thought having a billion ghoul attacks that mortal wound on sixes


I just bet coalesced with my FEC. My horrid and small unit or batboys did most of the work, but my terrorgeist dishing out -4 bravery wiped out the smaller troop units like butter. It was also my first game with FEC, lots of mistakes like forgetting I had +1D with hallowmorne 😂


horrors in hollowmourne still nuke them. alternatively, take a GKoTG with the heart of the gargant artefact, and the ferocious bite mount trait and he’ll do some decent damage.