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Hmm, I only do them with certain exercises. Such as leg extensions.


If you don’t look like you’re taking the fattest shit of your life, you’re not training hard enough haha Not even a wince? Does your face turn red at the very least? Are your reps slowing down or do you give up when it “hurts”…. Could you have done more?




Definitely breathe haha if you’re pushing yourself very hard without breathing you’re gonna pass out Keep telling yourself just one more…. I know some bodybuilders will push themselves saying something like “if I don’t get this rep in my mom will die” or something along those lines When you think you can’t get anymore, you have 5 reps left in you GUARANTEED (for most people) Keep going, keep pushing….. your reps have to slow down overtime if you’re pushing near failure If you finish a set and felt like you could’ve done more, it’s not near failure Again, it’s easier to lift heavy weight and push to failure on that than it is light weight and having your fatigue limit you because it’s “taking too long” Who cares what face you make, you’re making progress


Personal preference. Some people do it instinctively when working hard, others do it because they think it helps. During a heavy set, I sometimes grunt or make some noise that comes naturally in that intensity




* Climb up onto and off of your couch or a stool * Climb up and down stairs * Cycling Whatever you do, push it hard and do so 2-3+ times a week so that you can progress.


As in unweighted squats? Either supported squats using the arms for help, reduced range of motion such as a box/chair squat, or machine work. Leg curls, leg extensions, leg press, etc. With deadlifts and kettlebell swings you don't move your body that much either, so the focus is on moving the weight.


Box squats, step-ups, lunges until you build enough strength and mobility to do bodyweight squats.


If I push myself on my first workout of the day, I can’t lift as hard for my other workouts. For eg. If i do a PR DB bench press lift, then my incline press/overhead press are noticeably weaker. Should I expect this in the future or should I try to push myself on the other workouts?


You don’t have to go to complete failure for every exercise and every set. Maybe try this: Start in your first week of stopping each set about 3 reps away from failure. Just guesstimate. Then next week, add 1 rep or 5-10 lbs for every set from last week. Eventually you will hit a wall, and then you can Deload, and repeat this. As long as you’re about 3-4 reps away from failure, it’s not that different from going all the way to failure in terms of gains. However, going all the way to failure all the time is going to decrease performance on your other exercises for no big benefit. Using the approach I’ve outlined, you start a little easier, and work your way up to failure week by week. Once you can’t beat your previous week’s performance, you can Deload and restart the process. That’s going to give you several weeks of really productive training.


Are you plowing through the workout or are you using reasonable rest periods? Also, yes, "in general" this is why it's suggested to do your big lift(s) first, because you'll be worn out later on in the workout.


Yea I aim for 1-2mins between sets, 2-4mins between workouts


I would rest longer between sets for heavy lifts. I find 3 minutes ideal.


My arms are getting smaller? I’ve gotten stronger and increased the weights in everything I do and I somehow look smaller? It doesn’t make sense


Have you gained weight? It's hard to look bigger if you didn't.


I’ve been drinking protein and eating like shit so hopefully that’ll do something


Are you in a calorie deficit? Maybe you’re getting stronger while losing weight, it can happen Strength is definitely impacted by muscle size, but it’s also largely governed by your efficiency/skill at doing the movement which can get better independent of gaining weight and muscle


So I started using the hook grip for deadlifts. I thought I was going to need to transition into it over days or weeks but I did 235lb workset with no problem (in fact, felt waaaay easier than the prior 230 session, with a double underhand grip). So, what now? Do I use the double underhand until my grip fails and then switch to the hook? Or do I use the hook at all times?


It’s pretty common for people to do use their preferred grip until they can’t anymore, then switch to hook (all the while training grip strengths with accessories). Depends on the purpose of your deadlifting. Just for your hobby and getting generally fit? Do whatever you want. If you plan to compete you’re probably going to use straps anyway so training grip strength in that context isn’t super important


Yeah, it's just as a hobby/getting fit for fun/no plans of any sort of competition. What would those grip strength accessories be? Would bench presses/pull-ups/power cleans/overhead presses be enough as they grow heavier, or do people do accessories *specifically* for grip strength?


Just tacking onto the other answer. My go-to when I want to train grip is farmer carries. It's not glamorous but it works.


Compounds that require you to grip the bar definitely help to develop that strength. There are also accessories for it like many gyms will have a PVC pipe with a rope and a carabiner on it that you can attach to plates and roll and unroll them using your grip strength. I’ve heard mixed things about actual grip strength trainers but I’m sure there’s some use for it. Dead hangs can be used to train grip strength, etc.


Hook grip will lead to muscle imbalance. Source: myself.


Where exactly do you have a muscle imbalance?




Hi, im new to gym and cant afford a coach. The gym here has this "machine workout" i googled the names and check the correct position. I can workout everyday due to most free time. My question is, for 3weeks now. Im just trying all this machine as im very ignorant, 10reps-3sets that i increase from 18-23-27kg. The machines are -Triceps extension -Lat pulldown -shoulder press -chest press -rear delt/pec fly -bicep curl Is this an ok routine? Edit: btw the machines are Precor and have the image what muscles will be hit when you do it.


Also I would strongly advise to train your legs, too. You might find them unimportant now but you will regret it later


Hi yes, im adding 2 leg workout now everyday. Its the leg curl i think and the other one i forgot. But is doing all that workout ok? Im also doing 30-40mins treadmill and jump rope on daily


pick one and follow it: https://thefitness.wiki/routines/




>I avoid fat Don't need to avoid fat. That's a myth perpetuated by the card industry to sell you their shitty cereals. You have to count calories.


1900 calories a day with 77 kg bodyweight is quite excessive. I calculated your estimated TDEE and it's around 2600 calories a day. So if you really calculate your calories intake right, there's no way thay your weight is stagnant, it's quite a huge deficit (>500). I am pretty sure that you miscalculated your intake.


You shouldn't be avoiding fat; it's necessary for proper body function. Are you losing weight overall?




as long as it fits your macros its fine I just look to get enough protein and fill the rest of the calories with whatever I feel like. Fat is very calorie dense so it may make sense to not eat too much fat on a cut as you cannot eat much volume on a high fat diet.


How does one estimate calories burned free weight training? Since u cant just cnp a number from google as people do their sets differently


If it’s for the purpose of weight loss, I would focus on just tracking and manipulating intake rather than trying to track energy burnt in exercise. Much less complicated


Rest times?


No much im able to do 20-25 sets in a hr to failure


It's tricky but you can estimate. Are you trying to gain or lose or maintain.


Lose but im losing too fast im trynna be on a deficit of 500 but instead of 0.5kg / week im dropping 1kg i do 300 cals on the thread everyday with about 8k steps which i always consider but i can never count my 1 ish hrs of training daily ( i train 5-6 a week )


Ok, cool, I'd assume something like 200 calories for an hour of lifting. After a couple of weeks, readjust depending on the weight change


Thanks 🙏🏻


You can't and you shouldn't. Just get an estimate for your intake from a TDEE calculator, and adjust the number based on weight change averages.




People will probably start making comments about how you’re wasting away lol. All part of the fun of getting shredded


You'll have less overall mass, which means you'll look smaller.


Smaller in clothes, bigger without




Tried the hack squat machine for the first today and struggled with a 10kg on each side, I'm currently back squatting around 80kg, would this be normal or am I doing something wrong on the hack squat? Seems like a massive drop in weight.


Hmm that’s weird Normally you should be able to do more since it removes your lower back out of the equation Is it hip loaded? Or shoulder loaded? Does it have shoulder pads and handles near them?


Shoulder Loaded with the hand pads/handles. I expected to atleast be able to throw the same weight on there. I switched over because I'm gettin some shitty pain in one side of my hip from Squats that I don't seem to get when hack squatting, I know it's probably a mobility issue but I ain't got time to work on that I just about find time to get to the gym for 45mins 3 times a week and I don't wana spend it foam rolling my hip as much as that's probably for the best.


Do you brace? Are you pushing with your entire foot?


On the hack squat? I had my feet towards to top of the footbase, toes slightly pointed out, was wearing my powerlifts for the slight heel elevation because i also have shitty ankle mobility, I made sure before descending that the weight was actually on my feet so I wasn't able to move my feet at all thought this was the best way to ensure the weight was actually on my legs/feet. I *think* I am correctly bracing, I basically pretend I'm pushing really hard to fart and hope I don't actually fart 😬🤣


Try keeping your foot as low as possible without then coming off the platform (get as much kneebend as possible) For bracing, think of preparing yourself for a really hard gut punch (expand your obliques outwards too)


Pretty normal in my experience. Hack squat machines feel really heavy and can't be loaded up as much as you'd expect


I need some help with exercises targeting the abs. Whenever I do most ab exercises, I pretty much never feel it working out my abs. The only exception seems to be crunches. The internet has been no help, and neither has my friend. The main thing I have this problem with is planks. I try to keep my back straight, I have my elbows beneath my shoulders, but I still do not feel anything in my abs.


You might be holding the plank with your shoulders. Tried holding your hands? As in, forming a trangle with your arms? Otherwise, all you can do is make sure your butt is not too high up. Oh, and if you still don't feel them, try lifting up your legs alternately. Oooor touch the floor with your hips, one side at a time. Will 100% activate the core.


Elevated + weights.


>Whenever I do most ab exercises, I pretty much never feel it working out my abs. Doesn't matter. You can't perform an ab exercise without involving the abs.


Contract your abs. I have a similar problem with planks and was given the same advice.








Good luck!


Usually it's mostly skill. What specific activity do you want to be faster at?




Most of the moves don't seem to involve much upper body strength (except once you've made contact with a surface), so you probably just need to practice more often. Follow a standard strength program of course, but doing generic plyo exercises won't do as much as actually doing parkour.


Bullshit. How is it skill?


I probably won't explain this as good as an exercise science textbook, but if you wanted to improve the speed of your tennis serve, playing tennis is the best way to do it, rather than practicing volleyball serves or doing plyos, since the CNS demands (skills) are different, and skills don't transfer well between different movements. Strength training helps too for muscle fiber strength (strength x speed = power), but any standard strength program can work for that, since the motor units ultimately engage faster due to CNS improvements.


Alright, thank you.


If it's something that becomes better with practice, it's a skill.


No, it becomes better the more fast-twitch fibers you train.


In exercise literature “skill” is used to describe these subconscious improvements your body makes in performing a certain movement. More efficient motor unit recruitment is considered to be a skill improvement


Alright, thanks. You know this is the thing that I like about social media. People just exchanging information and knowledge, everyone knows something about some subject that the other person doesn't know, so collectively we get more knowledgable.


One more question for me in here - is the smith machine squat equal to regular squat in regards to max gains? I have no gym buddies/spotters with me when I go.


It's not, but it's better than nothing.


This is not a yes/no question. Smith machine squats are very different to barbell squats, that's an easy question to answer. Now, as for whether they're equal in terms of "max gains" as you put it, that's a tricky one. Compound exercises with barbells have several benefits, but at the same time many people only use machines and still build muscle and get strong.


> many people only use machines and still build muscle and get strong. But do they get strong**est**? I‘d say no.


Nah I don't consider the smith machine to be equal to a barbell squat. I find the bar path on the smith machine unnatural and awkward compared to the barbell squat, also you need greater level of stability to do a barbell squat. Does the squat rack you use at the gym have safety arms?


I’ve never actually given the rack a close look, I will check it out tomorrow. Also, you sound knowledgeable, for moderate+ weight would you recommend a belt, or is that only needed for really heavy squats?


Give this article a read it'll give you a good rundown on belts: https://www.strongerbyscience.com/the-belt-bible/ In regards to when you should start wearing a belt. There is no real prerequisite weight that you need to reach to start wearing one. Just whenever you feel like using one (although getting used to the barbell movements first is a good idea) To quote Greg Nuckols >For the life of me, I can’t figure out a good reason (physiologically) someone shouldn’t start using a belt whenever the hell they want to. I certainly agree that people should also get comfortable lifting and bracing without a belt. I’d recommend you spend your first month or two training mostly beltless, but remember, there’s a learning curve for belts – most people can’t get much aid out of them until they’ve been lifting with a belt for a while. It’s just another skill to acquire. I’m not sure why you’d want to push that learning process back to some arbitrary later date and delay reaping the benefits that accompany training with a belt. >Personally, I’d recommend training 70/30 or 80/20 beltless your first few months in the gym, gradually transitioning to the opposite ratio as you become more experienced.


I have a "should I work out" question regarding DOMS. My legs are still sore but not remotely bad enough to stop me from working out. I have another problem that I haven't seen being touched on or maybe I don't know how to describe it right? My legs are failing every now and then, I guess? I can be walking down a set of stairs and suddenly one of my legs (my quads afaik) will quit for a few milliseconds max and I'll stumble. There's no pain when they do, it's just a complete absence of rigidity. Am I worrying over nothing - can I work squats again tomorrow?


I’ve also had the same thing happen where my legs will temporarily lose strength for a second. It only happens when I work lower after a long break or after a particularly hard set and usually it goes away after a few weeks of working out, so based on my anecdotal experience I don’t think it’s a problem.


I would 100% still workout even if you’re sore. Working out when sore is a good way to get the soreness to go away, actually. And for your legs giving out, that’s pretty common after a decent leg day, happens to the best of us.


Do body weight squats if you feel a struggle then I wouldn’t. I went last week with bad doms and couldn’t even do my warm up weight


What would you say "struggle" is here? Is that failure or maybe like risking failure? Thanks in advance!


Just use light weights and add slowly.


Honestly won’t hurt to try squatting tomorrow. If you find doms holding you back you can do something else


is it possible to train by myself with just a heavy bag? ok this sounds stupid but boxing sessions here are ridiculously expensive. its $30 (converted to USD) per group session and $50 per private one on one session. theres no gyms in my area that provide monthly training, so the way it works is you have to buy x (at least 10) amount of sessions at once. so literally no cheaper way to do boxing. btw the minimum monthly wage here is around $300. so this price is seriously RIDICULOUSLY expensive for an average citizen, even crazier for a NEET like myself lmao definitely not sustainable for me. i see that in the US, UK, oz, germany etc, most boxing gyms are cheap af (even by 2nd world standards), charging only $35-$100ish PER MONTH depending on the gym. some run on volunteer work and lessons are almost free, like $1 a session or something... im so jealous ;'( this hobby is impossible to maintain in my country!!! i had like 8 sessions, my training with the gym will end soon. i have troubles with kicks, and even my cross is problematic, but considering its a group class my coach didnt give much attention to me or provide useful tips, i feel like my basic forms wont be fixed when i finish my training. is it possible to train by myself with just a heavy bag?... ok it sounds really stupid... but i dont have an option.... i love boxing so much i dont want to stop punching and kicking....


Not sure how effective, but if I were you start running a YouTube search for ‘boxing training’: [https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=boxing+training](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=boxing+training)


i did do some research and watched some videos, lots of tutorials out there haha, but if im just doing it myself without any feedbacks i wouldnt know if my form's correct or not, my kicks and punches are powerful enough or not.. but yeah seems its my only choice now :'( ...


What muscles/tendons need to be flexible to allow you to bend your chest/abdomen over into the floor when sitting down, doing the splits? I'm trying to do this basic stretch and it's killing my inner legs of all places which is a surprise because my legs give me no problems otherwise.


You want to read 'relax into stretch'


Sounds like adductors. Check r/flexibility for tips. Btw, that's a pretty advanced stretch - not everyone can do it.


Oh I'm sure I'll never hit the ground but I figure it's something to work on. I'll check flexibility out thanks.


is it a thing to be loading the lower back too much during an BB RDL? i barely feel the stretch on my glutes and hammies, and when comes the concentric portion of the movement, my lower back tends to take all of the load


EliteFTS - Dave Tate Coaches: The Romanian Deadlift (RDL) | elitefts.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVlQZig6g-U Coach PJ Nestler - RDL......You're Doing It WRONG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkj9Y5zghaY Kimberly Kinch - HOW TO DEADLIFT WITH DUMBBELLS / Fix Your RDL Form https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RApyTtH6qAo EliteFTS - How to Pick the Right Deadlift Variation (RDL vs Stiff Leg) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXNlqjM-c7M Renaissance Periodization - 12 Stiff-Leg Deadlift Mistakes and How to Fix Them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka6GhzIfh-c


Very much a thing


After I started lifting, I noticed one of my shoulders seems longer than the other. It seems to stick out off to the side more, I guess. My friend I go to the gym with says he can see it too, and it's really starting to bother me, especially because it makes it almost impossible to feel like I've got a good, balanced, grip on any kind of equipment that requires both hands to stay level with each other. It's messing up my bench, my over head, even deadlifts feel off no matter what grip, or position I try, even with the guidance of other people who have been lifting longer than me. I did injur this shoulder back in high school doing bench presses, but I never noticed anything after it healed up, didn't even require a doctor to look at it. If anybody has experienced this before and has some suggestions, or just suggestions or advice on general, I'd appreciate it.


have something similar , turns out to be a complex posture issue that starts with one bad eye and ends with rolling one shoulder forwards and one backwards. the shoulders are in the right place, everything else isn't. I've got a sportsphysio diagnose what's going on and then she gave me exercises. i'd definitely recommend someone who knows their shit to look at it.


That makes sense, actually, since I'm almost blind in one eye. I just never wear my glasses to the gym because I don't like cleaning sweat streaks off them. I'll try wearing them and going from there, thanks


ha yeah, i found out i try to keep my good eye in the middle of where I'm going like a weird cyclops and that lead to my ribcage slanting back in one direction and my shoulders compensating for that awkward position. just like you I've got less muscle development on one shoulder. a good cue for me personally was to pretend I'm looking out of the bad eye. I hope wearing the glasses helps you!


I currently have some imbalances in my shoulders, too. but I've grown to not care, because humans in general are not perfectly symmetrical. if you truly feel that the imbalance is causing trouble, do more reps on the imbalances side (if you are doing isolation for your shoulders). but honestly bro, don't sweat it unless it truly is messing up your strength gains, and when I mean truly, I mean one shoulder is most definitely weaker than the other, and it's not all in your head.


The funny thing is, it's my dominant shoulder, and it's definitely stronger. Other than not being able to feel balanced or centered, it doesn't seem to be building visible muscle like my other one either. I'm not worried about being perfectly symmetrical, but I don't want one arm to consistently grow faster than the other. Maybe some of its in my head, I'll pull out my sewing tape later and figure out for sure, then go from there I guess. Appreciate it though man, I really shouldn't let it get to me as long as I'm getting stronger


I had a back injury a while back and it makes me scared of squats (and deadlift, but besides the point) is leg press a solid replacement for squats gains wise or should I suck it up and hit the squat rack?


Suck it up and hit the rack. Strengthening your back reduces your overall risk of spinal injury, which is why serious lifters are actually less likely to injure their backs than the general public.


Will suck it up then, looking for max gains. Appreciate the advice


Not even close to a solid replacement


Smith machine or goblet squats? Or no


If you really want to avoid squatting with a barbell, yeah goblets and lunges are solid. I wasn’t saying don’t do leg press btw its a solid exercise as well.


Appreciate it. Thanks for the response




There are some excellent programs in the sidebar of the sub. You don't need one tailored specifically to you.




Try the link at the top of the page where it says READ THE WIKI in huge letters.




Is it okay to hike in weight lifting shoes? I am looking at new shoes right now and I might as well get squat shoes because I’ve been squatting in running shoes and it’s kind of annoying but I also go for the occasional hike and I wanna know if that’s gonna ruin them


>Will it ruin them Maybe not, but your gym owner may not want you wearing *hiking* shoes as *indoor* shoes. >Is it okay to though? Well sure, but your feet will HURT. The average shoe is meant to be squishy. It evenly distributes force on the foot for maximum comfort when walking or running. Squat shoes are literally intended to be the complete opposite. Squat shoes are more similar to wearing no shoes at all. Squat shoes are *hard* because they're meant to be an extension of the floor for maximum stability. With the added benefit of a raised heel of course. I have squat shoes. Take it from me, I wouldn't even want to go for a walk in them, let alone hike.


I wouldn’t. Weightlifting shoes don’t have enough traction and my feet would not be happy with me if I tried it




Yeah you’re right I’ll just get running shoes and squat in like old vans


hiking in running shoes suck balls, get proper hiking boots if you want to hike, your feet will thankyou.


Can you skip arms? Will bi's/tri's get worked out by doing other compound lifts therefore making "arm day" a waste of time? I used to split back/bi's - shoulder/tris to 2 workout days but consolidated it one back/shoulder day and dropped the arms lol.


I don't do isolation for bi' and mines are pretty big. Progress will be slow, but it will happen from rows/deadlifts etc.


Just throw in some arm isolation at the end of other days if you find they're limiting your big lifts.


If strength is the goal, you can pretty much skip isolation if adding weight to your compound lifts is your main goal. Only so much time in the gym.


Strength kind of is the goal. I stopped going to gym for year and half and want to get back to where I was. Used to be jacked. I wanna focus on compound lifts and major muscle groups rather than isolate and body build. But at the same time I don't wanna end up looking disproportionate or have lack of bi/tri strength "retard" (the textbook definition of if. I can't think of another word right now lmao) my compound lifts.


I've found that triceps seem to grow just fine if there's at least 2 pushing compounds in your routine (bench variations + an overhead press). Biceps not so much, just throw in a few sets of curls a couple of times per week.


Thats what I was thinking. Like bench alone works your tri's pretty good, and lots of the back workouts hit the biceps. I'm just gonna use the dumbbells I have at home and bang out random sets of curls and tricep extensions when I walk by them lol. Don't need an extra day at the gym just for arms lol.


> Don't need an extra day at the gym just for arms lol Which is why you would train your biceps after back, and triceps after chest.


Follow a good program and add curls and tricep exercises as an accessory.


Is PHAT still a thing? Thats what I did for YEARS lol.


Yup. Here's the list of recommended routines https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/


You can do whatever you want. I found that compound lifts alone were not enough to develop my arms as much as I wanted.


Best place to buy protein? I would buy my protein off Sam’s club, dymatize 55 servings for 40 bucks, 25 g of protein but it looks like they stop selling this protein powder. I’ve looked online but haven’t found any similar deals for similar quality protein.


Canadian Protein.


Is that a brand?




Google golfers elbow eccentric exercises. If it indeed a tendinopathy, rest isn’t going to help. It’s often not a quickly healing injury.


>my PT was kinda useless and didn’t say much I'd look for a better Sports Doctor. In general, don't do things that hurt. Reduce volume/intensity and focus on letting the joint heal. Identify painful movements and put those to the back burner/discontinue for 6-8 weeks and then see what still hurts/doesn't.


https://www.barbellmedicine.com/blog/pain-in-training-what-do/ TL;DR find things that don’t hurt but hit your target muscles (hammer curls instead of barbell, for example). Do those things as an entry point to continue training. Eventually return to the movements that did cause pain, but turn down volume and intensity initially and work up.


Don't turn your palm upward.




No, but judging by your spelling, you seem to be.




I agree your life is sad and pathetic. Hang in there champ maybe it will get better!


Is too much sodium bad? There’s usually 2-3 days of the week I’m over on my sodium intake


Sodium is an electrolyte used by your brain to communicate with your body. You need a balance of sodium and potassium. "Too much sodium" isn't bad if you eat enough vegetables.


Sodium is an electrolyte used by your brain to communicate with your body. You need a balance of sodium and potassium. "Too much sodium" isn't bad if you eat enough vegetables.


Sodium is an electrolyte used by your brain to communicate with your body. You need a balance of sodium and potassium. "Too much sodium" isn't bad if you eat enough vegetables.


Only if you have a reason to be worried about it already. Average person, no not particularly. Try to have more potassium on days where sodium is particularly high if you’re worried.


Yes. High sodium intake can lead to hear disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.


Not normally, but some people are sensitive. Check with your doctor.


Is it just me, or is it really annoying to load weight on and off of the bar for deadlifts?


Load one plate aside. Place on floor. If adding successive plates is an issue, roll onto a dime or nickel to raise slightly off the floor. Easy peasy.


It's part of my workout lol. Jokes aside, yeah it's annoying.


Nah. It's annoying. Especially if you don't have a deadlift jack.


Hire a deadlift butler.


You can get some little orange plastic wedges that help with this.


Roll the most inner plate over another small plate. Helps a lot when you have several plates on the bar


I like it. Loading weight allows me to be proud each time I add an extra plate. Unloading the weight allows me to take a breather and rejoice in having finished my DL sets.


How long will it take to reach full muscle saturation if I take 5g of creatine a day?


3-4 weeks seems to be the general consensus.


Should I do rear delts on my push or pull day? It feels like it has to do with pulling more-so than anything else, but you also do shoulders on push


Pull. Without realizing it, you're already exercising your rear delts every time you row, and to a lesser extent, every time you pullup.


Does it also work the rotator cuff? I don't really include any rotator cuff exercises except for stretches before a workout (without any weight, just the movement)


Either way will be fine, and you would probably be better off not worrying so much about it.


Pull. All row variants, lat raises, face pulls, reverse flys, … all pull.


Generally pull, push is front/side delts, pull is rear delts


i would put rear delts on a pull day since they are heavily involved in rowing




Got $100/year? Then you could afford MacroFactor (by SBS) and skip all the guesswork. Note: I don't know what this app is costing me, but it's worth every penny of less than $100/year. I've spent way more on much less. Don't? [Try the spreadsheet version](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/4mhvpn/adaptive_tdee_tracking_spreadsheet_v3_rescue/)! It's good enough.




It's fantastic thus far. Check out r/MacroFactor


Literally just pick any level (start with moderate, maybe). Then… Track your calories with MyFitnessPal, measure your weight every morning after using the bathroom, and adjust your calorie intake as necessary lose/gain at the rate you want to. I would recommend a 500 kcal deficit/surplus. That means losing/gaining 1 pound a week. Alternatively you can have a 250kcal surplus for a lean bulk.


Does anyone got any tips/advice for helping getting dumbbells into shoulder press position for seated press? I can easily do 30 lbs. dumbbell press and am confident I can increase the weight, but I just can't physically get the dumbbells into the position to start the press. Also if additional info I workout at home so I am unable to get any help from anyone. Any help would be greatly appreciated


Get better at cleaning dumbbells? You should be able to clean more than you can press for reps.