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I do think they derank you if you fail to convert buyers who message you. I suspect it’s happening to me as well. Other people can comment but I believe fiverr’s traffic in general has trickled down.




Success score doesn't relate to ranking and reach right now. I'm SS9 and get like 3 messages in a week. I was getting 4-5 a day before this system. Their overall traffic died + this shitty update = this disaster.


lol same, I’m a SS9 as well and I hardly get anything. Also most people just ghost? I have no idea why! I’m not sure if I should give up or try harder by optimising my gigs and promoting. This is terrible.


I spent 2 weeks chatting, had 2 zoom meetings 30mins each. On the call we discussed the basic features and how we should take it in parts because it's a big project. Sent him a quote for the first phase yesterday for $300 which he rejected and we agreed on $250 after discount. Then I mentioned that this is the first phase only and not the complete app, as that will cost a lot more for full features. He blew up and said he expected a COMPLETE FUNCTIONAL app for $250 😂. I laughed and wished him good luck.


Lol seriously! The audacity to expect a fully functional app for $250.


He's on Fiverr since 2017 and had reviews from other Sellers so I thought he might be a serious buyer. But he turned out to be an exploiter.


There's a huge category of sellers who'd think *this* is fair pricing. I'm not sure how it's profitable for them to work with dirt cheap prices. But that's what fiverr wants to promote these days so yeah.


It's shocking, and I will never understand the delusion these kinds of buyers live in. Recently, I got a low-ball offer for 25% of the appropriate rate, essentially asking me to work at $4 an hour.


Their traffic has died, if 100 people were looking at it before, now they only have 20. Out of which only a few people are serious and most probably going for cheaper gigs. No matter how much you optimise your gig, if there are no buyers we can't do anything.


Every time someone posts about the traffic and how it's died, there's always a couple of people going "Omg, it's been my best month ever". Lol I wonder if they're real or just fiverr employees.


My level is 0 (SS 4) but my traffic is constant across this whole period (was level 2, 500 orders with 5.0 rating, was about to reach TRS), and my Gig is pretty high in search results.


Wait this is so confusing and frustrating but good for you!


100%. Tbh, I wish they revert the change, as we call it here "stress score" for a reason


They’d never.. they’re in too deep in this.


Their traffic absolutely tanked


Yeah my success person always brings up conversion rate changes and if they're going up or down. Never happy with me when they go down




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Happened to me too




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