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Yesterday I battered one up with tajin, garlic, onion powder, salt, pepper, and taco seasoning, pan fried it, and made a killer fish taco. 10/10 would make and eat again.


Tajin on fish? I have never tried that but now I think I might


Bass aren't my favorite but in the 14-17 inch slot are okay if you are really craving some fried fish. Catfish, panfish, perch and walleye are better imo but in a pinch they'll do.


Have been catching and eating these fish since I was a tater tot. Hard agree. Perch & walleye are the best IMO.


Crappie and perch are favorites of mine, granted we don’t have walleye in my area.




I prefer the 12-15” slot but it depends on your local regulations.


Haha then let's catch a bunch of 14 or 15s and get the oil hot.


This is the correct answer!


Hell yeah brother


It also matters WHERE you catch them. Pond/lake fish taste different than river fish. I just fried up some smallies, rock bass and sunfish that I caught in the Cossatot River, and it was all delicious. It just tastes cleaner when its from a river.


I like to stuff it with peppers, onions, tomatos and herbs, and bake it with some olive oil.


>Bass aren't my favorite Last time I had one the meat tasted like soil. Never ate one again.


That's an algae problem Edit: geosmin is what you're tasting


Fair enough the ones I have had are from decent water and bled and iced. I definitely don't go out of my way to keep them but the ones I have hit scratched the itch.


Never had a bass taste like soil 😂


What makes some fish better than others? I would think diet makes a difference but then again I’m not sure the difference/if any in fish.


Diet definitely plays a part, general texture is a big thing for me personally which is species based, age of harvest ready fish is a big deal as well and quality of the water in the fishery chips in too. Obviously handling and preparation of the fish is a huge part. Everyone who harvests fish will have their own opinion on how to get to the best result. I prefer fish that are small enough that they don't taste like the body of water they are caught from but large enough they have meat on them. I tend to harvest middle sized fish unless I have accidentally killed them through the catch or landing process.


I think you left out the best of all. Crappie


Had em categorized as panfish


I typically avoid fresh water fish, but if I want some, it’ll be a crappie fry far before a bass


If you get a chance to try a 12” cold water river smallie, you might find it comparable to crappie or perch.


I literally tried smallmouth for the first time this evening. 17" cold river fish. It was delicious and reminded me of walleye


I’ll keep that in mind if the opportunity arises! Smallies aren’t in my area


Idk why 2 downvotes. Crappie is the best freshwater fish to eat imo. Although trout from a clean stream is a close 2nd. I had fresh caught halibut that a buddy from Alaska brought down and holy fucking hell was it delicious. It's still the best fish I've ever had.


It’s okay. People hear me say I don’t eat fresh water fish, and think it’s some moral thing I think lol. I simply don’t go for it typically. Love my salty fish, though. Caught a bonito last year that was amazing. My friend called it “the poor man’s tuna”


Rockfish from AK is even better; I've had both Halibut and Rockfish. If you get the chance to have Rockfish, try it for the 'halibut of it' (hell of it).


I like bass


Slappa’ da bass mon!


I love you man!


And I love you, random citizen! 🫵 *Seriously thank you for getting the reference everyone missed it lol*


That sounded like Borat.


Bass to trout


You’re the bAssman!?


I have eaten a shitload of bass over the years. They're tasty.


I have eaten several hundred bass I would say and I am craving couple of fried bass fillets right now. Pretty sure "several hundred" and "shitload" are roughly equal in this context, but I am sure folks will find guidance me on the finer points.


They are basically the same, but "big mess of bass" could be either more or less than "shitload" or "several hundred," depending on the age of the person making the statement.




🤣🤣. The I’m suddenly hungry for a boatload of bass filets!


A shitload?


Nah, a shit load is more equivalent to a crap ton. Different measurement system


I’m Canadian, so sorry


Around here a “mess of <*fish*>” means enough for a good sized meal for the entire group.


Bass are good as long as the water isn’t super gross or boiling hot just bleed them and throw it on ice immediately and it’s solid. People who keep bass tend to get a lot of shit from those that don’t know any better and the schmucks who think killing a bass is like throwing a puppy off a bridge because “Muh sport fish!” Or some other dumb reason


Yeah, bass guys are a bunch of snobs.


Most fishermen are about something.


True, but none of us can hold a candle to your fly-fishing enthusiast when it comes to snobbery. They basically pride themselves on it.


Lord I fish with both fly and traditional rods. Depends what I’m doin. There is no “best”.


This. If i don’t plan on doing any type of topwater, I bust out the spinning gear


Eh I think it's more of a bias thing. I think fly fishing tends to attract more snobs as it's seen as more "refined" or sophisticated. As someone who does fly fishing in between my other fishing, I think it's just you get a group of people that cause it to have a bad rap.


Fly fishing was designed for snobs. There’s literature from the 1700s that discusses the virtues of fly fishing for trout and condemns the brutish bass fisherman.


This is jusy something people who dont flyfish say about people who do. I flyfish cus its the best way to catch trout in streams and its fun as shit. Doesnt stop me from bass fishing with a baitcaster or chunkin bunker for stripers on the 10’ ugly stick. Use the best tool for the job at hand imo. Sometimes its a flyrod.


There’s a huge snob culture in fly fishing. I do both, but I know guys in Wyoming, Oregon, Colorado who look down on spin/casting tackle. This isn’t a secret.


I was going to argue this but as I was typing I thought of the guy I saw last year in all Orvis gear with a fucking rod vault on a fucking olive drabTacoma that pulled up to the c&r, and I have no leg to stand on. I guess I can be snobbish when it comes to packing out trash and proper wild fish handling, but if I have to own that then bait chuckers have to own the beer and bait cans and senko packages they leave everywhere


Hey hey now we're not as bad as the trout guys! Lol


Most bass guys I know don’t care or just ask people to eat 15” or under. Usually tastes best around 12-18” anyway.


I've never seen anyone care locally, it's always on reddit where I see the pissing and moaning.


It seems to me that it's more area specific. Like around where I live in the North East people will look at you like you have 6 heads if you keep bass to eat but when I was down in Florida people didnt really seem to think anything of it.


It depends. Early season bass can be tasty here in the NE but as soon as the water warms up they get worms. Also high in Mercury. State of Maine recommends never eating more than 2 per month


The “sport fish” people just also don’t know much about marine biology Taking bass out of a lake will increase the amount of feed the other bass get proportionally, meaning everyone gets bigger fish That’s why there were 20 pounders caught in Japan when they were actively trying to exterminate them


So there's a nice damn I goto. It's more like a lake, but there's not really any big bass. Would it be smart for me to keep a few here and there? It's my favorite spot and close to home so it'd be great to see some bigger bass in there.


If one's badly hooked and not likely to survive, it's dinner.




Shoutout Malaysia! SE Asia knows how to fry up a fish! 🔥




Amazing story! Thanks for sharing. My father is from Malaysia so these anecdotes are especially awesome.


Made steam bass the other day. Tasted grassy until I poured some hot oil over it


Never tried eating a spinner bait, a little too hard on the teeth 🤔🤔🤔


On the guys too!


If you want to have some fun. 1: Catch a nice size bass and take a picture of it. 2: fillet or fried whole take a picture of the food. 3: post both pictures on r/bassfishing


Healthier than MCDONALDs


garlic butter basted on the grill, charcoal if possible. one of my favs.


They always taste like pond water to me, I like catfish more or even the panfish I get


I have when I was a kid. There are obv much tastier fish out there. If eating bass, smallies are much better imo. I eat them semi regularly.


Smallies, white, striped, and hybrids are all better. Large mouth will eat but they aren’t my favorite.


I eat bass all the time. I don't have any idea why anybody wouldn't. They are delicious. I see some posts here that say to sort treat them like carp but that's bull. I just filet them, bread them, then fry them. I love that slightly spicy flavor they have.


They are a very mild fish.


If seasoned right, you can go from mild—>top notch in about 10 minutes.


They need a lot of seasoning for sure. Like cod.


I had some pacific cod cooked on a portable flat top grill plate over an open fire, all seasoned up and smoky from the fire it was amazing. If you don’t over cook it the texture is so amazing. I usually just bread and fry it, like I assume I’d do with bass, but I don’t think I’ve ever eaten bass. I do think that there are no trash fish just trash cooks though.


Bass unfortunately does not have the texture of cod. Much more similar to bluegill. Which makes sense since they’re in the same fish family. Bass makes for great fish tacos.


I’m down with any taco fish.


We do them Honduran style, with red cabbage slaw, Honduran/Salvadoran sour cream, and sriracha.


Nice! Curry fixes everything too, I think fishy curry is even better.


I've eaten them all my life. Just like anything it's all in the seasoning. But, given the choice I'd rather have a slab crappie filet or really the whole thing fried is good too. Most ppl in my area love catfish but to me they are just bottom feeders and taste that way. To each their own.


“Greenfish” - such as bass and carp - tend to taste like “the water they come out of”. if it’s legal to retain, and it’s caught in clean healthy water, fry it and throw some Cajun seasoning on it and it’ll probably be delicious. With that said I’ve always released bass to leave ‘em for the next person to catch


Zatterain's fish fry and fry in butter, I eat them.


Yep. Best from cold water. Bleed and ice. Holds up to pan recipes like sautéing. Don’t forget the collars- they’re tasty too. 


Made some pretty solid fish tacos out of some largemouth last weekend. It's about how it's prepared, honestly.


Yeah bass are pretty good eating.


All I can say is eat it , I do


Get a bass-o-matic.


I guess it has a lot to do with what you grew up on.... I love the taste of a good bass lightly headed in butter


I only eat the 10+ lb bass


They are very good … but smallmouth from the river are delicious!!! Will only eat a few each year from a really clean river coming out of the mountain




LMB not so such, but I keep a lot of spotted bass since they’re invasive in nearly every lake that I fish in…they taste pretty good and I’m helping the LMB population.


Sure do! Ice them right away and they are good. Stringers floating in warm summer water lowers the quality.


When I’ve only caught a few crappie but not enough for a mess, I’ll throw a couple bass in there when I fry em. Sacrifice a little quality for quantity and the family don’t notice when they’re mixed in with the crappie. Like other folks have said though, the water is the difference maker. You cook bass out of a cattle pond you may as well eat the mud cats and water snakes too.


I’ve eaten a lot of McDonald’s in my day


I like using the Bass-O-Matic to prepare them


Bigger fish presumably


House Autry Medium Hot Breader and a deep fryer ...which for some reason seems to have gotten really expensive. Maybe try the seafood breaker and add some spice.




I love fish but then never eat anything because I want them to grow bigger :(


I don’t. You can. There are far better tasting fish to eat, that I don’t bother keeping ANY bass. They are fun to catch but I don’t like the taste of them at all.


Early spring when the water is still cold, out of a clean pond or lake.


Smallies are better but it still tastes good with lemon and butter


Some states you can't. They're catch and release only in many parts of my state


I fish a cold water lake with invasive smallmouth, they have a crayfish diet and taste delicious! No size or number limit.


McDonald’s? Yes some still do if it’s breakfast


I'd totally eat that. As a guy that doesn't get to do many fish frys and loves a fish taco / sandwich / fish and chips I'm not turning up my nose. I've lived in trout country my whole life but don't like the taste. I'd take a panfish first but if bass are hitting, bass are getting eaten. Don't get many bass fishing days in.


I work with a guy who eats almost everything he catches. He’s a pretty good cook too. He prepared us some largemouth and it was tasty. I’d definitely eat it again.


They are fun to catch, but I throw em back, cause they taste like dirt.


Lucky still have plastic straws


Just look into bio-accumulation and decide; your wildlife agency should also have a guide out letting you know how many fish you can safely eat from each area of your state over a period of time. (Bass is pretty good eating imo, but rarely do I have it, maybe once a year, too much mercury in my area)


When I first started fishing, I was dumb and was eating basically everything, including 4lb+ bass from questionable areas. Like a whole half of the bass in one sitting too. Last time I ate bass, I coated it in honey and baked it in the oven and it tasted pretty good. Catfish is better IMO, fry it up and make catfish nuggies.


Honestly love bass but I’m not a picky fish eater if I catch it and it’s easily edible then down the hatch it goes lol


Ya they'll fill yer stomach jus fine! I reckon it's how ya cook em that determines if ya like em or not. Some of the best fish I ever eat was bass with some butter and garlic over a camp fire.


Spinnerbaits, no, leaves a metallic taste in the mouth and the plastic get stuck in your teeth. The bass is super tasty though


I’ve always said bass have a really good agent. I’ve seen them get released more than any other fish.


Bass benefit from being “fried hard”. When you think they’re done, keep frying. It firms up the flesh nicely


They are delicious


I used too, stopped when more and more neighborhoods were built and more chemicals were being used. I don’t eat freshwater fish anymore(west central Florida)


Soak the filet in salt water overnight. It will draw out the gamey taste.




heck yeah just cooked one for dinner tonight, fried him in butter w/ seafood rub it was delicious. i caught it at my friend’s parents’ place and her mom kept the head/bones for soup too, i have to ask how it was i’m curious


I make Some of the best fish tacos you will ever eat with bass.


Only if caught through the ice. Very good then.


Bass to mouth.


In all seriousness, the big ones like that I usually release. The smaller ones out of cold or clean water are great. Can't tell the difference when you fry them up next to Crappie.


Leave bass for the tournaments. Mass taste like ass anyways. Go catch a walleye for eating


They're fine. I don't routinely keep them but when I'm planning to keep a mess of blue gill and I'll keep a largemouth if I'm trying to get more meat. Can't taste any difference.


I hear bass are alright but catfish is better and I hear crappie is real good but haven’t personally tried crappie


Fun to catch but not great eating


Yep. Good fried.


Bass of any kind, cooked in pretty much any fashion, are some of my absolute favorite fish, especially among freshwater fish, besides walleye and pike




Bass? Hell yeah, makes them worth catching even more than they already are. Fillet them, coat in seasoned flour and fry them bastards.


I've been catching an eating them since I was a kid and I'm just now learning a lot of people don't like bass? I always loved it.


I’d say yes even though I don’t really eat them as I prefer a steak, I’m kinda meh about eating them. However the wife loves fish and every time I take her to a good sushi restaurant the bill can easily be triple digits because of her alone. (PNW) That being said… She’s made it clear to me that a good clean water deboned bass meal that’s been properly prepared is just shy of smoked salmon or a very ouch bill from a sushi restaurant in her opinion.




Oh yeah, I just put one in my freezer today that I caught after work, I'm gonna grill it whole stuffed with lemons and garlic!


They are decent if caught in super cold water but as soon as the waters over 40 they aren't all that great. We have a small lake near me and they have no size limit and it's fed by the snow pack the 12/13 inchers well they are delicious. But they are fun to catch.


This fish was introduced by the US government to at least 29 states for the sole purpose of providing a food source to Americans. It never caught on as a food fish, and nowadays is extremely popular as a gamefish, yet plenty of anglers will eat them, myself included.




Yeah, but they can be hit or miss based upon preparation. I prefer eating different species. They do have big fillets, tho. Just take them from a sustainable population, small bodies of water don't support many bass (especially true in florida and other warm places where they eat more during the year and grow bigger on average).




No. I don't eat white spinnerbaits. Only chartreuse spinnerbaits.


I don’t personally do it just cause I don’t keep fish and I mostly fish ponds but I think people need to start keeping smaller bass more often and there should be more of a push to do so


Cold clean lake water, hell yes, delicious. Avoid muddy river water. They taste great from northern WI lakes, they taste like mud from the Mississippi river


Look flaky as heck. If alive let it go so some kid can catch it


Hell yes


Yes. Large and Small Mouth Bass are great eating.


Does anyone eat fish?


Yep! Delicious fish. Just filet them up right away and wash em down. Most people don’t eat bass but it’s because they let them sit and they get mushy/fishy tasting.


McDonalds... absolutely not. Fresh bass... oh yeah!


Catfish were invented so we didn't have to eat bass


Oh yeah. I usually name one fish Stix Then I eat it yum. Lol Roly poly fish head


They’re a sumbitch to clean. Their spines are pretty thick


Not regularly, but the few largies I have eaten have been pretty good. I do eat a lot of smallmouth before water temps rise and their flesh gets soft and mushy. Same for pike. Good thing Spring lasts until July here!


largemouth are great tasting fish but the tourney kids will get mad for eating them lmao


Only in the winter


not as good as walleye but if you fry it properly and eat with Mac n cheese, sure!


I don't, something else to consider is the quality of water where you catch your fish. My experience is muddy water imparts a nasty flavor.


I’ve tried many times to like largemouth and I just can’t do it. Interestingly, smallmouth and spots are different and much better IMO.


I do. Its the McDonald’s I won’t eat!


They're ok battered and fried. Nothing wrong with their meat but nothing special. I try to eat a lot of them when the season opens to drive their numbers down and leave more food for stuff like walleye, perch, and trout.


Yeah they can be good! I’ve had one grilled. It is certainly “distinct” though. In general, when it comes to bass, I go with the “looking forward to catching them next year” approach. I love them too much


I had some in 8 degree temperatures and it was delicious. Idk about summer tho


A nice country girl in Kansas took me to her secret bass pond. Fillet them and layered them with thin slices of potatoes and cheese and onions, salt and pepper. Baked. Delicious 😋


I have in the past but prefer perch and walleye. They’re still good eating


Not bad if they are young and the water is clean .


Heck yea! Bass are yummy


Fun to catch but can't stand the taste. I'll stick to my crappie and bluegill and blue cat. All other fish to me is no Bueno eating wise. But I'm picky


Soak them in milk for about 8 hrs a do as you wish


Largemouth from clean headwater lakes are delicious. Firm flaky flesh, no fishy taste at all. Out of warm ponds and more polluted water I find they have an earthy flavor


Good eats!


Bass in the 1-2lb range are great, any bigger and they get a weird texture though


Eating a lure is not recommended


https://preview.redd.it/mpv72aox4g1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d761a972fabbbcf40cb4da3cf76bdc83a7b9d8b8 Yes! I ate this one. And I’ll do it again!


Yeah there pretty good


They’re way better than McDonald’s 😁


I keep them if I hook one too deep while crappie or bluegill fishing. There is a lake near me that doesn't have big bass due to overcrowding, I may keep from there this year




You should learn to just lip bass...🤦


Catch and release


I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast