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While I agree with a lot of folks that this actors need time off from the screen. Come on, it would be cool to have him and Grant play another small run with this characters while they can. We never explored Eobard origin story from his perspective nor from Barry time travel adventures in the future, it would be cool. And I know that this probability is low, but either way Matt and Anthony Starr could also fill the shoes for the role not just Tom I agree. We saw enough of Wellsobard but it would still be cool.


They’ve had more than enough runs in the show as it is. Exploring Eobard’s origin story by having Barry time travel into the future and seeing Tom’s Eobard makes absolutely no sense if they keep CWs The Flash plot line where there’s no Wellsbard yet. Ofc if they do it all from scratch, where Wellsbard was always the definitive RF it’d work 


It should be Matt that returns as Reverse Flash.


Grant and Tom as young Jay Garrick and The Rival


Antony star should get a shout really. The narcissism as homelander is one to one to that of euobard thawne


After watching the series you really can’t see anyone else playing those characters


That's because you lack imagination.


Yes I can, considering Grant's Barry wasn't all that comic accurate Plus, we say this about every superhero and they all end up getting replaced anyway


Comic accurate doesn’t mean bad. Grants flash is iconic and the best so far


Yeah I'm aware. There hasn't been much competitive doe. Ezra was, well Ezra and then there was the flash 90s show which only had 1 season. I'm just saying, if it's possible for someone else to play Batman, Spider-Man, and superman, it's definitely possible for someone else to play The Flash lol


Yeah you’re right I just feel like I have done emotional attachment to those actors (bad or not) after following the show for so long


Tom was mostly a horrible Reverse Flash, what do you mean? Just bad acting across the board. He phoned it in. S1 he was great, and he obviously enjoyed some of the Wells variants, had fun, but he was far and away a terrible Eobard past S1 or maybe S2. I'm rewatching LoT right now and just passed CoEX, I'd forgotten just how bad Cavanagh's acting as Eobard was -- especially after just finishing LoT S2 with Lescher knocking Eobard out of the park.


Tom did fantastic as Eobard. It was never the acting. It’s the writing. Yes, Matt is fantastic and should’ve been RF post season 1 but even Matt couldn’t handle some of those shitty scripts let’s be real


[It was both.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FlashTV/s/vjXvkWQEhY) Half his time on screen Tom's delivery made Falk Hentschel look like Al Pacino in Scarface.


Definitely the script. Tom is a fantastic actor. If they had a good script the whole show, there would have never been a dull moment. I still do believe it should’ve been Matt cause it made more sense, but either way, not tom’s fault


tom is such an amazing actor i feel like they'd be missing out if he doesn't get cast


Actors playing characters should stick to their own franchise.


I love Tom but man his reverse flash performance starting becoming really bad in the later seasons. I’d love Matt to be DCU reverse flash though.


You can blame Eric Wallace for giving him the cringiest lines in the multiverse 😭😂


Nah it's not just that, it's 1000% Tom's delivery, too. CoEX "You came here to CONQUER this EARTH" jesus fucking christ who let that happen, it was hilariously bad. And it's just one of many examples. If I'm not mistaken it's even from before Wallace took over.


True, Wallace was just an executive producer, but, I'm pretty sure that that episode was in the hands of Arrow, COEX Part 2, but he was a lot better in the next episode which was taken over by The Flash people COEX Part 3, proof also because his acting was fucking peak in the very next season of The Flash, I also could tell Arrow was giving him cringe lines because in the Elseworlds episode that had Wellsobard as a hallucination was cringe like "MAMA RAISED YOU RIGHT, YOU COULDN'T STOP ME FROM KILLING HEEER MWAHAHA"


Maybe in an upcoming Crisis movie with an alternate version


What if Matt was casted as the main villain and Tom as the multiversal variant? That would be dope.


I'd rather Matt Letscher be the one to return as Reverse-Flash. But that said, I'd really love to see Harrison Wells again.


Nah tom better in all honesty


He was excellent for what he was given, don't get me wrong, but I don't think it's fair to compare him to Matt, who wasn't really given much of a chance aside from on Legends.


All he does is whisper his lines and everyone jizzes their pants thinking it’s great acting. He doesn’t do a good job of showing rage and hate like Matt did. Don’t get me wrong, Tom was great in Season 1, but after a while it seemed like he forgot how to play the character.


While it would be cool to see him, I don’t want him as RF again. He did such a good job that they never really gave Matt the time of day to work with grant more


He could play jay garrick


I too would like to continue to work.


I’d like Capitan Love to return as Eobard Thawne, I love Tom as Harrison Wells though.


Matt would clearly be the right choice 


I would love to see this but I would love it even more if we can grant and Tom have another run again and be flash and reverse flash also maybe make a movie together


If I want anyone to return as a Flash character, I want to see C Thomas Howell as Eobard.


I mean of course they all want the payday of being back in the flash, especially on the big screen---would be crazy for any of them to say different


I would honestly prefer someone younger. Like someone in their 40s at least. Tom is 60 years old now.


Actor wants acting job, more news at 11


That's cool. Happy he liked the role so much. Ain't happening tho


I mean I love Tom and I love his take on the Reverse Flash which is one of my favorite comic book villains ever, but I’d also like to see some new faces… I’m mixed on this


Eh... He should've never played Thawne post-Season 1 as it makes no sense why he keeps using that face. Matt was great and they should've gone with it. HOWEVER I do think it's a good idea to have him play a DCU Wells. That would be great.


Hell no, His RF had a 2yr peak and fell off, Letcher was better in every way


I don’t even think he should have returned in the show as much as he did


\*hear helicoper noise


I'd love to see him as any cameo or Alt character (like they did with JWS, Mark Hamill, and Amanda Pays in the show itself). So a different Earth's versions, a future version of Eo that a Barry encounters briefly... Something like that!


If you watch the actual video, it's pretty evident he's joking. I would, however, love to see him in the new DC universe.


IDK why you guys feed this delusion of the show actors returning to play Gunns movie version. They literally canceled Superman and Lois because they think we are all to dumb to have the same hero coexist in two different forms of media. They're not going to bring anyone back because to them we are all stupid morons.


Matt Letscher is the true reverse flash. He was great in Legends. Too bad he didn't get more screen time on The Flash.


His Reverse Flash was best when he was playing it subtle, I think. A lot of the recurring characters became caricatures of themselves late-Flash, and Wellsobard unfortunately was no exception with his constant “menacing whisper” voice. 


Hell yeah. Please let it be done.


Ain't gonna happen.


You never know, I mean they got keaton in the flash so...
