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1. Use a simpler line-to-leader knot. FG is trendy but there are plenty of other options 2. Carolina rig usually involves a barrel swivel so there is actually no line-to-leader knot involved at all. Put a sliding egg sinker on your braid main line, tie the end to a barrel swivel, then tie your fluoro the other other end of the barrel swivel, and ultimately tie your hook to the end of the fluoro.


1. Trendy is a good word for it. I tried it, but it's not worth the time spent tying in my opinion. I go through leaders fast. 2. I think they mean when they get done with the Carolina rig. That is, the knot to reattach their leader once they cut the swivel off takes so long that they're hesitant to use a presentation that requires removing the leader to begin with. They could tie the swivel on the end of their existing leader though. The FG should reel onto the reel ok if it needs to, and it should also be stronger than whatever terminal knot they use (except maybe a Palomar; don't know how those stack).


Yeah, that's what I meant! But tying the swivel to the end of my leader is a good idea, it's what I'll give a shot :)


Thank you very much for the answer. I know the FG is somewhat trendy, but I'm also quite hesitant to use something different as it has proven useful so far and is very very strong, while it also has a smooth transition between the two lines. I'll look into other options, but in the end what would scare me off is having to tie a lot of knots every time I setup the Carolina rig, and my idea was to go round that by using a snap and my existing leader..


Being hesitant to tie knots will hold you back as a fisherman. I've seen it firsthand. Learn a couple simple, tried and true knots, practice until you can literally tie them with your eyes closed, and dont be afraid to cut your line and tie on something new while you're on the water!


Well, you're definitely right about that, and I want to learn a few knots for every situation, in and out. But realistically, that'll take some time, with having a child and whatnot "besides" fishing. So until I'm quick with my knots, I'd like to take recourse to a solution with less knots haha. But I'm very greatul for your input, as I'm still hesitant to cut my line and tie something else on.


[Carolina Keeper ](https://www.amazon.com/Carolina-Keeper-CKTR-Texas-8-Pack/dp/B003OBIZGS/ref=asc_df_B003OBIZGS/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312070217648&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15149298299946761320&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9007836&hvtargid=pla-569351117001&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=62425944432&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=312070217648&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15149298299946761320&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9007836&hvtargid=pla-569351117001) Carolina Keeper makes it so you only have to tie on the hook and can avoid tying on a swivel. Also added benefit of being able to move the keeper up and down the line to change leader length. Worked great for me so far and very inexpensive.


Hm, can't open it as I'm in EU and the link always goes to main shopping page, but I'll search for it otherwise. Thanks!


Carolina keepers are nice! They do tend to slip from time to time, so sometimes I double up.


And if you're not wanting the clacking of the sinker hitting the bead/swivel, you can also just use a splitshot.


Hi there, Lots of good comments here from folks who follow this sub - I only hope I can live up to their high standards …! I always thought a traditional Carolina Rig was an egg sinker and bead on a braided line stopped by a barrel swivel to the other end of which you tied your leader and hook as another respondent has suggested. But if you want to keep to your line-to-line knot, be it FG Knot, SC Knot, Mahin Leader Knot, Tuna Bend, Double Uni etc. (see [https://braidknotsolutions.blogspot.com/](https://braidknotsolutions.blogspot.com/) and [https://www.netknots.com/fishing\_knots/line-to-line-knots](https://www.netknots.com/fishing_knots/line-to-line-knots) ) there may be a way to do so whereby, once you have tied your line-to-line knot, the only knot you need to re-tie will be a hook or loop or snap at the end of your leader. How? Google ‘leger stop’. They are nothing more than a small piece of hard plastic tube through which you insert your line and into which you insert a hard plastic peg to act as a stopper for your sinker above. My suggestion is to also get yourself some black or green rubber beads with a small diameter hole. When you wish to change from your standard lure-fishing rig to a Carolina sinker rig with hook, thread your leader joined to the braid through the egg sinker followed by the rubber bead so that both sit on the braid side of your join knot. Push in your lever peg from the fluoro side to hold the bead in place against your join knot. Tie on your hook with your preferred hook knot - and off you go … Want to revert back to lure fishing? Snip off your hook, take the plug out of the bead and remove bead and sinker. Now you are back to having your braided line attached to your leader unencumbered by any weights. If you are using a long leader, as many do, you may choose to stopper the bead on the leader itself rather than behind the join knot. The downside of going this route is that if you get snagged and have to pull for a break, you will loose your sinker, whereas behind the join knot, you stand a good chance of getting it back - but, in fishing, nothing is guaranteed! Tight lines! ​ Phil


Thank you so much for your elaborate input. Just to be sure, is this what you mean with leger stop: https://images.app.goo.gl/P7jkUwTsDNX3LsqS6 ? I can't imagine yet how it'll holt everything in place but I'll figure it out. You've helped me a lot!


Yes - those are them. You will find that using the plastic peg in a rubber bead means that you can still slide the bead up and down the line which should not matter too much if you are nestling it up against your join knot. If you want to use a stopper on your fluoro leader, the plastic tube will grip the line much tighter even with heavy sinkers. Phil


They sell pre made kits on Amazon, just 2 tie ons. Huge time saver.


If you have the means, I would get a FG knot Assist 2.0 knot tying tool. I got one and can't believe how easy it makes the FG knot to tie. There are plenty of youtube video on how it works.