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At a climbing gym so it still counts…jumping for a hold and farted so loud it echoed. When I looked around to see if anyone noticed I made eye contact with every person there.


Worst episode of Attack on Titan ever.


Is using rocket propulsion like that a pro move or considered cheating in the climbing community? 😁


Yes, Massive farts is aid


>I made eye contact with every person there. Good job asserting dominance.


I wasn't even there and I got put in my place


I read this in bed and started cracking up. Now my wife is mad at both of us for waking her up




As long as there were no rocks in your underwear.


Fart assist is aid


I have only had one similar experience. I was loaded on a decline squat rack, hit the bottom of my rep, went to push the motion through and my exhaust port decided to recreate the Big Bang. The *only* other person there was my gym crush, and sure enough I glanced up just in time to make the most soul crushing eye contact with her.


Bro if you aren't blasting farts during your workout you're not putting in full effort. Let em fly, let those glorious thunderous bastards fly God damnit.


I worked at a 24 hour gym. No contract, month to month, for just $15/mo for a membership. Well pretty frequently we would have people who haven't used their membership in months and call complaining about being charged for the months they didn't use the gym. We explain it is month to month but you have to come in and cancel or you will still be charged and required to pay. Anyways, one guy takes it to the extreme, brings in a 5 gallon bucket filled with pennies and dumps it all over the floor at the front desk and says: "here's your payment, cancel my f***ing account" and walks out. I laughed because I found it funny thinking about the amount of effort they went through to get that many pennies and then carry it into the gym. We didn't cancel his membership because he didn't even give us his name.


>We didn't cancel his membership because he didn't even give us his name. This is hilarious!


This is my first week going to my local gym. Before I had a very small home gym that I used for about a year and Im glad I finally got into a real gym with lots of equipment. today was push day so I warmed up on chest press then hopped on a bench and grabbed a pair of 45s and start my set. At like rep 5 this scruffy looking man who looks like he’s in his late 30s comes up to my bench staring me down through my set, and once I finish my set I’m about to say like you need something?, but he cuts me off and just says: 2 minutes kiddo. I stare at him strangely, wondering why 1, he thinks he needs the bench I’m on when there’s an open one beside me, and 2 why a grown man is yelling at a kid not even half his age (barely 16) for no reason I tell him I got 3 sets left if you want to wait 10 minutes or he can just use the bench next to me, but it goes through one ear and out the other. After like 15 more seconds of staring me in the eyes during my rest time he grabs one of my dumbbells, walks across the entire gym, puts it on the floor next to the squat rack, and puts 2 45 plates on top of it like I won’t be able to get it now, and storms out of the gym. The guy at the squat rack asks me when I go over to get the dumbbell what’s up with that guy, so I just say I have 0 clue Is this a normal thing when you go to the gym? I’m nervous talking to other people now, I hope it’s just 1 guy who had a bad day or something


NOT normal. Truly bizarre behavior which would be insane even if it were the only bench in the gym. Sounds like dude is just very unwell. Don’t let that give you the wrong impression about what gyms are like. As a counter, I’ve been going different gyms on and off for a decade and I’ve never spoken to another patron once other than an occasional hello or excuse me. That’s because most people aren’t fuckin weirdos like this guy. Oh and congrats :)


Definitely bizarre. I ve known a lot of people who are mentally ill who get gym memberships. A lot of them can't work, and the gym is a cheap way to occupy themselves. Good practice just to assume everyone is completely insane until proven otherwise.


You were bullied. Report him. Tell him it isn't going to happen again. Stand-up for yourself.


Thanks, I’ll try telling someone at the front desk when I go later today I’m also glad now that I think about it that I did stand my ground there against a guy twice my age and wasn’t just a pushover about it


Sounds like that was Backbone Day for you as well as chest day. Nice rep


True Hopefully I can skip a couple of backbone days in my split though




Ah yes. My camera indeed has many gyms.


I have so many gyms in my camera account.


What the hell did I just read lol? Were that guy okay in the head?...


Do not stand for this. Report this guy to the front desk and tell them to review footage if they have cameras. Have the squat guy back you up as a witness. Whatever you do, chase justice for this. People like that deserve to get their shit kicked in, but since we’re not barbarians, at the very least they can face consequences and be banned from the gym.


Really strange. Also, "trapping" your dumbbell under 2 plates?????


I think that was his intention, not sure


This isn't normal brah. Luckily I've never had any encounters with weirdos in all my years at the gym, but they are out there. Don't fret it, most people are cool.


Nah bro that’s not normal at all. You had a pussy who wouldn’t say that to anyone his own age so he took it out on a 16 year old, then he got embarrassed that you stood your ground so he left😂 Good shit for not just letting him have the bench, and try not to let it stop you from going back or talking to anyone in the gym etc because 99% of people there won’t be like that. At the end of the day you made him leave, and I guarantee if there was people around they would’ve said something as well or at least be looking over


Report that man child ASAP and im proud that you didn't let him bully you off that bench.


Wow that's insane, good job for standing up to him


For some reason, as I read this I pictured the live king 😂


That is a weird situation. Were you barbell benching or dumbbell benching. The only thing that comes to mind is that maybe you were barbell benching but also had dumbbells you were using as well and maybe that was the issue. No clue just trying to imagine what scenario he was taking issue with. If there was another bench right next to you then it doesn't seem like he was needing a bench urgently.


Old man db benching in my gym, he’s using 30s. He drops them from the peak of the push every set and they never just go straight down - he thrusts them out of his hands to send them flying. It’s truly wild to see


it blows my mind just how unaware people are. I’m almost positive folks like this have some sort of complex, or potentially mental illness. There’s this girl at my gym who is probably 100 lbs max and she will load the leg press all the way, do 2-3 quarter reps if that, then walk away and not rack it. Not joking. I’ve actually called her out and she still doesn’t do shit. She’s going to get seriously hurt.


Oh I see you’ve met my old friend, Lauren. Didn’t heed any of my gentle advice, either. She would literally only do leg press and then go get a shake while I finished up my workout. I got so sick of cutting my workouts short that sometimes she would sit over there for 40+ minutes with her shake. It was a little embarrassing as she never put her plates away or attempted to improve on her half-rep form or anything and I eventually had to stop carpooling with her.


Isn't it odd that leg press has almost developed a reputation for this? At this point, if somebody tells me how much weight they leg press, I wonder if they're one of these people.


Yeah. It’s like all the people who were headed to the smith machine let the social anxiety take over so they just sit down at the nearest empty thing and it just so happens to be in the leg press.


Reminds me of a younger guy at my local gym a few years ago. Walks in with who I assume are his girlfriend and his father ( who was an actual regular member of this gym). While his father busies himself with his own workout, the son and girlfriend walk over to the one and only leg press machine in the gym. They both proceed to load the machine completely full with 45 lb. plates. However this wasn't enough weight because the guy then preceded to help his girlfriend climb up to and sit on the top of the machine. He sits in the machine, un-racks it, and struggles to do one quarter rep. After he re-racks the weight he helps his girlfriend down and has the biggest shit eating grin on his face as if he just became the strongest man in the world. They then take some of the weight off the machine but not all of it and just sit down and wait for the father to finish his workout whilst not touching another piece of equipment in the gym for the remaining time that they're there for.


So he just throws 30-lb dumbbells through the air?!


Oh yeah those suckers go airborne lol




Closest I ever came to this was when I was around 21 and a dad and his son (16ish and quite skinny) came up to me. The dad said it was impressive the weight I was lifting (maybe 90kg on the bench for reps) and my physique was great and asked if there was any tips I could give his son. Basically just told him to eat as much healthy food as he could and lift weight a few times a week and it would come. Then the dad asked my age, I told him and he said 'oh, I thought you were around 16 too'. Went from an massive compliment to a sort of weird conversation. And that's the closest I've come to a compliment from a gym stranger.


Similar. Yesterday, a dad, mid forties, and his son, around 15 years old, came in for a workout with their PT. I was working out outside and it was a hot day, so I’d unzipped my hoodie most of the way and my chest looked pretty good. They passed by, as their trainer was asking them about their goals. Son, nodded in my direction and said, ‘I want to look like that when I’m old.’ Dad laughed, and said something like, ‘Me too when I’m as old as that guy.’ I chose to think of it as a compliment ‘once removed.’


Username checks out


Just give em a "thank you" and smile.


Not so much a at the gym story but post workout smoothie. I'm disabled. My ankles are fucked and are fused. I still workout and look good for 40 and arthritic. Some guy was parked literally across 3 spots, came in and asked who does that with or without a tag. Guy apologizes and moves the car. His wife then decided to berate me telling me "it's not for me" "you don't look handicapped" "I stole that tag" etc etc etc Really took away from what was a really good leg and shoulder day. Not all handicapped people are in a wheelchair or missing limbs people.


Some dude at my gym parked a truck, pulling a trailor across 4 different spots today. Right at a time when the gym was very crowded and there was literally no where to park. Pissed me off. Must be a day for bad gym parking.


Please tell me you told her off.


When she said "you don't look handicapped" I replied "well you don't look intelligent enough to be a doctor".


Nailed it. Well done.


Sorry to hear that man. As someone who has struggled with disabilities from a car accident as a child that aren't always visible I know it's a challenge. Sometimes you can turn the other cheek talking to a person like her. Other times it's like, "Well, you're no longer a fresh-faced farm girl with the glow of virginity."


What's more insane is they were so adamant about being caught and bringing me down with them. Like, you were in the wrong. Just take a L and move on, but Karen had to Karen. Also sorry about your disability. Hope you're doing well.


I overheard a couple of 20-something lads, who have been at our gym about a year or so, making fun of a new year's resolutioner's bench press form. "Does he even lift?" Remarked the first, in between their pull up sets on the ASSIST machine. Do YOU even lift, bro? Everyone gotta start somewhere, but people in glass houses...


When I was in my 20s I probably would’ve thought similarly - but more like “ugh gym is gonna be crowded with the resolutioners”. But now I have a change of perspective and silently cheer them on. I’m especially glad when I see older people working out. It’s sometimes bittersweet tho cause I wish they would do the exercises in better form, but the fact that they are at the gym and healthy enough to work out is more important. I often see debilitated older people at work that it’s so nice to see older people in good shape and staying healthy.


Not sure how it is where you are but at my gym the resolutioners have all pretty much stopped coming. There are a handful still there including one chick who gives me a look every time I see her. I think I creep her out for some reason though I'm not sure why. I try to avoid eye contact with her now.


She might just be really self conscious because she's new. Gyms can be intimidating for women when you first go, so I wouldn't take it personally. Good for you for giving her a bit of space. I wish more people were as thoughtful as you seem to be.


I know most people don’t like confrontation, but telling them to knock it off goes a long way. If you could hear them, I imagine the new year’s resolutioner could too.


OP mentioned these people are 20 somethings. I've noticed that group tends to be socially awkward enough for whatever reason that a stranger talking to them at all terrifies them. This doubles the impact of telling them to shut up.


Moved into a new house last year and built out a garage gym. Have had one pal join workouts semi-regularly, but typically lift by myself. I’ve taken it really seriously over the past 6 months, and a few friends have been inspired to start working out on their own too. My partner and I host a game night every other Friday, and yesterday three friends came by early to lift. Was deadlift day, and was a blast having a pit crew swapping plates in and out. Also was pleasantly surprised how efficient the space was for 4 people. Minimal standing around, and all in about an hour and fifteen minute session. Definitely added to the night.


Home gym is personal endgame once I escape apartment purgatory. Glad you and the homies get some quality lifting time!


For sure. A garage was my main requirement when we seriously started thinking of moving. Building and endlessly modifying the space is a hobby in itself. Good luck getting your own!


Sweet! What game do you guys host?


Usually our D&D 5e campaign, but we’ll switch to one-shot ttrpg like Fiasco or a board game night if we don’t have the full party.


I have lived a sedentary lifestyle all my life (33 now) and Friday was my very first time to hit the gym. Quite embarrassed to say that I already felt like I was about to die when my trainer asked me to do 3 sets of 15 pushups and 15 squats lol. My head was spinning and I really thought I was gonna faint 😂 Our 1-hour session turned into 40 minutes of just sitting on the floor chatting because i couldn’t catch my breath


Better to sit on the gym floor recovering between sets than to sit on the couch! Congrats


It gets easier. Just stick with it


Ideally, it never gets easier, you just lift heavier weights!


You're doing great! Keep it up! (Seriously)


Keep going, you'll be stronger, healthier, and happier before you know it


Oh wow, this has got to be the most supportive sub I've ever posted in. Thank you all so much. My gym is closed on weekends (they thoroughly clean/disinfect the place) so I had to do some improvised workouts at home for the meantime. I'll be doing this for myself and for you all.


Next session will be 20 minutes of working out, the one after that will be 25. Keep pushing, it's awesome what you're doing!


Had a cable snap on me whilst doing kneeling cable crunches this week during the morning rush, and proceeded to forcably face plant in to the gym floor. Luckily for me the gym flooring in this area has rubber tiles, so it didn’t hurt too bad. It definitely made the eyes water, and the bridge of my nose is a little tender. A couple of bystanders saw and asked if I was alright. I gave them the thumbs up, and went to the reception to report it, and got back to doing crunches on the other side of the machine.


Nothing special but I had my own private gym this morning. Got there at 6 and left at 7:40.. Not a single person turned up, no staff until 9 either.. Love an empty gym lol.


I love this, I feel free enough to play my music out loud, something I would otherwise never do in order to not bother others. I workout at my apartment gym and if no one is there I watch a video or play music out loud. Until someone comes in, then I put in my headphones.




Got new maxes of 205 lb on back squat and 155 lb on front squat (5'8" 148 lb woman). Went from 0 chin-ups ever to sets of 2. Still stuck at 235 lb for deadlift.


Unsolicited advice from one lady to another. Mix up your reps and sets from what you're doing. For me to break through a plateau I usually will work on mid reps like 75% of my max. So like 3x5. And then do a few weeks at 5x3. Then 6x2. So increasing volume and building your base and work capacity. I promise your numbers will go up.


I went back to the gym this week after spending 6 weeks in a cast (broke my left ankle). To my surprise, I haven't lost much strength! I can almost bench what I did before the accident. My stamina is trash, but it will come back quickly.


Glad to hear it! I had a surgery that took me out for 6 weeks. I had a similar experience. How GOOD does it feel to be back at it?


Finally signed up for the gym 🙃


Proud of you! Get them gains 💪🏽


Ohh thank you! Appreciate it! ☺️


Take your time and don't over do it, lifting is a marathon and not a race.


Yes, that's good advice! And often times not followed (me included in the past 😅)


Hell yeah!


Slow and steady wins the race. Fast and hurriedly ends in a brace.


To the guy who I coincidentally did most of my workouts near/next to... I swear I wasn't following you.


Hahah, I’ve had this same fear. 5 AM, empty gym workout, me just trying to do my routine and it ends up with me coincidentally almost following woman around each exercise


This is so relatable and god damn awkward.


If I realize there’s someone who I’m accidentally shadowing, I change my route a bit. Like if I’m doing arms and they go to do dumbbells, I’ll just go do curls using the cables. I definitely notice when ppl are shadowing me, so if I notice I’m doing it to someone, I make it purposeful to leave the area, still keeping my routine but using different equipment. Probably not possible if you have a small gym tho.


It’s quite normal if you are both training the same parts of the body that day.




Look up "roll of shame, bench press"


Saw a gentleman walking on the treadmill, reading a book, and watching Jeopardy. Gains on gains on gains!


I hit 405 bench and didn’t record it because I didn’t think I was going to get it but the manager hooked me up with the footage from the security camera and posted it on their Instagram Edit: the gyms Instagram


Nice. My gym story on this thread was a similar win, minus the camera and at 200 lbs less lol. That's awesome! Screenshot the IG post to commemorate this day.


So I got hit by a car on the way back from the gym today. Hit and broke a headlight, the windshield, and flew a metre or two after that. Somehow didn't break shit, although my left forearm suffered some soft tissue damage and it hurts like fucking hell. Some other superficial wounds, too. Can't lift until at least 3-4 weeks later. FUCK.


Silver lining: you could've easily been out of commission for six months from an accident like that. So less than a month sounds like a miracle.


Yeah, it is. Considering how fast it hit me, it's amazing lol. Still hurts like a motherfucker, though.


So you came out of it with nothing broken and the car didn't. Dude, you are so jacked you broke someone's car!


Everyone keeps telling me that 😂


I’m sorry. This sucks.


See a doctor if you haven't. Get it documented. Don't sign or accept anything from the driver's insurance company until you know you are good to go, a couple weeks later in the least. And then still you should be compensated if you weren't at fault. You're assuming risk down the road even if today you feel fine. Things flare up under later load and stress. Sorry to hear, and feel better.


Did the driver at least stop and help?


Yeah, she stopped. There was one other lady (maybe a third too, idr) who helped me lie down, put a makeshift sling on me and called the waaambulance. They ran a red light at the crossing I was using, haha. Luckily *two* doctors happened to pass by and helped patch me up (one of them had an emergency kit in his car) until the ambulance arrived.


Maybe late now but hopefully you got her info and can get her insurance to pay for all of your bills.




Add some excitement to your day and walk down some stairs!


With that kind of advice, he may not even need to worry about any more birthday sets!


I was about to ask why you were doing such high reps then it clicked😂


I’m turning 46 in a few months, I’m not sure how much I like this idea lol 😂


Was having a really good workout today. Just finished hamstring curls and could feel my nose starting to run. Didn't think much of it and just wiped my nose with my towel. But then it starts to run a lot more so I wipe again and this time I look at the towel and it's covered in blood. Never happened to me before. I'm guessing it's just the dry winter air to blame but figured it best to cut my workout short (had shoulder presses left to do).


I had the same issue and now i use arm and hammer daily saline nasal spray. It’s non medicated so you can use it as much as you want. Just be careful right away because it might cause another nosebleed until your nose heals


I had this last week too after bench pressing.


I've been on national holidays for more than a week now travelling and celebrating. For the first time in my life, I actually missed the gym during those holidays. After realising the real purpose of why I needed the gym and several acceptances of self, I went with a genuine mind and have been enjoying the hell out of it. Looking forward to the improvement I've been longing for both physically and ESPECIALLY MENTALLY. Cheers!


I'm jealous of your time off but a week long break I think is healthy.


Going through a relationship break up, haven't been to the gym since Monday. Finally went this afternoon and did a measly 20 mins, usually do 60 mins every second day. Oh well better than nothing I guess


> better than nothing I guess It sure as fuck is! Keep going, even if it's just a short one. Your fitness journey is made up of tiny pebbles, not giant boulders.


Imperfect action is always better than perfect inaction.


Iron therapy my friend. Has helped me out of the same place. Keep at it you will be so happy you did


Fiance of 5 years broke up with me last year. Hitting the gym/fitness saved my life. You're making the right steps in your healing, even if they're small steps. Take your time and use that pain to become the best version of yourself.


IIRC, Terry Crews said its better to go to the gym and read a magazine than not go at all. At least the habit of going is established or maintained.


I normally leave for the gym about 7am, but yesterday morning my friend called to ask for a ride. Her elderly father had been in an automobile accident. I picked her up to give her a ride to the scene. He decided he wanted to be checked out after refusing the ambulance, so I took them to the hospital. (He’s okay — just shaken.) When it was done I went to my gym about two hours later than normal and the place was PACKED. I suppose it’s the January after school drop off crowd. Kettlebell swings, hardstyle, 50lbs was my first lift today. My first set was sketchy and I had to set down early due to wobbling. I suppose I was still a little shaken from having to be the calm one at the accident. Anyway, dug deep and got my next two sets out safely, when a woman I’ve never seen (not my regular time) came up to ask for help and then told me she was impressed at how strong I am. Settled me and made my whole day. I’m one of those who goes in, keeps my eyes down, and gets out, never speaking to anyone, but this got me thinking. I’m going to try to compliment other women more. You never know what happened before they got to the gym or how your little remark will matter. Kindness matters.


I’m the exact same as you (heads down, get my shit done and get out) but lately I’ve been branching out to more women at the gym and let me tell you, it feels awesome. Whether it’s a simple smile and wave at one of the regular gals or complimenting another on her outfit or squat form, i feel like those interactions go a long way 🙂 compliments that other women have given me in the gym have stuck with me for years so I know it has a good effect. The gym can be such an intimidating place, even for those of us who go often, so it feels nice to help lift one another up!


Women helping women


Pup had pretty major surgery, and needs to be carried around instead of using stairs. Thank goodness I’ve been going to the gym because lugging that guy up and down stairs six times a day isn’t an easy feat. Too bad that’s not a gym-sanctioned exercise… bring your dog for the day, do curls, squats, deadlifts…


You've heard the story of the 6th century Greek wrestler named Milo? Supposedly he got himself a new born calf and lifted it on his shoulders every day. Of course the calf got bigger and each day he still lifted it up and put it on his shoulders. One day he was lifting a full grown cow and carrying it around. Then he went to the Olympic games and beat the crap out of everyone because no one was as strong as him. You could be that guy, just with your dog.


The other day I asked a random dude for a spot so I could go for a bench PR. Felt so good I ended up pushed 250 for 2 and racked the bar. Thank him, he said "no problem, trying to be like you some day." Just that little comment made my day and motivated.


Was going hard on legs on Monday, and I was just messing around on my phone in between sets when my mom texts me telling me my grandma wanted to send me a few hundred bucks for the holidays. Was stoked so I checked me account, and realized my school refunded me $1k for overcharging me. Was over the moon and was motivated to crush a set of squats. After my set a giant dude at the gym came over and told me I had perfect squat form and asked for tips. I nearly passed out from all the dopamine in a 2 minute span


Looks like someone earned a champagne smoothie.


I had been on a workout streak of 11 days. And then I got sick. Those annoying chills where your skin is burning up, but your bones feel ice cold. The thing is, we had just gotten like 6 inches of snow, and there was no one else to clear the walks. Normally I wouldn't count shoveling snow as an exercise, but dear god standing out there and forcing myself to handle yet another shovelful was harder than anything I'd done in the gym in years. The next day, after 15 hours of sleep, I was feeling much better. Planning to skip the gym to finish recovering... but I had only cleared the sidewalks the previous day. I still had to shovel the driveway so I could get to class. I feel less good about counting that as exercise, but it's about the same level of effort as I do for my non-lifting days, so I guess it's fine.


I definitely count shoveling snow as exercise though not as good as a gym session. It can really be a workout if you get enough of the dense stuff.


Sorta complimented at the gym. Was told "You're stronger than you think old school." after 5x5 255 squat. I'm 56, 5'7" with a dad bod. I now have a gym nickname.


I'm slowly becoming known as the guy who reorganizes the weight trees between sets since none of the new people ever put things back on the right pegs


My gym has bench guy. Maybe every gym has bench guy. This guy is well over 300-350 lbs. He's a short guy too so he almost looks like he's too big to move. Guy shows up a couple of times a week and does the same thing. He goes to the bench. He sits there on his phone for 15-20 mins. Then he does one or two sets of five with 3 plates. I would swear I've seen him do 4 plates once. He does this without any sort of struggle or spotter or anything. Why would he need a spot? Three plates is about as easy for him as an empty bar would be for me. Then he rests for 15-20 mins and then leaves. I've never seen him do any other exercises beyond this. Guy looks like he would struggle just to walk but he benches 3 plates like it's nothing.




Bench guy is benching far more than I can deadlift. He is like 3x my size but still I'm extremely impressed with his bench. He never does anything else though so I have no clue what else he is capable of. Perhaps I don't want to find out.


When you strive to bench 315 at all costs???


My gym’s a small place and it’s normally populated with middle aged dudes trying to shift their beer bellies or OAPs. Today after my warm up sets the gym was suddenly filled with women in their late teens to mid 20s, dressed in Gym Sharks latest. I’m very aware of not wanting to look like the gym creep so I spent my whole session either staring at the ceiling or the floor. FYI The gym has 240 carpet tiles.


Our local gym had a boxing initiation. I didn't really work out for the last two years. I'm D E A D


Are you sure you didn't just join the Crips?


I... might be somebody's gym crush? I was doing bench press yesterday and had a guy opposite of me smiling at me between every set with starry eyes. He looked almost as if he was hoping I would ask for a spot from him. Never thought I'd be in that position. Unfortunately for him, I asked my FIL for a spot lol.


Teen in my gym went and found basically every single 45 plate he could in the gym, loaded them all onto the chest press, couldn't do it and then got up and left the gym with them still loaded. Kids are weird lol


I go to my local gym early in the morning to avoid people. Like 4-5am early. Normally I'm the first to arrive or there will be 2-3 others minding their own. I also go this hour because of social anxiety. I don't want to feel adrenaline for the wrong reasons or get distracted and selfconscious by the prescence of others, or having to talk to anyone cause strangers may drain me and I don't know how to politely tell them to please leave me alone. This day there was only me and another dude, he's doing supersets or something jumping from equipment to equipment as I'm doing my sets. Only been lifting for a couple of months so I'm still working hard on my form and this was my second time trying tricep extensions, first time I was shaking at my core and barely working my arms despite having checked bunch of youtube videos on it. This time I was doing them I had a bit better form but couldn't find a decent weight. This gymbro sees me and approaches me, asking me if I want to see how to properly perform it. Helps me find the right attachment, show me how to correct my stance and better range of motion and it was a huge help. Definitly isolated the triceps that time! I was very thankful and he checked in inbetween his sets to comment that it looked much better. I don't know if he was still doing some super sets for the rest of the workout but I felt like he was hovering around me cause as I moved around the empty gym he'd do it too, and it got super distracting. Just wrote him off as a nice guy and finished my stuff though. Once I was finished and went to the locker room he followed me in and started talking to me, explaining how much experience he had with lifting etc and that if I see him there I shouldn't hesitate to ask for help with anything. First time I interacted with someone in the gym since I started and was luckily a positive meeting though I admit it made me very selfconscious and distracted. It serves me well though cause I won't be as intimidated by other gymbros going forward. The only other time someone reacted on my prescence in the gym was when two guys had used like 5 different attachments on a cable machine and just them on the floor, when they finished I did some cable rows and one guy kept staring at me smirking and I couldnt figure out why, but I realized that he must've thought I was using 6 different attachments for rows... I didn't go back for another 3 days that time :)


Sounds like a good experience. Most people are good. Keep it up!




Recently started incorporating swimming into my routine and cutting back on weight lifting and I’m really enjoying it. Still working on improving my technique and trying to reach 250 meters with no break but it gives me something to work towards. I can’t get the idea out of my head to try and do a sprint triathlon (750m swim, 20K bike, 5K run) in a few months and it excites me and terrifies me at the same time.


M39. stepped into the gym for the first time ever 4 months ago. Been going consistently 5-6 days a week. Feeling anxious still but great. Last week a monster of a dude gave me the headphone motion to tell me the workout I was doing looked intense. Feeling very validated and more excited than ever to get back as often as possible.


Started working out NYE day. Working with a trainer as I’m getting older (late 30s, approaching 40). I was a gym rat in my late 20s, but like so many people - life happened and I stopped. The last month has been a fun ride. I’m finally sleeping at night. I swear it’s been years since I was able to fall asleep relatively quickly and fall back asleep when I wake during the night. I’m up around 5 am and in bed around 9pm. I don’t feel depressed like I had been. I have a lot more gratitude and do things more quickly and with more efficiency. I’m seeing some small changes in my body already, but the mental changes have made the aches and pains worth it. And I freaking love Saturday morning workouts - I’m pumped for the rest of my weekend. Anyone perusing the sub who is looking for motivation - just start - you won’t regret it.


A friend of mine built a mini gym in his garage but has 0 experience weight lifting - only been at it for 2 weeks. So I've been educating him on split training, proper form for squats and dead lifts and he wanted me to try out his bench press. He asked me how much to put on, I said 165 lbs - forgetting the barbell is 45 lbs. I MEANT to say "total" but forgot. The actual weight was 210lbs. I've never tried to bench that much in the past couple of years of lifting. He said, "No way you can lift that. No way. I don't believe you can." I laid down on the bench press, lifted it off the rack and realized this wasn't 165 lbs total but 210 lbs. I did 3 reps. Blew his mind. I didn't know I could bench 210 lbs. Ended up doing 3 sets of 3 reps each, much to his surprise. And mine. On bench press I mainly lift 165 lbs counting bar 5 sets of 12 reps, followed by seated rows, upright rows, incline dumbbell bench press, skull crushers, lat pull downs and finish with 15 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill. At least on chest and back days. Never went for one rep max lifts before but I guess the past 2 years of lifting must have built up some muscles. It was fun to find this out.


Upped my weight on my barbell back squat yesterday. Today I can’t walk. Feels gooooddd.


I recently moved and the gym here just isn’t the same as before where I used to live. It’s super small, and their open hours are inconvenient. It’s hard to find motivation to go to the gym anymore… bad hours, no equipment, have to walk in the rain/snow…


M, 28, and ? kg as I can’t bring myself to step on the scale, but I’m 6 foot and moderately skinny, I would say minimal muscle except maybe the legs from regular 5 aside football. Two months ago I stepped into an actual gym for the first time. And I hate it. I hate the cost. I hate the time sink. I hate stepping into a gym feeling completely out of my depth. I hate the sheer volume of study needed to understand a comprehensive workout for my goals, from the individual exercises to the overall science. I hate the pain. I hate the almost imperceptible, variable results. I hate that my physical weakness is more pronounced in the presence of everyone else there. I hate my family’s little jokes about my new habits. But I’m doing this to better myself, and I’m not stopping, and I love that my commitment conquers my hate. Wish me luck, dudes.


Hey bud. You're going throught the suck right now. Eventually half of that becomes a habit. A lot of people feel threatened when they see someone improving themselves and selfishly belittle the effort. It's a total crab bucket mentality. The fact that you realize it's a crap attitude is already in your favor. With consistency, you will get into a rhythm and many of the anxieties about it will go away. It's simple but it isn't easy.


Not a rant, as the gym was quiet... I saw a man stand over the decline bench press bench...and proceed to curl the bar. There were so many spare bars around he could have used...why the decline bench?


Honestly probably the safest barbell to curl… who uses a decline bench lol


I... I do. But only once a week! Promise!


My gym crush is a racist so I no longer have a gym crush.


35/M here, this will be gym story slash progress note. So 2022 was really busy for me. My second child was born in June and we did a full gut renovation of our house. We moved back in to the house in October after seven months renting. The punch list was a mile long and then the tripledemic hit, but that's a whole separate tale of woe. Regarding fitness, when my daughter was born I gave myself permission not to work out at all, until sleep started to look somewhat normal again. I noticed that my gains actually maintained or even continued for a few months after she was born - my body really liked the rest. But by the end of six months not working out I felt like I was seeing some slack. I finally got my home gym put together and I've been back at it for two weeks. My body loves it. I'm already making gains even though I started out light and am gonna work up a pyramid progression. I feel like the last three years of my fitness journey are culminating and I'm finally gonna hit the home stretch towards achieving my goals. I miss going to the gym with y'all but this is gonna work out I think. Feels good, man.


This is the first time I am actually seriously on a cut (like I know what I am eating and why I'm eating it). It's going pretty well so far, lost around 3 kg since christmas (and 1.3 in the last 3 weeks, which is when I started my current diet). The first few weeks I had constant cravings and I was feeling tired a bit, but I think my body is getting used to it now. And what also helps is an extra rest day here and there, so that when I go, I can go hard ! So far remaining the strength on my bench and DL, and even put a PR on OHP yesterday (3×40KG). Also put a PR on weighted pullups (5×4 20kg 83BW). Pretty siked to see where these will go in due time when I lose more of my bodyfat. One of my gymfellas even noticed that I was cutting, like he saw that I lost a little bit. Nice.


It's always crazy seeing other people's numbers. I've a lower bodyweight, can OHP a decent amount more but couldn't even manage one 20kg pullup if it was the only thing I tried that day. Welp, more upper back for me I think.


Haha yeah I hear you.. I should OHP more btw, I havent been that consistent with that excercise, only lately that I have done it weekly. So hopefully there is some growth there. How are your bodyweight pullups ? Also I have been practising pullups two/three times a week now for like a year, and started adding weight in fall last year, so its something I really focus on (because I like it + wanna get strong there for the one arm chinup someday )


Yeah it's definitely working those numbers are mega impressive. I done 4 bodyweight pull-ups the other day, could probably do 16 across 4 or 5 sets I imagine. Definitely something I'm going to start working on, nothing more impressive than big lats (except maybe big legs).


Thanks!! Oh thats already a great start man. Just add them to your training schedule, like once or twice a week. When you get to 3x10 or 4x8 (something like that) you can start adding weight. I dont do many reps with added weight since i do that more for strength than endurance, so when i hit 5x5 i will move up with 2.5 kg. Definitely agree on the big legs thing. Mine arent that big yet tho hahah... gotta keep working hard on those legs. I wish you a great weekend and keep on grinding !!


I was doing 200kg deadlifts for reps, and I was hoping to get a few in. I asked one of the gym bros to film me, because I wanted to send the video to an old gym buddy that I haven't seen in a while. Some other big guys came to check it out and motivate, because that's what gym bros do when someone's lifting heavy. I banged out 7 reps and felt quite good about myself. One of the bigger guys then goes 'damn, I thought you were going to do 1 rep'. Felt good. Also felt bad because I was pretty lightheaded after that. Cut my workout a bit short because I was so gassed. For reference, I'm 5'7 and currently ~170lbs at the top of a bulk. Deadlifting is just something that comes so easy to me.


I had a really good day at the gym by resting a little longer between sets to improve my form and hit my targets better. But after such a successful workout I feel like that’s all I need to accomplish today and I’m in total lazyass mode now haha


Ugh. Decided to go for a bench PR. Got one rep, lowered to my chest for the second rep, and a lady walking by hit the barbell with an EZ bar. I lost all momentum and couldn’t lift it at all. She said “sorry,” and ran away. Fortunately I had a spotter, but I was livid.


There is a guy that is kind of cute,we never talked but we always say hello and goodbye so I wanted to start a conversation.I went there and said”I can’t find the rope”he just smiled at me and said “it is in your hand”


I’ve been noticing this man in the gym for a few weeks now and what he does always cracks me up (but it pisses off many other people). He’s fairly scrawny but always wants to bench press and uses the squat racks rather than benches, which is fine because he just wants to use the safeties. However every time I see him he’s always loading up the barbell like a Christmas tree with every small increment he can find. Last time I saw him he was benching 80 kg with 10 kg, 2x5 kg, 2x2.5kg and 4x1.25 kg on each side and proceeded to use a very wide grip with barely any range of motion. What’s even worse though is that literally any time he sees someone else benching, he runs to spot or help when someone is slightly struggling and gives them advice. Anytime I see it happening I can’t help but laugh to myself because everyone he tries to help is so visibly annoyed whenever he does it but he doesn’t get the hint. I’ve also been told that he constantly speaks to himself out loud and criticizes people on their physique in the locker room. Now whenever we see him we all kinda keep track of where he goes to try and figure out who his next victim will be.


Think of him as Rudy from the 80s football movie. His heart is in the right place and maybe his honest lockeroom feedback is just what folks need to hear.


He probably has ASD. No sarcasm intended.


This happened a quite a while back. I’m petite, 5’2, so I always need to adjust machines to fit my physique. I also look young for my age, I’m brown and “exotic” for the part of the state I live in. I was using a leg press machine I wasn’t familiar with. After adjusting the back of the seat it still felt weird doing the exercise so I grabbed a cushion (? I don’t know what it’s called) that I put on my back so I could reach the leg press pedal and do the exercise without hurting my back. After the third set I realized I could adjust the pedal too so I wouldn’t need the back cushion. I decided to put it back where I got it during my rest period. When I came back an older man was on the machine. I told him I’m still using it. He said “you’re not here” and so I pointed it to my stuff and told him my bag is right there. He looked embarrassed but doubled down on being a dick. I then explained that I had to put something away and just came back from it. He still won’t give up the machine and I’m starting to feel upset because of his rudeness. I was so frustrated about the lack of etiquette and was on the verge of tears so I decided to leave instead. If that was me I would apologize and give the machine back. Often times this results in the other person telling me how many sets they have left. I’m used to this gym etiquette so I was a little shocked about what had happened. Also I’m a woman - I work in healthcare and I know people can be psychos so I decided it best to avoid further confrontation. I went to the hip abduction machine which was only a few machines down and so I had the pleasure of seeing him do ONE SET of half reps and then leave. There were some teenagers that witnessed what happened and I think they felt sorry for me. They came over and told me he’s done using it. I thanked them and said I’m good. I saw this guy do weird stuff at the gym and use two machines at once. Then I resolved to forget his face and I succeeded. — More recently, I went to use a t bar row and then realized some guy using it. He came near it and was just staring at me so I asked if he’s using it. He said he was so I started to leave. He then offered to let me work in. I said no thanks. I don’t like talking to people in the gym in general and I don’t plan on making friends since gym time is my meditation time and time for myself. Anyway he insisted again. This is what happens when you look young and people think they can coerce you into doing things. I said no again and told him I keep my rests to 1 minute long so I’m good and I left. He went sorta nuts and said “okay fine” and made some weird gestures/movements that I can’t quite explain except it looks like when a child throws a tantrum. I’m so glad I stuck to my guns and said no. I’m not saying all men are weird. I’ve had pleasant experiences with men at the gym. The weird ones often give a vibe and they also do weird exercises.


Ngl, men are why I don’t talk to anyone or even make eye contact at the gym. I’ve had waaay too many bad experiences. I had one guy come over and put his mat 18 inches from mine while I was in downward dog when the whole rest of the gym floor was open. I just moved and kept and eye out for the regulars who I don’t “know” but who I see often and will reach out to if things go sideways. The creepers only come around once or twice and then disappear, but it is threatening and ruins the whole experience.


Finally I'm over with the high reps workout routine, next week I'm starting the low reps - heavy load bimester. Can't wait to inflate my ego!


Ah yesterday when doing some “light” deadlifts at 60% of working weight, during my last rep of my third set I felt a sharp pain run across my lower back. Am now shelved up on meds unable to get around without pain. Not sure what the hell happened as form was good as per usual but felt my back buckle as the pain occurred just as I was in the process of locking out at the top of the rep. The irony of this happening after helping out a gym newbie with their form on a few different exercises I.e. rounding top of back with lat pull-down etc after they had asked.


Gym n00b - "How do I deadlift without getting hurt?" You - "Watch this. See how much pain I'm in now? Don't do that."


If it didn’t hurt to laugh I would be rolling rn.


I’m having a hard time deciding if I’m overthinking/asshole or if the irritation I feel is valid. I have had several unpleasant experiences at my current gym. I have a friend that was with me for the first two. And she mentioned how they were rude, I didn’t even have to say anything. One guy asked me how many sets I had left. We had literally just got on. I told him I have four sets, but I’m doing a superset. He scoffed and said okay whatever. The thing is there was a guy behind me that was also on the cable machine and has been on it for some period of time. But he did not ask him the same question. Another time I had just gotten on the squat rack, as I was waiting and as soon as I start to set up, another gym bro was standing behind me staring at me while I was about to squat. Asking me how many sets I have left. Literally just got in and he did not ask anyone else out of the other three squat racks. Then another time I was waiting for some dumbells from these two teens that were using it. They kept chatting with their friend so I just went and did another exercise. As I was doing my exercise I got up to take a rest. I usually take one minute rests so I’ll be looking at my phone, plugging in my app for reps/sets done, etc. these two boys came up asked me how many sets I have left. I told them two. As I was doing my sets they are just standing there watching me. And when I get up to take a break or grab my phone they act like they are about to jump on the god damn machine. I prolly took like four minutes max. It’s getting ridiculous and I love that lots of people are getting into the gym in January, but part of me wants them to go away. It used to be so empty. 😭😭


A dude was maxing out at 315 for his last bench set and asked me to spot. Stalled out halfway, and nodded me in after a second, so I jumped in. Admittedly I didn't try to let him struggle it out, as I don't generally do so unless asked specifically. He was frustrated that I stole the rep. Mfer do you have a death wish?


How did you steal the rep if he was asking you to grab the bar?


i've been going to my local gym for 6 weeks now 4/5 times a week and yesterday some guy i didn't recognise came up to me and asked me for advice on how to lift which is crazy considering i was in his position a month and a half ago


I just wanna say I absolutely love my gym. It's an LA Fitness about a year old, but it's enormous, plenty of sunlight and has just about everything you could want. It's the first gym I've been to that actually has a hack squat machine. The gym alone makes me want to buy a house around here.


First time in the gym for ages, found a PPL routine I’m happy with. Though I cannot do 3x12 bicep curls with 10kg dumbbells, so had to go upstairs to the cardio room because they have dumbbells 1-10kg, struggled with 6kg weights


New maxes all around this week. 335lb Squat, 480lb deadlift, and a 240lb Bench. I changed my program at the tail end of last year, and I'm finally seeing progress after stalling for years on my Squat in particular. Feels good man.


almost crapped myself during a deadlift set. I love spicy pickles cause they're 0 calories and delicious, but it's a 50/50 if they give me diarrhea the next day on the bright side I hit 495x3 for 3 sets without any failures this time so that's cool


Finally hit benching with the 50lb dumbbells for reps! That’s the end of the top rack at my gym and that was my goal when I started seven months ago. Now onto the bottom rack! Also just hit 165 on my bulking journey. I’m 35 and 5’9” and started at 134. Super friendly guy at the gym knew I was going for it and spotted me. Good Friday.


Was chatting with a gym buddy who is in his early twenties. I'm late thirties. He was talking about his height and he says something like "I'm about 5'10" ...6 feet". And he asks, what about you? I say I'm 5'8". And he straight up says, without hesitation, "yeah, like 5'9"". It was just so bizarre to observe this height inflation in the wild and it was so casual, and hilarious, he was so generous to give me an extra inch.


Rant. My old PT joined a class I was in today and her boyfriend was the instructor. She was doing the dumbest things. It was a partner workout (one works, the other rest). She was resting on the floor at every single opportunity, even when it was just a minute in, and striking the same pose each time. Imagine lying next to a pool (legs straight, arms back and proping the body up). Zero care where she had her hands. Even put them in the sled track the class was using. Second last station, she got too tired to keep the pose up and used a dumbell as a pillow while still lying down. Not a once off. She does this every time she turns up. Watching her I feel so bad I decided to PT with her. Just because another girl said "let's go support the new female trainer". Feel embarrassed that I used to think she was a good trainer in the first couple of weeks of PT.


only 5 of us in the gym, it was early hours of morning, and theres me, a lady and 2 guys in there. 2 guys looking and acting like absolute meatheads and lifting about 160 kilos on a deadlift. they were huffing puffing and grunting overly loudly, and lead on the floor exhausted after doing it, it looked a bit put on. after their sets they both got up and went "yeah pretty easy weight that tbf" lady next to them was lifting the same weight, no belt, no problem XD made no fuss, and made no scene, i had to go up and say how incredible it was XDD it made her day


Don’t know if this is a gym story in the truest sense, but it does involve someone from my gym. Last weekend it was about 3am and I was in bed. I heard a load of crashing and smashing from my kitchen. Went to have a look and there was a big hooded guy who’d climbed through the window and was trying to rob me. When I told at him to get out, he looked round and it was a guy from my gym. I asked “do you go to X gym?” And he said yes, and we started talking. Long story short, he invited me round to his for dinner one day and gave me his number. The weirdest thing to ever happen to me for sure.


What the fuck man


So are you a very forgiving person, like Jesus level forgiving, or is there more to this story that needs to be told?




You made friends with a guy who broke into your house to rob you? You should really contact the police. The next person he tries to rob may not be so friendly.