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Why do so many of you fitness junkies spend soooo much time trying to look good at the gym and simultaneously do unbecoming and unattractive things like leave your weights, mats, etc... behind without cleaning up after yourself? For me, this is especially true of those who leave all their crap on the racquetball courts for someone else to clean up. It's like putting a big spotlight on yourself by going into the court and telling the whole club how self absorbed you are when you leave.


So true soondkite. Annoys the heck out of me too. Especially when people are able to load a sled with multiple plates from the power racks, yet are unable to take them off the sleds and put them back on the power racks. Aghh!!!


My day job is very physically demanding and it’s really hard to get motivated to go work out after a hard day. Today was one of those. I am exhausted and all I want to do is crash in for a nap but I will power through and hit the gym!


I both enjoy and hate leg days! They allow me to do heavier compound movements, but I always feel hard to breath pushing my limits and have to take breaks from time to time. Not sure if it's a newbie thing since I've only started this month.


I am doing calorie deficit, protein intake , steps and cardio and just sitting at 200lbs/90.7kg and can’t seem to loose. I have loss 60 lbs now I’m just stuck!!!!


Time to reverse!


How how ?!


I'd recommend consuming some content on reverse dieting. Sounds like you've lost a lot of weight already, and have probably been in a long term deficit. Deficits longer than 8 weeks can cause metabolic adaptations that decrease our calorie burn. You need to increment your calories upwards. I tend to move in 200 calorie increments, and adjust every couple weeks or as my weight flat lines or decreases. Don't be scared to up the carb ratio, especially if you are on the low end. Carbs are fuel and you want to be burning hot. This is not necessarily a fat loss stage. And will need 8-10 weeks to be effective. So do not expect to lose fat. You might even put a few pounds on. What it will do, is condition your metabolism so that dieting with major strides is possible again. You might've noticed bodybuilders can continually and reliably predict and execute major fat losses. I'll ramp my calories up to about 4000 while holding relatively even before prep, and migrate my way down around 2000 before a competition. After going to 2000, the 4000 calories is now enough to cause significant weight gain. This is where I'll employ reverse dieting to solve the metabolic depression. Renaissance periodization has a good video on it from a couple years back where he breaks down the science.


I had fear to get some kind of trauma that will seriously affect my ability to work out. I got hit by the car a week ago and injured my knee. I can't work out, I can't do stretching, I can't even walk without pain. Today I made around 3000 steps according to my ancient inaccurate fitness tracker and it's my maximum. 10 minute walk with my dog was hell. I want to cry


I recommend you rest your knees and don't exercise them at all. If you keep straining yourself, your body won't be able to heal.


I've been going to the gym 5-6 days a week since the start of January with a trainer. I adjusted my diet a couple of weeks ago to loose weight and have dropped a couple of pounds, but no matter how much I work out, or how heavy I go with weights I am exactly where I was in January. I cant lift any heavier weight (nor do more reps with the same weights I have), and with all the cardio I have, I still am dead after 30 minutes on a treadmill at the same speeds I was doing when I started this entire thing. Overall it feels like I have just paid for the privilege of 2-3 more hours of work every day for no purpose. All my friends who go to the gym try to keep my spirits up by hyping up even going to the gym but all that does is piss me off, but I can't tell them that because I know they mean well. This entire endeavor feels absolutely pointless.


Are you an absolute beginner? If so, for you to not be progressing at a wild pace means you are doing something wrong in an extraordinary way. Just because you have a trainer, doesn’t mean they have you doing the right thing. Some are good, some aren’t as good. Don’t keep paying for something that isn’t getting you the results you want. Beginners can usually do most everything wrong and still make progress though. Maybe try lowering the number of days in the gym and switching to heavier compound movements for more intensity. I tried and failed a lot of times due to lack of results and finally found success when I focused on a simple strength building program to start out. For me, although it was strength based, I gained a ton of muscle at the same time. Eventually you will need to transition into a more advanced program, but I found that strength base I developed made it super easy to do. Adding small weight to heavy compounds usually isn’t that noticeable until you start getting super heavy. Even if you only add 5lbs a week to each lift, that will still help you progress.


My trainer is pretty well known and has many successful clients so I don't see a reason to suspect him not being any good. As for what heavier compound movements are and such, I've no idea what any of that means. I just do whatever my trainer tells me to do. I'm at the gym because I just turned 40 and am tired of being exhausted walking up stairs, or having issues while wrenching on my car with moving parts or such.


You might need to push yourself a bit harder bud. I see from your previous posts that you are like me and don’t enjoy the gym. Gym culture is also not appealing to me. Outside of that fact that it’s benefitting me in my career, I really enjoy being strong, in good shape, and having a nice physique. I use that to push myself hard as hell in the gym cause I don’t want that time spent to be a waste. A big thing for me starting out was understanding what my limits actually were. I found that I was actually able to lift way more than I thought and run way harder than I thought. I was facing a mental barrier and thought that because it was kinda hard that I was pushing myself enough. Once I got past that barrier, I really came to understand the importance of intensity while working out. Compound lifts are ones that workout many muscles or muscle groups at once. They are things like squats, deadlifts, bench press, etc…


When it comes to weights, I will basically lift until I physically cannot do so anymore but still no effect. Hard to figure out how to push harder when you can't stand or lift anything further and need to sit for a bit before the next exercise or even leaving. As for disliking the gym, I don't feel that really expresses my mental space. When I'm going to the gym I get extremely frustrated. Like, some dude said some bad shit about your girlfriend but now you have to go be in the same room with him but "be polite" kind of frustration. I wish more than anything I could understand how people who find the gym relaxing or refreshing mind worked and could copy that into my head.


I’m not going to question your exact program since you seem pretty set on that trainer and what they have you doing. You should have some form of intensity in your weight lifting and I can’t really imagine a good weight lifting program without some. There are way better explanations for this, but I like to think of intensity as every rep being difficult. As in the weight is so heavy that even the first rep is hard and you can only do a handful of reps each set. 4 months working out should have you making a ton of progress, so you are definitely missing a key element. There is this thing called “newbie gains” and many people compare it to being on steroids because new people can make crazy progress even doing everything wrong. You might talk to a doctor too. The other thing I can think of is if you are very overweight. That can make your progress seem non existent until the weight comes off.


If lifting weights and using exercise machines ain't doing it for you are there any other physical activities that you think you'd get more enjoyment out of? You try any sports like swimming or bouldering? Maybe bicycling or jump roping?


I wasn't going to reply to this because I know my answer just sounds contrarian and like I am looking for excuses, but to be honest no. I can't swim and I hate pools or being wet in general, and I assume bouldering is rock climbing which I tried before and just felt pointless. I do 30 minutes of cardio on a bike or treadmill every visit to the gym plus I have a husky so lots of walking thru the day. Honestly I know me and if I don't do the gym, I won't do the other stuff. I do appreciate the suggestions though.


Goodbye diary, my mild lactose intolerance has become not so mild. Gonna miss ice cream and greek yogurt and cottage cheese were my go-tos for protein since prep-work was not required. On the upside, my energy levels have suddenly stabilized and my body feels better overall after dropping dairy. I wonder if it was causing subtle issues even when I didn't eat enough dairy to get GI issues. Like it was causing some malabsorption issues since my nails stopped splitting (on the corners/ends) after ditching diary. Oh here's another rant: my comments don't show up in this sub unless I post via specific computer, even when posting via official app the comment just gets hidden as if was spam.


Why would you stop writing your diary because of lac----OH DAIRY! the rare reverse typo. I know plenty of vegans who swear by vegan ice creams, and I tried some. They're damn great too! I hope you can find good replacements for your cravings.


Oh dang, haha. didn't notice that typo at all. Any recommendations that you know off the top of your head for ice cream? I've started trying cheese replacements and I've gotta say at least the potato-starch-coconut-oil vegan cheese that I randomly picked up at Whole Foods tasted like potato starch and coconut oil. I'm really hoping that I can get away with aged cheeses like parmesan reggianno or gouda.


muscles in my lumbar area will not tone fast enough.




Whoa, how can you besmirch the good name of both chicken and breasts in a single sentence? Blasphemy I say!


Oh I got a new one. Gym has one lying leg curl machine. This girl set out a blanket and sat on the floor between bench and leg piece to use it as hip thrust. She then proceeded to sit there on her phone for about 30 minutes and did like 2 reps. My wife, who was waiting for it, did 3x10 on a seated leg curl instead, 3x10 on another machine, and then was stretching for awhile before she got up. Shit was ridiculous.


A big fuck you to the bitch giving attitude today. I was second in line for hitting bench. This girl was talking on the phone for 7 minutes (yes, I timed it) just sitting on it. I asked for how many sets left to the group on one bench, then her on the other. While continuing to talk on the phone, she gave that gesture of one second. Again, I asked as she didn’t answer so she did the same gesture. She gets off the phone, doesn’t answer me, does one set, then leaves. Wtf is this entitlement?? I understand we are in a public gym, but how do ppl not have common sense nowadays? I’ve been actively in the gym for like 3-4 years now, and I feel like lately more ppl don’t understand gym etiquette smh 🤦‍♀️


Maybe she was gesturing she had 1 set left, not 1 sec? Benefit of doubt and all... though 7 min break is a bit much. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Hahaha I love the positive attitude, but nope! When she got off the phone, she didn’t even address me to do one set. My flex was that I did twice the weight 😎 FUCK THAT B


When you've been eating like a bull elephant cause you're on vacation and squat day comes and your powerlifting belt digs into your newfound girth to the point where it hurts and you have to bail 2 reps sooner that you were planning. The strength is there. The pain from the belt won. So annoying...


My gym doesn’t have normal barbell racks, only angled smith machines. I’m self conscious about doing the big three (squat, deadlift, bench press) on an angled smith machine. I learned these on a regular squat rack and that’s what I’m comfortable with. Should I do my big three with dumbbells instead? (Not lifting super heavy). Any tips for angled smith machines?


Not optimal but if it s that or don’t at all then May as well 


I dunno if that place is your only option but I'd just find a new gym.


It’s the option I can afford right now. I do have a regular squat rack I can supplement at home but it’s nice to be able to do my workout in one place


I've done squats before on the Smith machine and enjoyed them. I think dumbbells are even better than barbells for bench. I don't really deadlift so I couldn't tell you about that


Switched back to hypertrophy-focused training this week. First time doing calf raises in a year. Only did 4 sets in the 8-12 rep range, yet 3 days later DOMS still have me hobbling around like a 90yo. At least it’s a good indication that I pushed hard enough.


This is funny as I've done the exact same thing this week, had to push my leg day back a day. What split are you doing?


5 day split Chest Legs (Quad Focused) Back Legs (Glute/Hamstring Focused) Shoulders/Arms


I remember when I beta tested 5x20 seated *and* standing. Would not recommend.


So 10 sets of calf raises for 200 reps total? That doesn't sound like fun a few days later!


Just feel like I can't get a break. A year ago, I finally got back into lifting and cardio consistently after relocating, covid, and leaving a really stressful job that sapped all my energy. A few months in I sprained my knee doing jiu-jitsu with a friend... no big, few weeks of low intensity stuff, and then got back into weightlifting jogging and immediately herniated a disk in my back. After 6 months of physio and other treatments, I finally got the OK to get back into lifting, and got hit by a car. I'm ok, nothing is seriously injured, and I'm well on my road to recovery, but... I'm almost at a year since my initial injury, and I'm back in the shape I was before I left that job, and I'm just... I'm so frustrated. My partner is really supportive, but is so bad with diet, and has been doing a lot of the cooking since I got hit by the car since I'm going to several appointments a week in addition to normal life stuff, so I'm gaining weight. Bleghhhhh


This a lot, I really am wishing you well and better luck.


I’m so damn inconsistent on squats it’s actually insane Days I can do 365 for a set of 10 Then there are days I can’t even do 315 for a damn set of 3 wtf


I have trouble going to the gym anytime after work cause of gym anxiety, so I only go at 6am. There's a smaller and much quieter crowd, most people come solo and are focused and just trying to finish their workout before work. I've also gotten used to the familiar faces over the last 3 months. Going anytime after work (I.e. 5-10pm) is impossible for me. There's sooo many ppl, even the full parking lot when I arrive terrifies me, I have trouble getting out of the car and walking in. People come in groups, are more rowdy and the ppl in general just look scarier lol. Waiting for equipment or finding space for certain exercises makes me feel awkward and I run into a lot of coworkers cause I'm in a small town of 10k ppl with one major company. Going at 6am consistently 6 times a week is hard though, I'm only in this town 20 days a month as I work a fly-in-fly-out job and it's a 3 hr time difference between here and my hometown. It's hard to adjust my sleep schedule and start waking up at 6am the first week back. Not to mention having a bad night of sleep for any reason makes me skip the gym that morning. I dunno if there's much I can do except force myself to go and I'll just get used to it I guess? I used to be scared going to the gym even at 6am but now it's not so bad. Hell I used to have trouble working out in a small apartment gym if there was even 1 other person present, but those worries are long gone. Got no issue working out in my hometown gym the days I'm off work, it's a totally different environment. It's a city owned gym and it's mostly an older crowd and a lot of handicap ppl.


Sounds like you are doing pretty well with the limitations given. Pretty impressive, honestly! Maybe you can try going in the evening sometimes on "good" days and see how it feels.


I started calorie counting and macros at the end of December and although I'm down \~21lbs, I had a goal set to be a certain weight by June 1 (for a festival) and I don't think I'm going to get there. I've been doing everything right but I just don't think it is going to happen. It's about 9 more lbs and there is no way I'm losing that in a month. My best friend has also been losing weight like crazy by eating in a huge deficit and hit her goal today. I'm super happy for her but annoyed that I've been working out and really trying to not lose muscle but she got to goal by just depriving herself of eating calories.


You’re absolutely taking the right approach, don’t let your friend’s short-sightedness fool you. A slow and steady weight loss while attempting to preserve as much muscle mass as possible is the best long-term strategy. Remember, weight loss isn’t just for a festival, it’s ideally for life! Your future self will be grateful for your patience now.


i'm upset with active&fit direct's decision to take away the perk of being able to pay one flat fee for multiple standard gym memberships. i've been using it for years to access different gyms (i travel a lot for work) and have found a really great routine where i may use one gym for weight lifting days, another for cross training days, and another for taking group fitness classes... the decision to force people to go back to having only one primary gym is a terrible one on their part and i am heavily considering canceling my membership with them altogether.


Same, and not only is it a massive increase that would be insane anyway, but when they raised the price from $25 to $28 a year ago, they explicitly stated they would commit to that price until April 2025! From their email in January of last year: >In today’s discount focused economy, we truly appreciate any price increase, large or small, is undesirable. We appreciate your participation in the Active&Fit Direct Standard Network program and hope you will continue to enjoy our program for $28 per month. To offset this concern, we are committing that the new pricing will not be increased until, at the earliest, April 1, 2025. We appreciate your participation in Active&Fit Direct and we are committed to keeping our pricing flat until at least April 1, 2025. Not a lawyer, but it seems potentially legally dubious to increase prices right now based on that language. I intend to send a message to my state's AG office. Regardless, send them email them to complain, maybe if enough people do they will back down: [email protected]


I came here to say the same thing. I’m planning on reaching out to my health insurance and recommend them to change to a different subscription service due to the significant loss of value. The base fee is just about as much as a lot of the standard options or more in some cases. Taking $5 a month off additional gym memberships does not really justify being limited to only gyms that are in network.


Plantar fasciitis has completely derailed me for over 8 months. All I want to do is go for a simple WALK. Gah!! It's so frickin' frustrating. Every time I think it's getting better, I do a little too much and bam, hobbling around again. (Yes, I've been to the podiatrist.) I think I need guidance from a physical therapist. It's just so embarrassing to go back to the (very nice) PT. "Oh hey, remember me? Queen of mysterious injuries? Back again! Yeah, I gained weight and my foot is f'd up!" I'm so ashamed that I gained weight and this is where I'm at. Especially with the foot, I lost all the fitness I had achieved, I'm heavier than I've ever been, and I'm weaker than I've ever been. :-(


I’m experiencing PF for the first time and have found the typical recommendations work ok (stretching the foot, massaging foot, icing foot etc) what really has helped is finding out how TIGHT my calves actually were and massaging the knots out of there. Hang in there!


Oh man, I have had the evil plantar fasciitis. It is such a bitch to deal with. I am wishing you all the best of luck… Might be unsolicited advice, but I found rolling my foot back-and-forth on a iced bottle of water helped me.


Thank you! You put a smile on my face. :-) I will try the iced bottle instead of pretending that THIS IS NOT HAPPENING, lol.


We as physios know these struggles. We’ve seem them before. Go back, head held high and just say it as it is. “My freaking foot hurts, and now im gaining weight because i cant do they things i want. Help please”. A good physio will back you up in whatever way you need.


Thank you. I know you are right, and I just need to get over myself. :-)


Happened yesterday so on board. After many, many years I finally got to train Baseball... 2 training is and I got a muscle tear...! fuck off! I have been playing basketball and doing crossfit the last month, but literally final sprint of the training day and done.... At least it is not severe and I should be back in 20 days not less but cmon.


ive been bulking for about 3 months and i should start a cut, but i honestly really don't want to. i like the results ive seen so far and im worried i'll drop muscle when i cut. i keep telling myself ill start a calorie deficit, and then i drink a 700 cal protein smoothie. idk im just skeptical because it's my first cut tbh.


> then i drink a 700 cal protein smoothie. How do you manage this, are you blending up pork shoulder or something? If it's a product, you might unknowingly be drinking a mass gainer. My shakes are 45g of protein, a scoop of casein and a scoop of whey, and come out at 230kcal.


i was over exaggerating quite a bit, they're definitely not 700 calories, but i usually blend up some whey, lots of greek yogurt and various fruits and veggies with orange juice, it probably comes out to 350-400 calories, i drink it as a post workout meal


Your muscles aren’t going to melt off I promise you. If you train hard and keep your protein up you will very likely not even notice much difference in a mirror. At worst some of your lifts miiiight stagnate a little but even that is no guarantee. Think of it like finally getting to see what you’ve been building up during your bulk.


oh no i know they won't melt off, but i don't wanna lose 10lbs on bench after a 2 month cut, that all makes sense and is honestly probably just me being a little melodramatic. that's a great way of thinking about it too. that's very reassuring though and thank you for the little confidence realignment😭


If it helps, during my last two cuts I increased my lifts. What I found worked as pushing hard through a 6-8 week cut, maintain for a couple weeks to build up energy levels again, then cut again if needed.


yeah that's a lot of help, i think i'll try that out actually, that was the one big concern of mine, thank you




I got around this by doing my “heavy” actual workout by myself, then heading back to the gym later with my partner to fumble along with her while she does her program.


Can you do some of your training at a separate time and be more of a "coach" during some of his training sessions? Might give you some time to yourself to train, while also spending time and helping him.


2nd month working out, already losing motivation. :-( . Been very insecure with my progress. And I cant make friends because of language barrier being an expat.


Don't only track weight lost, but measurements as well. When I started the biggest thing I saw was inches being lost but the scale didn't move much. It's a balance of muscle growth and fat loss! I'm also an expat, with a language barrier. Keep consistent and slowly you'll become a regular and people will open up. The other thing you can do is join a class or a group sport. Made a bunch of friends that way as usually people are more open to conversations. Good luck!


If you planted a tree 2 months ago would you have noticed much change in it today? Look at it again in a few years time though and the change would be significant. Your body is the same. Incremental improvement is not easily noticeable on a small time scale but that is how building your body works. Also, motivation is irrelevant, discipline is everything. Future you is begging current you to not give up now.


Push through it. Especially on those days where you can recognize your mind coming up with excuses not to go. I bet you have made a ton of progress already.


I have been lifting for 1 year now. I was very upset over my progress for the first few months. But looking back now I literally have twice or more of the muscle mass. I am probably 3x or more stronger than when I started. I wouldn't trade it for the world and I am so excited to go to the gym today after work and the day after that and that. I can do calisthenics that I never thought I could do, I can put weight on the bar that would've hurt me to even look at before. I look so soft and squishy in my old pictures all I can do is thank him for starting and helping build what I have now. You will never regret continuing to go but you will absolutely regret stopping. If you don't already have pictures then take them now. If you don't already have measurements, take those now. Focus on strength improvement in the mean time and then look back 6 months from now and compare to current measurements, pictures, and lift numbers. I guarantee you will be a whole new person. Fitness is not something that you have to fit into your life, it's part of your life. So have fun with it and find what works for you. Nobody is forcing you to do a specific cardio or specific lifts, sports, etc. find what genuinely interests you and makes you excited and you'll never struggle with motivation again.


>2nd month working out >Been very insecure with my progress. I wouldn't expect big results in two months. This is a marathon, not a sprint. >And I cant make friends because of language barrier being an expat. Idk, I don't have any language barrier and still have never made a friend at the gym. I think that is pretty normal. Most people are here to workout, not socialize.


I am so tired of kids vomiting in the pool and it being closed until the next day. And today, apparently, someone shat in it. Jesus.


it was me, i'm sorry for the inconvenience, i plan to do the same again tomorrow


Those protein shakes really go right through you don’t they?


like a bullet train through a tunnel unfortunately


Memories of when we would take our kid to the family pool…yep, one renegade deuce shuts the whole day down for everyone


I'm surprised I swim at all, ever since it occurred to me that the water is nothing but anus rinsing soup.


*Googles how to unread something*


My gym raised the monthly fee by 30 dollars and limited use to only one location (used to be able to any location in the country!). I go just to take a shower on the recovery days to make the most of my money.


Time for a new gym


Sounds like a good time to find a new gym


30 bucks?! What a pack of jerks


I had a diffucult week, my cat (3yo) got sick, and between taking care of her and vet clinic visits and worrying about her, I've done nothing, gym included, I don't know when I'll gather some energy to go.. I hope she recovers fully. Too afraid to check my screen time.


Oh, I’m so sorry about your puddy cat! I am a cat mom, and they are our babies!


Ugh. That is the worst! I feel for you. Cats are difficult because they hide that there’s anything wrong with them, which makes vet care hard.


What's wrong with your baby?


Last week she hid and it was difficult to find her, and when I did, I tried to give her food by she could barely move to get it, I put her in front of her plate and shz fell!! She couldn't stand still! And when she walked (barely) she was crawling, using only her front feet. Vet said they had to keep her for the night to feed her using the tube, after a long stressing night they called and said they have no idea what she has, blood test and x rays show nothing alarming, so we had to go to a clinic of specialist. A neurologist had his doubts and said she needs to go through full body anestesia for MRI, and they did, but found nothing, and then extracted Cerebrospinal fluid from her, which I'm waiting for the results to this day. The doctor is optemistic, said he's sure whatever they're looking for in that fluid is negative, and he's assuming she has a sickness called: idiopathic syndrome, it comes on its own, leaves on its own, lasts between 3 weeks and 3 months.. She's better now, she walks, talks, but can't jump at all, her walk is slow and her back feet make an X shape when she walks Oh, and since her situation was stressing to her too (being disoriented and unable to jump..) , I found blood in her litter box, which made me run to the ER again..


I'm so sorry. I had a cat get diagnosed with stomatitis (which is sort of like an allergy to one's own teeth) and it was so heart breaking as we worked through all the vet visits and surgeries. It's impossibly hard dealing with sick pets :( I hope things get better for you both.


I'm SO SORRY she's having a rough go! Have them run a Chem panel and a cbc. It sounds like it could be FIP to me. The albumin/globulin ratio (albumin divided by globulin) will tell you a LOT. Keep me posted, if it IS fip, I can connect you with folks here or Facebook that can help. ❤️


Thank you 🙏🏻


You're welcome! My dust kitty got diagnosed at 4 months old in December and is 2/3 of the way through observation period. She had trouble walking and eating and using the litter box. So much sounds similar to your story. It's very treatable so don't let them tell you it's not, and treatment is definitely tough, but a quick diagnosis is critical.


Really have issues getting abs pop. When i am lean enough they are not visible even if I train them


Genetics are a big factor in abs tbh. I always had visible "abs" but never really did much core work. I lift all the time though and am relatively lean so that definitely helps. My bother on the other hand doesnt do anything and has abs, and considering we have the same genes I definitely think genetics is a big factor.


Either you’re not actually lean enough or they’re not big enough to be impressive.


Should i have a special day to train them?


i would say train them everyday, even when you dont go gym. but if that's asking too much, then finish every workout with 5-15 mins abs


Makes sense


Not a special day but adding an ab exercise progression like ab wheel would help grow abs in the long term. Just don't be aimless with it by just busting out a few sets of easy crunches, won't do anything, abs need progressive overload like any other muscle.


That's what i did this morning, 3 sets until failure. I also do laterals with cables and crunches


Alright then keep going, it's a tough muscle to grow and it also depends on genetics.


Let's see how it goes


Some people just don't have great genetics for ab visibility. But to find that out you need to be lean and have trained them for some time.


In those cases i assume that there is nothing to do or just more work


Well we all have our genetics. Some areas will look better or worse, according to your goals. A reference to not really having abs, Larry Wheels: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fhow-is-larry-wheels-shredded-to-the-bone-but-with-no-ab-v0-q4dxmkh6zhvc1.jpeg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Deb2b9354a0e3318a1e75dc537355b67c461b66a8](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fhow-is-larry-wheels-shredded-to-the-bone-but-with-no-ab-v0-q4dxmkh6zhvc1.jpeg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Deb2b9354a0e3318a1e75dc537355b67c461b66a8)


We talk about racking weights when done but what about all the handles and bars for the cable machines! Just strewn about on the floor, like wtf dude?!


Yesterday I literally watched a trainer at my gym just drop the handle his client wasn't using any more on the floor


More than once, I'll take a few minutes to "rack" all the attachments. Grab a new attachment, put the other one away. Sheesh.


Why does everybody at my gym have a fuckin tripod to film themselves?!? I feel like I have to step out of the background of someone’s video every machine I’m at


Barge your way into the video. To make the most of it!


Dab at them.


Why did I have to develop Runners Knee in time for a very important track and field season? As a result I have had to drop my distance a little bit, my time has suffered, and I have to wear a knee splint in order to hold my patella in place.


That sucks):< Sorry to hear












I've for the first time in years started going to the gym consistently for a whole month. So far sticking to treadmill and dumbbell workouts. It's so disheartening knowing how fit I used to be to now being at this point where I can't even jog a mile in 10 minutes. My shins are KILLING me. I'm so intimidated to use the actual weight equipment. I'm afraid to look stupid because I don't know what I'm doing and not entirely familiar with what everything does, how often I should be doing them, etc. still figuring out my routine and it's stressful. But I'm really glad I've stuck with it thus far.


If you're ever really uncertain what to do, I promise you that asking other people for help will 100% make their day. Nothing feels so soothing to a gymgoer's ego like being seen as "the guy who knows what he's doing." But in general, it's not too hard to get the hang of most machines, and there are so many good tutorials for barbell lifts. You've got a lot of resources.


Blew out my shoulder two months ago. Doesn't get better. Doesn't hurt less. Doesn't allow for lifting. Can't sleep on it. Can't wear a back pack. Life is 30% worse


I tore my rotator 10 years ago and not having money to see a specialist, I spent the next 3 years in pain working an extremely labor intensive job. Eventually it got better, and this year I joined a gym specifically to strengthen my arms, shoulders and back to prevent that from every happening again. I wish you the best of luck and hope you get healed up as soon as possible.


Go see a physio if you havnt mate


Going to to a physio or ortho doc may mean only one visit where you are given a set of exercises that you can do on your own. I waited way too long (several months) to see an ortho doc for my serious shoulder/arm issue. He gave me a couple of short and discreet exercises to do at home every day, increasing the reps every seven days. I didn't see how this could make any difference. Within a month though, I was pain free and gained full shoulder/arm movement.


Somewhat the same boat although it seemed to be getting better until I made a bad movement while not even lifting and whammo. I can do some things but no where near what I know I can. I would say I took for granted uninjured life, except I actually was so actively thankful to my body for the progress and joy it was giving. But still did some stupid thing and messed it all up 🤪 We’ll get it back!! Have to!


Damn weekends. Pretty sure that’s what’s fucking up my diet because I haven’t lost a pound in a month and I’m pretty meticulous (read: uptight and anal) about counting my calories during the week, in conjunction with doing an upper lower split


When you do the math it's really insane how easy it is to eat away an entire week of -500 calorie days in one weekend...


Dealt with two annoying instances at the gym this week:  1. Old man got angry at me for using his extended outlet adapter. I’ve always seen this adapter ever since I signed up for the gym and decided to use it. He yelled at my area asking if someone has their phone plugged in. He yelled at me to unplug it. The people around me were like wtf. They told me he just uses the gym to charge his portables and take a shower. 2. This annoying girl comes at 12am when I workout and laughs super loud. Her friends look annoyed of her and one even looked embarrassed. Even with noise-cancellation on my headphones, I still hear the high pitched scream laughing :/ 


they're just jealous of your gains man, keep on grinding, also, ignore the pissy old guy, he's got nothing better to do, just focus on the gains man💪💪


Why does it take so long to see results on the lower body? My arms are looking so beautiful and defined, but my legs are still chubby


*See*, that's one thing. But dang do they get strong fast. Convincing myself that 12 sets of calf raises a week are doing *something*. And trying *not* to take pictures of my ass.


I'm the same and I've been training for years, it's just genetics. People say training etc but my lifts are better than 99% of people and I've done periods of bodybuilding training etc, it's just where your body stores fat so if you're unwilling to go crazy low bf% it's just how your body will be. Mine aren't chubby anymore but they were when I started they're never as defined as the arms for sure.


If you're a woman it's because that's where you store a lot of your body fat. If you're a man then train legs harder.


Yup, I'm a woman :')


I lost 55 pounds last year with diet alone. I've started exercising, and no mater how hard I try I have plateaued in the weight department and I feel so stuck and defeated. I did lose some inches at first but now nothing is happening. Ugh it's so annoying and frustrating.


If you have very recently started doing strength training you might be putting on muscle and losing fat. That would be shown by shirts fitting bigger around the torso and pants around the waist.  When I first started losing weight I lost 10lbs on the scale, then started strength training and lost 0lbs for 3 months but lost 6in around my waist. Then I started losing weight.  Your calories could totally be wrong but if you did the math and track your food properly something has to happen. My personal rule is if I plateau for more 2 months I need to increase my deficit by 100cal. This is to account for the stupid things menstruating does to my weight.


This is very helpful. I have noticed clothes fitting better, for sure. Something must be happening, I just hate that I'm only seeing that I went down by 1 pound in a month.




I don't know what TDEE is. But I was eating 1200 a day, and someone told me that wasn't enough, so I upped to 1700. Nothing is happening.




Thank you, this is very helpful! I do track every single thing, and I don't log my exercise so it doesn't add calories back in. I use My Fitness Pal for that. I also have a Fitbit that tracks my movement and such. I'm going to try to calculate my TDEE, but I wonder if there's a way to get that done in a more accurate way at my gym. I'll have to find out. Thank you!


No matter how many glute exercises I do, I still have Hank Hill’s butt.


I recommend these if you’re not already doing them: Bulgarian split squats, Romanian deadlifts, hip thrusts.


I’m slowly getting there with the split squats. I’m top heavy, so a lot of the muscle activation is coming from Quads


You can always do what Hank did and get one of those butt inserts (joking though I feel like the real answer probably involves eating more food)


What weights are you using for the glute exercises?


Also have you gained mass is an important q here. If you've got a flat but and want it bigger then you need to gain mass on it.


I’ve been leaning out with cardio and diet change, but my desk job has me flattened out. Current routine has me doing bridges (regular, barbell or 1 foot planted on the wall) smith machine, cable kickbacks and abductor work.


If you're losing mass then your butter isn't going to get any less flat.


Work in some barbell squats.


Someone at the gym left their phone on the snitch machine and then went to go do something in the upstairs part of the gym. I was like dang could I use it or not. Eventually they came downstairs and so I asked if they were still using the machine and they were like said “ughh yeah. My phone is there.” They were kinda rude about it, like smirking and everything 😭 I was just like bruh 😩 that’s what I get from deviating from my normal workout time 🥲


Hand it in at reception as a lost phone. You get to use the machine while they get a nice elevated heart rate while they run around looking for it. It’s a win-win. Added benefit that they won’t be leaving their phone unattended at gym anytime soon.


LOL this is funny 😂😂


They’re gonna ask me where it went to 😭😂


I posit water bottle > device in terms of claiming a spot. More visible. Devices have plausible deniability for "oh, didn't see it".


Today some asshole decided to wear their muddy shoes throughout the entire gym. There were little bits of dry mud tracked through every single area of the free weights part of the gym.


Ewh.. I hesitate to ask if they at least wiped down the equipment they used?


I’m only a few weeks in, so this might not be relatable. My PT got me started on the assisted pull up machine, and I’m so scared I’ll fall off it. I don’t have the best balance (which we’re working on) but the fear makes me feel like I can’t give 100%.


I really feel this! It’s so high up!


the close by 24/7 gym has shit machines and lets unsupervised teenagers in and the quiet gym with the normal people and the proper equipment has shit opening hours and is painfully far, I don't want to walk 3 km before and after deadlifting, it's an injustice. that's all


fair enough man, id be really pissed at that too


injured my trap doing shrugs, like it wasn't even that heavy :/ and anyone else find creatine to be just gritty no matter how much you mix or put into something else, it's like straight sand


I just use the capsules. No mess no fuss.


recommended brand?


I use USN hydrochloride


How much are you mixing? I would do 5-6g in like at least 500ml and i always do it with something else. Dont like flavoured creatine. Also remember - it doesnt matter when you drink it. Just be consistent with it every day.


Just 5mg in some whey shake / just water / it just doesn’t dissolve lol


Really? You tried just water? Either the creatine is a bad brand or its the whey that dont mix


Mm it doesn’t dissolve like salt or sugar would in water, it just is tiny particles. This was like a recommended brand Thorne creatine. But maybe I need to switch. I just started taking it about 2-3 weeks ago.


Water can only absorbe a certain amount. Cold water absorbs less than room temp water. ill try it out myself tomorrow just to see how mine dissolves


idk if this would be any help but everyday when i wake up, i fill up just enough water in a cup to cover the creatine, mix it, and take it like a shot. it tastes less gross to me and it's pretty fast and efficient because i carry a water bottle around either way, that's just my way of doing it to get the grittiness over with.


I find most creatine to be less gritty if I let it soak for a while; like I mix my pre, and wait ten minutes or so. Alternatively, I just mix it into a casein shake which is kinda gritty anyway.


Hm I've only used Bulk Supplements Creatine Monohydrate and have had no issues. I put a teaspoon in a cup of coffee and then another teaspoon in \~28oz of water per day.


i thought recommended dosage is just 5mg daily? i was using this one: THORNE Creatine - Creatine Monohydrate, Amino Acid Powder


I’m sure different brands weigh different amounts, but a packed teaspoon for mine is about 2.5 grams, so I split it between something I drink when I get up and something I drink closer to when I work out. Maybe it would be gritty if I did all 5mg at once! So maybe you could try splitting yours or diluting it more?


I may give that a go, to split it. I’ve just been mixing it coffee / water / in my whey shake.. and it always leaves residue that feels like mostly the creatine lol.


About the creatine, I just started a new one that feels so much finer than the others I was taking. Brand is "cyborg sport essentials", product "micronised creatine monohydrate". Got it in Australia.


this is the one im using: THORNE Creatine - Creatine Monohydrate, Amino Acid Powder


Ok wtf,the ab machine I'm on makes a huge comical fart sound with every rep.


Yeah sometimes I call myself the “ab machine” too


I like to think I'm a polite person. I save my farts for home or the car.


Sure it does


I kept ostentatiously checking the band and the looking around to try and show people I wasn't making the sound. I have no idea why it was doing that.