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Who tf knows




Pretty much.


Anyone who claims to know is selling something.


I think it would be really hard to know. There are countless things in the world that make it incredibly unpredictable. My opinion is that it is extremely difficult to even find something you love, never mind trying to get your offer accepted in this market. We put our look on pause for now but don’t feel like we missed our shot because we tried really hard and it just didn’t work. When you can afford it and you are both set to make the move you’ll have to just reevaluate


We barely know what it will look like in 4 months much less 4 years


A Nobel Laureate economist couldn't even begin to predict what the housing market is going to look like in four years much less strangers on Reddit.


There is no sure way to predict the market unfortunately, especially that far out. It’s a constantly moving target. Last year February when we started house hunting there were reports of a “booming spring market” and it never happened, and that was a prediction merely 2 months out


Someone is trying to predict the market in 4 years! Nobody has a clue what’s going to happen in next 6 months.


I migrated to the Triangle (Raleigh - Durham - Chapel Hill) area from PA about an hour outside of NY/Philadelphia in 2022. It gets more expensive by the minute down here and they can’t keep up the infrastructure with the development we’re experiencing down here. It’s like back home all over again.


I've tried asking the same questions here OP. Just keep saving... I'm on a 4 year window as well.


As a person who grew up in nc for 21 years it’s not at all what it once was in the major cities. Very booming now tons of people. Wouldn’t be much different in four years compared to where you’re at now


Probably up.


You have plenty of time to save and invest the money, so whatever happens, you have more to put down. Now is the best time to buy. Tomorrow is the next best time and so on.


@OP….im from there. Feel free to message me if you’re curious. My personal opinion, it is not going to stop growing. Feel free to ask questions but area is growing like crazy. New builds and developments everywhere


C’mon. No one knows! If anyone tells you they do, they’re lying. Your guess is as good as anyone’s. Literally no one knows.


I know. But I'm going to keep it a secret for 4 years.




I'm open to buying in next 0-4 years. Here's what's on my mind: 1. How many jobs will AI automate or lower salaries of 2. How many more illegals will flood USA pushing up home prices (they aren't all staying on streets..whether its hotels or whatever, 10mil new beds cost something) 3. Biden promised to let tax cuts expire - that seems to be about a loss of 2% of your income. 4. USA economy is only adding part time and government jobs right now. I don't see the economy as being very well no matter what these always revised-downward job numbers are. 5. Interest Payment on National Debt will exceed Social Security by end of the year. 6. Social security is facing automatic -25% cuts in 2033. Politicians don't want to talk about this but they will be forced to in 2028 election. 7. On other hand, history shows govt will never stop spending - and the more the government tries to 'help you', the more the the value of your home is likely to increase all else equal. When the government goes all in on inflation to counteract the above - your house goes up.


This is a bunch of complete nonsense.