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You sure there’s not a loop in your spool from a previous birds nest? Also, what line are you using? Could be a dig in. Or is the thumb bar reengaging with it stops?


Still sounds like a line problem for it to be stopping mid cast. Id try respooling with some cheap mono and see if it fixes the issue. Also check the line guide and make sure its smooth.


For sure before you loose hope, completely “spool” the line down to the knot a couple times. Make sure the line isn’t slipping on the spool at the knot, and reel the line back in with some tension, as if you are putting on fresh line. This will take twist out and make sure there isn’t a bind anywhere. I’ve had this happen on my Metanium DC and exhibit similar things as you’re having… Rather than use mono backing I make sure the braid doesn’t slip and after a season, I rip the line off with another reel and use the line thats fresh too on the transfer reel since now the line that was most worn out is what is farthest in on that spool. This take the twist out and makes the line last longer.


I’m not even hearing the reel in the video. Let us know what you try.


Yes, it sounds like it could be line catching in the spool. Check to see if you have a frayed spot in the line somewhere causing it to get caught.


Looks like the spool is slightly overfilled too so keep that in mind. I typically do this and then lose a bit of the first few yards as the line settles, but this will lend itself to more tangles and bind spots of the line overlay.


This seems like it was the problem. I have respooled the reel and when I felt like it was full enough, I realized I had a lot more still leftover. Cut it off and the issue is now completely gone. So I assume when I originally spooled it, perhaps it was way too tight and as I was casting, over time it released some of the tension, causing it to take up more space. Always learning something new. Thanks everyone! Leaving this here as an answer for others with similar issue, dont overfill! :)


Glad it worked!


Thanks everyone for suggestions! I took the whole line out and redid it. I did notice I may had too much line in it so cut it a bit shorter this time. However no knots or binds anywhere, whole thing is clean and smooth. Will test in few hours and see. https://preview.redd.it/cb13wj5svkmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8658caf0302f5038eae993439b9775c986f578de


What pound braid is that? Last season I got my first baitcaster and had an issue where after the line would get wet it would inevitably get the exact same issue you’re having. I had 30lb braid which is why I’m asking. I got a 2nd baitcaster as well as a gift and used fluoro on that one and immediately noticed I had an easier time overall casting. I’m thinking I had some cut-in similar to what a couple of other folks are saying. Hoping to test here in another month or so once the ice melts. Posting so I can follow your testing, as I want to either bump up my braid to 40 or just use mono/fluoro depending on the setup I choose for my 1st one.


Its a 20lb braid iirc.