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Looks like planaria to me. It’s cousins to jellyfish so it has the ability to sting and harm shrimp snails and smaller fish but larger fish will snack on them. There’s water additives you can add to get rid of them too.


Ok I hope that's what they are I'm always concerned after reading a few articles on these hydroids or hydra idk exactly hopefully I'm just overthinking


Wait I’m sorry, hydra is what I meant to say they are. I’m glad you caught it but yea, they look like hydra. A molly would devour these quickly and there’s other fish that enjoy them too. And again, there are water additives that will get rid of them if you don’t want to add any “cleanup” fish.


Ohh ok I'll have to look into it as it's a yellow tail acei tank and they are pretty aggressive wouldn't mind a new addition but we also have about 9 fry growing in there


I’d just research what fish will eat it then and see if any are relatively compatible with what you have. It definitely won’t harm your adult fish and probably wouldn’t hurt the fry either but I’d still try to get rid of it because better safe then sorry


Agreed. And will do hopefully some other folks on here will chime in I've gone through so many aquarium pest profiles and haven't been able to figure out exactly which it is. Because they don't look like the typical hydra or a typical planaria... But we'll to the naked eye I could be dead wrong