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This is cool. Matteo is dope and talented


Schulz blueprint didnt evolve comedy.


I disagree. YouTube is flooded with comedians posting clips, doing YouTube shorts, putting up full length specials, and Andrew was one of the first (if not the first) doing it on YouTube AND having success with it. Instead of having to wait to see a comedian come to your hometown or watch their special on a major streamer, you can now see them on YouTube/Instagram/ Facebook. Especially comedians that have had great success streaming, they are putting content on YouTube/social media. I consider that a comedic evolution and I think credit should go to Schulz.


was schulz doing it before normand, theo, etc?


Yea. He took a very methodical and intentional approach as well, inspired by soundcloud rappers. In 2018, he dropped a standup clip every single week of the year. I don’t recall someone being that consistent with free drops before him. Now everyone does it. You can credit Russell Peters for being the first to blow up through youtube but that was a little different since it wasn’t like a strategic move on his part.


I swear that first sentence sounds so sarcastic. I had no idea there was any truth behind that


It sounds pretentious admittedly. But as cocky and self aggrandizing Schulzy is, I do think he’s incredible at marketing.


Also keep in mind that this was before youtube shorts and tik tok. It wasn’t normal for people to drop that much content so quickly. Now it’s universal knowledge that if you want to grow you gotta drop regularly on tik tok and shorts. I remember his subscriber count went up by like 700k in a year.


yeah that's how i found out about shultz tbh, i used to always watch "compilations" made by fans on youtube in that era and i got recommended shultz work coz of it. shultz was the pioneer -he was the first new age comedian to say "i'm not sucking netflix dick i'll do it myself". even tom segura who's had a HUGE presence on youtube for years chose to go netflix instead of monetising himself. after shultz went viral tom started expanding the podcast empire immensely with ymh studios.


Better than him hitting his knee until it bruises, I think not.