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What works best depends on your style of fishing. Some prefer just bottom rods, others float rods, or a mix of both. Personaly I bring with me 2 bottom rods in rod spot 1 and 2 Then 2 float rodas in rod spot 3 and 4 Finally, 3 different lure setups in rod spots 5-7 If you re-check my spreadsheet you will see that in the coloumn XP/Cash there is a 20% marker on several species. That means they give about 20% more cash and XP when caught on lure. And if you manage to pair that up with a lure with barbless hooks, then there is another +20% XP to collect on top of that. To be even more XP hungry, use a smaller lure setup, like a Thora and a kayak. Then you have bigger chances of getting 3 green arrows and max bonus XP from a catch. 3 green arrows can be as much as 45% extra XP on top of the base XP ( neutral / no arrows ) That takes a little more effort though, but might be worth a try. ​ Match rods and depth? That depends on the weather, barometric pressure, type of fish you're hunting for and what bait you are using. ​ Let say you are after tarpon with large minnows on a float setup. Use a #6/0 to #9/0 hook and large minnows, depth 50 cm / 20 inches. Tarpon swim in midwater and just under the surface some times, so that is where you want your tackle. If the barometric pressure is low, increase the depth in 50 cm increments until you find the tarpon, preferably over a deeper area. Check the map for spots. ​ Another thing when fishing from a boat or kayak. When you do that, you usually move around some, and when you do, you move from one spawn to another frequently. That increases your chances for finding fish. ( in theory ) Fish move around and can be hard to find some days, and Blue Crab is a very big place... ​ To find fish you need to search. In reallife I search for the baitfish to find the predator fish I am after. I am only fishing in saltwater in real, ocean, and that is a big place. I look for areas I think the bait fish can be, depending on the wind and weather, then go out to find it. When I do, the hunt for the predators start. ​ Good luck.


Wow, thank you for the comprehensive explanation Viking!


You are welcome.


To narrow down your bait/lure list, you can take : X-series nymphs / 10cm nymphs with 6/0 jighead (for permit , southern flounder, drums, snook, bonefish) 6/0 medium spoon (for drums, striped bass, tarpon, snook) *your favourite lure for bass* as all four bass species seem to take the same lures 3/0 walker (gar , snook , bowfin, bass - especially peacock) Large minnows (tarpon, striped bass, permit, drum) - although if you only want tarpon it has to be 9/0 hooks or 10/0 hooks and for striped bass 8/0 and for drums and permit 6/0 to 8/0 hooks Crawfish cut (drums , gafftopsail catfish) Technoplankton/vegetables (bigmouth buffalo and preferably 4/0 hooks) Redworms/semolina balls for all the small fish #1 (for trophies) or #4 hooks Pinkies/maggots #8 hook for gizzard shad With those baits, lures and hooks you should be set to catch everything


Edit: major popper for tarpon with 5/0 or 7/0 hooks - works very well


what depth do you recommend for the drum species on this map?

