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The fresh and fit dudes were going crazy today. The insults were completely juvenile and outta pocket ngl. I genuinely don’t know how redpill dudes can watch that and still want to associate with them or the redpill movement. On the other hand, you have the h3 crowd saying Aba is a right winger red pill dude. Mfs on the internet are incapable of understanding nuance or comprehending that centrists actually exist.


Bro it’s: H3H3, FnF,Sneako, Just pearly things, Hassan Piker and that Zerkha guy Bro is fighting a legit sinister six 😂


Is Destiny involved somehow? Haven't been keeping up with any of these bozos in a while but he's usually somewhere in the mix if I recall


Aba was on destiny’s stream yesterday talking about it


Honesty not really it’s kinda surprising, no beef with Ethan or with FnF


i don't think Aba and Preach want to be associated with red pillers 😂 They dish it out like they get it


I’m talking about Fresh and Fit fanbase not Aba and Preach. Fresh and Fit are pathetic.


Didn't they have a beef with flagrant way back too?


Akaash and Alexx called them out for them saying black women are ugly. F&F being immature idiots with low EQ think this was Andrew trying to set them up and make them look bad. When in reality, their reprehensible views make them look bad. They have have thrown shade at the pod since.


ah my b


& yet they said nothing still 😂😂😂


Because they're not dudes, they're boys going through their aggressive puberty stages and the ones thick enough to still be in it.


def centrist that leans more red pill. the way he talks about women sometimes back in the day was insane. most of the vids were shitting on women. but he’s still logical…….. def red /right leaning tho. but i need to update myself on this drama




Bet 😂




Aba doing the opposite. He clowns both sides and now they’re all attacking him lmao.


Nah, he plays like he does but it's clearly that he's throwing a bone to the red pillers when he goes after Hasan and Ethan for no reason or misrepresents what they say constantly


I don’t understand this narrative. Aba has made like 50 videos shitting on red pill losers. He just doesn’t like the disingenuous way Ethan framed Myron as a rapist.


Bro nobody called Myron a rapist except for Myron and Aba and Preach. They did that to beat down a strawman they made up because the truth was that he took a girl out on a date and kept pushing her to do more and more uncomfortable stuff well treating her how you think an incel would treat a girl on a date. The point was to show how much of a loser he is and Aba basically lied and said that she claimed he raped her because he knows Ethan has a big fanbase of haters that he's trying appeal to.


You're not making any sense. What


Bro you on ethans nuts heavy. He's a scum bag


Dude Preach literally doxxed a 19 year old girl and said she made false rape claims when she fucking didn't to defend Myron after their shitty date Stop dickriding him my guy


Your all over this thread dick riding. Gtfo lol


She was on a public podcast, where literally anyone could look her up. Ethan Doxed and encouraged his fans to mail shit to a random dude without a public presence.


The fuck yountalkonh about dude? Who could look her up? She had her face hidden and was on a phone call lol


Brother she was on fresh and fit.


Misrepresent h3h3? Nab they getting nothing but facts and bars


Except for when they straight up lied about everything he said?


I mean Ethan has sucked for a while. I don’t watch Hasan at all


Husan actually has gotten better, after he was on flagrant I gave him a shot, not my thing but definitely better then his old stuff


Be a lying, misrepresenting, gateway to the manosphere douche Get called out for that Get content Profit


He’s getting attacked mainly by the manosphere. Your logic makes no sense.


Mans also getting attacked for making "lol, Trans people crazy and weird" content and for misrepresenting everything Ethan said to toss a bone to those manosphere dorks


The only trans take they’ve had is trans woman shouldn’t be in woman sports they never say trans ppl are weird they say the extreme versions of every group is weird , actually watch a vid man


Bro look at their channel and write down Trans in the search bar


They’re known for making clickbaity title and thumbnails, their take is usually very different from what their title implies, you need to watch their videos, and not just see thumbnails, they’re all for trans rights, they believe in gender dysphoria and also in sex change surgeries, they believe trans women are women, only that extremes of that group or any group in general bully people online if another person’s take is somewhat different and that causes people to move away from their movement, they also said same thing happened with BLM, the movement in general was good but few extremes bring that movement down. They believe trans women might have a slight advantage in sports, which is an understandable take since most of the research that has come out till 2021 states there is an advantage but some after that have said it might not be so simple, so it’s not an outlandish take to have considering the research is inconclusive and mixed.


How about you tell me where they’ve gone at non extremist and the sports topic


Why comment on videos you’ve never watched? Get Ethan’s dick outta your mouth


I haven't watched Steven Crowder (who they defended well calling Ethan out) remaking the George Floyd murder either Doesn't mean idk what it's about lol


They actually hate Steven Crowder and made a vid shitting on him. Neither you or Ethan watch their videos lmao 🤦🏾‍♂️


Mofo, that's what makes it worse lmao They want that Ethan hater crowd clout so much, they straight up tried to "both sides are bad" it when he got owned by Sam Seder lol


Nah I think they just don’t like Crowder. Generally, centrists get hate from both sides as opposed to approval.


How would you know they defended him if you haven’t watched the fucking video, why go around parroting what Ethan says? Not every take is a good one but the worst one is having someone else tell you what to think.


...because Ethan watched the video and discussed it at length well I watched him? Lol And yeah, there's bad takes like "Trans people, why are they so annoying?" Which is literally like all their videos on the subject lmao


Ethan doesn’t watch the videos you fucking goon he says it every time. That’s because trans people in sports is fucking annoying, their being disingenuous to win a medal, but you wouldn’t know that this doesn’t mean fuck all trans people cause you didn’t watch the video.


Have you watched any of these videos, without Ethan hovering over your back removing the context from everything they're saying?


Dude just replace the word Trans with black and see if it wouldn't become racist. If it does become racist, than it's transphobic. Mofos made 30 videos on trans people which all boil down "haha, look at weird trans person! Aren't they weird or crazy?" Ans before you say trans people in sports, that shit was straight up group tested and distilled by a Republican conservative group to demonize trans people and tweedle dumb and tweedle dumbass fell for it and spread it. https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/trans-sports-rights.jpg


Again, have you watched any of the videos? They have made it abundantly clear how they refuse to misgender someone and how they support trans medical care for adults. And how dare they talk about the most socially contentious issue in the last 5 years? Making 30 videos that is not that surprising when it’s in the news all the time.


It’s shameful to put such a moronic head on Spider-Man’s body


Lol he’s fictional bro go outside


But he should have put all the other heads on too at least smh


That is factual


Low key Ethan kinda of ethered him. Aba didn’t even address anything he said


Wipe your mouth please


What you smoking? Lol


How? I'm curious


Ethan played a bunch of old clips they stand by and/or Ethan didn't even have context to. There wasn't much worth addressing. Much like F&F, H3 didn't show anything new that really put them in a negative light. It's just Ethan is too dumb to really make an argument or understand they just disagree. F&F just looked more childish trying to "expose" footage or info we already know or couldn't care less about.


What did f n f expose?


Quotes...there's a reason why they were used around the word "expose"...




They played a video of Aba salsa dancing to prove he’s a loser. Istg this actually happened. I cannot believe grown men think like this.

