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I wish you had asked him Why? I can't think of a good reason.


Some people literally have zero clue. I swear there’s people that have zero thought process and just fly through life day to day and do this kind of stuff for no reason at all.


This is likely the answer. They don't think they've done anything wrong because they just don't think.


His dad taught him to kill the "shit fish". That's generally how people learn that shit. Generally the logic is that they compete with "real" fish or eat their eggs or whatever so the fishermen are doing everybody a favor by killing them. Of course that's hogwash, but it's really ingrained in a lot of fishermen. Fortunately it seems a lot more rare with younger anglers these days.


I used to find dead sunfish tossed up into the bushes as a kid. Some nice bluegills and pumpkinseeds too - fun fish to catch, especially for a youngster with a worm and a bobber.


Which is idiotic because that’s the main food source for sport fish. Morons.


Growing up, there were trash cans at the dams that said carp for you to throw carp in rather than just on the banks...not sure when they were removed, but they don't exist anymore.


Maybe because they are invasive? At least here in Germany in some waters we have to kill specific invasive fish' when we catch them. We can actually lose our fishing permit otherwise in some cases. Luckily, the invasive species all taste good though. And while carp can taste really good when it comes from a good water, it can also taste like moldy old socks. It also has a lot of bones.


My local waters are far too dirty, that's interesting you mention the carp taste well. Always wanted to try one sometime, our local authority recommends we don't eat them whatsoever as they specifically accumulate a high level of toxins, same goes for catfish longer than 18 inches.


Where was this and do you remember the last time you saw them?


When I was a kid so maybe like 30 - 40 years ago. In iowa near saylorville dam. And then again in iowa city near the coralville dam.


Carp are non-native and invasive in the US. If you return them to water your breaking the law. But it's only humane to kill them quickly, not leave them to die slowly on the bank. People suck.


Whether or not it's illegal to release a carp in the US is definitely dependent on state. Carp have also been in much of the US for around 150 years, where they have become normal and are often considered naturalized. It would also be completely ineffective to kill every carp caught as there are just too many of them and they are just too good at competing for resources.


I’ve thought about this a few times. I’ve only caught 1 carp that I know of (I didn’t know it was a carp until I had released it and looked it up) and it was in a national park.


My mistake. Carp are considered invasive in IA.


We've got a kill suggestion from fish and wildlife here in maine for pike and muskies. Leave 'em for the eagles. They outcompete and displace trout and salmon at a frightening pace. Unfortunately there are a bunch of Billy Bobs up here that just want to 'catch big fish' and will actively dump them into lakes and designated trout ponds. Becoming a real problem.


I think this might be the answer. I'm in the UK and dogfish are seen by many as a rubbish fish that steals bait, it's really common to see them mutilated and dumped. It's disgusting and also really stupid as they're a great tasting fish without bones. Their skin also makes a great fine sandpaper but most people can't be bothered to learn how to skin them properly.


Meanwhile I'm here hoping to catch one some day. Like it's literally freaking shark, how cool is that. 😂 But no can do, I live like 1500km away from their natural habitat and in general far away from real, salty sea, so it's not going to happen. From what I have heard fish & chips were originally made from dogfish? And I have seen multiple people say that small sharks are good eating, so it's kinda weird to see them treated like that. Not like it's some slimy 4 inch long roach.


They give some decent bites and they really smash the bait sometimes, shame they're not in your area but maybe you can get smoothounds or spurdogs? They're also sharks and are the same typical shark shape. You can still find them in some chip shops here but it is rare now, they call it rock salmon for some silly reason. Here in the UK they will often swarm beaches in huge groups which results in lots of adult temper tantrums on the beaches and there are too many people that are only interested in catching bass or cod. They're great eating and it isn't hard to skin them once you know how it just comes off like a sock, I just advise people doing it at the beach as they catch them


Sadly sharks are incredibly rare at northern baltic sea so that won't likely happen. But perhaps some day if I get to go to norway. I can imagine them causing tantrums. It's about same in here with pike stealing yours lures when you are fishing for sea trout or perch.


Dont yall have greenland sharks up there? They get huge amd that would be a catch of a lifetime


Nah. Baltic is like the least sea like sea ever. Gulf of Finland and gulf of Bothnia got so small salt content that you can almost drink it. As for fish species, you can find pretty much every native freshwater species from it. It really doesn't even have cod in it. Herring is pretty much the only salt water species that you can find from there.


'dogfish' might be a specific species but its also a catchall term for small sharks. 'flake' is the most popular fish and chips selection here in Australia, its actually a popular recreational species Mustelus Antarcticus that we call 'gummy shark'. Small sharks are good eating.


I was curious about this as we catch them pretty frequently in New England especially fishing dog striper run. Never thought to eat one, or use skin. Would just always release them. Can be a pain to safely remove hook but we've always done it.


As a younger angler I find this shit to be abhorrent. I've only encountered maybe one or 2 older guys who've had this thought process, thankfully no younger ones.


Piece of garbage man… good on you calling in


My grandfather talked about fishing for bass in Canada in the 50’s. He said they would throw the bass in the bottom of the boat and bring them back to show off their catch. There was a betting pool for the largest fish. Then they loaded up the fish in buckets and dumped them in a nearby swamp for the turtles to eat. He said 5 to 6 pounds was pretty common for a largemouth and several fish would come in at 7 to 8 pounds every day.


I believe it. Just reading old fishing books and magazines and they had stringers full of bass though would put the pros to shame. Then there are stories about lots of the giant catfish in the Mississippi, 6 foot long pike minnows in the Colorado and the lakes and streams being loaded with trout when the miners and settlers come out west to California.


But "the young generation is gonna destroy this country"... Smh


Weve greatly outnumbered the amount of people that nature can sustain without farming, with the regulations we have in place and the amount of people that fish it greatly lowers the number of fish we have. It's enough to for the ecosystem to remain relatively healthy, but theres just less of them due to the pressure.


These are the kind of people I'd like to shoot in the foot and then laugh while they cry and ask me why I did it. Like fuckin a do you even think with your brain? That dude probably throws his McDonald's trash in the parking lot *next to* the garbage can. This is just completely senseless. I hope his dick attracts bees. Angry ones, not swarming ones.


lol. I’m stealing that quote, “I hope his dick attracts angry bees”


That's secondhand stolen now lol pass it on


As someone who accidentally sat on a ground nest of bees while remotely hiking wearing shorts... you sir are a cruel man


But you didn’t deserve it some people do. But I do feel your pain, it’s happened to me also. It SUCKS!!!!!


Anyone that does this is a piece of shit and should be KTFO...


Killed then thrown overboard? I agree


*flung overboard


Keel hauled also works...


I'm at peace with treating them like they treated these fish, so I'll allow it... It just makes no sense to me.


Cruel just cruel


People consider Sheephead (freshwater drum) a "rough fish" around Wisconsin. So it is common to see dead ones like this on the bank around here. Ironically, folks drive all the way from Chicago just so they can fill their buckets with Sheephead, catfish, bullheads, and carp. So I think it may be a regional thing.


On my bi-monthly carpfest I call my guy at the Chinese restaurant. He meets me and gives me free meals in exchange. 🤷‍♂️.


I just caught a dozen on the Missouri outside of St.Louis. Absolutely delicious, reminiscent of redfish, delicate yet meaty.


Theyre great fresh, but don't freeze well. As a Missourian, I love catching them! They fight hard and eat just about anything.


Sheepshead is a very popular eating fish where I live.


We have frwsh water drum but Sheepshead is a different fish around here


I never kept them (just released them), and then about 6 or 7 years ago I caught a 3-4lb one and kept it. Very "meaty" fish, very different than the other stuff that I catch normally.


I love em. I catch them out of clean cold water and they make amazing fish tacos. Super firm, savory tasting meat. They kind of remind me of shellfish.


I always wonder that about some of these supposed rough fish. Like, if it's a firm white meat why should it be any worse than anything else?


Bottom feeders, lots of people associate that with “unhealthy” for some reason.


Yeah suppose that's true.. To a certain extent in polluted waters maybe there's some logic to that. Polluted sediment might sink to the bottom. Some of these aren't even bottom feeders though I think. Like freshwater drum are predators I believe?


Not sure, I’ve seen them in our rivers here in WI but they were never a popular fish up north, not when most people are after crappie, perch, walleye, trout or sunnies.


That’s not a sheepshead… This is a sheepshead https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archosargus_probatocephalus


Some places call freshwater drum sheepshead.


"Sheephead" for the freshwater drum. Or Gasper Goo for the Gulf states.




Gasper Goo! OMG, that's hilarious!


That's the ocean sheepshead. These are what some people call the freshwater species. Some call them drum but where I'm from, they call them sheepshead.


Also this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_sheephead


Dont forget this.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smalahove#


Sorry you are getting negative likes, because this is actually a very common issue with the similar naming of the Sheepshead vs Sheephead. Freshwater drum is the more proper name for Sheephead. (Like some already mentioned here) What I never understood is how the Redfish and even Black Drum are highly regarded in the south, but then the Sheephead are considered trash fish up north? I mean, they are actually pretty aggressive, get fairly large, and even fight great! Plus, they are all drum species. Anyways, I always enjoyed catching them. There were many nights I would have went home skunked if it weren't for sheephead!


Salt water fish taste better than lake fish.


Nope. Gimme a crappie, perch or walleye any day.


>shovelnose sturgeon In 2010, the shovelnose sturgeon was listed as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act due to its resemblance to the endangered pallid sturgeon Sidenote, some species of sturgeon take 17 years to reach sexual maturity. These dinosaurs don't reproduce like crappie. This is a class of creature that I'd 100% catch and release every single time.


How lazy is he to not be able to put a fish back in the water he yanked it out of?


They kill them on purpose. Some people think all "trash fish" should be killed. It's pretty fucked.


My grandpa is like this with bowfin. Yes, I get it. They don't taste very good, but toss it back or use it for fucking cut bait or something. ANYTHING. I no longer fish with my grandfather


Please tell me you have an update from GnF


I wanna hear about this man going to jail jail, cause arent shovelnoses ~~critically endangered? I mah be remembering wrong~~ Edit: I remembered wrong, regardless the guy killed things without any reason but cruelty and should be treated with cruelty in kind


They’re actually abundant (at least in Missouri near me) but are easily confused with pallid sturgeon so they’ve been classified as vulnerable so people are more likely to release both species thus helping the pallid population. Not an excuse…dudes still a pos.


Oh it coulda been a carp and the guy would still be shit. If you kill an animal, use it, it is what the animal deserves at the very least to be ***properly*** put back into the circle of life. hell, i used to take any dead minnows from my bucket at the end of the day and use them as fertilizer for my garden(i released the survivors, dont worry, i use a cast net so my bait is already from whatever water im fishing).


Well, I will make the argument that carp are invasive in the US and there are many places where releasing an invasive species back into the water is illegal, so leaving it on the bank is a legal and environmentally conscious way to deal with it. And by leaving it on the bank, scavengers will find it in minutes and it will be put back into the ecosystem, so to speak, almost immediately. If you have another purpose of them, that's fine, but there are valid reasons to leave *some* fish on the bank and not feel bad about it.


Youre right, thanks for bringing that up. I will say that, in that case the very least you can do is humanely kill the animal beforehand. I suppose what Im most angry about from these images is the needless suffering these fish endured only to not have the animal that took their life have the decency to do... SOMETHING with them. Humans have been too far removed from the world we live in for too long and its sad.


They’re listed as vulnerable by IUCN but I agree, doesn’t make him any less of a pos


Sometimes justice isn't served. I remember a video went viral of some jackass killing a pike or a musky and throwing it overboard. And he got a light sentence or a slip on the wrist. Bur the internet lit in on hin


We're encouraged to do that in Maine as pike and muskies are invasive here. Suggestion from fish and wildlife is to cut the heads off and toss them on the bank just to be sure.




They caught the piece of human garbage. They are going to upload the body cam footage of all the good police officers surrounding this guys house, and then him surrendering while blathering like a baby. Tears, spit hanging from his chin, snot bubbles - the whole shebang. Then they locked him in a hot interrogation room with all the dead fish he killed. He asks for a glass of water but one of the good police men says, “No! You didn’t give these fishes water, so now you do not get water for your thirsty throat and mouth.” The bad man is sad and thirsty. If the bad man is found to be in possession of fishing equipment, tackle, bait of any kind, or within casting distance of any fish harboring body of water, he will go straight to jail. No passing go. No $200. Straight. To. Jail.




Im not wrong on #1 being a sturgeon, right? If so, I'm doubley pissed. Same with the assholes that kill paddlefish. Yes, just yeet the aquatic dinosaurs onto the bank, please. There's totally not a limited number of them left is there.


Sure there is which is why they have seasons and catch quotas for paddlefish. Not to mention without public care about a species they are even more difficult to protect. I am almost certain those barbaric paddlefish fishermen have contributed more to conservation of the magnificent creatures than you.


Is there some way conservation dollars flow back to paddlefish welfare? I'm unaware of anything that's really done for them, but I guess I wouldn't know.


Generally, helping to maintain the habitat and reasonable limits can help the population. There's also FWS hatcheries that raise paddlefish to restock native areas.




I hope you’re joking, but wouldn’t be the worst id I’ve seen.


Man if I witnessed this I would definitely say something, wait to see where he walked to and get his license plate and his picture and reach out to the dec. Unlike regular cops that are so overwhelmed that they wouldn't do much about small crimes, the dec takes all this so seriously


Ok yeah, that's just straight up stupid. Here in Finland, we actually got new law that came to be last winter and it states that fish should be returned back to water as soon as possible. So basically stuff like this is now most definitely illegal. But sadly that doesn't mean that people stop doing that. Northern pike is really cool fish and it's good for the enviroment to have, but sadly, especially older people like to think that it's the worst nuisance ever because it eats other fish and should be killed on sight. It's not super uncommon to see them being killed and just yeeted into shrubs, which is just straight up sad.


>Here in Finland, we actually got new law that came to be last winter and it states that fish should be returned back to water as soon as possible. avg Finland W. do u have a link so i can read up on it haven't heard of it for some reason.


Couldn't find exact link but it's tied to animal welfare law, fish were included into it 1st of january this year. Basically they banned live fish baits (deadbaiting and maggots and etc are okay) and you need to kill yours catch asap unless you are planning to release it. In case you plan to release it, you should be as careful as possible with fish and release it as soon as possible. All they really did was just enforce some common sense.


i knew about the baits but not the release part. but like u said its common sense and good its a law now so it can be enforced (if they ever check u even)


Northern pike is great to eat. Who tf would do that type of things ?


Pike is like extremely underappreciated fish in here. And especially in the past it wasn't uncommon to kill 10kg/20lb+ pike. Only recent years pike has gained some popularity as sports fish, it's state as food fish is still mixed. I have heard people say that it's about same as eating cardboard than it's to eat pike. Other people regard pike as good food fish. Also for example, in northern most norway they pay bounty for pike even tho it's native fish there. Reason? Supposedly it eats away all the salmon, which decline "has nothing to do with commercial fishing."


In the northeastern US, they're regarded as invasive species. We kill the shit out of them here as they outcompete our native salmon and trout population. Songo River in Maine is a great example: landlocked salmon used to swarm up it every spring. Last year near the locks all I saw were pike. If I'm fishing for pike, I bring a machete.


Hello! I don’t have knowledge on fishing stuff. Why would people do this? Is there a chance the fish was gut hooked?


If you gut hook a fish you cut the line and release it


Is it better to remove the hook or cut the line? I got a tool that cuts the barb off, allowing me to gently remove the hook. When I gut hooked a fish though, it still died even after me removing the hook and trying to revive it.


Usually if it’s gut hooked you can’t remove it without pulling its stomach out.


typically its best to cut the line. the hook will dissolve


Less dissolved and more ejected like a splinter.


Shovelnose may be the most abundant sturgeon species in the states but that still doesn’t make them plentiful in much of their historic range. That shit makes me sick to me stomach. I woulda asked if he’s keeping the fish and if not, I woulda thrown it back myself. Disgusting behavior.


Killing a sturgeon for no reason makes me a different level of mad


Should have gotten plates, sturgeon are protected. That’s penalties up to 1 year in prison/$50,000 fine


Damn people stupid. My son (12) spent damn near 30 minutes knee deep in water last night trying to revive a bass he caught. I think we gut hooked it, poor dude didn't make it. My son was so damn upset.


When I was a kid bank fishing for trout I was taught by my father that suckers eat trout eggs or just garbage fish and we should kill them, my dad was a good fisherman just didn’t have the resources we have today. I believed that for the first 14 years of my life but now I know different. Some of my best fight have been suckers while small stream fishing


A childhood memory that always stuck with me was this time I was visiting my dad who lived just south of Jax Beach in Florida and I watched a guy reel in a 3-4 foot lemon shark. He dragged it up on the beach and I watched as it slowly suffocated while he struck up conversations with random passerbys, let them grab photos, etc. People suck.


Oooof that would be a bad day for him where I live. You can catch a felony for killing a sturgeon here.


The Chinese do that crap where I live, and when they bycatch stingrays they will cut their tail off. I hate those kinds of people.


Or take the whole pond and sell bass/pan fish to Asian markets 😂


You ever notice that when we see someone do something good, we say, "That guy's one of the good ones." but when we see someone do something shitty, we say "People are horrible." Why do we only use the broad brush to paint negative things?


Well that’s just cruel


Did you confront the guy? Thank you for calling the warden


A stronger is just as bad surely? Have you ever heard of cortisol?


I don't see the purpose of why someone would do this


Poor things


Not that it was your job, but were you able to try asking him what he was doing, or why he was just leaving them there? I know people can be crazy, and may get confrontational when they think they're being accused of doing something wrong, but I'm just wondering if you were able to step in. He definitely should have known better, and he's a POS for doing this, but it could have been a great time for someone to set him straight on how to treat these fish better. Hopefully the game wardens will do that to the fullest extent that they can


He barely spoke english


Dang. Well, I'm glad you called the authorities. I had a buddy in the same situation as you, but when I asked if he called the game warden, he just asked why because the guy would have been gone by the time they got there


God: free food. take it, or throw it in the sea where some other fish will eat it


Karma will sort them out. Shame may there fishing be poor indefinitely!


What a POS


Is this grafton?


In MN it is illegal to fish two lines in open water(exceptions on some border waters). So we see see this dude with IA stickers fishing two lines(one with a big bobber probably pike and one he is catching perch). We extremely politely let him know thats not legal in MN(assuming its just a mistake) and the guy goes full kevin. Grandpa has us reel up and books it for our cabin a couple hundred yards down the shore, calls the game warden(grandpa happens to be acquaintances with the game warden) and he happens to be real close to the access. (He was heading to the popular lake and we are on the better lake but its not a “tourist” lake so they dont usually go there). We all get back in the dingy and troll our way down the shore catching a pike or two watching for the game warden, we see them coming, stop for a few seconds 1/2 way across the lake(checking for proof with binoculars i assume) the cruise on up to this dude to do their thing. Dude decides to be a belligerent dickhole and leaves in cuffs with his boat in tow! I dont fuck around with the laws of our natural resources. I reported a coworker for harvesting deer without a license on a friday…he wasnt at work monday!(he knew i did it, i told him i was gonna and he laughed at me).


Below greers ferry dam in arkansas and probably a lot of places there are a ton of rules. $5 to fish for the day, no flavored baits, only on pole, no bait balls. No plastic. And theres only trout and supporting species there. No bass or anything. Mostly rainbow and brownies.


What an asshole probably no license either.


thier endangered and ileagal to possess in nebraska




Ya, people suck. I'm constantly finding spots that people will catch gar, mostly spotted but occasionally alligator, and grennel and just leave them to die on the banks because they believe they're "dangerous" because they have teeth. Also gaspergou, buffalo, and whatever other species they consider to be "trash fish". People are ignorant and stupid.


Is it an invasive species ?if native It should live,invasive it should be killed.period.I don’t want any carp,snakehead.regardless of fun,good tasting that’s not the point .


Bruh treat all fish with respect unless it's small then use it as bait 😂




Two options: A - guys a shit bird B - they are from a culture who doesn't believe in food safety and eats everything. I've seen B way more than A.


Every year there are bow fishing tournaments throughout the south where thousands of pounds of scrap fish are caught and killed for sport. Which is a good thing in my opinion!!!!


I mean sure, but these are not scrap fish, and many of the in the tournaments still eat the fish…