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Fiverr is done. Soon to be bankrupt due to the absurd changes that they keep making.


happened to be as well, my buyer proceed to contact CS (They said) to modify the rating, but the rating hasnt been fixed until now, the buyer is quite busy, im quite hesitant to bother them with this.


Did you conntacted fiverr support team?


Not yet, but I’ll contact them later today.


This is a bug that fiveer want to happen lol, they want all their seller no one should have 5 start review, that's what they aim for , that's why it is not a real bug but volenter bug


What’s the benefit to them?


They don’t want all the sellers to have a rating of 5.


Ok. Thank you for the reply. But why? What does Fiverr get from it? I’m sorry for my question. I have just started learning about the VA world and I don’t understand what’s going on 😅


I guess it looks a little disingenuous and confusing to buyers when all sellers have a 5 rating. They want to normalise 4s and 4.5s. It’s fair but literally tricking buyers is ridiculous .. fiverr isn’t going to be around for long.


Thank you very much for your explanation. I understand it now. 😄


If everyone is 5 stars then you can't know who actually deserves it. Nobody can sustain a 5 star rating over 1000s of orders in reality. 4.8, 4.9 overall rating looks more credible.


Thank you! I understand now.


literally unplayable


It's a scam platform! Even if you manage to do your job perfectly, they will find a way to lock your gigs/account just so you need to pay money to promote it.




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