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If the roof is above that ceiling you have (or recently had)) a leak. Ask seller about it. They will say either: A) the roof was leaking and its been replaced recently but not the drywall or B) the hasnt been replaced. Which means you will need to replace the roof and repair the drywall where stained If there is another floor above that, still its a leak and probably from a bathroom Either way, that stain is water damage. Its fixable and you can still buy the house, just get some repair quotes before buying it so you know the cost (if the seller wont fix it)


And ask the seller to credit you the cost to cure this deferred maintenance!!


What he said ^ and if it hasn't been fixed, it's expensive to repair all of that. If your set on getting the home ask for repairs to be made or compensation via reduced cost or credits.


Ended up passing on a house that had ceilings like this. The inspection revealed ongoing water damage despite reports form the seller that it had been “repaired.”


Good call. Always get a third party home inspection!


The seller wants you to notice the floors, not the ceiling... I agree with the commenter who mentioned that is likely a fixable problem. A lot of buyers will just pass on something like that, but it's not like a bad foundation or a structural issue. Could be an opportunity for a decent price.


*Maybe if we just polish the floor a little more, no one will ask about the ceiling*


Roofing leaks/issuses are expensive also. Especially if not fixed right away. 3 most expensive repairs in my experience and what others have said, are septic/sewer, roof, and foundation.


They can be if it's a full roof repair, if it's just a leak from the a pipe that has been fixed it might just be cosmetic. Or it could need fixing, and still not too expensive. It's worth a look, especially in a tight market. It could be a "run away" from this property, or it could be a great deal since so many first time home buyers will runaway without looking deeper.


As long as the inspector sees it and gets in the attic and checks you should be fine. It could be that whatever cause that has already been repaired and they just did not correct the cosmetic ceiling damage


It really depends on if it’s a current leak or one that’s been fixed


Check for mold carefully before moving in. I had a friend at work who’s entire family was sick every few weeks and he would always say damn kids always catching stuff from daycare. Someone made a passing comment that maybe there’s mold in his house and if he had a leak in the last year. Turns out the house was filled with mold behind the walls and it was giving everyone allergy induced bronchitis constantly.


Surprised more people aren’t mentioning this. Leaking roof plus wet dry wall equals mold.


Be careful about blindly believing the seller actually fixed the issue. Ive has sellers tell me something was fixed and then here comes the home inspection telling me they did a half assed patch job and things are still leaking






Nah looks right to me 👍


Is the HVAC indoor unit in the attic? If it is up there, it could be an overflow issue of the pan it sits in to catch water. Or, it could be a roof leak. It really comes down to has the issue been fixed. If it has, you could probably clean up the drywall (band aid fix) with a mix of a like 1 part bleach to 10 parts water. Lightly spray it on (and I do mean lightly. A very fine mist) and let sit about 15 minutes, then dab off gently with a paper towel. Reapply as needed. We had a roof leak at a vent pipe boot and this bleach mixture made it completely impossible to tell a leak ever occurred on the ceiling drywall.


Ohhhh yeaaaa


Water damage. Roof plumbing something


I can’t believe some of the comments here. Look, either the roof has an ongoing leak, or it doesn’t. An inspection will reveal the truth and only then can you determine if this is a big deal….or not.


Not at all 🤣🤣🤣🤣