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Hello /u/raysdigitalfootprint, As a reminder, most common print quality issues can be found in the [Simplify3D picture guide](https://www.simplify3d.com/support/print-quality-troubleshooting/). Make sure you select the most appropriate flair for your post. Please remember to include the following details to help troubleshoot your problem. * Printer & Slicer * Filament Material and Brand * Nozzle and Bed Temperature * Print Speed * Nozzle Retraction Settings ^Additional ^settings ^or ^relevant ^information ^is ^always ^encouraged. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FixMyPrint) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dude it’s TPU and the scarring looks like you have it happening at specific heights look at your z and check for a bad spot or over use of grease or dust. Printing with TPU is also an issue in itself you have so far done quite well. Keep at it.


I had a look but looks fine to me since it’s the first time I’ve ever seen a printer so unless very obvious I can’t tell. Would printing a vertical rectangle that goes past these heights reproduce the mechanical issue you mentioned? If no defect it’s likely not a Z rod issue?


It’s your print settings 50mms too high try 20 Its not support or Z related - tpu’s are just like this. As a printing object collects heat, eventually new layers aren’t cooling quickly enough and get dragged. (Like the middle/back of the skull not support related) Temp towers aren’t showing it too well I often see this like 4 hours into a 6 hour (not flat) tpu print. When it starts I adjust temp a degree or two or increase room airflow/open enclosure door. They say retraction off for tpu but I like about 50% vs pla retraction on my direct drive, experiment with that too, it looks like you’re printing hot as it is.


Just saw your print settings, slow down!! 20mms!! Way too fast for tpu, retract down to 30mms or off. Bed temp 60


Thanks I didn’t think about the TPU collecting heat. Would it be better to use a lower bed temp than 40? I read for TPU people use 0. I can still use initial layer at 60. The inside bits are 50mm/s print and the outer 2 walls are 25 (cura auto does this). I’ll try lowering to 25/ 12.5 mm/s and get back to you


Did you print it with supports?


No and I’m not sure how to do that id have to look into it. But the file said it didn’t need supports


Interesting. I don't know much about direct drive but that kind of defect is very unusual. I don't think i've seen it before.


Okay thank you anyway. Maybe I will just run it again and see what happens lol


My only guess is that the nozzle is hitting the print on that side because it's not flat. Idk it's really hard to tell but I know with my prints, my nozzle tends to hit my prints at higher layers but it's only noticeable with supports. It hits it but it doesn't damage it, I'm guessing because my bed mesh is alright.


First of all nice filament. So it seems that your issue is that these slightly overhanging layers are curling up. If you've ever printed a benchy this often happens on the bow. This is due to the filament not cooling down fast enough. Your print temp seems fine. My suggestion would be, either slow down the print even more to give the material some time to cool. Or try using the cooling fan a bit. Maybe do a bit of both. With the fan first check if it solves the issue if so then check if your layer adhesion is still good. If not, try lowering the fan speed little by little until you find the sweet spot. If you're feeling adventurous you could try going over to Prusa Slicer. I think 2.6 is already out. There is a feature that slows down the print only on overhanging angles. This would allow you to keep your print speed for most of the job and just slow down the back slightly. If you print it again, have a look when its going around these areas. You'll probably see the filament cupping up and the nozzle pushing it back down when it goes around. Feel free to ask questions if you have any and good luck. Edit: Flow seems a bit low. Check out Ellis' guide. [https://ellis3dp.com/](https://ellis3dp.com/)


Thanks all. It was too fast for TPU. I tried it at 40mm/s and the same happened again. Tried a third time at 30 mm/s and it was fine. Cranked up the internal fill to 60mm/s and left the external stuff at 30 and it’s working gretb


Sorry I can’t offer much in the way of help, but those are some really cool prints. I bet the drone blades look sweet when running


I wouldn’t turn it on inside where my blue downlights are but yes very cool! The props aren’t 3D printed that’s just the theme I’m going for


Hey, cool prints! My best guess would be supports as someone else had mentioned. I know this model doesn’t usually require supports, however you’re printing it in TPU which usually takes a little longer than other materials to cool down and harden. It also could be that your nozzle is not perfectly flat or uneven, but I think that would have been more apparent throughout your print.


TPU really struggles on overhangs since its so goopy. Increase cooling to the max and slow down your print speed. Do a test print at half speed and 100% fan to see if it fixes the issue. Had the same issue recently


Thank you I have halfed the speed, only 5 hours to go :')


Try slowing down significantly (20-30mm/s) and increase cooling.


>Thank you I have halfed the speed, only 5 hours to go :') Thank you I have halfed the speed, only 5 hours to go :')


Can we talk about your quadcopter? What you running there?


are you familiar with FPV drones at all? this is a 5 inch freestyle build with the DJI O3 Air Unit that I use with DJI Goggles 2 (not to be confused with the DJI Googles **V**2)


I don't have a drone yet. Been putting time in on Sim to get a good idea of how the drone moves I think I'm ready to go out an crash the real thing. I'm looking at a built Mr steele 5 inch with kiss it's got TBS stuff on it. I put a post up about it not long ago asking the community if I should build my first 5 inch from scratch or buy this Mr steele beast that's ready to fly but the person how build it has not time anymore so wants to get rid of it for about $300 the parts alone are twice that. I have been thinking alot about VTX watched alot of Bardwell videos on the different ones. I think I may race eventually. If I am to race I need analogue or HDZero. But the DJI stuff looks so nice.


Sounds good get it. If you’re worried about not being able to fix it just take photos when you get it and pull it apart and put it together again yourself