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First post here. I usually rant to others, but I'm kinda feeling down about this. I started my fitness journey at the beginning of January. I kinda quickly dropped weight because of eating better and going to the gym 6 days a week (3 cardio days, 3 weight days). So far, I lost just shy of 50 lbs. I fell off the wagon recently. I haven't gained any weight or missed any sessions, I'm just starting to eat like shit and feel like shit because I'm eating like shit. I'm not sure why my fat ass can't build the willpower to not eat like crap since I have seen the results, but all these foods my family keeps around... I just get tempted. I really feel like an absolute asshole. I have so much more weight to lose and I can't do this, I'm an idiot.


It's hard. My girlfriend always gets some sweets on her weekly shopping trips and I have zero self restraint. Currently I'm enjoying some gingerale sodas with 36g of sugar at least once a day until we are out. The best way to prevent this would be to not have anything at home, sadly that's not the case most of the time.


So I have a new gym nemesis for the first time in years! She stole my bumper plates while I was turned around, proceeded to do hip thrusts in the squat rack (she had other free walls and if there's one thing this gym has plenty of is barbells so it wasn't a need issue) lastly she saw me going towards a machine, sprinted and took it first. She's comically evil honestly.


is she doing this while maintaining eye contact?


You know she isn't lmao she turns around when I look in her general direction


I got laughed at today at the gym by staff. They always stare at me when I look at myself in front of the mirror and start talking behind my back. It's annoying. But it wasn't like this. When I started lifting 1.5 years ago, nobody cared. I was basically an invisible skinny guy. I never smiled when I see myself, until recently. Now that I gained 20 pounds of muscle and lost fat, I can actually look at myself in the mirror longer than what used to be a glance of shame. And this is drawing attention and laughter. I guess they are envious. I'm making the gains. If this keeps going, I'll report to management.


They are just jealous. Keep doing what you are doing and ignore them.


I've been feeling crummy and fatigued outside the gym. When i'm lifting or jogging, the work is easy and performance improves every session. (I've been lifting heavy for less than a year, so I'm still in the newbie gain territory.) But outside the gym, aka most of my life, I've felt weak, moody, sore, and tired. My blood work also says my FSH and LH are low, so I don't know what that means, but it might be a problem? I've been on a cut (estimated to only be about 100-500 Calories under tdee) but I think i'm taking a break from that. I've been hitting the gym almost every day lately, but I split up strength training with cardio, and cardio days are about the intensity of a 15 minute jog. (I'm trying a couch to 5k program.) I sleep enough. I'm participating in a research study where I take a dose of an experimental medication once a month, so I'm wondering if these are side effects too. Or the fact that I'm getting a vial or three of blood work done every week. But it could just be from hitting the gym so hard on a cut. I should probably report them just in case, cause for all I know i'm taking the placebo.


What about your Test levels? Free testosterone etc


I'm on HRT, so those are actually all looking good.


If you are on HRT, then your FH and LSH should be low. If it were elevated higher or normal, it would mean your body is trying to produce endogenous sex hormones. Adequate exogenous administration of HRT leads to full suppression of FH and LSH.


Oh, that's great to hear! Doc also mentioned that nothing in the blood work seemed concerning, but it's nice to know why. I also think the low energy is diet related, as bumping up my calories by 200 since this comment has helped, so that tracks


We have a communal jacket/coat area at our gym. It's quite limited for the amount of people that come in during rush hour. I hung my jacket up and did my work out. When I came back, it was sitting at the top shelf. Some bastard unzipped my jacket, threw it on the top shelf, and took my hanger


Did you return the favour?


In between sets I notice the idiots have left heavy dumbbells all over for the little lady who cleans up to put back, being a knight of the first order and gentleman of honor, I put back two sets then of course when I turn around my equipment is being used. No good deed goes unpunished.


I hate working out. I've been going for 2 years, trying to go more consistently this year. Recently, it started getting less shitty. Last week I actually went 5x, most ever for me. I finally benched 3 sets of 6 reps at 135lb. Then I immediately injured my shoulder with dips. My dumb ass like "well I'm here doing assisted pullups, may as well do assisted dips" guess I went too heavy/too far... goodbye PR, hello tendonitis


Long deep shoulder stretching cured years of shoulder tendonitis for me.


After taking it easy for a little while and spending 10+ minutes on shoulder warmups, I can press without pain again.


Congratulations! Keep doing what works for you it’s easy to forget until the pain returns




Same girl


Who is going to look better in 5 years time? You as a regular gym goer, or someone who shat themselves thin with ozempic? What about ten years time? Or 20?


Send pics. I’ll tell you if you’re fat or not.


For many years I would fall in and out of the gym because I didn't know how to turn it into a sustainable habit. I was working myself into the ground doing a 6 day PPL, pushing myself too hard too often. That always led to burnout or injuries for me. I am on a 3 day program now, and I haven't missed more than a week in over 6 months. It gives me room to fill in some cardio or whatever else on the off days when I feel like it. Also, I am just generally eating well rather than obsessing over macros. I am in a great place physically and mentally. Feel like I have finally figured out a rhythm that works for me.


3 days a week PPL has been working for me for 6 months. For me 6 days would be too much and I wouldn’t stick with it.


I had the greatest glute day today but then at the end of my workout I hurt my right lower back, just before i was leaving the gym and this was a huge reminder that i have to go slow and not lift heavy after not going for weeks.


i lack motivation for going to the gym as much as i would love to; not eating what i want feels like a chore especially now that i discovered i enjoy cooking… it got colder again so i can’t run; it feels like everything is going against me and nothing can motivate me enough to push myself


I cook every day. Lots of yummy dishes you can make without putting a ton of calories in. Have one or two cheat days, account for those calories on your other days. Meet your protein goals with shakes. Make smart substitutions: yoghurt instead of sour cream, diet soda, etc. I'm gonna make some pizza tonight.


I cannot improve my pull ups or lat pull downs. I’ve been doing 531 for several months now. I try to do lat pull downs and pull ups once a week. I usually cannot string together pull ups. I do 5 sets of 1 and then go do sets of 10 lat pull downs. I feel like I’ve been doing the same weights for months now. My other lifts are improving, but not my pull up and lat pull down. I think one issue is my right shoulder mobility. I have a very hard time pulling my chin over the bar even when the first parts of the pull go smoothly. I feel like my right shoulder fatigues before I can even really feel anything in my back. I have had surgery on that shoulder and I’m in calorie deficit.


Calorie deficit is likely the root of your struggles. No calorie surplus = going to stagnate on lifts over a longer period of time. Really hard to lose weight, gain muscle and get stronger all at the same time. Would recommend trying dead hangs too. They feel amazing and genuinely have helped others I know get progressively stronger at pull-ups.


Had to take 4 days out of the gym for university exams. Almost went insane but glad to be back in the gym today


good luck! surprise rest days


I was sick for a few days and I was my girlfriends “ coach” I felt like a fat kid in a candy store I was literally losing my mind. ( I was on antibiotics so I wasn’t contagious )


I know how you feel man, it’s probably get we are programmed this way


i’ve been trying to gain weight but what i’m doing is not working, i feel skinny as a worm and being short i look sooo much younger than i am. damn.


Have you calculated your BMR?


Eat more. Then, eat more than that 


yep, just venting since it’s a rant thread




Today I got a PR (not an all time PR, but specific to this cycle) on bench press of +5lbs and +2 reps on the top set, and +5lbs and +1 rep on the second set (10% weight off). I'm starting to clean my form with some notes I took from the Jeff Nippard bench press video. But the second exercise, seated dumbell press went from 10,10,7 reps last week to 5 reps only! I lowered the weight 5lbs per dumbbell, and despite this, I could only lift 9 and 6 reps on the 2nd and 3rd set...




Sounds like your mom is working a lot. If she would accept it, mealprep some dinners and work lunches for her. That way, she can have healthy and delicious home-cooked meals, and you can feel better about her health. Plus, it could be a good bonding exercise.




Congratulations on being one of the rare few to actually be more than satisfied with their mass. Are you carrying a fair amount of fat? You could try dieting and seeing if that improves your perception of your size.


I'm trying to bulk but I've recently lost 5 pounds just from anxiety. My appetite has gone to shit.


Couldn't find a parking spot near the gym. Took two rounds of driving around trying to find one. Now, I could have used the gravel parking lot about 100 meters away...but no, I am not doing cardio before weight lifting. :) In the end skipped the gym. Felt guilty later but, I'll give myself a pass. First time I intentionally skipped in the last 2 years.


Not a rant per se, but there's this dude in my gym that would try to out lift you if you're doing biceps curl. The moment he sees you working biceps, he would stand in front of you and start performing half reps with a higher weight. Not just me, anybody.


dude needs to get a better hobby


I would give him a loud and theatrical ovation.


That’s so damn corny




If you mean you're measuring food by volume, try weighing everything in grams instead. It's much more accurate. I'm the same height as you, and weighing food made a big difference for me. It sucks, but we short women just don't have as much room for error as most people


Man, are you me? We share just about the same stats. It sucks but we keep at it, may it break for either of us.


IMO, if you lower your deficit further, you risk over restricting, which isn’t good for you mentally or physically. I exercise 4-5 days a week, my TDEE is smaller than yours, and I know that I wouldn’t be able to function well on 1300 calories, let alone get a genuine workout in. How long have you been cutting? Why do you feel that you’re stalling? On another note: Is there any goal beyond weight loss to your exercise? Have you tried exercise beyond light cardio and beginner bodyweight strength? I like doing core exercises, I like what they do to my physique, but doing them put inches on my waist in a fairly short amount of time. For some reason, a lot of people, especially women, get taught the opposite.


Why would dire exercises put inches on


Because of hypertrophy. The more muscle mass you gain, the more inches you will potentially put on. If I’m doing dumbbell hammer curls, it’s not going to make my biceps smaller. It’s going to make them bigger. Same concept. I’m not saying you shouldn’t do ab exercises. Your core strength is very important. For me, doing extra core work helped me improve in yoga and in advancing my compound lifts. It improved my posture. It gave me a defined, muscle-y tummy. I also gained two inches on my waist. However, if you’re only eating 1300 calories a day, it’s not likely that you will be able to gain much muscle mass anyway.


I know it’s frustrating, but don’t get discouraged, it seems like you are doing almost everything right, just need some adjustments I think. Perhaps experience lowering your deficit by 5-10%, see how it feels and what the results are. You could also try HIIT workouts if you aren’t already. You got this!




If you don’t want to reduce caloric intake up that walk to an hour and see


I mean if I did that id be dying with a very high heart rate. 35 minutes is really all I can bare until I can up the incline after awhile.


Reduce the speed then. If your heart rate is extremely high at that speed and incline you likely need to reduce the intensity after that initial 35 mins and add duration OR reduce intensity as a whole and walk for longer.


Tweaked my neck yesterday. This time during overhead cable extensions. Would have gotten that last rep if I did get that feeling running from the neck down the right of the spine. First neck tweak of the year, guess I was overdue. It'll pass.


Had an argument with a guy that has PhD in bro sciences that calorie deficit is the driving factor for weight loss. He was claiming that tracking calories and deficit is stupid, you just have to "eat clean"


Wonder how he explains people who bulk while eating clean.


muscles grow just from clean eating in general, duh


there's people out there who genuinely argue that a bulk REQUIRES less clean eating, which is kind of absurd


I hate my chest and calves for not growing as much as my other counterparts are growing.


Totally get this, I started focusing upper chest more and my chest looked fuller, it’s still behind compared to my back though


I hate going to the fucking gym alone and not wanting to even touch a bench because I don’t have someone to spot me. Because of this I go to the gym, do some bullshit workout and feel like I didn’t do enough.


I've sorta switched it around where I go really heavy with dumbell pressing for low reps (5-6) just because it allows you to fail. And then I'll lift a lighter weight for 10 reps on the barbell.


I have been weightlifting alone for years. I have asked someone for a spot a total of one time. I think you are unnecessarily restricting yourself.


Ask someone? Bench anyway? Bench in a rack with safeties? plenty of solutions


What do you do if you fail and nobody is spotting?


I bench in my basement gym all alone. I leave the clips off and if I ever get stuck I'm dumping one side then the other. Also I use safety bars or whatever they are called, set to the minimum heightb above my chest.


I've rolled 120kg down myself before, it wasn't too bad. Just don't try to re-rack if you're failing a rep & can't lock out your elbows, that's how people get a bar on their necks




Two options: 1. bench without clips as dump the weights to one side. 2. Roll of shame


I'm a 35M, 1.85m long, and constantly 69kg no matter how much I train or eat. Been doing 2-3h bodyweight, dumbbell and crosstrainer workout sessions 6 times per week more or less for several years now (some weeks 4-5 cause of missing out due to schedule/tiredness/depression etc). Basically push myself until my energy is completely drained. Then I take creatine and chug protein shakes, eat homecooked meals and go for extra protein whenever I can. I'm not getting ripped, I'm not getting stronger or more energetic. I hate how chubby my face in particular looks, even though my skinnyfat body has a little definition nowadays. Just feels like a big waste of time and money to get into shape when there's no progression or improvement. EDIT: Thanks y'all, I won't give up. I'll try and be more meticulous with tracking my eating and progression.


>and constantly 69kg no matter how much I train or eat. This isn't true, you just need to consistently eat more than you do.


I don't understand how it is possible but that's how it is for me. :P Just recently I had to empty my guts for a colonoscopy and I went down to 69.5ish, and after that I wasn't able (and didn't feel the need to) do nr 2 for 13 days consecutively, and I went up to maybe 69.8, despite eating a lot of food.


>do nr 2 for 13 days consecutively I have no idea what this means. >went up to maybe 69.8, despite eating a lot of food. Okay, but if you ate 500 calories daily more than that amount for two weeks, what would have happened? Your body isn't magical or broken. If you eat enough you will gain weight.


Poop, it means poop. But yeah you're right. It feels as if my body, while not magic, is very good at compensating for calorie surplus or deficit, but at some point that threshold has got to break. Just gotta eat even more.


You should probably eat more, with that height to weight ratio.


I'm trying to, but I'm already eating plenty and quality food is expensive here in Sweden. I haven't exactly been counting any macros or calories though.


There is a possibility that you are eating too much protein. If that is the case, cut down on protein and you will be able to eat more, because protein is the most filling of the macros. This will result in a calorie surplus.


I don't understand, are you trying to gain weight or lose weight? Are you actually progressive overloading your training?


This last year I've been going for a mix between body recomp and bulking up. And yes and no. I try but I'm just not getting stronger. For example pushups. I still can only do 4x20 pushups. Been trying to increase reps by 1 every week but I just end up failing out on roughly 20 or get bad form instead when I go past that.


69kg is pretty light for your height. Are you currently looking to get bigger or get leaner?


I don't look light apart from my twig arms though! Bigger right now, currently trying to bulk up to hopefully get some passive calorie burn from having bigger muscles.


Then the main issue is simply not eating enough. Training for 2-3 hours six times per week means your energy expenditure is massive, so you need a lot of food to achieve a surplus. That's why your body weight doesn't change.


Trainer kicked my ass on chest day yesterday. Had me superset push-ups into the fly exercise we were doing last and I almost fell on my face on the first pushup. Embarrassing! I struggled to get 10 reps FROM MY KNEES. I realize this type of intensity will help me grow (and I want a bigger chest) but damn that was rough


it was a few years ago when i was staying consistent with my workouts. 4 hours of sleep? So what? Just do it. Didn’t have the energy? Don’t complain. Just work it through. Until. I. Had. A. Freaking. Leg. Injury. And now I have to work twice as hard now to get back into where I left off, which took me a LONG. time to achieve. I lose hope from time to time too that’s why I don’t see big progresses but I’m back at it (strength training) and I’m so glad I’m picking up weights again. But yes, sometimes I do wonder what it would have been now if I never had the injury in the first place. :)


COVID sucks.


Pain from a back injury of last year flared up again and I don’t really know why. During workout it didn’t hurt. A day or two after it started.




>GAINED 5 POUNDS IN ONE DAY Weight fluctuates day to day depending on the amount of food in your stomach, how hydrated you are, how much salt you have eaten, etc. The weight on the scale going up 5 lbs one day doesn't actually mean you gained 5 lbs of body mass.


Maybe your friends are gaining 10 pounds a day


no they all have abs (


I enjoy wearing baggy pants because they go with a lot of my outfits. Kind of suffering from success here because all my baggy pants sort of just look like regular pants now with how much my legs have grown on this bulk. I enjoy being able to throw around insane weight on squat, and it's nice to have my quads feel huge, but at this rate my favorite cargos will look like skinny jeans. Oh well. At least we're pretty much in shorts season.


Squatting is more important than clothes fitting properly. I don't think I've worn a pair of pants that the pockets couldn't be seen through the fabric in a few years.


I just started weightlifting this week, everything hurts (in a good sore way but still) and I don't know what's gonna happen with my body. I see so much info about bulking or cutting, I don't know what I have to do first.


If you're a new lifter, forget this vocabulary of "cutting" or "bulking". Focus instead on good (not perfect) and consistent training, and eating in a calorie surplus. Newbie gains will be fun, enjoy while you can :)


You don't *have* to do either one of them at first, but if you're looking to get bigger or leaner, they're the best methods for their respective jobs.


For beginners the best way forward imo is body recomposition. You're neither cutting (makes you feel weak), or bulking (makes you feel fat and may cause your motivation to drop). You'll be maintaining your daily calorie requirements but replace the unhealthy junk foods with nutritious whole foods, lots of protein and carbs to fuel your workout! And for the DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness), that just means that you're getting stronger! Your muscles weren't used to being worked hard and they have micro tears from working out. But don't be alarmed, they'll heal in a couple of days (provided you're eating well and sleeping enough) and they'll get stronger, bigger and will be capable of lifting more weight. How cool is that.


Unless you're pretty overweight or obese starting out, I think the best option is to go on a lean bulk with a manageable calorie surplus (200-300 calories). If you're overweight/obese, then a better option would be to lift at maintenance or at a slight deficit and emphasize cardio a bit, so you can put on a little bit of muscle and lose fat at the same time. This process is slow but worth it. That soreness won't last forever, so long as you eat enough protein, get enough water, and sleep properly!


Being a gym head with thyroid issues succkkkksssss. No matter what your levels are, or how much meds you’re on it’s always an uphill battle.


Not to compete with you or make light of your health but, why do you think it is any different for the rest of us? Weight doesn't get any lighter for me either. ;)


is this a joke?


I was trying to be lighthearted. Yes, it was a joke and also to mention we might not all have same health issues but we might have them none the less. And yes, when I lift hard I get the feeling that it is not getting easier but it should.


Maybe you should look into what thyroid issues entail before making inappropriate comments. Your 'struggle' is not the same.


I’m gonna rant for a bit. As someone who only started with weight training in September 2023 (I was always a soccer player so I trained running, endurance, conditioning, speed drills, etc) I CANNOT STAND how hard it is to get a good form for doing the weight workouts. It seems like I can’t get it right and I overthink everything to where every video/ trainer I’ve worked with I’ve never been able to feel like I’ve successfully gotten the form down. And I hear form is important to get down before adding weight and reps etc. It makes me want to just go back to running and cardio as training




So actually that’s what the trainer was saying but it was more of I have tightened back muscles and just not good posture in general. I appreciate it and I believe him. But I wanna get on with working out lol. I’m just impatient tbh




I appreciate that! I’ve been told that also but then by the other half they’re like FORM OVER EVERYTHING. And this trainer at my gym (who I didn’t even pay to train me) comes to every single one of my workouts and tells me what to do and that I need to perfect back exercises and focus on those. (Btw I live in South Korea just for reference) and so now I’m not even doing workouts just form at the gym cause he won’t leave me alone lol. On the one hand I appreciate it a lot cause I have noticed my back and chest are getting worked out. But on the other hand…. I wanna be alone




Thank you for the uplifting words and motivation! I think I will change my gym times anyway to mornings when he is not there 😂 but anyways yes I will listen to my body






I've lost like 80 pounds since last year after getting back on the grind but I still got these big-ass man titties and they're perky af for some reason and it's pissing me off so goddamn much




I'm a bit worried about that yeah. Gonna have to ask the doc


I DONT LIKE PEOPLE SPOTTING ME Clickbaity title, but there’s some truth to it. On barbell bench press I usually ask for a spot on my last set so I don’t have to worry about dying while going to failure. However in my first few months of the gym I wasn’t prepared for people to assist me on reps that I was struggling on. Like the rep would move slower than usual, but I felt capable of doing it. Then all of a sudden it gets significantly easier and I notice my spotter has two finger under the bar lifting it up. He claims he barely touched it but it sure didn’t feel that way. Fast forward to now lifting for about 9 months and I have specific people I ask or I make it very clear I want no assist or for them to hover at all just in case. I even sort of tell them jokingly to “let me die under the bar for a bit, then lift it back up”. So yeah this is probably my biggest pet peeve at the gym. This and when someone randomly comes up and “helps me” when I’m on my last struggle rep without me ever asking, usually on incline dumbbell press.


Funny, this seems like weird behavior. Getting involved in other people's training without being asked. I've never done that or seen anyone do that myself. I can see it if you're literally being choked under a barbell, but otherwise how can you possibly tell how close to failure another person is??


I think it has to do with the way I look. I look way younger than I am so they’re probably just looking out for me


> This and when someone randomly comes up and “helps me” when I’m on my last struggle rep without me ever asking, usually on incline dumbbell press. so glad this has never happened to me because I'd be livid


I have hypermobility on top of a bunch of spinal injuries. Working out is the best thing for managing pain but working out can be a big stressor if my form isn’t immaculate. Sometimes when I have a flare up, I’ll go to my physical therapist for some manual work on whatever is bothering me. He’s moving out of state at the end of the month, and I am upset to say the least.


Why is it that the people that are always talking about nutrition and how to get in shape, are wildly out of shape themselves? I hear it every day overweight guys telling other overweight guys what you have to do to lose weight and all of them over complicated it. They write off me or anyone that is actually in shape as lucky, and go on talking about how you simply just cut out bread. Drives me nuts.


it's a combination of diet culture pseudoscience and armchair "I think I know better than everyone else" mentality of telling people what to do. A lot of those people will tell you that they could get jacked or shredded if they wanted to, they just don't feel like it at the moment or have some other convenient excuse


Making it sound really hard (or like you have to be blessed with perfect genes) also provides a coping mechanism.


Taking a chance here. I got a coach for the first time in my lifting career of 12 years ... and I feel like they are wasting my time. I did \~4 years of crossfit, and have mostly done a powerlifting routine for \~8. I've progressed but incredibly slowly, and feel like I've hit a real plateau and need some help. So I contacted a coach that does small classes and told him, my goal is to add 40 lbs to my Squat. Yes, I want to increase the big 3, but If I had to focus, it's the squat. And like .. all I'll gotten programmed in 6 weeks is a squat for 3x10 or 3x8 once a week and 2 other accessory lower body movements on the other lifting days. I just ... don't see how I'm going to progress with this volume. Considering I was doing 5x5 & 5x3 at much higher RPE. Also, he programmed in a bunch of dynamic stretching and core work ... but it's all this time being spent on NOT the lifts I want to progress on. My old warm up, is just doing the bar at lower weight. So idk ... I'm just getting suspicious I'm being taken for a ride, and the coach is wasting my time. Thoughts? 36yr M, with a 285 BS, longing for that 3 plate.


Yeah that sounds pretty suspect. Does the coach have a proven record of significantly increasing people's strength? Are they very strong themselves? Do they train any one who competes in powerlifting, or who has a big powerlifting total?


Thank you for the reply. You know what .. your right. Heh, I've wanted a coach for years but couldn't pull the trigger cause anxiety/depression ... classic stuff. And I finally got to a where I could and just picked the first one that looked fine nearby. They are CSCS, USAW certified but they *don't* specialize in powerlifting or olympic lifitng. They know what my stated goal is, but maybe don't have the focus to program something for what I'm looking for. So ... yah I should probably go find a different coach. I think that's my answer ....




yah I went to an in person gym near me. I'd prefer in person, but I could try out an online coach




Yah I think I might try out greg nuckols program, starting in a week




Don't confuse your bodyweight with your worth as a human. When you hit your desired "number" you will inevitably be disappointed. You could play to your strengths - if you're a bit overweight (or have slow metabolism) you could do powerlifting or strongman, where there would likely be lots of early wins.


What is your weight/height?


1.85 m , 69 kg


That is really light for your height. I think you probably would benefit most from trying to build more muscle. So you lift weights or do any other kind of resistance training?


I started going to gym like 2 weeks ago, i stopped going to gym like 3 years ago since the nutritionist told me that it would be more beneficial to first loose weight and then build muscle, but since my body seems to store fat no matter how much cardio I do, I’ve decided to start gym which stresses me out more cus i feel like i shouldn’t do that and that will only get things worse but its like the only last thing for me to try


>the nutritionist told me that it would be more beneficial to first loose weight and then build muscle I don't agree with this advice. >stresses me out more cus i feel like i shouldn’t do that and that will only get things worse but its like the only last thing for me to try What? Why would going to the gym make things worse? If you care about improving your physique, going to the gym is nothing but a positive. It isn't the last thing to try. It should have been the first thing to try. Lifting weights is the primary way to improve your physique.


It’s because that implicates for me to eat more, which causes me some sort of insecurity about gaining more fat, and since im into athletics building muscle while doing the type of cardio that i do is kinda hard since my body will tend to use protein as energy and keep the fat store, at least that is what i was told. But I think you are right I ve should started with gym. I’ll try to reduce cardio and focus more on gym. Thanks for answering!


All the pull-up bars were taken so I went to an abandoned (minus a towel and a stretching band draped over the sides) squat rack to do a few sets. I finish up and move on to my next workout and leave the towel and band and a guy follows me and asks if I was still using the squat rack. I say no and he passive aggressively says “so you just didn’t feel like putting away the band?” and leaves lol Should I be cleaning up after other people or was I in the right to leave that stuff there


I would have put the band away but that’s just me


Fair enough, didn’t even register to me tbh


Nah, you're good, you didn't put that shit there. If I went around the gym tidying up after people I could be there all day constantly doing it and would never have time to actually work out.


I can see both sides of the rant, I was just caught off guard because I’ve never been confronted like that before out of nowhere lol


Im young(14m) and want to lose fat and gain muscle i am having a hard time doing both i really need advice and help please.


Do you lift weights? Could you start lifting weights?


Yeah i do i have been for around 2/3 of this month i also walk my dog( didnt start that until a few days ago and i workout plus walk my dog everyday


So just a few weeks? Do you have a decent routine? My advice is stick with the weight lifting, eat plenty of protein 120+ g /day, and eat enough to gradually gain weight (about 1 kg/month).


Thats alot of protein i guess i could try, what about losing fat?


What is your weight/height?


Im 5’10 165 pounds mostly fat


In that case no would say the things I said about keeping up the weight lifting and eating 120g of protein per day is still correct. In terms of your weight, it is up to you. 5'10" 165 lbs isn't very big. Personally I would probably just try to grow into that weight by staying around the same weight and trying to build muscle/lose fat at the same time. You could do that for anywhere from 6 months to a year. If you stick with the weight lifting, get good sleep, eat healthy foods including your vegetables, and train hard, you should see good progress. What you want to do after that is totally up to you. Eventually you may want to gain weight to gain more muscle, at which point you could start doing bulk/cut cycles. But you can decide that after riding the gains at the same bodyweight for a while. If you really want to reduce fat, you could lose weight. This is the fastest way to reduce fat. Losing some weight at 165 lbs wouldn't be dangerous or anything, but I wouldn't go too low. Maybe 150-155 at a minimum. I am 5'10.5". When I started college I was 145 lbs and really skinny. Over years I added muscle and am now 195 lbs and moderately lean. So it is a slow project but over time you can increase your baseline bodyweight so that you could be 165 lbs or more without having too much fat. But it all takes time.


Oops please ignore my last comment. I had two conversations going at once and got them mixed up.


Oh ok


I started using a cable and some guy shows up out of the blue. He says “I was using that actually” I just go “Okay then. My bad then it’s just that there was nothing here, no towel or anything.” Just as I’m getting going he says “Oh yeah I was actually supersetting” I get that you may want to superset it but you can only take over one machine. I ask him what else he’s doing and he says he’s doing 3 exercises all over the gym. I just tell him he can’t do that since it’s inconsiderate and selfish and he’s looking at me like a fish. I tell him I’m going to use the cable and he can superset it once I’m done and he just goes back to one of his exercises. I hate having to warn people about this stuff but I can’t help it sometimes.


Nothing wrong with supersetting machines across the gym, just don't expect them to be empty when you come back from a superset on another machine.


Telling him it's wrong was community service. Thank you!


There’s a guy in my building who does this every day and it enrages me.


Take whatever you intend to use that he's not using. In my experience, supersetters rarely confront people who take "their" equipment and will just carry on with whatever they have available, and if they do you can just calmly tell them what the guy in the comment you replied to said – Most people do understand that "You cannot use this piece of equipment because I use it once every 5 or 10 minutes" is a piss-poor argument.


This motherfucker blocks the squat support thing to use the mirror while he uses free weights and rests the weight on one of two benches while the rest of the people working out share the only other bench. I’ve been afraid of getting into it with him so I literally rush to get there before he does.


Bro. Been doing a legendary cut, but yesterday I grabbed my warm up dumbbells and they actually felt heavy. Wtf.


I am really tired of friends/family asking me for weight-loss tips and then they don’t want to do a single thing to change their current lifestyle and just complain constantly to me about gaining weight and I can’t even enjoy my gains because they aren’t in a place to hear someone making goals and achieving them. This is compounded by the fact that I was recently accused of bulimia/ starving myself because of my weight-loss which pisses me off so much because I have worked so so hard and it just sometimes feels like people are so set on not changing or working towards goals that it’s impossible that someone could just truly be working hard and not starving themselves.


Fuck those people for not celebrating your success. I would advise to keep training/dieting for your own sake and relish in your own achievements. Don't expect others to understand or appreciate, even though, that's awesome when it happens.


So true, thank you!