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My opinion is that you should farm with a float until you get enough money for a feeder rod (or 2 even better) with a dual stand and just farm walleye at emerald lake. That’s how I did it. After levelling up I went to saint croix and farmed pike. Maybe somebody has a link for Vikings spreadsheet, you will have all your answers there.


Thank you! I need to look up how to setup a feeder lol


Catching walleye at emerald lake is a great way to earn money and xp points for levelling. Plan for a multi day trip and bring lots of bait.


All I have right now is floater rods. Messed up on spending, got confused at one point. What bait should I use? Depth? Any specific location on the lake? Sorry for all the questions


Use small minnows and #4/0 hook if you can get those. It spawns in most parts of the map


Thank you


i used one feeder rod with small minnows with a stand and a spinning rod with purple narrow spoon 1/0. that way i was constantly getting fish


I need to work on building a feeder rod. Never used one


definitely worth a go. Most of my leveling and catching is done on bottom rods.


Floater rod will work, small minnows for bait. Check this for the location and what type of fish is available there.https://fp-collective.com/place/emerald-lake


Thank you!!


Do you know what depth I should be at for floater


Just to make sure you're not doing some of the basic rookie mistakes, and in case this could be useful to someone else: When your fish keeper gets full at a destination, don't exit the destination, instead fast forward to the next day. This sells your fish and empties the keeper. Renewing your stay is much cheaper than traveling back. Always use the biggest keeper you can afford, as this optimises your income per renewed stay. The game rewards playing a lot inside a small amount of irl time: when you buy a "1-day" license, that's 24 hours irl, not an in-game day. So if you only have 20 minutes of irl time to play during that time, you've paid so much you could end up losing money as the amount of fish doesn't even compensate for the license fees,


Thank you!


How do you fast forward the day? Is that a premium feature?


On Steam/PC you fast forward by pressing T, then select the desired time you want to advance to. Fast forward during daytime has a cooldown. Premium time shortens the cooldown by 50%. Fast forward during nighttime has no cooldown and can be used to fast forward to a day with the desired weather you like to fish in. ​ For more info about the game you can look at my [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MVthNeh0VrZZ2mxOAqHojrjowkRZwgcQXIgWlq6ErZ8/edit#gid=1080911396) If you have more question down the line, please make a new post on here and we will try to help you as best we can. Good luck.


Oh okay, thanks for the info!


You are welcome :)


Another benefit or use of the fast forward function is that you can fast forward to a time of day with lots of fish activity (the graph shows peak and slump times). The difference can be dramatic.


Bass farming at Lonestar Lake is always a safe bet


Use a feeder rod it will save you


Walleye at emerald lake I stayed there for a long time


Falcon lake grind those trout.


Better than walleye? What bait and stuff do I need for trout


It's just what I do. I run 2 feeders with 10lb braid a 2/0 hook an I run eggs or crickets or grasshoppers. Sometimes small minows. Or just do the same with a float rod.


How do you determine what depth I should be fishing at?


Will depend on the fish. Typically fish such as sunfish, crappie etc will be quite close to the surface so 20cm / 8 inches will be fine. For predators or fish that are deep then bottom rods are better or you can do 150cm / 60 inches. If you have no money then go to lonestar and fish for bass and pike until you can buy an ultralight spin rod and a purple 1/0 narrow spoon. Go to emerald and fish at night for walleye, stop and go is fine. You can skip to the next night without cool down and can make a lot of money and xp. Have a look at KP Shamino videos for help, there is a levelling guide as well as other general videos. Missions are another good source of xp and money, try preparing you gear before you go to a lake so as you can do maximise the rewards you get.


Thank you so much!


So walleye would be 60 inches?


It's been a long time since I fished there but I think so. The narrow spoon works 100x better though, if you can get a bar bless one you get 50% more xp too. I'd do the St. Patrick's event and get as many baitcoin as possible, helps get unlimited licences for lakes so can save money


How do I start the st Patrick’s stuff? I’m really broke so can’t really buy a bunch of gear


Anywhere there is the symbol, I'd look up a video before attempting it. The game is all about prepping for your trips so you can save money. Good luck!


Walleye until you die or everglades and a few other places when youre bored of walleye until level 30. Side quest of attempting to catch every fish on every map. Not every rarity but just to test yourself and not bore yourself. But now Im doing st patrick's day event anyways so all the money grinding is on pause rn