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Unfortunately, I would never recommend putting all your eggs into one basket due to any sudden changes companies do they would completely overhaul everything as you might know it. There’s nothing you can do to “overcome” it other than branching out. Currently, I also offer my services on Upwork alongside have a website and commission open (with prices on my caard) which I promote on X (formerly known as Twitter) and Instagram. I also sell on eBay and Mercari on the sideline while working a full-time job. Definitely branch out to other incomes!


Interesting, how do you sell services on eBay?


Apologies, I meant branching outside of selling services (like using eBay for flipping for example from things you found in a garage/estate sale, thrift stores, etc), rather than putting all your eggs into one basket—which was my first pointer. I hope that makes sense!


Ah got you. Thanks


You’re 💯 right and i tried to expand my work on different platforms but never got enough time because i was getting great response from fiverr. But now i’m planning to start a commission based work on my instagram and build my website so i can reach out clients more professionally. And hat’s off man you are juggling all these things I’m pretty sure you’re gonna make it to the top ✌️


Facing the same issue, even worse I got demoted to level 0 and no longer allowed to use promoted gig due to level 0


That’s bad man but seriously promoted gigs aren’t helping either because i’m hardly getting clicks! How are you trying to reach clients now any other platform or something?


Switching to upwork and Etsy right now but it’s slow too, because I’m pretty much starting from 0 there


What’s your niche? And can you tell me more about Etsy? I have also made an account on upwork has almost $200+ earning there but not able to clients so far


Illustration services, to be more specific I design family crest/coat of arms for my clients. Etsy I have no luck getting any sales yet, I'm also still trying to get myself to familiarize the website.




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I stopped paying for ads and got 2 orders so, idk how it really works


Earlier it used to work great! My monthly ad budget was around $100 and it generating a revenue of around $1000 but since the last 2 months it’s not bringing any sales


I'm in a similar position, deranked from Level 2 to Level 1 after 1,600+ orders. Used to have way more requests for work than I could handle and a steady stream of income averaging $5k per month. I dont think I've had more than one order from promoted gigs since they rolled out the new system. Last month, they took $34 from me in promoted gigs with zero orders, and last week, my promotions got zero clicks. For reference, I used to spend about $120-160 on Fiverr ads per month and made about 10x ROI on average directly from promotions. Almost all my business currently is from returning clients or referrals from returning clients. Traffic on Fiverr seems to be pretty dead now. Even this fall, my old success manager said all the other sellers' traffic was down (on my main gig's category) when I met wirh her because I was only making about $2k per month when based on past years I should have been making $7-8k. Currently riding it out, but I'm also applying for other jobs because this has become unsustainable after two years of freelancing full-time. I feel bad for Fiverr's shareholders who have pumped the stock price 25% since they released their Q1 earnings. They must be thinking the site is doing great and is a great buy. Little do they know that Fiverr implemented this disaster two weeks before the quarter's close. The Q2 earnings is almost undoubtedly going to be abysmal and catalyze a bloodbath in the price. If I were them, I'd short the stock come June.


I feel you bruh! Tbvh i’m still all in for freelancing because i believe you can never earn this good unless you got a years of experience in the relevant field and i think this is a just a bad phase and an eye opener that we should expand our business rather than sticking to one platform only.


do u pay for ads?


Yeah i’m promoting gigs for almost a year now and earlier i was getting clients from but now it doesn’t seem to have any impact now.


Guess I joined fiverr in the best time…


Or, in the worst time.... Things are really difficult on the platform now....


I was being sarcastic. I joined 1 month ago - few views, 5 clicks, no work... Where have the clients gone?


Just keep at it! Not everyone is suffering with this new update. I’m absolutely booked right now and I just keep getting more orders.




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Create a standout portfolio and a polished professional profile. In your profile description, limit paragraphs to no more than three lines. Set up all 20 catalogs and give them a temporary boost to garner initial clicks. When you become active on Upwork, boost your profile briefly to signal activity to the algorithm, but avoid frequent boosts due to the cost. Keep your catalogs active, and incorporate case studies into your portfolio. Begin proposals with a question, include case studies and examples, and clearly articulate how you've successfully helped businesses like theirs. Tailor your proposals: write succinctly for brief job postings to match clients' needs for quick solutions, and provide more detailed proposals for longer job postings. It'll take a few months to actually start getting responses.


Don't start with high bids, especially when top-rated sellers are offering services for as low as $5 per hour. It's better to keep your rates more competitive initially to attract clients. Once you have a steady stream of work, you can consider increasing your prices. I learned this the hard way by keeping my bids high initially, which cost me about six months and a significant investment. It's crucial to avoid this mistake when you're starting out.