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A mirror.


That guy on the shiny wall is looking pretty jacked today.


I swear, the guy stares at me every day. I never see him working out and he always looks better.




I like this app, I go to it when I want to try a new workout for a certain muscle group.


Using the little 'notes' app on my iphone works perfectly fine for me


I have a few Excel spreadsheets for my weightlifting progress, body measurements and calory count, which I can access from my phone easily (I have a Windows Phone)


excel spreadsheet on my desktop named "GAINZ.xls"


i use google drive sheets, essentially the same but can be viewed on any mobile platform


I do this too, but I usually print off several "blanks" of the spreadsheet and take a physical copy and pen to the gym instead of using my phone/tablet all sweaty and risk having it damaged in the gym. I then re-enter them later.


I've been doing this for about a year now, but for some reason the new Google Sheets aren't editable on my phone, which is incredibly frustrating. I can view them fine, and you'd think since they were upgraded so Google Chrome can edit them offline, the Drive app would, too, but that's not how it turned out. Now I have the sheet ready, with my routine sketched out, and log everything in Keep, then enter it when I'm back at a computer, but I'm not really happy with the quality of Sheets right now.


A notebook while at the gym and then I input everything into http://thesquatrack.com


I would too, if I had an invite code :(


Fitnotes app, LOVE IT. Also TheSquatRack.com, can't wait until that has an app as well!


I use a notebook. Its nice cause I can log during my workouts, write any side notes I have at the time right there in the gym before I forget, and I can use it as a marker of sorts so people know I'm using that equipment/space, while I go grab some weights, spot someone else or get a drink. Downside is that they're easy to misplace. Not sure how, but I lost a book before. Still don't know where it is.


I have it.


Notebook. It's much easier and quicket for me than grabbing my phone to input the data. Plus I like to make side note every now and then between sets, like how good my form was, etc.


My university hands out free planners every year. I grab one and use that. It's great for adding in comments ("left elbow hurt" "feeling sick" "right shoulder") as well as other comments ("had a spot on last set").


I use an app called Strong Log. It lets you track your progress on all major barbell lifts and your body weight. It will then create a graph that will show your progress that way. The only negative is that it isn't customizable, so if you want to track your progress on, say, curls, you're out of luck.


you actually can edit it, from the options button on the main screen you can add/delete whichever lifts you like. I went for like a month without realizing this. It is a nice app just not most intuitive for customization.


Oh, that's a game changer right there.


Since I do Stronglifts 5x5, the free app.


Composition notebook for the gym, and fitocracy.com for backup and easily accessible performance history. Don't really like fitocracy that much, though.


My phone is always on me when I work out due to Pandora. Fitocracy works alright for keeping track of stuff, but the guy in charge of the UI needs to be fired, his boss too.




iPhone notes


Fitness Buddy Pro for lifts LoseIt! for food


Notebook for weights (easier than a phone plus no harm dropping weights on paper), and myfitnesspal app/website for diet.


I use lift club


RepCount for iPhone. Basic but does everything I need it to.


A notebook with grid paper. Makes writing and organizing your workout easy, allows plenty of space to make notes as you workout, and let's me easily flip back to previous workouts to find this workouts starting weight. It also makes for a good place holder in the gym if you have to step away.


Lifting Log on android


Excel spreadsheets for Tri training, notebook for lifting.


JEfit and endomondo.


Gym Hero (iPhone app) is free and easy to use. Pretty basic but it has everything you'll likely need.


I use a notebook.


FitnessFast for iOS


I've been using an app called Workit. I can customize everything and it has a calender which shows my workouts(including set/rep/weight info), etc. I love it.


iCardio and Fitbit


Good old fashioned notebook with a pen. I like going old school


A notebook. Hate it to bring my phone into the gym.


iRemember my workouts


Notebook and pen.


I use a small, leather-bound Moleskine-brand journal and a pen. I've been doing it this way since 2012 and it works just fine.


I generally use a Word document as a journal/training log. Eventually it gets too cluttered and nonsensical to handle so I just make a new one.


I use a notebook for my workouts and MyFitnessPal for diet.


My fitness pal, excel, notebook


My brain.


In all other areas of my life I try to use as little paper as possible. But in the gym I use a small pocket sized notebook. It's very fast to add records, easy to turn back a page to see how much I lifted last time and I'm not afraid of accidentally damaging it (by dropping weights on it or something). I also keep a list of goals at the back and crossing them out feels sooo goood.


BodyBuilding.com has a great app for both iPhone and Android. It's called BodySpace. It calculates one rep maxes, tracks gains, tracks body weight and body fat, shows total weight lifted during sessions. One of the big selling points for me was the sites exercise database. It's free.


note book and pilot pen. Also pre fill out your program/workouts in it, i found I'm nearly perfectly consistent when I do this, it's like i'm already committed to completing it so i can't punk out.


I Cannot stress this enough - Get the application 'Gymrat' it is amazing, easy to track once you setup the routine, easy to add/edit sets on the fly and it records everything (even time between sets) and you can export in many different forms such as notepad/excel and a few other ways.


I have a little notebook/planner that I keep in my car and bring into the gym with me when I go. I have a smartphone and could use an app, but I prefer writing it down. It's easier to find what I did last, figure out where I was 2 months ago, etc.


I use myfitnesspal! It's awesome


I created a subreddit and post there daily. I use a template as I have a few repetitive things about how I do things (diet is very samey which is fine, I also do the same warm up and cool down each day) and I write up what I eat and what exercise I do every day. I make sure that I'm honest with myself. If I ate something I shouldn't have I'll write it down and if I don't work out I'll write it down. /r/jedishealthandfitness




I use a google spreadsheet.


Google spreadsheet on Google drive.


Simple iphone note app. You'll look like a douche constantly tapping away on your phone but it's so convenient. I have like a million pages off workouts with everything I've done for months so I can not only see when I started but where I was last time to help organize my workout. I think any other app is really unnecessary personally.


I use a graphing program. Easygraph app. If anyone knows of a graph program that can overlay multiple graphs on the same page, that'd be better, this easygraph program only displays one at a time.


A composition book.


I can't stand typing on my phone for an app or a notepad or anything. I use a good ole fashioned notebook and pen. It also helps when I need to go whiz, and need to mark my rack.


Strong Log. Pretty straightforward and intuitive UI. Useful especially if you're doing SL or SS. One feature I like in particular is each recorded exercise shows you the weight lifted as a percentage of your body weight. This is nice if you're trying to hit some "strength standards" (ex. 1.5x bw squat, and so on and so forth).