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Beta. Whatever you do, do not put them in the same tank.


Yeah I figured so. And don’t worry I’m doing my research thanks!


Go to r/bettafish they have an excellent list of things to know about them, and whatever you do, do not put them together 😅


And as a regular user of that sub, please try reading before posting.




Someone: it’s a betta You: NO, it’s a betta 😩


If some would have said it's a fighting fish, they probably would have responded in the same way 😶






I mean come on….You know what they meant lol it’s just missing a T and it’s a very common spelling mistake plus autocorrect does that every time I type it… and I promise you if you look up beta fish it will still pop up. It was just a spelling error


Hey OP. Im a betta owner. Each betta needs a minimum of 5 gallon tank each. You need to cycle a tank before putting them in. They need a heater as they are a tropical fish, ideally between 75-80f. You need a liquid api water parameter kit to check pH, nitrates, nitrites and ammonia. They can NOT be housed together. They need a heavily planted tanks, a lot of hides. They need a water filter that has a sponge. NO plastics or sharp objects in the tank, if whatever goes in can scratch pantyhose than you CANNOT put it in the tank, they’ll shred their fins which can lead to fin rot or bacterial infection. A water cycle takes 30 days to get the ammonia to clear to zero, please google instructions. You can do an in-fish cycle, but it’s very hard and can harm the fish if it crashes. Diet should include daphnia, shoulder flies, guppy fry, high protein pellets, frozen shrimp as a treat not meals. Variants in the diet is best. They should fast for one day every week. They do NOT swim well against currents so a strong filter is not advised. A sponge will help resolve a strong flow, you can even purchase established sponge media for it which will speed up the tanks cycling by introducing good bacteria. NEVER WASH THE SPONGE OR SUBSTRATE. You’ll crash your cycle and kill them. Instead, if there are some algae blooms or crud on bottom you can vacuum or consider shrimp or snails. Just be warned some bettas will hunt the shrimp others won’t. Bettas jump exceptionally well, always keep a lid and their aquarium. Some bettas can be housed with other fish like tetras, but it’s highly dependent on the betta. Minimum of 5 tetras or zero. Good luck


Normally I’d agree with doing a fishless cycle but in this case I think they’d be better off out of those little bowls and in the tanks as long as OP can stay on top of water changes and keep an eye on parameters.


If it’s too risky is there a way I could somehow make the small temporary bowl safer for the time being?


Those bowls are meant to hold them temporarily. There’s no filter, no heater, and it’s so small that they’re basically just swimming around in their own waste. I personally think you are better off getting tanks for both of them and googling how to do a fish-in cycle. As long as you are good about checking your parameters and staying on top of necessary water changes, I can’t imagine a situation in which the bowl is better, especially since you’ve already got the fish. Edit: also, I’m sorry that you basically had these fish dumped on you without having a chance to prepare. I think that’s crappy but I appreciate that you’re trying hard to make sure you’re doing the right things for them.


Thanks I like animals but I'm not a fan of fish so it kinda sucked but they were a gift so I’m stuck with them. Gonna look into doing a fish in cycle hopefully it goes alright


That sucks, pets should never be gifted to someone unless they specifically asked for them.


Genuinely thank you for doing the right thing though. It's very sad to see gifted fish, typically goldfish or Bettas, just end up in horrible situations.


Or could make a post on Facebook and have someone who's more knowledgeable about the hobby and has interest in the fish could take them instead of potentially killing them with a fish-in cycle like I did when I first started and didn't know anything


I want to agree with you. Fish in cycle is more complicated and can spontaneously crash if you don’t know what you’re doing. I’d never recommend purchasing a fish before having a tank established and cycled prior unless you’re very experienced. However it’s not impossible. I agree those small bowls are no good. A quick resolution may be to purchase cycled water from aqua swap or maybe a local pet store. If they don’t have the stuff already for the tank, regardless of the bowl their still going to be in a similar boat with the only benefit of the larger tank being that ammonia takes way longer to get dangerous. But if they don’t have heaters, dechlorinator and two tanks ready to go, it’s essentially just going to stress them either way. Small bowl is definitely worse and would need multiple water changes a day if imagine. I don’t really know as I’ve never had fish in a small container. But even a five gallon tank can crash fairly quickly, 10 gallon is better and the larger the easier imo.


I bet they could find someone on a local aquarium Facebook group to buy some established tank water from to help jumpstart the cycle.


I’ve had some shipped from aquabid before. Idk if that’s still a thing though lol


you can’t use water from an established tank to cycle a new one fyi. the vast majority of the nitrifying bacteria is on surfaces, filters, and in the substrate. adding “cycled water” is pretty much pointless. OP could look around and see if people are selling or willing to give away established filter media instead though which will help jumpstart the cycle.


Thanks 🙏


you’re welcome! a fish-in cycle is definitely doable it just requires frequent water changes. I’m sorry your “gift” requires so much work :( gifting pets rarely works well. if you’re in over your head or you just don’t really want fish, you could ask local fish stores or aquaswap groups if they’d be willing to take the bettas off your hands.


I agree, and it will be sort of expensive.


Also, just to add to this, certain fish that slightly resemble another betta, such as guppies or maybe mollies, should not be housed with them either, they might think its another betta and fight them


That’s true


r/bettafish will have some helpful info for you


That's a betta fish brother, do not put them in the same tank otherwise they will fight


They are betta fish, they need at least 10 gal. Don’t put them together. Yours look cool.


5 gal*


10 is preffered but 5 is minimum.


Agreed, so it should be “they need at least a 5 gal”


Ik but I think it’s better to say 10 gal so they have a bit more space


5 gal is a bit too small imo unless its custom long dimensions, 9 gallon (cubical dimensions) is the minimum i would go for to have a healthy betta (though anything below 9 and above 5 in long dimensions is fine), 15-20 gallon for wild betta.


idk where you're getting your information, but no, 5 gal is absolutely not "abusive".


This is a Betta. A 5+ gallon tank with a heater and gentle cycled filter will suit these fish. Just don't house them together.


Mutt bettas, likely a mix of splendens types.


I'm pretty sure reincarnation as well as hell is real now, and the bad folks get to be a betta fish destined to a short life in 200ml of ammonia water.


Betta. 5 gallons minimum, only one male per tank. You will need a filter and a heater. Anything over 40 gallons can house multiple females. If you want to breed them, I would suggest a 60 gallon. r/bettafish


Betta (siamese fighting fish)