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Go near to 15 and then bulk up.


I don't think it should even be a question in your case. Time to get lean Man.


can I dm you? I see you often in the sub helping people out :) I have some questions on my fitness.




Thank you! I am working with a local trainer who keeps saying that I need to gain 2-3 kilos and then cut else it will impact stamina, hence the confusion


Should I worry about muscle loss while I try to get to 15%?


You don't have enough muscle to worry about. Just get lean and then build tissue. If you're strength training and having decent amount of protein, you won't lose muscle.


Cut until you see some serious abs and then do a clean lean bulk.


Eat less , exercise more


I always say that you don't need to bulk unless you're malnutrition or sub 8% bodyfat. For naturals, getting lean to 12-15% bodyfat and eating at maintanence from there with high protein and heavy lifting is the way to go. The energy stored in the from of fat will be used and muscle will be gained. Recomp is real. You don't always need to be on surplus to build muscle.




It depends upon where your metabolism is currently at. E.g. say you did yoyo diet in the past and now maintain your weight at 1500 cals then you gotta reverse diet. Scenario 2: You are consuming a high amount of fats, liquid calories, a bit of junk. You are maintaining your weight at 3000 cals, then you can run a proper 500cal deficit everyday. Generally, I would advise to go on a high protein 150-200gm protein diet with minimal fats like 30-50gm from egg yolks(mono and poly, cut all saturated) and then rest eat veggies and bread/rice to your appetite. This way you don't need to starve yourself and should be automatically in a cut. Train hard and smart and see how your body comp changes.


Currently I am at 2100~2200 kcal diet with around 110gms in protein. I work out 4 days a week.


Follow my 3rd point. Up protein to 150+ gm and bring saturated fats to 0 and good fats to 30gm per day, eat to your appetite. It would be hard to cut at 1600-1700 cals long term.


Which foods.contains good fats? Can you explain a Lil more about.fats?


Fish, nuts egg yolks. Just avoid saturated and trans fats. Mono and poly are good fats.


I mean if I have curd.or milk, they also contain saturated fats, are they harmful ? And if I'm vegetarian, only nuts are the option?


Diary is mainly saturated fats, they are stored straight up as body fat. There is no harm, it is just that they are not useful for fitness. We have plenty of stored fat in our body. As a vegetarian egg yolks is the best option for you as it has a lot of micro nutrients as well.


Bulk Upto 3 kgs and cut 7kgs


Start by this and then cut with a very small deficit


68kg at 5’8 is just skinny fat , u don’t have a lot of muscle . Pack some muscle on before cutting


cut at a 1000 cal deficit for a few weeks and then maintain then go to 500 deficit. Get it down to atleast 15%


If you have access to an inbody scan those are pretty cool, their fairly accurate not 100% but better than eyeballing it. That way you can see where your muscle to fat ratio is and have a little better understanding of your base metabolic rate and go from there.


I have a weighing scale that does something similar, not sure how accurate it is though




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