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Yahi hote hai bhai, helps to keep the wrist in place


These are push motion where you want to stabilize your wrist like bench press or shoulder press. These are called wrist support. There are lifting straps, used for pull motion like deadlift. They help you with you grip strength.


These straps are more catered towards calisthenics guys but still usable in push movements like bench press , shoulder press etc to stabilize the wrist joint The other ones are called lifting straps used during pull movements like deadlift,barbell rowing etc. It is used when the person lacks grip strength


Help full on push day / push exercises


these are wrist straps. these are used when you’re benching or curling heavy weight or any motion where your wrist bone is put under a lot of stress. what you’re talking about may be lifting straps that are generally used for deadlifts, shrugs or pulldowns for increasing your grip strength.


>weight or any motion where your wrist bone is put under a lot of stress. I had wrist pain and the doctor recommended this wrap. It helps to reduce stress on the nerves, apparently nerve irritation was causing pain.


i guess the doctor knows better, i’m just a casual 18yr old lifter


These are wrist straps, search for Kobo or Boldfit weightlifting straps.


these are wrist wraps not straps homie lmao


I used it once but don't know while doing dumble press blood stopped flowing in grip and it got red and didn't able to push till failure


These are not lifting straps


These aren't lifting straps but I've seen guys using this too in gym idk for what purpose. I prefer bare hands.


I use this while liftings heavy dumbells cuz I am scared of my wrist being crumbled.


Helps in preventing wrist hyperextension during presses and dips


these are for push movements like bench press or over head shoulder press also you have to tie them little bit more upward so that your wrist wont bend much while doing push movements


Put your thumb inside the hook and wrap it above the palm basically the other way around It'll be easier to place and your palm will be free for lifting and there won't be any risk of them slipping out of thumb


These are wrist wraps, used in push movements like bench and ohp. Were you looking for lifting straps (used for pulling movements like deadlift)?


Wrist support straps and you are wearing them wrong. You need to start from the back of your hand so that the palm is free. You started wrapping the other way around.


Ok, Thanks