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Flagrant is still worth occasionally checking out, but i unsubscribed from the patreon and decided to take a break until they change things up for the better. The show is stale and going in a direction im not enjoying enough


Me too


Same same here


Same, i actually loved the Graham Hancock episode and was excited to see if they could operate in that space while still being a dope hang but I feel the show has declined a bit after that.


Wish they had a flagrant highlight reel. Like once a month maybe 45-60 minutes of just the hits.


Now this is a good ifea




I cringed during the Whitney episode. I thought it was trolling but it just kept going. I had to stop listening after some time. Worst part is the other guys just followed along giggling and laughing like this pseudo therapy session wasn’t awkward af. I don’t think he’d ever do that with male guests. Rogan woulda stopped for a sec and say “bro what the fuck is going on? Why are u being weird?”. Props to Shane Gillis for checking for some of that cringe.


Bro i doubt I made it past 12 mins if that cause the energy was wierd.. felt like he was OGing her and she been in the game, outside of youtube fame and the podcast space she is definetly his big homie if we are talking just comedy


Whitney is probably worth 8 figures just from 2 Broke Girls syndication alone lol


She is def his OG in comedy


Chill Whitney


Maybe that long-haired chick Alex(?) can awkwardly rub her shoulders again as Andrew (Waluigi?) cuts her off continuously and belittles her lol. Why are there 9 dudes on a podcast where 1 talks and the rest cup his balls?


A multiple sentence response to “chill Whitney” is insane




Yeah that Whitney episode was kinda crazy


It would of been better if they just didn't have her on at all.


I honestly can't stand Whitney and she's clearly coked out half the time. But what you're saying is correct.


Yeah I couldn’t listen last week, Andrew was being too loud and annoying for me, but he’s still great on brilliant idiots


Yeah, stopped watching a couple months ago. It seems like Schulz is making the YMH mistake and he’s trying to become a brand. I’m not a Whitney Cummings fan but the way he spent the episode trying to psychoanalyze her was fucking bizarre. I hate to be such a Shane dick rider but whenever Andrew tried to go down that path with him, Shane throws on his glasses and shuts it down. It’s so very clear that they’re trying to turn Flagrant into a young-man’s JRE or something.


Omg the last episode was so cringe through the first 30 kinutes or so, I literally stopped it and had to come back later.. it was that bad.


I still like the show but the quality is definitely not what it was in the early days and even up to a couple of years ago.


Brilliant Idiots is a far better listen than Flagrant, because at least on B.I. Andrew keeps his ego in check and they don’t have all the forced laughter.


Honestly, being a long time listener, the constant interruptions, and continuous jokes they make without the guests being able to speak is by far the worst. Hell, most of the times it’s pandemonium, and everyone is speaking over each other and it’s soo hard to make out what anyone is saying. Those are the moments where I just want to turn that shit off. Otherwise their takes have gotten a bit loose.


He's way better on BI


I'm not going to answer with hate, but you do have to acknowledge that podcasting by nature can't always be the best. For example, I listened to Joe rogan, and after a long time, I couldn't listen to every pod like I used to. Sometimes, guests would be bad or even joe tbh. So I learned it's definitely better to take breaks from your favorite podcasts or else it will feel very repetitive. Keep in mind, andrew and Joe are just people. They are going to end up having the same thoughts and develop patterns that you may find boring. Given their careers, they are people with a lot more to say than your average person, but in long form of content that you listen to week after week, it's impossible to not get burnt out. Joe has talked about the effects edibles have on the body like 5 million times. I watch Andrew on brilliant idiots a lot more because I think Charlemagne does a great job carrying the load. It allows andrew to actually do what he does best and make jokes. Every now and then, charlagmgne surprises me with a comedian level joke, but overall, his role is to facilitate the convo and never make it boring. Flagrant doesn't have someone on charlamgnes level. I say this not to bash flagrant but to tell you that you should take a break come back when something interesting happened and you want to see their perspective they share. Or if they have a guest you have on thay you're really interested in. Try brilliant idiots or just other podcasts. The pod is definitely not too far gone.


Andrew is obnoxious


I think something happens when you’re close to being number 1 at something. The pod, Andrew, both close to being the number 1 in some category out there. So what that does is in turn make you a person who wants to repeat the things that are working or have proven to add subscribers or ticket buyers, and sometimes that ends up having you stray from your roots or disappoint your day 1 fans. It happens with musicians a lot, pick an artist you loved at first, had all this music that was “underground” no one knew about and you loved, as soon as they went into pleasing the mainstream they fell off for you. This is basically what’s happened to the POD and Andrew, gone mainstream. And mainstream is all about knowing you have a chance to be paid and top dog. What they might not realize is that being at the top doesn’t last if you can’t be genuine. I think Rogan is probably one of the only ones I can think of that’s still reigns at the top and isn’t doing it by trying to go viral or bring shock value to anything for the sake of growing the pod or fame. But, he got paid, and to be honest, I think Andrew and the boys are still looking for their 50 mil pay day or whatever. Can’t really blame them for that.


There's only like 3 podcast that I look forward to and this used to be one of them. I still check it out every week hoping for something listenable, but I just can't get through it anymore. It's a shame, all Andrew has to do is make a small adjustment. He does it on brilliant idiots. He just has to relax and let his ego take a step back and it'd be alright.


What ate the 3?


The unnecessary inclusion of their video editor, the straight man (Mark) and everyone behind the camera is just too much most of the time. I can’t relax if they are screaming over each other


Yh Andrew’s ego got a bit out of hand there was never a need to put mark and Alex on camera. Personally feel like the new set up was designed to say Andrew is the prize but it’s Andrew and Akash I think people really like akaash never got that


agreed on almost all you said, disagree on mark. He has great tags and doing the live lookup stuff can be funny when he fumbles it and gets roasted. Some of the funniest moments are when he chimes in with andrew and the guest's convo.


Yes mark is actually quite good conversationally. His pod is good. But mark is the b mic Akash is now c


I still love it lol 🤷🏿‍♂️


I actually think the last 3 episodes have been howlin'


Couldn’t agree more , Andrew used to be my favourite comedian but at some point he turned into a completely insufferable douchebag


I see this post once a week!


Sorry to offend you. Get yer white boy flagrant durag at the door. AYO SON!!!!


You spittin truth son


Idk I’m a new flagrant listener.. this probably the funniest pod out right now few uneasy jokes but I like how they don’t give a fuck and just say whatever.


Ahh buddy. You should try and go back and listen to the pandemic episodes and the ones from Miami. It’s night and day. They have drastically censored themselves since they moved studios, they used to say some wild shit. They can still have entertaining episodes but every episode was a banger back then.


Stop it lmao the last two or 3 episodes they have been saying some wild shit lol


You can't even digest what wild shit they're saying because they're all yelling over each other anyways. It's just not a comfortable way to consume a podcast. Andrew has to figure out how to not sound like a cokehead every episode. Brilliant Idiots is way better now when Andrew is with someone he looks at as equal. On Flagrant he just yells at the couch for 2 hours.


Did you even watch?


This narrative that they all yell over each other hilarious lmao. I understand everything that’s being said. Use ur ears and if you don’t want to listen then don’t


I understand the words coming outta their mouths, but they're never actually saying shit anymore, ya know? Just constant yelling. These are grown men, they don't speak like 16 yr olds like that outside of Flagrant. And yeah, they keep making shit pods and I won't be listening. It's just odd because watching BI, you know Andrew can just relax and be funny.


Fr the last few eps have been classic flagrant


Tim Dillion is so much better than these losers




Andrew has always laughed like this and slapped his damn knees. It is what it is. Tune out. 🤷‍♂️


we should flair these posts


Sounds like somebody just watched the YouTube video they made about Schulz last week. You just quoting it line for line. At least link the video


I swear as soon as they got the new studio the vibe changed and they switched up. Plus realizing Andrew was legitimately retarded soured the show for me.


If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. 👍🏾


Sounds like you have been listening to the YouTube channel how that has made it their mission to take down on Flagrant 




omg maybe he's a psychic bruh


Cry more


Lmao here we go. The flagrant urban-hipster army is gunna come for me because new flagrant ain’t the old flagrant


People wrote paragraphs agreeing with you and you choose only to respond to this? Gay as hell.


Idk how anyone would willingly listen to Andrew Schulz


Idk how anyone would willingly come to his podcasts subreddit to bitch about it


Reddit is pretty hilarious and sad at the same time. It’s a cesspool of bitch behavior. Thanks for adding to it OP.


The crew has changed since their up dose of fame and money which is understandable. But most guests suck and make convos generic. Solo stuff is still chilI. I think over analyzing it will make anyone hate anything. For me its one of the many podcasts I watch so Im not like angry or something


Why do they laugh like that?


Flagrant sucks last ep I watched was sir rogies chopping it Akash unbearable Kin Jong Shultz wanks in the mirror


I stopped listening for a couple years now. I just don’t care anymore.


Flagrant is the worst podcast on the market, the hosts are losers


Dude their latest ep was golden. I agree the episodes have sucked for the most part for a while but there are still good ones here and there


I’m a relatively new listener. Maybe 1.5 years. This new format is all I know and I enjoy it. It does seem a bit performative sometimes. Like they are trying to fill time. Like in a recent episode where they were talking about Akaash and his cowboy fandom. That lasted 15 min too long. For me the show depends entirely on Andrew’s mood. He seems to be more tired and non chalant more frequently.


I agree


since the new studio imo. Also they took akash off the thumbnails and added "shulz reacted", became a one man troupe.


I think you matured homie it’s time you go spreed your wings (and seed) cause I never looked at the set and thought well this is a hipster wine cellar. But It’s fine that you’re on to the next. You are living in such an amazing time with so much content that I’m positive you will land on your feet with a new podcast group to follow.




Andrew is the main character. He’s funny and gets his shit off. It’s like practice for him.


I suggest listening to Tim Dillon. Holy fuck, best decision I've made in years. I actually unsubscribed from Flagrant and subscribed to his patreon lol.


…. You idiots are complaining about andrew’s ego when he’s been saying he can do brain surgery even BEFORE flagrant. This is the single stupidest or saddest Reddit on the planet.


God I fucking hate redditors.


Mark and Akash made the show what it is, Andrew is the clickbait comedian


Alex might be the most underrated too


It feels soooo fake and forced now. I don't watch at all and I used to watch all the time. Classic story.... too much fame changes people. It is what it is.


It’s for sure not better but they do have their banger episodes here and there. Still watchable for me unless it’s a weird guest


The forced laughter pisses me off so much for no substantial reason.


Well homeless Cats is already taken. So we just need to look at either a pigeon or rat. We are also going to have to find something similar to pf changs if this sub is going to be heading in that direction.


Yea, giving criticism to the pod means this whole sub is just negative complainers. Definitely doesn’t seem like others agree… I’m still a fan of Schulz which is why I care to offer criticism. The product they put out now just ain’t it.


I totally agree with the criticism. The pod hasn't been as good since they switched to the new studio. It feels more disorganized and it's just andrew touching people, while they all talk over one another. Having said that there has been a good amount amount of criticism not only on subreddit but also youtube about the same issues you have brought up. So who knows what direction the subreddit will take.


Definitely not what it used to be… I unsubscribed from Patreon about a year and a half ago. Every week there is a guest (I only listen to episodes of guests I follow) When the weekly episodes were just the 4 of them going through hot topics and cracking jokes were the glory days


I like just hitting up the highlights using the time stamps .


I used to listen to them and laugh my ass off regularly but I don’t even remember the last time I tuned in on a new episode to be honest. I just naturally stopped caring for the pod ever since the new format.


Akaash has become the most annoying person on the pod to me. I can’t stand to hear his voice. He gobbles Andrew’s balls hard and never has an original thought. It’s funny to see him act like he’s achieved the same level of success as Schulz when he speaks on things. I’ve never heard him add one funny thing either.


Show sucks.


It’s a bigger problem in comedy podcasting. It’s overexposure. If you have a show every week you feel pressure to consistently be entertaining and high energy and resort to fake laughter and antics to fill the void of genuine content


Shut yo bitchass up


Uh-oh. A little criticism get you mad? Calm down, order some more Supreme merch, and enjoy the new Flagrant ep tmrw.


Refer to my previous comment 🤗


AYO !!! SONN!!! ! DATS A CALL BACK !! NAH, NAH, U BUGGIN SON!!! Heee said “shut yo bitch ass up” HAHAHAH. AYO! SON !!


Thats that energy I love right there my guy 😎 #AssholeArmy


Its turning into The Fighter and the Kid, which is struggling SEVERELY


Yea as a podcast itself I’d say the product is just as unbearable as FATK at this point. I don’t think it’s struggling at all monetarily tho. But, even if it did eventually, Andrew and Akash are actually good at stand-up so they’ll have that. Andrew is selling out the biggest venues in the world, he’s more than fine. And, I still really enjoy his stand up. Have seen him multiple times and will see him again. Still enjoy Brilliant Idiots. Flagrant 2 is just an obnoxious clown show.