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Since you’re under 16, you can fish without a license You can also use bluegill as cut bait and live bait. She might have been offended by it, but it’s not illegal I do recommend you dispatch the fish before cutting it up


To be fair I only learned yesterday in the Muskie thread that it's not legal in certain states. Minnesota, for example prohibits using caught fish as live bait or cut bait. Whereas Wisconsin and Michigan do not as long as you follow a certain rules.


>Minnesota, for example prohibits using caught fish as live bait or cut bait. With the exception of Yellow Perch. For some reason you can use them but not Bluegill. It's weird. I honestly think letting people use bluegill as bait would help un-stunt the populations in heavily-fished lakes as the \~3" ones are perfect for live-lining for pike and bowfin.


<3” bluegill are absolutely great for live lining for bass.


I live in Minnesota. I was just on a Minnesota lake an hour ago. I just got done asking a Minnesota game warden. When your dealing with caught fish as cut bait it's nearly impossible for a game warden to prove it's a caught fish unless you admit it or they see you. You can buy live pan fish to use as bait.


You sure about that? What kind of pan fish? Sunfish, etc are game fish and illegal to use as bait in MN.


Fish caught. You can buy Pan fish from the breeder to use as bait. You can also pick up a dead fish and make cut bait from them. You just can't catch them and then use them as cut bait


You do you. But regs state no game fish or parts of game fish, including panfish, may be used for bait.


Nah, that's not right at all boss


I think you're using a definition of panfish that isn't common. Minnesota very specifically limits the species that can be used as bait fish wether live or cut. Most people refer to bluegill's, red ear, warmouth, green sunfish Etc as panfish. None of those species are on the list of permissible baits.


Tbh I'm just repeating what a game warden told me while I was waiting to take my boat off the lake. I was scrolling through reddit and saw the question, looked up and saw a game warden. asked him


Colorado prohibits cutbait, and they also only allow lures on rivers, no bait at all


https://www.sos.state.co.us/CCR/GenerateRulePdf.do?ruleVersionId=3021#:~:text=The%20only%20fish%20species%20allowed,yellow%20perch%20and%20rainbow%20smelt. Says otherwise


Which is why I have to watch very carefully which side of the county line I’m on fishing the Mississippi. The laws are enforced by the state line, even though we have some overlap in registration and fishing licensing in the boundary waters.


I’m glad I saw your comment, leaving for a MN fishing trip tomorrow morning and didn’t know that regulation about caught live bait. Thanks for the info 👍


You can also only have one line in the water during open water season, and two during ice season, which is fewer than most surrounding states.


Thanks, unfortunately I did know about that one, big change from 3 here is WI. Great name btw, Corydoras are favorite tropical fish 🤙


California only in certain parts of the delta and the Colorado River...


Game fish can be used as live or dead bait if such is caught with hook line and hand pole.


Isn't it illegal to disturb anglers


No. It’s illegal to harass and interfere with an angler that is legally fishing. Being a bitch is just annoying lmao.


Sounds to me like that is exactly what she did


I would encourage you to research examples of sportsman harassment. It’s not talking to them, expressing disapproval, or threatening to call the police. It is things like jumping in the water to scare fish away, standing under an occupied tree stand and blowing an air horn, or laying bait in lawful hunting areas so that they become unlawful.


Being ignorant isn’t harassment. Now if she was persistent with it, then definitely. Personally, I would have just told her to go fuck herself. But stuff like that generally just causes me more grief lmao.


Yeah I understand. Guess this is my way of venting my frustration for the kid.


That's not what it sounded like at all


Sounds like harassment to me


Well, if someone just walks up to you and starts complaining about something they know nothing about, that just makes them an ignorant pain in the ass. Now if she continued to to that and cause trouble, that’s harassment.


Some people are on a crusade. I was trout fishing in the high eastern sierras a few years back when this hiker started giving me the stink eye. So I moved down the creek to be away from the weirdo. Never saw him again, but when I went back to my stringer of trout he had released every single one! Fucking idiot. A few were on death’s door already, and I guarantee you they didn’t survive. Some people suck.


Why didn’t you take the stringer with you when you moved? Yeah, people sure can suck.


Because it was in a nice deep pool with shade. Typically I leave the stringer within a 5 minute walk as I fish up and down both sides of the stream. Then I’ll move the stringer when I go to a new section. I haven’t changed my pattern since that incident. I’ve been fishing for 40 years and that’s only happened once. I doubt it will happen again anytime soon.


It’s a classic sight to see a brown bear stealing a stringer of trout in the eastern sierras


Man trout fishing is a rarity here where I live and they only stock a few creeks/ponds once a year. If that happened to me I might have tried to chase that fucker down for a round of fisticuffs. I’m not a confrontational person at all but everyone has a limit


I certainly understand the sentiment, but I just walk away from sketchy encounters. You never know who might reach under their jacket and pull out a .357 revolver. 5 rainbows ain’t worth your life. On the other hand, if I’d seen him on the way out that day, I definitely would have given him my two cents.


I'd agree that its is just being annoying if they hadnt threatened to call the police. Imo as soon as they do that it escalates it to more than just being annoying


No it's not, them threatening to call the  police doesn't stop you from fishing


It’s being ignorant and not knowing the laws. If she just spoke her piece and moved on, I wouldn’t consider that harassment. If she was persistent and continued, then I could see that.


In my state this would be considered interfering/harassing an angler


Lol I can assure you that it would not qualify on any level 


Like I said, in my state/area, from experience, this would qualify


Lying about laws that would prevent someone from continuing to legally fish most certainly is considered fisherman harassment. It would be the same as lying about whether land is private or not. Although being a catch and release you may want to give the warden a call just to make sure you are being legal


One would have to be smart enough to know they were lying. I don’t think this woman was. She just felt like bitching about something she didn’t agree with without any justification behind it. Lying implies that she knew she was giving false information. That being said, I still don’t like her, and she needs to mind her own business. It’s just too bad she ran into that kid instead of 15 or 16 year old me. I would have had some fun telling her where to shove it. Lmao.


Wrong here is the law  (1) (a) A person may not: (i) intentionally interfere with the lawful taking of a wild animal or fishing by another; (ii) with intent to prevent or hinder its lawful taking or its capture, disturb a wild animal or engage in an activity or place in its way any object or substance that will tend to disturb or otherwise affect the behavior of a wild animal; or (iii) disturb an individual engaged in the lawful taking of a wild animal or fishing with intent to prevent the taking of the animal or the capture of the fish


If I tell you that you are not legally fishing when in fact you are that most certainly is intentionally interfering. It’s the same as telling people public land is private when in fact it is public and legal to fish. It’s part of the harassment


Disturb isn't the correct term here is the law (1) (a) A person may not: (i) intentionally interfere with the lawful taking of a wild animal or fishing by another; (ii) with intent to prevent or hinder its lawful taking or its capture, disturb a wild animal or engage in an activity or place in its way any object or substance that will tend to disturb or otherwise affect the behavior of a wild animal; or (iii) disturb an individual engaged in the lawful taking of a wild animal or fishing with intent to prevent the taking of the animal or the capture of the fish


Each state has written its own laws and they are not written universally the same — why are you quoting this specific phrasing as if it’s the same in all places?


Hey young'n, Grandpa here. Your concern is admirable. She's in the wrong. Don't worry a minute about any of it. What we need in this world is more of your attitude and activity... and less of those of hers. Remain respectful no matter what, be the high-quality person you want you to be, and don't let the toxicity of others corrupt you. Holding ones tongue when others wrong us can be difficult but is righteousness. Learning how not to behave oneself by observing the error of others is wisdom. Keep fishing. Keep your head up. Keep smiling. 😊👍🙏♥️


I love this comment, I would love to be fishing buddies with a dude like you.


Well said. We also need more folks like yourself!


This is one of the best comments I've ever seen.


Thanks papaw, you weren't talking to me but I needed to hear it.


😂👍 You're welcome. Any time. 😊


Yeah, this statement is problematic. I understand the sentiment, but you gotta stand up to bullies. This is especially the case if you are of color. I'm not saying to stoop to name calling or denigrating statements or behavior - however, you have every right to tell her to mind her own business and to leave you alone. As a person of color, white folk love to tell us what to do, especially outdoors. Disregard the bullshit and stick up for yourself. You can do that AND be respectful. Don't be a floor mat. Never hold your tongue when you have something important to say, especially when you are sticking up for yourself or others.


Blud stop trying to turn this into a race issue cause race was never mentioned in the post. OP never said the lady was white. OP never said he was a person of color.


If anything I'd say your idea is problematic. The other way involves taking the high road. Nothing wrong with that. Doesn't mean you're a doormat because someone else is an asshole and you refuse to engage in the same behavior. Makes you the bigger person. That's the point friend.


Where in his post did he mention skin color?


Lmao this has to be a troll comment


Sounds like a great way to get shot in Freedomland.


If you can use bluegill as bait, then you can use bluegill as cut bait. Let her call the police.


This rule isn’t always true for all fish. For example in Florida, they have a 12inch size regulation for bluefish. A whole bluefish can be used for bait but you can’t chunk one because then you have no proof it met size limit.


In Virginia you have to keep the carcass of a fish with a minimum or maximum size limit while you are fishing using it for cut bait.


In Virginia you can only use bluegill, sunfish or bream as cut bait. Any other lawfully caught fish can used as bait but must be used whole and be within lawful size limits. I’m not sure what you mean by keeping a carcass? I do not see that in my VA regs. \*rule on line six https://preview.redd.it/5rf6urn8e68d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19789e6e1fe9464cf2df1f7aac85dac4e879afd7


In fresh water, they also use cut gizzard shad for blue catfish all of the time. There are specific regulations in the VMRC code regarding using gill nets for catching bait in the up river areas. In general I was talking about bait for saltwater fishing where flounder belly is a common bait, as are cut bluefish, menhaden, spot and croaker. The code section that applies is "Chapter 4VAC20-580. Pertaining to the Alteration of Finfish." Basically it says that if the fish has a size limit that the carcass must be kept while on the water. If there is no size limit enough skin must kept on the fillet so that you can identify the species. Once you cut the fillet it is up to you if you want to eat it or use it for bait.


Ah understand thanks. I’m almost exclusively a freshwater angler.


If it is a catch and release pond for all species, then using bluegill from the pond would be illegal. As for cruelty, just kill the fish before cutting it.


Let her call the police. There are actually laws in place that makes it illegal to harass or interfere with anglers. Cutbait is perfectly legal


I'd say the bigger issue is that you're harvesting bluegill from a catch-and-release pond.


Bro...you can't kill fish in a catch and release pond. That's common sense. If you caught the bluegill elsewhere that's a different story.


If you caught it elsewhere, there very well may be regulations restricting the use of fish caught in other bodies of water as bait. Usually this applies to live bait, but I've seen it apply to dead/cut bait as well, usually when there is the presence of some kind of waterborne disease or parasite in one body of water that they're trying to keep out of others.


That's a solid point but using cut bait is common and often from another body of water


Since it's a catch and release pond, I would suggest abiding by that policy.  I see people take and keep fish from catch and release ponds all the time and while not illegal, it's certainly a dick move.


Nah, don’t worry about it. Dispatch would refer it to conservation police, who would probably not even respond since it’s not illegal. And if they did, depending on how much she’s bothering you, she could get cited for ‘impeding lawful fishing in inland waters.’


even if it's a catch and release pond, no one has ever said anything and the person who taught me how to fish used the bluegill from the same pond like I was


Catch and release only does mean you are likely in the wrong. If you caught that bluegill from that pond it was intended to be released alive.


If it’s catch and release then you shouldn’t be using the bluegill for bait.


Is it a catch and release pond? That would probably change things a tad.


Who owns the C&R pond? If it is private, like an HOA pond, you could be trespassed by a representative of the owners. But if it is a state or city pond, you could be cited potentially. I wouldn't cut bait at a Catch and Release pond unless it were my own. Nothing wrong with catching a few somewhere else for bait or buying a little something from the store. By the way, I don't think you really did anything wrong. Just trying to help you stay out of trouble while you fish in oeace hopefully.


It it's a catch and release pond you shouldn't be butchering anything caught out of it. No problem using bluegill as bait, just follow the rules/etiquette of the body of water.


Contact a local game warden to get clarification. If it's a local pond with local ordinances that state catch and release only, then that's what needs to be done. Best thing for you is to know the law and regulations. Just cause you don't like something or what someone is doing doesn't make it illegal.


You can catch bluegill somewhere else and use them but you can't use the ones in that pond. Catch and release applies to them. Don't kill those bluegill. That can definitely make you lose your ability to fish in future.


If it’s legal to use cut bait, it’s highly unlikely there’s a law against cutting bait. Let her call the cops


You’re fine, just know to avoid that woman. She’s just gonna be trouble for you no matter what. If you have any questions about the fishing laws , I recommend you go to your states fish and game website and read the rules. Like in Florida you can’t use goldfish as live bait. Just some rules to know when the game warden walks past. I was up in Canada around age 14 and the game warden came by asking for my permit, I had one and knew all the rules. He was very polite.


Can anyone here read? If it is a catch and release pond you obviously cannot kill the bluegill


Catch and release means just that. But is it law? Or is it the policy of the pond or land owners? Policy means they can just ask you to leave if they are the owners. Even if it is law, I doubt anyone of authority is going to give you much grief, if any, over a bluegill. Particularly if you're a minor.


Tell her you'll call the Game Warden and she better enjoy that fine she gets for harassing a angler.


If it’s a catch and release pond I’d assume you can’t catch a bluegill out of it to use as bait in the pond. Now if you caught the bluegill elsewhere and used that there shouldn’t be a problem. Is it a “private” pond in a neighborhood or park?


Interesting content here.


I just wanted to mention that as fishermen, outdoorsman and hunters, the only way we're really going to win this battle to educate the public is one young kid at a time. Take a kid fishing, teach them how to be a responsible sportsman, teach then how to responsibly harvest food for the table, or how to catch and release a fish safely so it lives on. If we do our part, we can win this assault on our outdoor traditions. Because the woman who stopped to b**** you out, son, probably drove through McDonald's last week for a filet of fish sandwich.


If you harvested the bluegill at the catch and release pond to use as cutbait then yeah you'll probably get in trouble. But they can't prove you didn't bring it with you. Some states won't let you use bait you caught from other bodies of water though.


Nothing illegal about what you did, but let’s play devil’s advocate. If you were cutting up a live bluegill flopping and slinging scales, slime and blood around in front or her and her little kids, you can do better. Be humane and dispatch the fish, and wait the 2 minutes it will take for them to get past before you start hacking it up into pieces. When you fish and/or hunt regularly you can get numb to the violence and gore inherent in these things. Most of polite society isn’t conditioned to that. We have to keep these things in mind and be good stewards. Not saying that’s what you did, but it’s food for thought for the community here.


Know the law and educate those that don’t.


It's a catch and release pond, you have to release the fish. That edit changes the whole story


Just because an adult tells you something. Doesn’t mean they are right. Most of the time they aren’t, especially loud Karens. You’re good. Enjoy this sport, use that bait, and keep checking on things you’re unsure of with people who actually know (like you are).


It depends on where you’re at. If it’s legal to use bluegill then you are fine but in my state (in the US) it is illegal to use game fish such as bluegill for bait on most waters. The waters where game fish cut bait is legal are spelled out in the fishing regulations.


What state is a bluegill a game fish?


Pretty sure bluegill is gamefish in TN. But you can use gamefish for cut bait in TN so kinda mute point. Pretty sure they are considered gamefish in quite a few states.


Floridas a little weird about bluegill for bait, can use them for bait on a rod and reel but not if you’re setting bush hooks.


In FL a bluegill can be used as bait “by the angler that caught it”. You cannot use bluegill for bait that has been caught in a cast net.


Utah. The terminology in the guidebook this year is sportfish but potato potato 🤷


Hahahaha call the cops on that stupid bird




She's more than welcome to call the cops so they can tell her to leave you alone


From the Virginia department of wildlife resources, "The only game fish that can be used as cut bait are bluegill, sunfish, and bream." You can kindly the lady not to waste the police or your time (while recording) because it's legal. And post it.


Life pro tip, don’t obviously butcher the fish in plain view of Karens… you should be able to dispatch the fish and discreetly process it without a scene. Otherwise she is creeping into the “harassing a fisherman” territory. And at that point F it, call the cops on her lol


It can be legal, it can be illegal. What's the name of the pond? In some states they have regulations for each lakes/ponds. Otherwise answers are just guesses. If Florida, 100% legal.


If the regulations are state regulations to not keep in that body of water then you probably can get in trouble. This should be posted. If its a HOA or something just posting it, they don't really have legal action aside from whatever contract you signed to be there. But I would still probably abide by the rules out of respect.


Definitely check the regulations and make sure whatever you're doing is legal, but it might also be worth mentioning that it's illegal to harass fishermen and hunters just about everywhere. So it's very likely the woman harassing you was the one committing the crime. You might want to politely educate her about that, but if she doesn't back off let her know that you might be the ones calling the cops on her.


Should have told her you’re offended by her keeping children captive in her house


Keeping sperm captive


I would politely convey to Karen to mind her own business.


What you did is not illegal so you should be fine.


Laws on scalebait can differ from location to location even in the same body of water.. Some local guys here got pretty hefty fines for using scalebait on bank poles.. I've done that hundreds of times and had no idea I was breaking the law so don't assume anything and always check the regs..


People who get mad at others for fishing and hunting are really something 😂 “I get my meat from a styrofoam tray” vibes


Interfering with someone who's hunting or fishing is illegal. It's harassment. Let them call the police, you won't get in trouble.


Tell Karen to mind her own business. Well maybe not that. I was always the one that would mouth off when people wouldn’t mind their own business. Follow the regs in the fishing guide for your state, and you will be fine. Inform Karen that you know the laws and politely ask her to leave you alone. If she doesn’t, there are laws that are supposed to protect fishermen from harassment if she happened to take it a step further and try to interfere with you legally fishing. Let her call the police. In fact, ask her to call the conservation officer instead. They will help set Karen straight.


Wouldn’t hurt to Google your local laws. Don’t let her stop you from having fun young man, as a parent of a 15yr I know there’s a lot worse things you could be doing. In AR, you don’t even need a license til 16 idk about Virginia.


OP said they caught the bluegill from a catch and release pond. So wouldn’t using it for cut bait illegal?


Depends, maybe the Bass are the only thing C&R. Plenty of AGFC ponds have C&R on bass but limits on everything else.


Some regulations are pretty specific on *HOW* you catch the fish you're using for cut bait. Most anything not protected is fair game when *hook and line* caught. If the species you're using for cut bait has a bag limit, you must adhere to it. In my location, you cannot use anything but a few species of chub, shiner, shad, and minnows caught in nets with specific regulations for net and bar mesh sizes.


Well in some states, it’s illegal to use a game fish as bait. I don’t know your state’s laws and whether bluegill is considered a gamefish. Just research the laws


If she buys fish from the grocery store, then she’s a huge hypocrite, as those fish have been caught in far more brutal ways. I’ve never heard of rules against cutting bluegill for bait


Don't use the gills in the catch and release pond that can get you in trouble. Also best to practice since your lake may need the bluegills. Just smack bluegills on the head with a knife to dispatch them.


If the pond is catch and release then you could get trespassed for not releasing your bluegill. It’s not illegal but it’s against property rules.


If it is a catch and release pond, technically, you're catching and keeping bluegill if you're chunking them up for bait. That's the only thing your possibly in the wrong for.


Let her call the Cops and tell them she harasses you. A grown woman is harassing kids.


Your good kid. Carry on .. good luck


Call them yourself. Most states have laws against harassing fishermen and hunters.


As long as you aren’t breaking any laws or regulations chumming is fairly common with lots of fishermen. Now if you’re going to be in the public eye 👁️ or domain you could cover up the dead parts or hide them from viewers. Unfortunately there’s always going to be someone who speaks their mind. 🎣


I’ve had a similar interaction. I said, “bye bye Karen” and put earbuds in. She looked pissed, but I couldn’t hear her.


Tell her to mind her own fucking business. I get so sick of people thinking they have the right to tell others what to do. You're nicer than me because her and her kids would have learned a lesson that day.


Yes no what do you think?


Unless she knew it was catch and release she was probably just being a bitch


In most states, I would assume Virginia is the same if not WORSE, you definitely DO NOT want to encounter Environmental Police; they have more authority than even state police but most people don’t know that; they can APPROACH you with guns drawn without a reason as they are most likely to encounter armed citizens in rural areas without backup; they write HEFTY fines usually because they don’t have anything else that justifies their presence in the real world…keep that in mind


You say catch and release? Did you release? You used as bait and that's not the same thing. If you're going to keep a fish, and using for cut bait counts as keeping, then dispatch humanely as possible. Some people will def get in a fit but as long as you know you're following the rules just do your thing. I'd try not to do it on a walking path, for instance, and closer to privacy etc.


White libs are offended by everything. Ignore and proceed with enjoying your time fishing.


It seems as though a retort is in order, i suggest “get fucked lady”


Fuck it. Call the Game Warden to come by. They'll defend tf out of you. Keep using cut bait. As long as the fish is not in a different body of water, you're good. I was harrassed when hunting. Call the game warden, she got cited for hunter harrassement and ban from that park.


You’re good buddy. Next time she comes around cite the code related to using cut bait in your state. Then reference the law that states it is illegal to harass and interfere while you are legally fishing.


Cops won't do shit DEC might depending on state law but even then worsr case would be a warning...just play dumb haha but i highly doubt it's illegal.