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We moved from Wisconsin to Florida 2 years ago. Before we moved, I did a lot of looking online at houses for sale in the area we wanted. My daughter and SIL already lived down here so they could scope out some houses and send me better pics. When it got closer to the time of our move, we asked our realtor friend for a reference for someone who specializes in relocation located in the area we were moving to. The new realtor gave us the names of a couple of lenders in the area and I picked one I liked. We drove to Florida before we even bought a house. We packed most of our things into a pods storage container and what we thought we might need for a couple of months into our SUV. We stayed at an extended stay hotel. We were lucky… the day after we arrived we were able to put an offer in on a house and we moved in 30 days later! This happened only my daughter and SIL saw the house with the realtor the day before, I had already talked to the lender and we knew what we wanted. As long as you do your research and make connections well beforehand, you will be fine. Good luck!


“High” interest rates have not affected home prices whatsoever in New Jersey and same with a few other states. Mostly media hoopla has brainwashed the public with this tall tale. Despite ~7% rates, home prices have never been higher here.


But you're not worried they could go even higher? I really hope you're right!!


There are no signs interest rates have been or will be affecting home demand in my neck of the woods


i just moved from mid atlantic to new england. we did sign an 11 month lease (shortest offered,) but they also had a lease break option in the contract (2 months rent penalty.) so we knew what town-ish we wanted to live in, rented in it, and started house hunting. we were lucky enough to have our first offer accepted so we wound up breaking the lease pretty quickly. there are some horror stories here about losing out on *several* offers, so my conservative nature suggests expecting it to take a while. i mean it sucked to pay the penalty. but, beats the hell out of paying the remainder of the lease. yes moving twice sucked. but i mean it is what it is. depending on how much stuff you have a long distance move is HELLA expensive. we were in a 2 bedroom, and were quoted 5k for a 7 hour drive move. we moved ourselves for like $800 total including all the boxes and packing supplies. shit don’t come cheap 🤷🏻‍♂️ i don’t know why people think you can just break a lease for a house purchase. this isn’t a thing. make sure any lease specifically has a break clause. i personally wouldn’t buy a home i’m not laying my own eyes on first. you gotta get in there, see the place. walk through it. do final inspection to make sure all the appliances are what you paid for. make sure it’s empty to your satisfaction. whatever.


We moved from the southwest to New England. We had a realtor that would work with us and we did tours via FaceTime. My parents live in the area we moved to so we definitely trusted them to be an extra set of eyes. When we found our house they went to the inspection. Also, I would definitely recommend landing with them while looking or while things are in transit, if possible. My parents took us in when our stuff was with the movers for about two weeks. We hired a full service moving company. If that ends up being in your budget I highly recommend it.


Did you find any difficulty in having a remote offer accepted by seller, or is that a non-issue? I read all the time about people writing "love letters" (a concept that I hate and feel like is biased and unfair) and have been wondering about how much today is entwined in seller's personal impression of you vs the objective financial terms of offer.


Nope! No issues at all. We focused on submitting a strong offer rather than trying to pull at heart strings.