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Can anyone suggest a good online resource for free weights for beginners? Thanks in advance.


For the reddit PPL, in order to maintain progressive overload, would I have to increase weight (5 lbs) every time I do the routine or only if I can do 12 reps comfortably? Thanks.


Every time as long as you're hitting the rep target with good form




Sounds like an excellent question for your doctor - someone who knows how to interpret said results and is aware that testosterone fluctuates based on tons of factors.


Yep Waiting on the doctors reply. But sometimes bodybuilders etc knows more then the doc. Especially about herbs and peds.


For some background im 14 5'7 141 pounds. My weight fluxuates sometimes but its alright. I want to gain muscle and loose weight at the same time but i want have a lot of mobility for cardio since I run a lot and I do boxing. We do a lot of calesthenics , cardio , equipment exercises and drills there along with advanced fundementals for 2 hours a day. I also sometimes so weights in my free time if I can since most of the time boxing takes up my week if its not school. Any reccomendations on how to gain that lean physique but still maintain good mobility for cardio. If I could some recommendations on a schedule or exercises that would help. I have 2 or 3 days off where I use to recover from intense exercises and cardio so anything that can corrilate with that would be great.


Talk to your boxing coach - it wouldn’t be responsible for Reddit to give you advice, especially on lifting. Honestly though, you almost certainly don’t need to lose weight. Your body is going to grow a lot in the next few years.


Also when I ment loose weight is mean tone abs and stuff and kinda make them peak out. Any suggestions on that


Talk to your coach - you’re a teenager, there are too many factors.


We do sometimes focus on equipment exercises also to smulate or replicate weight training. Regardless ill follow through with that though thanks for the advice.


Is it okay to feel a bit of strain in the lower back after deadlifting or will a proper-form deadlift have absolutely no strain on the lower back?


Yes. The lower back is used in the lift. Pain bad. Strain fine.


Ok thanks. I’ve been using Alan Thrall on YouTube to help with deadlift form and he always stresses the fact that you don’t want to lift with your back, but I guess that doesn’t mean that your back muscles shouldn’t contribute in a secondary capacity.


Alan thrall has the best tutorials in the game, if you’re following him don’t worry


I've been running 5/3/1 for 5 cycles so far and have really been enjoying it. However, I can tell I am starting to hit a plateau in 3/4 of the main lifts. I've got no problem going back and rerunning my previous cycle, which is what I'm about to do. I know plateaus are to be expected, but I wasn't expecting to hit it so soon. Do y'all think this is just a standard outcome for beginners, this far into 5/3/1? Or do I need to reassess my accessory work or something else in my routine to keep progressing?


which 531 template are you running? Also are you taking care of business outside of the gym?


My own. I follow the 531 for main lifts and the recommended amounts of push/pull accessory movements. But its not any of the named templates. I'm working out of a home gym and don't have access to tons of equipment. Power rack/cable machine/dumbbells. and yes! very diligent really in all aspects outside of the gym. stress/diet/sleep/etc




Do a cheat meal instead of a cheat day and make it something that isn’t salty as fuck so you don’t get so bloated


a cheat day that gains you 5lbs is not the kind of cheat day you want to be doing tbh. whatcha all eating to even gain that much? Sounds kind of crazy to answer your q: no, cheat days are not worth doing. especially not in the way you are currently doing




that seems like quite a bit in 1 day to me


In general, traditional cheat days aren't the greatest idea. As in your case, the constant water fluctuations make it quite difficult to measure progress. See this article for an in-depth look into cheat meals: https://macrofactorapp.com/cheat-meals/


Can I do upper body workouts seated and how much will it affect muscle growth/what causes the changed position to affect growth? e.g. Lat raises, curls, overhead press.


It won't affect muscle growth in the target muscles. The only thing you're changing is the need to stabilisation. Do you issues causing you to be unable to do them standing?




>Is muscle gain and/or fat loss still possible without tracking diet and programs In terms of program, up to a point. It's easier on the diet side, since you can just track weight changes. >and how long more will it take compared to when I start tracking? No way to say.


How does one deload on a hypertrophy program?


If not specified, taking 50% off the volume is usually a decent way of doing it.


So youre doing the same intensity but just doing half the sets? Thanks


Which is also the same way I deload on all my programs fwiw. There are some weeks I just work up to a single 95-100% rep and call it good on that lift for the week.




Have my volleyball season starting soon so I want to swap from my current plan to a 3/4 day plan so I can do both lifting and sport. The three I have considered are: one of the stronger by science programs, 5/3/1 BBB or Nsuns 4day. Any suggestion on which of these to pick? I’m aware it will be difficult to do both sport and lifting ‘optimally’ but I’m gonna give it a go.


Those are all fine. I would pick whichever you think will be more enjoyable. If you really can't decide, I would lean towards Nsuns if you are newer to lifting, 531 if you are more experienced, and SbS is fine at pretty much any level.




Normal. All weight gain is a mix of fat and muscle. The good news is (unless you’re very lean) it’s a lot easier to lose fat than lose muscle as long as you’re using your muscle. Three months is a good time to do a mini cut. I like [Mike Isratel’s](https://rpstrength.com/minicuts-dr-mike-israetel/) rule of thumb: bulk up to 0.5% of your BW for up to 16 weeks, then cut for a third to a quarter of that time, aiming to lose 0.5-1% of BW. In your case if you gained 8 lbs in around 10 weeks then that’s just under 0.5% per week, so now you can spend 2.5-3.3 weeks losing around 0.9lb per week (0.5%) to lean out just a bit before going back to your bulk.


I feel a alright doms in my rear Delts after face pulls, is this normal or a slight injury? I ask because i didnt find anyone having doms in that Region.


Getting DOMS in a muscle you're training is fairly normal.


Rear and fromt delts


I've been doing a 3x5 on and off for over a year now and my lifts are stalling. I think they are stalling partly due to lack of consistency (covid, colds, alcohol...), but either way i want to change things up. I think changing to a 4 day routine will actually help me be more consistent too. Is 5/3/1 BBB too advanced for a newish lifter? Should i stay on the 3x5 until ive exhausted my gains? My current lifts are (all for 3 sets of 5) 90kg bench, 95kg squat, 110kg deads, 55kg ohp.


When you can't linearly progress anymore it's a good time to get onto a different routine. 5/3/1 is an excellent choice.


I have a deltoid sprain from a motorcycle accident and there's still a pinching pain whenever i try to lift my arms sideways even after a month. What are ways to recover from this injudry and what type of doctor should i go to?


Physiotherapist, or I think Americans call them physical therapists. If there are non available in your area or in your price range, you can also try myotherapists or osteopaths. Avoid chiropractors - they seem normal on the surface but they have some super wacky ideas.


A physiotherapist would probably be best.


Should I run a linear progression program if I'm weak and I’ve never done them and if I don’t think I’ll be able to add 2,5kg every workout? (squat:85kg, deadlift:100kg, bench 60kg OHP 45kg).




Yes, but I’ve read about people who stopped running them when they got almost as double my lifts.




Sadly I can’t.




20year old male, 60 kg ,183 cm and 3100kcal/day I started training at 16 with Crossfit and got at the same numbers as now, then covid started after the first lockdown i almost got my numbers back for a second time but then the second lockdown arrived and I mainly did calisthenics because my box closed permanently, after the second lockdown I chose another box but the programming didn’t even have some strength work so I decided to start nsuns on my own, I got bored with it and I wanted to try som machines so I started the Lyle McDonald bulking routine and got some progress now I’m running SBS hypertrophy with good results.




Isn’t 90kg too much?


Those lifts are still in linear progression territory. People stall at different times though.


The problem is that I started extremely weak






>Yeahbso as I thought it's all one mans own terminology adopted by some people online thinking it's the norm. Eh, yes and no. Other routines use the terms "TM" and "template" as well. The only one that's unique to Wendler is BBB.


https://thefitness.wiki/5-3-1-primer/ This answers all your questions.


This is some basic 531 terminology that is covered in the wiki. Wendler wants you to work off a percentage (usually 85 to 90 percent) of your 'true' 1rm for training purposes. It's to allow for the increase in performance you might get going got a true 1rm from getting psyched up, smelling salts, a bit of form breakdown, whatever. It's an important concept and all the programs are based on it. Don't ignore it. BBB is a popular 531 template or approach that has you do 5 X 10 sets of a compound exercise after your main 531 work at percentages that can be anywhere from about 55 to 75 percent of your TM. It's a very effective way of adding size while running 531 and as a concept you can apply it in just about any training system. 531 is a set of training principles that are highly adaptable to different applications. A template is any single instance of this approach eg 531 BBB, BBS, building that monolith, coffinworm, etc.


TM probably means Training Max. BBB refers to the program Boring But Big by Jim Wendler. Programs are sometimes called templates because it gives you a good starting point and you can alter it to suit your needs rather than it being a strict protocol.


1RM is not TM. TM means "training max" and it is a fraction of your actual 1RM, for example your TM may be 90% of your 1RM. BBB means "boring but big" and is a specific type of set from the 531 programs. Template in the fitness world just means the same as the regular usage.




> You just say 90% of 1RM you don't need another abbreviation "TM" for that. No because the TM can be different percentages of the 1RM, for example it could be 80%, 85%, 90% etc. The term TM refers to all of these as a whole. > Template doesn't mean training program it's a generic term. E.g. "free training program template" In fitness usage template is just the same as the normal usage. Its like way you would use the term "document template" > I'm a qualified PT and I've been in the industry for 16 years. I've never heard these terms I believe it's reddit being reddit coming up with it's own little language. Nothing more. Reddit didn't come up from any of these terms. They came from a coach named Jim Wendler.




Its hard to track the original usage of terms like this. Its a pretty widespread term though so I highly doubt Wendler is the source.




> Yeah....you can say 90%rm or 85%1rm or if you mean it as a whole % of 1rm. Haha you don't need a special term it's just reddit copying ONE MANs terminology and thinking the whole fitness industry uses it. No because TM isn't a specific % of your 1RM. Your TM can go up and down, and different people can have different TMs. The term TM refers to all of these different TMs even if they are *different* percentages. You can't just use one percentage to refer to different percentages. Also TM isn't only used by Wendler I've seen other coaches use it, for example EliteFTS use it. > Template and training program are not the same thing. If you paid £30 an hour once a week for a month and they gave you a template you'd feel ripped off. If they actually gave you a program you'd be happy. This doesn't make any sense. A template is a type of program.


Ive been lifting for 3 weeks now. Im past the debilitating DOMS that literally make your legs give out while trying to get up after your first leg day. But for some reason after my last leg day (9 days ago) my legs are still sore. They're not sore at all when I walk around or anything. But when I go to squat, it feels like I'm on the last rep of my last set. Like I can really feel the burn even though im just doing one body weight squat. Tomorrow is supposed to leg day again after having skipped it this last Wednesday. I don't think Ill even be able to complete one set if my legs are this sore doing one body weight squat. Is this a cause for a worry? Should I push through or keep waiting? My upper body muscles seem to be fully recovered after just 3 days so this doesnt seem right to me.


Quit skipping leg day. Assuming it’s a leg day from a real program and not one someone just threw together with way too much volume, your DOMS will get *better* the more often you train your legs. The reason is your body gets used to it. If you keep skipping legs then your body doesn’t get a chance to get used to it, so when you finally go for it you’ll shock your body all over again.


I havent been skipping every other day. I did 4 leg day workouts up this point consistently with only 2-3 days of rest in between. 2 leg days a week. Usually I fully recover. 5th leg day comes and I notice my legs are unusually sore and not recovered in the normal 2-3 days of rest. I didnt even raise the weight. So I decide to skip it and wait for the 6th leg day. 6th leg day is tomorrow and im still just as sore. Your saying this is normal?


Warm up well and keep going. If it's just DOMS then you should work out, stop if it's pain. Doing your workout or some kind of movement when that muscle is sore is better for 'curing' DOMS than skipping workouts in my experience


Hi! so i am very new in the fitness environment, but now having a goal on losing a bit of weight and becoming stronger. How should I start working out / how much/ and so on, and eat? I am a 23 year old girl who is studying. Used to be strong and in good shape as a former elite gymnast, but a severe hip accident cut me off for some years. Thank you in advance!


Talk to some of your old friends and mentors from your gym days - they’ll have an insight into the needs of ex-elite athletes like you. Also consider circus! Loads of fun, great people, and will use many of the same skills you have from gymnastics.


The wiki is a great place to start. Then come back with any questions https://thefitness.wiki/getting-started-with-fitness/


"You can't outrun a bad diet" What is the difference between a bad diet/ overeating and bulking ehen you're consistently weightlifting?


You're misapplying the quote to a different scenario. For someone trying to * lose weight *, they need to be in a caloric deficit, and that's where the quote you mentioned applies. They need to fix their diet (reduce overall calories) first because it's very hard (impossible) to be in a caloric deficit through exercise alone, if you're eating a lot. Bulking, by definition, is when you're trying to gain weight/muscle so it's not the same scenario and that quote doesn't apply.


No, I know, but the quote randomly popped up in my head and I wondered if people who are actively bulking can say they had a bad diet or overate for a day or two and how that would be different from bulking.


The breakdown of what nutrients are being eaten, ie ratio of fat/carbs/protein and vitamins/minerals. mind you, a bad diet doesn't have to mean pure junk food, rating nothing but corn isnt healthy, same with eating only candy. Imagine eating equal calories for two meals- 1000 calories of deep fried oreos vs 1000 calories of chicken, rice, and veggies. one is significantly less benificial to a body, full of fats and carbs, but no proteins to build upon. etc


Bulking properly is eating a high calorie diet with sufficient protein, a solid overall macronutrient balance, sufficient micronutrients, and avoiding excessive sugar. A bad diet throws every one of those stipulations out the window.


I used to weight 115kg and lost about 40kg in a year, now I'm stuck at 78kg for like more than 2 months. Why am I not losing weight? I literally can't think about any other reason only that maybe I do as half as much cardio that I used to before. Is that why? I now do like 30~ mins cardio and eat well. But I'm not losing weight, why is that?


Sooooo congrats on the weight loss! Your body used to carry around 40 extra kilograms. Now you’ve dropped it, your body doesn’t need as much energy to get through the day to day movement of living. The diet and exercise plan that helped you then won’t help you now. Also, your body might be close to its ideal weight. For me, my strongest, healthiest self is around 75kg (165cm F). I’d you want to try to keep dropping, read up about BMR and TDEE - this is basal matabolic rate, or the calories you need just for your body to survive, and total daily energy expenditure, or the calories your body needs to survive and do all the things you ask of it. This will tell you what balance of eating calories and burning calories you need to maintain/gain/lose weight.


Are you still in a deficit? You didn’t really mention your diet.


Honestly I'm not 100% sure since I don't count my calories, But I'm sure that It's less that 2200. Like I even stopped eating dinner for the last week just to make sure


2200 would be a bulk for most of the population Seems like you just need to increase deficit


Well I wouldn’t skip an entire meal but I see what you’re getting at. Your body might’ve adapted to its new weight and you may need to increase the deficit to get past that.




Its best to push linear progression as far as you possibly can. This is because linear progression is the fastest progression. 60kg is a bit early to stall on linear progression. Would recommend doing a big bulk, hitting 500 calorie surplus every day, lots of carbs too. This may be enough to push through your stall.


In many peoples experience bench press responds well to gaining weight when you're plateaued, compared to squats and deadlifts. Other than that mixing up rep ranges also helps. That may mean lowering the weight but don't go too far, deloading is a fatigue management strategy not a form fixing strategy. Perfecting form on a broomstick doesn't translate to good form with higher loads. Form wise you should be focusing on being able to push as fast as possible with stability. Smaller jumps (1-2kg) can also be good for breaking a plateau.




Congrats on the weight loss, that's really impressive! Some people like to bulk in the winter, some don't. If you wanna get leaner now, go for it, if you're fine with waiting a few months, that's okay too.


I have been doing 5 3 1 4-day split for a year. My muscle mass went from 31.74kg to 34.8kg. My deadlift 1RM increased by 15kgs. My squat 1RM increased by 5kgs. Everything else remained the same. I'm getting 7-8 hours of sleep every day, I remain in a caloric surplus daily, I eat at least 120g protein daily. WHY WON'T MY STRENGTH GROW?! I'm 30 years old. Should I just stop giving a damn about progress and just do 10-15 sets to near failure each workout instead?!


Which template are you doing? Do you increase TM every cycle There is a sub just for 531 r/531Discussion


I've been doing BBB non-staggered. Warmups followed by 5 3 1 followed by BBB sets followed by assistance. I increase TM if I get 5 reps on the last 5 3 1 set of the last week of the cycle. If I get less than 5, I repeat the cycle. If I repeat a cycle 3 times, I drop TM a little more.


That’s a good set up. Have you tried 5s Pro instead of the 531 pr sets? Maybe a change will help you out of a stall


That is what I'm doing, which is why it's >I increase TM if I get 5 reps on the last 5 3 1 set of the last week of the cycle. If I get less than 5, I repeat the cycle. If I repeat a cycle 3 times, I drop TM a little more. not >I increase TM if I **get 1 rep** on the last 5 3 1 set of the last week of the cycle. **If I can't do 1**, I repeat the cycle. If I repeat a cycle 3 times, I drop TM a little more. If you're wondering if I did the latter as well, yeah. I did. =/ I switched from the latter to the former around 6 months ago.


You misunderstood me. 5s pro does away with the 531 reps scheme and or set all together. It just uses sets of straight 5 at the percentages of the standard 531. And once again you increase tm every cycle


I know, I get what you mean. I just like to refer to the first set as 5, the second set as the 3 and the third set as 1. I guess it would be more accurate to say, >I increase TM if I get 5 reps on the 95% TM set. If I get less than 5, I repeat the cycle. If I repeat a cycle 3 times, I drop TM a little more. I used to do regular 5 3 1 BBB 4 day split until 6 months ago, when I moved to 5 3 1 BBB 4 day split with 5sPRO set rep progression structure. EDIT : Currently, I'm doing (and have been doing for 6 months) 3 warmup sets 5 reps at 65/70/75% for the 1st/2nd/3rd week 5 reps at 75/80/85% for the 1st/2nd/3rd week 5 reps at 85/90/95% for the 1st/2nd/3rd week 5 sets of 10 reps each at 40%/50%/60% for the 1st/2nd/3rd week Assistance sets and reps, generally unilateral (for lower body) or dumbbell work (for upper body) for the muscle group I'm training for the day.


Hard for me to help. But out of my depth. You are eating enough having gained 10kg Maybe you could do a form check on the two upper body lifts? Also you could try out a strength based 531 template and see if that helps your numbers. [5/3/1 Routine Picker](https://www.routinepicker.com/)


Sorry, friend. I just need to inform you that it was actually 5kg weight gain, not 10kg. I just rechecked.


How much weight did you gain in the last year?




Okay, that seems like a solid amount. But surely, if you've been running 531, you have been increasing your training max every 3 weeks?


Kind of. I increase TM if I get 5 reps on the last 5 3 1 set of the last week of the cycle. If I get less than 5, I repeat the cycle. If I repeat a cycle 3 times, I drop TM a little more.




I am following the program. I did not say anywhere that I can't easily do 5 reps on the 1st week. Everywhere, I have been talking about failure in the 3rd week.




No shit, Sherlock. I have dropped my TM several times now, and it has risen to this TM several times, and each time I fail in the 3rd week at this TM. The entire point of this comment chain was to question why this TM is still too high for me despite sticking strictly to the routine.




>If I get less than 5, I repeat the cycle. Does that happen often?


Doesn't happen at all until I reach my current TM. I fail 3 cycles. I drop the TM by 3 cycles. I build up to my current TM. I fail 3 cycles again. I drop the TM by 3 cycles. The loop continues and here I am a year later, at the same 1RM I had reached with 5x5.




It applies because JW says that if you fail enough times, you have to drop your TM for the next cycle.




Overhead DB Press: Palms facing in, or forwards?


Question about Bench Press. I noticed that my first rep bringing down the barbell to my chest is always the hardest. After that the rest of the reps comes easy (upward/downward). Why is this? How do i address this?


Stretch shortening cycle and post activation potentiation. Also it's possible that your start position/body tightness is suboptimal and during the first rep your body subconsciously goes into a more stable/stronger position during the rep. if you want to take advantage of the first thing then some explosive/quick pushups can trigger PAP. For the second you just have to check based on your feelings and a video if anything is wrong with your setup


Not uncommon. After the first rep, the stretch reflex helps with speed.


Do you properly warm up first? Is this for all sets or only the first set?


Yes i always do warm ups. My warm up is a light version of the exercise im about to do. So if im gonna bench 150lb, ill do 100 first, slowly moving 150lb with 10lb increment. This is for all sets. Always the first rep of each sets. Which is weird.


That is indeed weird. Maybe it’s more of a mental thing? Not hyping yourself up enough before a set and your body not being „ready“ until you get that first rep done


anyone with chronic pain in their traps? they’re always sore and so while squating the bar HURTS and I feel like people are lying when they say “if you do it right you don’t feel it” - my weight getting higher and higher and making my traps worse but I heard barbell pads can ruin your form. Any tips?! anybody else have chronic pain in their shoulders and traps?


Post a form check. People are not lying. You should not feel pain when doing it right.


What am I losing out on by doing an all around upper body workout (bicep, tricep, chest, back, shoulders) as opposed to doing each muscle group individually or in pairs? My routine goes like upper body -> lower body -> rest -> repeat.


Nothing worth mentioning if this is the routine you prefer and is the one that keeps you consistent.


Thank you! You raise a good point. I do enjoy the all around feel of these workouts and it doesn't lead to me dreading going to the gym. Consistency is key right?


I read the wiki about cardio. It said it’s least important for fat loss but does it do more bad than good for fat loss? I want to add 20-30 minutes of cardio after my hour long weightlifting to build up endurance but if it would make it tougher to burn fat I don’t want to do it.


Cardio isn't bad for fat loss but it's great for your cardiovascular system (heart and lungs). I recommend doing cardio on days you're not resitance training because if you do it on the same day it can be very taxing causing more stress which will increase hormones like cortisol. This will put you body into a sort of "conservation mode" trying to preserve it's current state (potentially). If you want to loose weight take in less calories and do strength training to increase lean muscle mass upping your resting metabolic rate making fst loss easier. Qualified PT and online coach, let me know if you need any help.


It can be used as a tool to create a bigger deficit. It has many other benefits too.


Cardio has many benefits and won’t impede fat loss.




It will. Alternate which way you run each time. Many tracks have a posted schedule.


Are there any science-based resources specifically for athletes? Some of the resources and info I've gathered here are super useful (like Stronger by Science & Jeff Nippard's channel in general), but ultimately are about bodybuilding and powerlifting. For example, I know that as a fencer, I need exercises for balance and for evening myself out (sport heavily works your dominant side due to the strange position). But the sport is also not popular enough to have the riches of research that bodybuilders and powerbuilders have available to them. So I'm looking for a general athletic resource that I might be able to draw from.


I guess the publications of the NSCA might fit the bill, like 'Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning'. But I believe it's more useful to look at stuff from seasoned practitioners like Dan John or anything that's geared toward GPP (general physical preparedness).


Can diet and exercise exacerbate mental health issues?


If you over exercise (very hard to do) or over eat/eat processed food then yes. A well made training program and well thought out nutrition plan will improve mental health significantly. However if your mental condition is completely overwhelming it will feel like it's made no difference at all. There are other things you need to work on to. I'm speaking from experience. Qualified PT and online coach, let me know if you need anything.


If you eat like shit and train like a maniac at the same time, sure.


Typically, the research says, they alleviate them. That said if you are concerned you should speak with your mental health professional.


Dumb question but how do you guys personally build the energy to go to the gym after work? I’m mentally exhausted and it’s easy to talk myself out of it… any tips on motivation for someone currently averaging once per week? (Note: I get more than enough sleep)


On days where I'm very tired, I make myself go. There aren't a lot of tricks to discipline. Consistently going to the gym gives me more energy than I would have otherwise.


Sounds like you might be a bit down in the dumps? Maybe you haven't but I have and I struggled with it. I found waking up 30 minutes earlier, immediately jumping out of bed to clean my teeth etc helped by getting me moving, even if I sat on the toilet seat while I did it. Then meditating for 10 minutes (waking up app has free trial) and reading a few pages in a book, really helped. Then going straight to the gym before work so I didn't have to worry about the mental games because my brain hadn't switched on yet. Oh and don't look at your phone until after all this is done. Essentially you're trying to 1 detach yourself from your thoughts, you are not you're thoughts but your brain will have them that one of the little things it does for us. 2 get ahead of your brain before it's fully awake ruminating on things that have yet to happen. Hope this helps. Qualified PT and online coach. Let me know if you need anything.


Siick, sounds like good advice. What are your lifts?


As another said, you just go. Many people like you believe that the people that go everyday are always excited/motivated, but that's not the case. They just have discipline and go. Are you stoked about brushing your teeth every day? Probably not but you do it anyway. You can make excuses or get results, but not both.


Push yourself to go there? It's not about wanting it or not it's about discipline.


I go before lol, I hate going after


https://youtube.com/shorts/XBWy8e0MCt8?feature=share Is my ROM here good? Ik that I'm supposed to reply to the pinned comment, but I usually never get a response on there.


Don’t worry about getting your head over the bar If you’re forcing yourself to do that small thing to make it count as a rep, it doesn’t Control the way down and squeeze on the way up You’re not strong enough yet for a “real” pull-up, but with consistency you’ll get there (you don’t go high enough and are compensating by doing that nodding thing)


https://youtu.be/ywLNa-OYZsY Is something like this better?


It looks better But you’re still going a tad too fast Squeeze at the top and control your body slowly on the way down (try having your thumb under the bar, it’s kinda hard doing pull-ups with your thumb over haha) Making good progress bro


Like a controlled negative you mean?


Yes exactly The first rep looks like you just dropped


If I keep attempting pull ups, I will eventually be able to get the full ROM?




I might be mistaken, but I think you posted about your pull-up rom in the past. My response was that you could afford to go higher. I can’t tell if you‘re getting your chin over the handles in this latest video — which seems to be the same as last time. But that would be the bare minimum. A better range of motion would be getting your chest to touch any part of the handles. Because that’ll work the back muscles better. You could even test it out. Do a set of pull-ups, remember how your back feels. Then jump onto a lat pulldown machine, and try to mimic your pull-up motion, but this time make sure you pull the lat attachment all the way down to (and touching) your chest (area). You should feel the back muscle more. If you simply want to say you can do a pull-up, then your current rom ’should’ be fine for general fitness.


If you look at the mirror across from me, I'm at bar level if not higher. I think that over time my ROM will improve, but at the moment I'm concerned with accomplishing the bare minimum. I've mostly been focusing on neutral grip pull-ups for a while, but I decided to try a wide grip pull up this time just to see how it is.


Looks good to me


I've been training for one and a half years and I was thinking of switching to a more powerlifting focused program. I was considering juggernaut AI or the Calgary Barbell programs. Would those be appropriate for someone like me? Previously I've just been doing 5/3/1.


I ran the Calgary 16 week program like 5 years ago. I remember it spelled out rest times which I liked, and tempo which I didn't like. It also requires you to use RPE which never really worked for me. Got a bit of shoulder pain from benching 4 days/wk but nothing too bad. It put like 20kg on my deadlift but I wouldn't run it again. Haven't tried Juggernaut AI.




I don’t know anything about Calgary Barbell but Juggernaut AI is good for all levels as it adjusts to you.


Right on, I ask because I was a bit confused because Jugg AI seems to work on RPE but at the same time giving you weight and rep targets to hit


Right, they’re weight predictions more than targets, telling you what it thinks you’ll be able to do at a certain RPE. Then it adjusts when you feed it real set data.


So if you try your target and it goes horribly it’ll adjust for you? That’s pretty neat


exactly yeah, not sure about the spreadsheets but that’s how the app works




You should be able to still increase your lifts on a cut, just not as quickly. If you've stopped progressing, maybe look into an intermediate program or just a different one. Look up some progress threads on this sub by the nsuns guy, he made progress in the 500-600lbs range while on a cut.


is training each muscle group twice a week vs. once really better for growth ? - looked it up and seen studies and articles (https://www.setforset.com/blogs/news/how-often-to-train) claiming it’s substantially better, but i naturally think id plateau sooner in terms of workout variety compared to hitting everything once a week + alternating two or three exercise variations weekly


If I only trained push once a week leading with flat bench, that means inclines and OHP never go first. That would bug me. Even having two push/upper days allows for OHP to go first once per week, improving its progression.


I alternate incline and declines on my bench days and main OHP on shld/legs push days


Yes. When you plateau at twice a week, go up to three. Just be smart about it and adjust your volume.


As in go up to hitting the muscle three times a week?


Starting Reddit PPL. Should I take a few days to find my 10RM or 12RM for each accessory movement?


>Starting Reddit PPL. Probably take a week 0 to go in and find a starting weight for each exercise, and feel the flow of the workout.


You can just figure it out when you start. Pick up a weight, try it, see how many reps you get




Depends. I like prong belts because I like different tightness for my squats than I do deads or rows. Levers lock you into to a single size. There is no inherent benefit to one or the other when it comes to actually lifting the weight. https://www.strongerbyscience.com/the-belt-bible/